The Eurasian project does not in any way lead to the leveling of nations; on the contrary, it proceeds from the need to preserve and develop the identity of peoples and cultures, but it does not mean the irresponsible romantic dreams of "small nationalists" (which in practice lead only to chauvinism and suicidal ethnic conflicts), but on a serious and objective understanding of the current situation,
Now it only remains to find out the specifics of this continental project, taking into account the negative factors that have thwarted the implementation of this ambitious civilization plan in previous periods.
4.2 Western axis: Moscow Berlin. European Empire and Eurasia
In the West, the New Empire has a strong geopolitical springboard, which is Central Europe.
Central Europe is a natural geopolitical entity combined strategically, culturally and partly politically. Ethnically, this space includes the peoples of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as Germany, Prussia, and part of the Polish and Western Ukrainian territories. The consolidating force of Central Europe is traditionally Germany, uniting under its control this geopolitical conglomerate.
Britain is the geopolitical least European state, whose strategic interests are traditionally opposed to the Central European powers and, more broadly, the continental trends in Europe. However, in parallel with the strengthening of the US role and the seizure of almost complete control over the British colonies, the strategic role of England was significantly reduced, and today in Europe this country acts rather as an extraterritorial floating base of the US than as an independent force. Be that as it may, within Europe, England is the country most hostile to continental interests, the antithesis of Central Europe, and therefore the New Eurasian Empire has in its person a political, ideological, and economic adversary. It is unlikely that it will be possible to break the civilizational path of this particular country which at one time created a gigantic trade and colonial empire of a purely “sea” type, and so facilitating the emergence of the whole of modern Western civilization based on trade, quantity, capitalism, speculation, and the exchange game. This is completely unrealistic, and therefore, in the Eurasian project, England will inevitably become a scapegoat, since the European processes of continental integration will need to go not just without taking into account British interests, but even in direct contrast to these interests. In this context, European and, more broadly, Eurasian support for Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalism should play a significant role, up to encouraging separatist tendencies and political destabilization of Great Britain.
France is another controversial geopolitical entity. In many ways, French history was Atlantic in nature, opposed to continental and central European trends. France was the main historical opponent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, strongly supported the fragmented state of the German principalities, to the "progressism" and "centralism" of the anti-traditional and unnatural type. In general, in terms of undermining the European continental tradition, France has always been at the forefront, and in many cases, French politics has been identified with the most aggressive atlantism. At least, this was the case until the US took on the planetary function of the main pole of atlantism.
In France, there is an alternative geopolitical trend, going back to the continental line of Napoleon (whom Goethe perceived as the leader of the land integration of Europe) and vividly embodied in de Gaulle's European policy, who was looking for an alliance with Germany and creating an independent European confederation from the USA. In part, the same line inspired the Franco-German projects of Mitterrand. Be that as it may, it is hypothetically possible to imagine such a turn of events that France recognizes the supremacy of the factor of Central Europe and voluntarily accepts complicity in the geopolitical European bloc with anti-American and continental orientation. The territory of France is a necessary component of the Eurasian bloc in the West, since control of the Atlantic coast directly depends on this, and accordingly security of the New Empire on the western frontiers. The Franco-German alliance, in any case, is the main link of Eurasian geopolitics in the continental West, provided that the interests of Central Europe, namely its autarky and geopolitical independence, are priorities here. Such a project is known as the "European Empire". The integration of Europe under the auspices of Germany as the basis of such a European Empire ideally fits into the Eurasian project and is the most desirable process in more global continental integration.
The Eurasian impulse should come exclusively from Moscow, transferring the civilization mission (with appropriate adaptation to European specifics) from the Russians to Berlin, and he, in turn, will embark on European integration according to principles and projects inspired by a deep geopolitical continental impulse. The pledge of the adequacy of the European Empire lies in the unequivocal predominance of Russophile tendencies in Germany itself, as the best German minds from Mueller van den Bruck to Ernst Nikisch, Karl Haushofer and Jordis von Lohausen understood.
It is important to immediately emphasize that the unification of Europe around Germany must take into account the major political failures of previous attempts, and first of all, the failure of the epic of Hitler and the Third Reich. The geopolitical unification of Europe around Central Europe (Germany) should in no way imply the ethnic domination of the Germans or the creation of a centralized structure of the Jacobin sense in the form of a giant German State.
The creation of the Berlin-Moscow axis assumes, first of all, the disruption of the organization in Eastern Europe of the “sanitary cordon” and the active struggle against the bearers of Russophobia in Germany and Germanophobia in Russia. The most important thing to strive for is the categorical elimination of any kind of “sanitary cordon”, the deliberate dispel of the illusions of intermediate states regarding their potential independence from their geopolitically powerful neighbors. It is necessary to create a direct and clear border between friendly Russia and Central Europe (Germany), and even in the perspective of creating a single strategic block along the Berlin-Moscow axis. Russian-Ukrainian, Russian-Baltic, Russian-Romanian, Russian-Polish, etc. relations should be initially considered not as bilateral, but as trilateral with the participation of Germany. The same applies to relations between Germany and the Eastern European countries (peoples); they should also be threefold in nature with the obligatory participation of the Russian side (and with the exception in all cases of extraneous, atlantist, American intervention). For example, German-Ukrainian relations must necessarily be German-Russian-Ukrainian; German-Baltic German-Russian-Baltic; German-Polish German-Russian-Polish, etc. Russian-Romanian, Russian-Polish, etc. relations should be initially considered not as bilateral, but as trilateral with the participation of Germany.
This is how EU becomes a Russian protectorate