What's with the new deal? Ukraine's recognition of Crimea in exchange for Donbas back to Ukraine?
I rather doubt if Russia cares about what the Ukraine does or does not recognise regarding the Crimea... the Crimea wants to be part of the Russian Federation and anything the Ukraine thinks in that regard is irrelevant.
Even if that was something they wanted I very much doubt they would hand the Ukraine anything let alone the Donbass... which they have no right to anyway (Russia that is).
The Ukraine needs to recognise various regions rights to not take direct rule of law from Kiev... especially when they are spouting shit like demanding Ukrainians don't speak Russian as most do.
The Ukraine tried to make eastern areas conform to their ideology without consultation, and many of those areas said no. Kiev then decided to force them to comply by shelling and bombing them, and various groups resisted and pushed them back... that is the situation now.
Kiev can continue to fight its losing war, or it can make different offers to these regions.
The new agreement is about disarming and a peaceful diplomatic settlement where the eastern regions remain part of the Ukraine but Kiev gets much less say in their internal affairs and they get autonomy... if they don't agree with that then it is likely they will want to separate from the Ukraine and the artificial country of the Ukraine will shatter like Yugoslavia did 25 something years ago.
Really all up to Kiev at the moment but Trump does not seem to be very supportive and it seems the EU likely wont be either when they hear what was said about them in that call that was released to the public.
NOTE: this doesn't fill one with much optimism for any political settlement. Sounds more like a "to keep your cake and eat it too" scenario... don't want war but don't want to compromise. The not wanting to compromise is unfortunately the cause of this all to begin with.
The Crimea have voted at least 6 times before in the past to rejoin Russia or at least separate from the Ukraine and every time they were ignored... what makes anyone think Kiev gives a shit what the people of the Ukraine want anyway?
I doubt there could be a free and fair poll of the people of the ukraine anyway... how do you ensure you get a good range of views in that nazi state?
And this is why I think Russia is wasting time trying to play nice with Kiev. There is a general belief that eventually Ukraine will go back to Russia but judging by this, the youth doesn't want that and well, they are the future. So I think its a pointless endeavor.
More to the point they would be an economic and cultural burden to Russia anyway even if they did join Russia in whole or in part.
Zelensky said that after Donbass and Lughansk situation is dealt with, he will concentrate on all his power to try and take Crimea. So there will never be peace between the two till Ukraine finally admits that Crimea wasn't theirs legally to begin with.
The only way to drive from the Crimea to the Ukraine without visas and border crossing shit is if the Ukraine joins the Russian federation and I doubt that will happen any time soon.
The Ukraine has lost US and largely EU support and it renders them paper tigers... actually paper pussies... Russia doesn't really need to care very much about the Ukraine at all... it is not their problem and the Ukraine has made it not their problem.
If regions of the Ukraine want independence or just autonomy I am sure Russia can work with them to help them develop, but pure trade... not charity... which should be enough... if it isn't then they need to get back together with the Ukraine.
Russia would be happy to trade normally with the Ukraine but after burning their bridges there isn't much left really... Russia makes its own helicopter engines and will be making other engines soon enough and reviving An-140s and related projects just doesn't work any more for Russia... their might be some things they have worth looking at but I doubt it is very much and certainly will never be anything like what it was before 2014 or indeed before 2004 and their first colour revolution.
It is pretty much all up to the Ukraine... they can completely screw themselves over and disappear into third world oblivion, or they can remember that Russia is not the enemy here... they like someone else to blame... they can start blaming the west... and become a sort of anti-poland... a pro Russia opposite of Poland in Europe... wouldn't that be amusing... the problem is that I don't think Russia would benefit much.