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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:43 pm

    Isos wrote:

    Because the west and russians destroyed the governement and the army previously. Afghanistan and Irak would be still lead by Sadam and some communist dictator with people having quite confortable life. That's the only way for arabs to live quitely.

    Wahhabism doesn't allow them to live quietly. It is like a cancer that if not contained will destroy everything it touches.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  MiamiMachineShop Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:44 pm

    The last years have seen an explosion of Islam that is unheard of. It is the fastest growing religion in the world. There are entire pages with the names of the hundreds of islamic armies that have now popped up across the middle east. The traditional structure of these countries is much different than how most perceive. The borders mean nothing. They grew beyond control. They have spread throughout central asia and uyghurs have reinforcements right next door. For Russia the south is looking like Chechnya x100. An islamic horde is there right now. Pakistan has 0 control of the lawless zone. America is watching these armies, how one mole is hit and another springs right up, we are waiting to run away once the moment of no return comes. The Sahel is lawless, Haftar and Assad are little birds compared to what Gaddaffi and Saddam were. Dictators hold very little land now. This problem grew too big, all they need is a leader to coordinate them, like Salahadin was, and we are fucked. They have international islamic battalions like the sort Ibn-Al Khattab had. His was just the beginning in Chechnya, they have many of these battalions across France, Sweden, Italy, Germany, and these guys all operate in small groups, preparing for major attacks while the population looks at them without a reaction. The situation is FUBAR, we even have a muslim brigade in Michigan led by Ilhan Omar. She is like the commander of the Michigan emirates. This is out of control, disgustingly.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  nomadski Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:34 pm

    @ KVS

    Why do I write here ? I agree that the world we know today is ending . Despite what I say . Like seeing a ship sink . A prayer will not save it . But still I hope . For  all our children 's sake . For this we have to dream . A wakeful dream . How may they survive in the future ? Can you see how they must live ? Yes I can . Now how to get there ? A long road. From what is today .

    @ oldenberg

    Reality  is that we are being eaten by computers  !  One reason we do not  see the deterioration  , is that  , it is in slow motion.  Only when we compare some statistics  , then  we understand . Just think about  the  marriage longevity  of our grandparents.  Compared to our parents . Compared to us . Compared to our children . Do a little interpolation.  What does the future look like ?


    The greatest threats to Russia have always come from Europe . Russians contracting and  having to retreat east to gather their strength .The greater  expansions for Russians has been to the south and East .  From original homeland in the far north . Yet Russians look  west .

    @ Machine shop

    The west has used religion to subvert the democratic movements in ME .  Religious  belief  can be very useful tool in control of population . Be it zionism or wahabism .

    Russia still remains as the gate keeper against western expansionism into Asia . For this purpose then  it must help national governments to withstand this western onslaught.  

    ( 1 )  Nuclear technology should be proliferated  to all states .

    ( 2 ) Alternate insular banking and commerce system  installed.

    ( 3 )  Alternate  political systems ,  should be  encouraged .

    ( 4 ) Alternate social and cultural life should be found .

    Last edited by nomadski on Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:58 pm

    MiamiMachineShop wrote:The last years have seen an explosion of Islam that is unheard of. It is the fastest growing religion in the world...

    It's been happening for well over 30 years at least

    Thing is that you guys in USA haven't been paying any attention to it because you were too busy admiring opulent new Arabian cities, watching Disney's Aladdin and cheering for valiant Afghan freedom fighters

    Now everyone is suddenly realizing that barn doors are still open while horses are already halfway to Las Vegas

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:01 pm

    nomadski wrote:@Vladimir79

    The greatest threats to Russia have always come from Europe . Russians contracting and  having to retreat east to gather their strength  .The greater  expansions for Russians has been to the south and East .  From original homeland in the far north . Yet Russians look  west .

    Russia is every bit a European nation. The expansions of Russia doesn't change what we are at the core. The US doesn't want us in it because we would dominate every aspect of their affairs so they make us out to be the enemy. NATO is what is preventing European hegemony and once it is destroyed so will be the end of US hegemony.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Isos Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:20 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    nomadski wrote:@Vladimir79

    The greatest threats to Russia have always come from Europe . Russians contracting and  having to retreat east to gather their strength  .The greater  expansions for Russians has been to the south and East .  From original homeland in the far north . Yet Russians look  west .

    Russia is every bit a European nation.  The expansions of Russia doesn't change what we are at the core.  The US doesn't want us in it because we would dominate every aspect of their affairs so they make us out to be the enemy.  NATO is what is preventing European hegemony and once it is destroyed so will be the end of US hegemony.    

    Europeans don't want you to lead anything neither to expand. If we sanction you the same way as Iran or north korea you will feel it and its not your nuclear weapons that prevent us to do so but your gaz.

    People generally hate US because of their imperialism but US "culture", even if it is represented by Mcdonalds and porno websites, is still what people wants in general. Europeans don't want some "army park" instead of "disneyland" or some of you food speciality over fastfoods.

    Only your gas and petrol is interesting for us.

    The core of europe is Catholics. You are orthodoxes. Just like muslims you will never lead europe.

    Many say france is becoming muslim state and blah blah.. the reality is that there no high placed arab or black in every company here. Let alone an arab CEO or arab top minister. It's the same in all european states.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:44 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:....Russia is every bit a European nation.

    You haven't been to Europe? And if you are in Europe you should get ot more

    Vladimir79 wrote:...The expansions of Russia doesn't change what we are at the core.

    What you want to be and what you will be allowed to be are two very different things

    Vladimir79 wrote:...The US doesn't want us in it because we would dominate every aspect of their affairs so they make us out to be the enemy.

    You will never be able to displace USA in Europe. And even if you did Europeans will rather all get exterminated fighting you than accept whatever it is that you are offering.

    You tried on half of it and every single person in your control zone spent half a century telling you to get stuffed.

    What makes you think that they would be interested now when they are swimming in more cash than ever? You said it yourself, compared to them you are financially third world.

    Vladimir79 wrote:...
    NATO is what is preventing European hegemony and once it is destroyed so will be the end of US hegemony.

    And hopefully they keep preventing it for all eternity. Not that European hegemony is even possible in modern world anyway.

    Those backstabbing honorless european parasites do not deserve to have hegemony or anything similar.

    I'd rather have USA, Chinese or caliphate ruling over entire continent and beyond than that white scum being in charge. USA is doing good work here, better them than old european snakes.

    Isos wrote:...The core of europe is Catholics. You are orthodoxes. Just like muslims you will never lead europe...

    Muslims possibly (quite likely in fact, just give it time) but orthodoxes absolutely never, not in a million years.

    Especially not Russian ones, you are more likely to get continent wide collective suicide than to have Europeans agreeing to that.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  MiamiMachineShop Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:02 pm

    The Eurasian project does not in any way lead to the leveling of nations; on the contrary, it proceeds from the need to preserve and develop the identity of peoples and cultures, but it does not mean the irresponsible romantic dreams of "small nationalists" (which in practice lead only to chauvinism and suicidal ethnic conflicts), but on a serious and objective understanding of the current situation,

    Now it only remains to find out the specifics of this continental project, taking into account the negative factors that have thwarted the implementation of this ambitious civilization plan in previous periods.

    4.2 Western axis: Moscow Berlin. European Empire and Eurasia

    In the West, the New Empire has a strong geopolitical springboard, which is Central Europe.

    Central Europe is a natural geopolitical entity combined strategically, culturally and partly politically. Ethnically, this space includes the peoples of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as Germany, Prussia, and part of the Polish and Western Ukrainian territories. The consolidating force of Central Europe is traditionally Germany, uniting under its control this geopolitical conglomerate.

    Britain is the geopolitical least European state, whose strategic interests are traditionally opposed to the Central European powers and, more broadly, the continental trends in Europe. However, in parallel with the strengthening of the US role and the seizure of almost complete control over the British colonies, the strategic role of England was significantly reduced, and today in Europe this country acts rather as an extraterritorial floating base of the US than as an independent force. Be that as it may, within Europe, England is the country most hostile to continental interests, the antithesis of Central Europe, and therefore the New Eurasian Empire has in its person a political, ideological, and economic adversary. It is unlikely that it will be possible to break the civilizational path of this particular country which at one time created a gigantic trade and colonial empire of a purely “sea” type, and so facilitating the emergence of the whole of modern Western civilization based on trade, quantity, capitalism, speculation, and the exchange game. This is completely unrealistic, and therefore, in the Eurasian project, England will inevitably become a scapegoat, since the European processes of continental integration will need to go not just without taking into account British interests, but even in direct contrast to these interests. In this context, European and, more broadly, Eurasian support for Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalism should play a significant role, up to encouraging separatist tendencies and political destabilization of Great Britain.

    France is another controversial geopolitical entity. In many ways, French history was Atlantic in nature, opposed to continental and central European trends. France was the main historical opponent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, strongly supported the fragmented state of the German principalities, to the "progressism" and "centralism" of the anti-traditional and unnatural type. In general, in terms of undermining the European continental tradition, France has always been at the forefront, and in many cases, French politics has been identified with the most aggressive atlantism. At least, this was the case until the US took on the planetary function of the main pole of atlantism.

    In France, there is an alternative geopolitical trend, going back to the continental line of Napoleon (whom Goethe perceived as the leader of the land integration of Europe) and vividly embodied in de Gaulle's European policy, who was looking for an alliance with Germany and creating an independent European confederation from the USA. In part, the same line inspired the Franco-German projects of Mitterrand. Be that as it may, it is hypothetically possible to imagine such a turn of events that France recognizes the supremacy of the factor of Central Europe and voluntarily accepts complicity in the geopolitical European bloc with anti-American and continental orientation. The territory of France is a necessary component of the Eurasian bloc in the West, since control of the Atlantic coast directly depends on this, and accordingly security of the New Empire on the western frontiers. The Franco-German alliance, in any case, is the main link of Eurasian geopolitics in the continental West, provided that the interests of Central Europe, namely its autarky and geopolitical independence, are priorities here. Such a project is known as the "European Empire". The integration of Europe under the auspices of Germany as the basis of such a European Empire ideally fits into the Eurasian project and is the most desirable process in more global continental integration.

    The Eurasian impulse should come exclusively from Moscow, transferring the civilization mission (with appropriate adaptation to European specifics) from the Russians to Berlin, and he, in turn, will embark on European integration according to principles and projects inspired by a deep geopolitical continental impulse. The pledge of the adequacy of the European Empire lies in the unequivocal predominance of Russophile tendencies in Germany itself, as the best German minds from Mueller van den Bruck to Ernst Nikisch, Karl Haushofer and Jordis von Lohausen understood.

    It is important to immediately emphasize that the unification of Europe around Germany must take into account the major political failures of previous attempts, and first of all, the failure of the epic of Hitler and the Third Reich. The geopolitical unification of Europe around Central Europe (Germany) should in no way imply the ethnic domination of the Germans or the creation of a centralized structure of the Jacobin sense in the form of a giant German State.

    The creation of the Berlin-Moscow axis assumes, first of all, the disruption of the organization in Eastern Europe of the “sanitary cordon” and the active struggle against the bearers of Russophobia in Germany and Germanophobia in Russia. The most important thing to strive for is the categorical elimination of any kind of “sanitary cordon”, the deliberate dispel of the illusions of intermediate states regarding their potential independence from their geopolitically powerful neighbors. It is necessary to create a direct and clear border between friendly Russia and Central Europe (Germany), and even in the perspective of creating a single strategic block along the Berlin-Moscow axis. Russian-Ukrainian, Russian-Baltic, Russian-Romanian, Russian-Polish, etc. relations should be initially considered not as bilateral, but as trilateral with the participation of Germany. The same applies to relations between Germany and the Eastern European countries (peoples); they should also be threefold in nature with the obligatory participation of the Russian side (and with the exception in all cases of extraneous, atlantist, American intervention). For example, German-Ukrainian relations must necessarily be German-Russian-Ukrainian; German-Baltic German-Russian-Baltic; German-Polish German-Russian-Polish, etc. Russian-Romanian, Russian-Polish, etc. relations should be initially considered not as bilateral, but as trilateral with the participation of Germany.

    This is how EU becomes a Russian protectorate

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:23 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    You haven't been to Europe? And if you are in Europe you should get ot more

    It is just as European as Serbia, a bunch of Orthodox Slavs living on the same continent.

    What you want to be and what you will be allowed to be are two very different things

    Russia isn't going to be an oligarchy forever. There will come a time when it matches up to European government and it won't be so scary to accept.

    You will never be able to displace USA in Europe. And even if you did Europeans will rather all get exterminated fighting you than accept whatever it is that you are offering.

    You tried on half of it and every single person in your control zone spent half a century telling you to get stuffed.

    What makes you think that they would be interested now when they are swimming in more cash than ever? You said it yourself, compared to them you are financially third world.

    Russian people are just like any other European people who have been lied to for the last 100 years. The true threat is to the East.

    And hopefully they keep preventing it for all eternity. Not that European hegemony is even possible in modern world anyway.

    Those backstabbing honorless european parasites do not deserve to have hegemony or anything similar.

    I'd rather have USA, Chinese or caliphate ruling over entire continent and beyond than that white scum being in charge. USA is doing good work here, better them than old european snakes.

    The US will have to make some hard decisions once its Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt, that day will see them withdraw from defence spending and their commitments abroad... including NATO leaving Europe to fend for itself.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:25 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:....Russia is every bit a European nation.  

    You haven't been to Europe? And if you are in Europe you should get ot more

    Vladimir79 wrote:...The expansions of Russia doesn't change what we are at the core.

    What you want to be and what you will be allowed to be are two very different things

    Vladimir79 wrote:...The US doesn't want us in it because we would dominate every aspect of their affairs so they make us out to be the enemy.  

    You will never be able to displace USA in Europe. And even if you did Europeans will rather all get exterminated fighting you than accept whatever it is that you are offering.

    You tried on half of it and every single person in your control zone spent half a century telling you to get stuffed.

    What makes you think that they would be interested now when they are swimming in more cash than ever? You said it yourself, compared to them you are financially third world.

    Vladimir79 wrote:...
    NATO is what is preventing European hegemony and once it is destroyed so will be the end of US hegemony.    

    And hopefully they keep preventing it for all eternity. Not that European hegemony is even possible in modern world anyway.

    Those backstabbing honorless european parasites do not deserve to have hegemony or anything similar.

    I'd rather have USA, Chinese or caliphate ruling over entire continent and beyond than that white scum being in charge. USA is doing good work here, better them than old european snakes.

    Isos wrote:...The core of europe is Catholics. You are orthodoxes. Just like muslims you will never lead europe...

    Muslims possibly (quite likely in fact, just give it time) but orthodoxes absolutely never, not in a million years.

    Especially not Russian ones, you are more likely to get continent wide collective suicide than to have Europeans agreeing to that.

    Stockholm syndrome, you and Isos?  lol1 lol1

    Come to identify more with your captors than anyone else?
    Might makes right, right?

    It's like what Hemingway wrote about the classic turn from Left to Right.
    In the 21st century it should be adapted to - classic turn from Russophile to Brzenski  lol1

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:47 pm

    flamming_python wrote:...Stockholm syndrome, you and Isos?

    Come to identify more with your captors than anyone else?
    Might makes right, right?...

    You need to work on reading comprehension

    I didn't say I like Americans, I said that I despise Europeans much more than I do Americans

    Americans only tried to enslave and exterminate us once, with Europeans it's regular occurrence

    If you Russians want my advice it would be to build a massive f*cking wall between you and this diseased place and never look back

    Let it burn and move on

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  southpark Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:49 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:

    Russia isn't going to be an oligarchy forever.  There will come a time when it matches up to European government and it won't be so scary to accept.

    Why? Feeling lonely? I would rather keep my identity than having to do with confused west or slave minded east (minus Japan).

    You will never be able to displace USA in Europe. And even if you did Europeans will rather all get exterminated fighting you than accept whatever it is that you are offering.

    You tried on half of it and every single person in your control zone spent half a century telling you to get stuffed.

    What makes you think that they would be interested now when they are swimming in more cash than ever? You said it yourself, compared to them you are financially third world.
    This is 100% true historically, they will never accept Russia due to superiority complex and also due to potential of Russia. Two male tigers do not share territory....relative coexistence is all you can hope within some context.

    And hopefully they keep preventing it for all eternity. Not that European hegemony is even possible in modern world anyway.

    Those backstabbing honorless european parasites do not deserve to have hegemony or anything similar.

    I'd rather have USA, Chinese or caliphate ruling over entire continent and beyond than that white scum being in charge. USA is doing good work here, better them than old european snakes.

    I agree with Papas's take too, USA is atleast its own boss. You are being hopeless to mention caliphate...

    The US will have to make some hard decisions once its Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt, that day will see them withdraw from defence spending and their commitments abroad... including NATO leaving Europe to fend for itself.  

    Why do you think all this destabilization and metamorphosis going on? Western led system kinda reached its logical peak and does not work in their favor anymore. You are seeing invented mass migration and induced confusion with various social experiments to keep twitter generation occupied and dilute local population voices. Islamism is same as west, aggressive, dominating, violent and forces itself on everything and everyone it touches....look at Indian history, classical case study. 9 out of 10 islamic countries are/will be failed states if they had their free will.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  nomadski Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:29 am

    What is good for the goose , is good for the gander.  Every nation state needs to have the means to feed itself and protect itself . There will then be no need to form alliances against others . Either military  or economic . This means no wars . A cause of world instability  and poverty.  

    No nation or group of nations should be in a monopoly position . Regarding food production or commerce or defence . So nations that realise this , and take important steps toward it . Bring security to themselves and others .

    Russia , because of it's position together with China , can provide the counter - balance to USA and Europe . This means providing nuclear technology . Alternate banking and commerce . And encouraging political and social independence to developibg nations . An alternative to the monopoly capitalism of the west .

    The result will be that no nation can  be threatened  by wars of aggression , because of nuclear deterrent  . No nation can be blockaded or starved  , because of punitive sanctions . Nor any nation be left with a weak and servile political system . No need either for ever shifting and destructive  alliances.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Admin Mon Apr 15, 2019 12:37 pm

    Every nation state is not large enough to feed and defend itself. Aside from France, Germany, Italy and Spain... the rest of Europe couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  jhelb Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:09 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:They attacked Saddam for fake WMDs.

    They attacked Saddam, because Israel couldn't have waged a war against Saddam all by itself. More importantly, the Saudi royal family did not want to see the rise of another powerful Sunni leader, who could eventually challenges the house of sauds.

    Vladimir79 wrote:Wahhabism doesn't allow them to live quietly.  It is like a cancer that if not contained will destroy everything it touches.

    Wahhabism was created by Britain. They received support for it from both US & Israel. Sunni Arab countries like UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia finance it.

    It will not be contained because the Anglo sphere does NOT want it to be contained because it is a low cost option to destabilize several countries.

    Look how effectively they have used Wahhabism to spread terror in South East Asia, India, Chechnya and even Africa. SE Asia, India, Africa are already struggling. Eventually they will lose to Wahhabism.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  LMFS Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:58 pm

    These are the real enemies of Russia, the ones that need it erased from the maps to finally reign unrestricted over the world. Radical (and normally poor) Muslims are just their pawns of the hour:

    Dreams about the disintegration of Russia

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  nomadski Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:39 am

    @ Vladimir

    Agree . I had the same thoughts about many artificially created colonial states in Africa . The original inhabitants may have migrated freely , to take advantage of seasonal rains . This means these states must form alliances or become unitary states , in order to be food self - sufficient . Other colonial remnants,  have left landlocked countries , unable to trade by sea . So alliances may form , where this aided in self - sufficiency . However some alliances are militaristic and result in dominant power blocks . Like EU .  These will naturally perish . Since their dominant power , becomes self destructive .

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:41 pm

    Well if one thing is for sure it is that this century will include a sizable casualty count all that remains is to watch the new age horror show unfold.
    Finite resources and the decline of society guarantee this; the only question that remains is what comes next is anything.

    Unfortunately though humans do tend towards savagery when subjected to excessive suffering, the kind that will no doubt be experienced soon. That is one element of the future I would really rather see avoided as humans can become most undesirable creatures in such scenarios.

    Although I suppose I am being a little too pessimistic after all evolution requires stimulation just a science requires experimentation, The death of the current world may lead to many exiting new possibilities after the fires burn out and smoke clears.

    Regardless none of you can possibly hope to stop it so just sit back relax and enjoy the apocalypse!

    The song: медленно ракеты улетают в даль

    ^^ This helps if you are having difficulty just listen to it on repeat for 48 hours straight.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:06 pm

    The bitch president of Georgia declares Russia to be Georgia's enemy.

    Russia needs to declare severe economic sanctions on this clown and her cuntry.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Aristide Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:33 pm

    Im no fan of Russia, but it is european. Just look history, France and Russia always had contacts. Sometimes peaceful, sometimes war.

    That said, the only 4 country that matter are France, UK, Germany and Russia in Europe. Spain and Italy are to small and medium powers. The rest is more or less dependend on those.

    And i want say one thing about Kadhafi, pushing him down was a mistake and its something France made a big mistake with. But we now need a strong leader in Libya and we chose Haftar for that. Like Al Sisi in Egypt.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:11 am

    The bitch president of Georgia declares Russia to be Georgia's enemy.

    Russia needs to declare severe economic sanctions on this clown and her cuntry.

    Well if the Georgian people don't make any attempt to correct her, then they are basically supporting what she is saying.

    For Russia it is no big deal really... they are not a threat, but their hostility is good enough reason to keep supporting Abkhazia and South Ossetia so that Georgia doesn't get bigger and closer to Russian borders.

    I agree that she is being very stupid... small countries can't afford enemy countries in general... but big powerful next door neighbours they really need to learn to get along with because they are not moving.

    And wow... just checked the link and it has a photo of her... she looks like Hilary Clinton wearing a Nikki Haley wig.... yuk.

    Makes interesting reading too... Hilary lost the 2016 election because of Russian hackers, and it seems the riots in Georgia a few days ago was the work of Russian 5th columnists too... small world... you'd think with all the money they spend on PR they would get better script writers...

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    Post  Godric Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:48 am

    Aristide wrote:Im no fan of Russia, but it is european. Just look history, France and Russia always had contacts. Sometimes peaceful, sometimes war.

    That said, the only 4 country that matter are France, UK, Germany and Russia in Europe. Spain and Italy are to small and medium powers. The rest is more or less dependend on those.

    And i want say one thing about Kadhafi, pushing him down was a mistake and its something France made a big mistake with. But we now need a strong leader in Libya and we chose Haftar for that. Like Al Sisi in Egypt.

    UK will soon cease to exist the London government know the writing is on the wall for keeping the UK united ... the rUK will lose it's nuclear submarine base in Scotland that will be the main reason why Scotland will not be in NATO

    the rUK will be greatly weakened by our departure if the break up is not amicable Scotland may not support the rest of the UK as the successor state of the former UK it could lose it's seat as a permanent member of the UN security council it will drop out the G7 ... Scotland makes up 62% of the UK's maritime waters we have vast reserves of both oil and gas around our entire maritime boundary  including the west coast which is fairly shallow as it was once land mass all the way to St Kilda

    and 5 Scots served as Admirals of the Russian Navy and rear admiral thomas mckenzie founded the naval base in sevastopol as well as 15 Scots and ethnic Scots served as generals of the Russian army including Barclay De Tolly

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 21, 2019 4:59 pm

    The new Senate plan is to isolate Russia and Turkey simultaneously, pushing them closer together and pressuring the Cypriots and Greeks to position themselves against both.

    A sample of the NATO dementia and how ridiculous it is. These clowns plan to isolate Russia from, wait for it, NATO! Wow. Such epic genius and
    stellar intellect. What will Russia ever do?!


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:38 pm

    It is now clear, Lukashenko is acting together with Russia's enemies against Russia. What a worm.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 10 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:52 pm

    But the people don't have a say in the matter:

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