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    Russian population


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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  gaurav Sat May 25, 2013 4:58 pm

    All the measures giving results.

    No Population growth

    “A natural population loss of 2,573 was registered in 2012 in the country,” the ministry said.
    During the 12 months of 2012, over 1,896,000 children were born, which is 102,400 (5.7 percent) more
    than in 2011 – the highest figure since 1990, the ministry said. (It was not immediately clear whether
    the ministry meant this was the highest growth rate or the highest increase in absolute terms.)
    At the same time, deaths numbered more than 1,898,000 in 2012, down 26,200 (1.4 percent) on 2011.

    2 million deaths in 1 year it is 100 Syria wars combined together , almost WWII(many times more ..) scale losses.
    NO wonder why so many talk of Zombie population in Russia.
    (acute ageing people surviving in Russia, and also young inactive people)

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Firebird Sat May 25, 2013 5:32 pm

    This is the Western globalism disease. And connects up with the economy thread.

    If young Russians have no jobs, or poor quality jobs, and dont have their own homes, I think its pretty obvious theyre gonna have no plans to marry/reproduce etc.

    Give them good jobs, and social incentives to have kids, and Russians will reproduce.
    And there will be even less incentive to import labour from the 3rd World. Very simple.

    Britain's cities are moving towards majority African/Asian and minority white.
    Indigeneous people dont reproduce very much. Its largely down to the view that they cant afford to.

    And its exactly the bizarre globalist policies that cause this.

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    Post  gaurav Sat May 25, 2013 5:52 pm

    This is the Western globalism disease. And connects up with the economy thread.

    If young Russians have no jobs, or poor quality jobs, and dont have their own homes, I think its pretty obvious theyre gonna have no plans to marry/reproduce etc.

    Give them good jobs, and social incentives to have kids, and Russians will reproduce.
    And there will be even less incentive to import labour from the 3rd World. Very simple.

    Britain's cities are moving towards majority African/Asian and minority white.
    Indigeneous people dont reproduce very much. Its largely down to the view that they cant afford to.

    And its exactly the bizarre globalist policies that cause this

    Thou art holy soul.

    Alas something related to reality spoken on Russia.

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    Post  gaurav Tue May 28, 2013 4:58 pm


    Russia’s population may shrink to 107 million by 2050, a minister has warned, citing experts. “According to expert information,

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    Post  Viktor Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:40 pm

    I guess this will help a lot too, in time.

    Russia’s New Anti-Smoking Law Comes Into Force


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    Post  Viktor Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:01 pm

    Nice Very Happy

    Maternal Mortality Falls by Over Half in Russia - PM


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    Post  gaurav Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:37 pm

    Maternal Mortality Falls by Over Half in Russia - PM

    Atleast some positive news coming out of Russia demographics.
    Really hats off to Victor for selecting the chosen few positive news(and posting) about Russian demographics.thumbsup
    Good work.. Keep it up..

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    Post  Viktor Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:04 pm

    Well this trend could reverse in a next few years. 

    Still very concerning. 

    Russia's Youth Population ‘In Steady Decline’ - Official

    “According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2012 there were 31.6 million people in the 15-29 age group – making up 22 percent of the country’s total population,” Alexander Stradze, who heads the department for further studies, training and youth policy, said at an Education Ministry board meeting.
    Stradze noted that there were 32.4 million people in this age bracket in 2011, and 33.7 million in 2009:

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    Post  Regular Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:45 pm

    Still reality is that Moscow population grows enormously. And that's where the money is.

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    Post  gaurav Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:37 am

    Well this trend could reverse in a next few years. 

    Still very concerning.
    The reality is that Russia generates its GDP by oil and gas.The 140Million population is a COMPLETE FAKE .The reality is 100 people.Each person has a trl usd in his account.

    U.S has 400 million population with people having 1 million in their bank accounts at the most. China has 1.6 Billion people with people having 1000 ..2.5kusd in their bank accounts now what do you do with a SHIT(CSDF) cock shit dick fk  like russia with 100 people having revenues of 1trllion usd /YEAR and remaining people with 1 usd /YEAR

    No wonder all girls in Russia families become pimps and prostitues and all the family is ruined .
    The whole Russia is run like that.

    Now Russia is rated as a worst offender for human trafficking .
    It is the worst offender money laundering.It is the worst offender forced labour, sochi olympics are all full of forced labour after that

    huge increase in prostitution for 10-15 Bilion usd for another 2-3 years. the list just goes on.Russia earns the same from prosititution as 

    US.bollywood earns from cutting edge action movies like MAN OF STEEL, iron man-3.Such a ghastly and Dastardly family professions run in Russia as if they are daily life.
    Just see what Regular emits every second.Evry word he emits will be USD in Moscow .That is the only basic reasoning for any immoral,
    destructive profession in Russia given by Regular

    U.S state dept sanctions Russia and China for their professions

    Russia state managed Sex tourism

    This is to earn f$%^ money apart form trl usd in their bank accounts

    Secretary of State John Kerry wrote in the introduction to the report that ending human slavery needed to "remain a foreign policy priority."
    "Fighting this crime wherever it exists is in our national interest," Kerry, who made the final determination, wrote. "Human trafficking undermines the rule of law and creates instability. It tears apart families and communities. It damages the environment and corrupts the global supply chains and labor markets that keep the world’s economies thriving… We also have a moral obligation to meet this challenge head-on."


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    Post  Viktor Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:43 am

    Nice Very Happy - reforms are giving results

    Russia’s Birth Rate up 30% Since 2007 - Minister

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    Post  Regular Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:29 pm

    gaurav wrote:The 140Million population is a COMPLETE FAKE

    Are You saying that official census was faked? 

    No wonder all girls in Russia families become pimps and prostitues and all the family is ruined .
    The whole Russia is run like that.

    When was last time You've been to Russia? How can You be so generalising - Russian women are no less emancipated than other women in Europe. There are more opportunities for jobs if You are woman too. 

    Now Russia is rated as a worst offender for human trafficking .
    It is the worst offender money laundering.It is the worst offender forced labour, sochi olympics are all full of forced labour after that

    And somehow Albania is better? Next thing You tell me that Russian Olympic curling team is made out illegal gosterbaiters.

    Sorry, I can't comprehend what You tried to say. It rather looks like Your account was hijacked.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:57 pm

    Can't really comprehend stupid though.

    Russia's population did increase, but it was mostly thanks to the southern republics where they have a ton of kids.  In todays climate, it isn't really economical to have many kids simply because it is too expensive.  And no, Gaurav, the population of Russia indeed 141M, and Rustats is not lying (Neither is CIA world factbook).

    Problem with the ages 15-29 is simple: During the 90's, no one really had kids.  If you had more than 1 kid, you were screwed economically, if you weren't already.  Russia will indeed hav a massive influx of kids 15-29 in the next 10 years, but that is mostly thanks to majority of the population now popping 2 kids (so evens some things out) or the muslims to the south popping 4 kids.

    What a lot of people never noticed is Russia's population trend in the last 100 or so years.  Russia's population around the first world war or just before it, was around 80 or so Million people (so that of Germany or France), and then during the hight of the cold war, it was about 150M (Not the close to 300M of all USSR but the 150 of the Russia SSR), and now it is down by about 10M.  The scare over the years was the huge drop because of the economic climate of the 90's and the fact that there was a huge influx of people leaving Russia during that time.  Only in the recent years (2004 to now) things started to get better and you either have people moving back to Russia or people just staying because it isn't really economical to leave anymore, other than to obtain a degree in another country that is held up higher within Russia (that is the case for many Russian citizens that come to Canada.  They eventually go back because job prospects are better).

    In regions where they are predominantly poor, I can imagine things like Human trafficing would exist.  Or in major cities, as when there is money - there are people who will want to pay for *the fun stuff*.  It is bad, but it exists (We have human trafficing here, and I have seen what it can do (with my own eyes).  Really sad) and the fight has to continue.

    There are multiple of ways to solve the issue, but what I think can really help rest of Russia grow in terms of population wise is the following:
    - More construction: The more development of infrastucture means more jobs, more places to live, higher quality of living, and GDP growth (construction has a huge impact on GDP growth).
    - More Jobs: One example is what I mentioned above - more construction.  But as well, Russia needs more workers for farms, for manufacturing as well as R&D.  Although, the jobs need to pay better.  Sukhoi design facility pays quite well for their specialists as well as they do onsite training as well as have their own little institution.  This is what drives people to work at Sukhoi because the fact that they would get payed quite well and not worry about the education part.
    - Better education: State run education can be fine, but I find it is far too bloated in Russia.  They need to allow more private institutions in.  As those may be expensive, they can produce a better form of education.  As well, use the profits from it to help fund public education.
    - Control the cost of living: The cost of living is out of control in Russia it seems.  While some areas you can get away with having a huge plot of land to build a home that is over 3000sqf for a couple of thousand Euro's, that is in the outskirts of nowhere, but you cannot get away without spending almost half a million on a 1000sqf apartment in Moscow.  They really need to control the costs.  The other one is fight inflation a bit more (7% is a hell of a lot better than the 14% in the past), and start subsidizing farmer or at least invest even more because cost of food in Russia can be expensive.  As well, provide incentives for manufacturing of civil goods in Russia.  I am aware that there are companies that make TV's, phones, Microwaves and what not in Russia, but nothing considered a big brand and with not a large logistics infrastructure.  I can see opportunity for a company to start up making civil goods ranging in all fields like Samsung or LG.  Oil and Gas in Russia isn't cheap either.  I understand it is the market and they have to pay market price, but it isn't fair, especially for a country that produces a lot of it.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:46 pm

    Does anyone know how big demographic potential does Russia have? I mean how many people could possibly live on Russian territory?

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:34 pm

    Back to the topic at hand,
    RIA Novosti wrote:On a more sinister note, Russia saw more pregnancies end in abortion than live birth last year. There were 1,022 abortions per 1,000 births, according to state statistics. The runner-up, Romania, only performed 684 abortions per 1,000 births.

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    Post  TR1 Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:14 pm

    Not necessarily sinister.

    Russia has a big orphan problem, and if any of that can be prevented by either preventative sexual practice or (safe) abortion, then it is not a problem.

    THIS is sinister: heroin (21 percent of the world’s total)

    Please someone send a pair of Su-34s to napalm Afghan poppy farms.

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:54 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:Back to the topic at hand,
    RIA Novosti wrote:On a more sinister note, Russia saw more pregnancies end in abortion than live birth last year. There were 1,022 abortions per 1,000 births, according to state statistics. The runner-up, Romania, only performed 684 abortions per 1,000 births.

    Wow. WTF.

    And every abortion has a chance to make a woman permanently infertile.

    What's the comparison between these year's figures and previous years? The amount of abortions should be decreasing AFAIK.

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:42 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:Back to the topic at hand,
    RIA Novosti wrote:On a more sinister note, Russia saw more pregnancies end in abortion than live birth last year. There were 1,022 abortions per 1,000 births, according to state statistics. The runner-up, Romania, only performed 684 abortions per 1,000 births.

    Wow. WTF.

    And every abortion has a chance to make a woman permanently infertile.

    What's the comparison between these year's figures and previous years? The amount of abortions should be decreasing AFAIK.

    Wish it was, to be honest i thought Russia had banned abortions, with the decreasing population and all.No 

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:22 pm

    Population isnt decreasing but stagnant now with increases in some area.

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    Post  Viktor Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:40 pm

    During the month of July in Russia 182 thousand babies were born, and the birth rate was 6.4%

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:09 am

    And every abortion has a chance to make a woman permanently infertile.
    Every childbirth has a chance at creating infertility... the most dangerous abortions are the ones conducted illegally... if the mother and father of the child are not in a position to bring that child up then I think abortion is the best alternative... or course condoms are the best and cheapest option.

    At the end of the day trying to increase your population should not be a goal... it should be a by product of a healthy, safe, prosperous, environment where families can bring their children up safe and happy.

    If you think making women have children they don't want is a good idea then how many kids are you prepared to take in to help... 100... 200?

    The key is to try to get the mortality rates down and increase life expectancy and to improve education and health services for all... then population will not be a problem.

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    Post  Viktor Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:37 pm

    Things are moving in the right direction.

    The population of Russia in January-July 2013. rose to 143.5 million

    but there is plenty of room for improvements (8million is certainly not heroin addicts but also cannabis and other light drugs)

    Over 8 Mln Russians Are Drug Addicts – Govt. Report

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    Post  Viktor Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:42 am

    The number of abortions in Russia was reduced by a quarter / Statistics thumbsup

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    Post  Viktor Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:21 pm

    The death rate in Russia for the year decreased by 11.6%. Infant mortality fell by almost a third

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    Russian population - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Hachimoto Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:16 am

    Is there stats of birthrate by region ? i might heard the Caucasus is driven the things up

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