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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 17 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:00 pm

    So the US has a policy document laying how it plans to kick Russia and China out of the Arctic.

    Clearly the Washington deciders have left the last modicum of sanity reservation. How the fcuk are these self-anointed
    ubermenschen going to physically displace Russia from the Arctic? Russia has the longest (not quibbling about fractal length)
    Arctic coastline. It has enough islands off the its Arctic coast to push its EEZ and territorial waters well into the Arctic Ocean.
    Even if the US established outposts on Greenland, Franz-Josef Land and Svalbard it will not be able to cut the north sea passage
    hugging the Russian Arctic coast.

    This chest thumping diarrhea must ultimately involve the deployment of medium and long range attack missiles to project
    US military power inside Russian territory. Clearly the demented yanqui chimps think that they can do this without any
    Russian military reply. Thus they have demonstrated an absence of sufficient brain function.


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    Post  Hole Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:11 pm

    Franz Josef Land is russian territory. And how would the american soldiers get there? Renting a russian icebreaker? Very Happy

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:24 pm

    Blinken pisses on Russia while basically grovelling in front of China.

    American deciders have not only lost the plot, they have destroyed it. These morons really think that Russia is some pushover because
    it does not have a big fluffy GDP resting on pyramid financing schemes. These are the retards that compare the nominal size of the US
    military budget in dollars and assume that the ratio to the Russian military budget is the lower bound on their relative potency.

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    Post  Arrow Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:24 am

    The question is how much of the US GDP is the real economy and not pyramids and financial operations and debt creation? What is the real strength of the American economy?

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:36 pm

    They count borrowing as income... it is rotten to the core.

    The fact that they had lockdowns where most people couldn't go to work for months at a time and their economies didn't seem to change very much just shows they are not based on producing their own food.... which is going to be a problem very soon.

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    Post  LMFS Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:54 pm

    Arrow wrote:The question is how much of the US GDP is the real economy and not pyramids and financial operations and debt creation? What is the real strength of the American economy?

    One helpful metric is GDP to debt ratio. It looks terrible for the West in general, they are drowning in debt just to prevent their GDP from collapsing, and I am not even talking about the COVID period.

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    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:54 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Blinken pisses on Russia while basically grovelling in front of China.

    American deciders have not only lost the plot, they have destroyed it.   These morons really think that Russia is some pushover because
    it does not have a big fluffy GDP resting on pyramid financing schemes.   These are the retards that compare the nominal size of the US
    military budget in dollars and assume that the ratio to the Russian military budget is the lower bound on their relative potency.    

    They did lose the plot. Half of Biden's cabinet grovels to China while the other half are spitting on it.  Much like how US policy was towards India.

    China ain't dumb and that's why they are still at arm's length with US.

    Russia already knew this long time ago and can only start countering now thanks to its constitution change.

    As for the arctic, Russia already has it.  Her Submarines, various bases and dozens of ice breakers, there isn't much US can do.  They are just bitching and moaning and say they plan this or that, but there isn't much they can do besides try to force it through Canada.

    A huge portion of Russia long range capabilities are in the arctic. MiG-31's patrol the arctic and have the long range strike capabilities, various anti ship and land attack cruise missiles, etc. US is outgunned in the arctic and if they try to place long range missiles there, Russia will just increase their number of missiles and place more modern AD systems there.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:23 pm

    The most profound geopolitical challenge is posed by Russia. While Russia is by economic and social measures a declining power, it has proven itself capable of territorial aggression and is likely to remain a chief threat facing NATO over the coming decade.

    If anyone needs proof that NATzO deciders are totally detached from reality the above ludicrous claim proves it.

    Please do tell us all about those alleged economic and social metrics that show that Russia is declining. If anyone bothers to actually check,
    Russia's economy is doing very well and has overcome the 1990s super depression and is now more diversified and potent than the USSR economy
    at its peak. In fact, Russia without all the other USSR republics is now more powerful than the USSR militarily and economically. Colonial
    adventures are not the only metric of power. And I do not recall Soviet military involvement in the 3rd world ever being very high. So Russia's
    Syria campaign is actually USSR level at least. But I am forgetting that the US measures its dick length by the number of foreign bases it has.

    In terms of social measures, I supposed these clowns think that Russia is imploding. That is called fantasy projection. Navalny's pathetic
    attempt to stage an insurrection via rent-a-crowd theater has totally flopped. And opinion polls by Levada Center (a pro-liberast outfit)
    show a massive drop in favourable sentiment of Russians towards the west over the last 15 years. By contrast, failed states like Ukraine
    rabidly attempt to prove that they are Europeans.

    So, NATzO, provide the metrics you are using.

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    Post  andalusia Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:38 am

    This is an interesting article:

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 17 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Arrow Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:34 am

    kvs wrote:
     In fact, Russia without all the other USSR republics is now more powerful than the USSR militarily and economically.  

    Economically, for sure. Russia has a much more modern economy than the USSR. It exports grain and food, has the lowest imports among developed countries, and the lowest debt. They produce a lot of products etc.
    On the other hand, militarily, the USSR was more powerful. He had much more of everything. A more powerful army, navy, aviation? It is enough to compare what they produced. Tanks, planes, ships. And how much was i
    The advantage of NATO and the US is now overwhelming. It is enough to compare the size of the fleet, even the submarine fleet of Russia and the USA, the size of aviation. There is nothing to compare here. Russia now has just 3 or 4 submarine comparable to only the 688I. How many USA has 688I And how many Virgini.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:46 am

    On the other hand, militarily, the USSR was more powerful. He had much more of everything. A more powerful army, navy, aviation? It is enough to compare what they produced. Tanks, planes, ships. And how much was i

    I disagree.

    The Soviets had numbers, but the Warsaw Pact had all the obvious problems of HATO... in a real war most of the Warsaw Pact likely would have turned on Russia and joined the other side, or just gone home and tried to claim to be neutral.

    Equally even in Soviet times if you look at their forces and their structure they had a lot of armour and a lot of aircraft but they were not mobile like HATO was... they would be ideal for defending Soviet and WP space, but for moving into Europe they lacked transport and logistics to move and to occupy territory.

    The real problem is that the west are ingrained liars... Kennedy got into office largely because he claimed the west was soft on the Soviets and the bomber gap and missile gap was a critical problem. Once in office he found there was a bomber gap and a missile gap but in favour of the west... the Soviets were bluffing... Kennedy got into office promising to build missiles and bombers and get parity with the Soviets for peace and stability but when he found out there was no huge fleets of Soviet bombers and no great missile fields of long range missiles he didn't just cancel those huge production drives to fill gaps that did not exist... he changed the doctrine from parity to first strike superiority... if the west made enough missiles and bombers they could attack the Soviets and take out enough of their strategic weapons to force them to surrender... in other words he wanted to win WWIII.

    HATO analysts were equally dishonest and didn't say... well if the Soviets did want to invade Europe and occupy all of Europe the way that Hitler did during WWII then why are they building a fixed air defence network around the Warsaw Pact countries and Soviet Union... why are they not making a mobile system that can move with their ground forces like HATO does.

    Maybe they just want to be left alone and are not planning to attack us because their force structure really does not suit invasion and occupation, and is more oriented to defence that we care to admit.

    Modern Russian forces have modern equipment and training and systems, and in terms of C4IR are in the best situation they have ever been because they have the electronics and technology to make practical effective systems that are also smart while remaining capable.

    The advantage of NATO and the US is now overwhelming. It is enough to compare the size of the fleet, even the submarine fleet of Russia and the USA, the size of aviation. There is nothing to compare here. Russia now has just 3 or 4 submarine comparable to only the 688I. How many USA has 688I And how many Virgini.

    The numbers are impressive but because of this do you think China would defeat the US and the west.

    The US advantage in numbers is amusing because having 12 carrier battle groups is a lot of ships, but then 50,000 Soviet tanks during the cold war seemed impressive too, but for every impressive US carrier there are dozens or even hundreds of other smaller lighter ships that carrier needs to operate, and those aircraft on those carriers are just aircraft... how well will US Navy aircraft perform trying to defeat a Russian IADS on land or at sea?

    If F-35s need to attack S-300s in Syria from stand off distances, then what are F-18s going to do about new Russian Corvettes equipped with S-350... a much more capable system.

    Honestly I think the roles have reversed... HATOs advantage now is in numbers but even then that is scratchy because in an age of having battleships and aircraft carrier can destroy a much more powerful fleet because aircraft carriers are good at sinking battleships... well the current state of things is that hypersonic manouvering anti ship missiles are powerful weapons and Russia has enough of those to deal with any HATO force approaching Russia.

    In the south Atlantic and south pacific a US carrier group should be OK, but again with Russias defensive policy why would they care about that?

    The Soviets were never in a position to overwhelm and occupy the west simply because that was never the plan. The Soviets could defend themselves and the Russians are now in the same position.... but Russia is spending rather less than the Soviets spent on "defence" largely because Russia does not need to carry anyone.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:59 am

    This is an interesting article:

    Did you read it?

    It references Pavel Felgenhauer... I guess Russian military expert Gary Kasparov or Alexi Navalny were not available for comment?

    Russian performance in Syria showed they know what they are doing, China really does not have such an example to show one way or the other.

    Russia’s new enthusiasm for military adventurism has not been without its setbacks.

    Hahaha... Russia plays war for fun... projection?

    And Russian-made Pantsir air defence systems suffered badly at the hands of Turkish drones in Libya last year.


    So badly the US was desperate to get their hands on some of them...

    The fundamental thing is that the US and the EU/West have worked hard to make Russia and China the enemy... and it took probably 15 years to achieve that but they have done it... Russia has realised the west is an exclusive boys club and they have the wrong skin colour and went to the wrong school.

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    Post  kvs Wed Mar 31, 2021 4:22 am

    Anyone who counts US carriers as a force factor when comparing to Russia is clearly detached from reality. US carriers have significance
    only for colonial suppression campaigns. Against Russia they have zero value.

    This is part of the demented thinking in Washington who think that they will beat Russia because Russia will be too afraid to use
    nuclear weapons. While they, of course, will drop a nuke on Moscow and end the war as they claim they did with Japan.
    This shows everyone with a functional brain what sort of understanding operates inside US elites. Their whole world view is
    based on their two bit campaigns in the Pacific and Johnny come lately in Europe. It is rather sick for them to believe that
    they won the war in Europe.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 17 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:58 am

    kvs wrote:his is part of the demented thinking in Washington who think that they will beat Russia because Russia will be too afraid to use
    nuclear weapons.   While they, of course, will drop a nuke on Moscow and end the war as they claim they did with Japan.
    This shows everyone with a functional brain what sort of understanding operates inside US elites.  Their whole world view is
    based on their two bit campaigns in the Pacific and Johnny come lately in Europe.   It is rather sick for them to believe that
    they won the war in Europe.

    Don't bother, they'll pull the Lend-Lease card until the end of time. Rolling Eyes

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:25 pm

    The Biden era.


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    Post  kvs Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:54 pm

    Turns out that Slovaks are total scumbags. Who knew...

    They ordered some Sputnik V and instead of testing it as per contract in official EU laboratories they hired some fly by night
    outfit in a transparent anti-Russian propaganda ploy. As part of this propaganda smear, they started to spread the claim that
    the makers of Sputnik V "didn't prove the efficacy and safety of the vaccine". LOLWUT. That has been established by Phase III
    trials around the world you retarded hate-filled fucks. That's right, the Slovak government clown show that "tested" the Russian
    vaccine even claimed that the batch they received from Russia did not conform to that described in the Lancet.

    You can't make this fucktardia up. These slimeballs need to feel the pain.

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    Post  Hole Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:47 pm

    Russia demanded from Slovakia to give back the delivered stuff. The slovak PM (who ordered the vaccine) gratulated his fellow politicians for the killing of their compatriots.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:05 am

    Those vaccines can go to people who appreciate it more... maybe a country in Africa that can't afford to buy a lot of them...

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:05 pm

    A new data leak reveals that the Georgian government and US drug giant Gilead have failed to investigate at least 249 deaths of patients enrolled in a $3.3 billion Hepatitis C elimination project.

    The US is using Georgians (not in the USA) as guinea pigs at their biolab.

    There is rather compelling evidence that the SARS-Cov-2 is engineered. The US was involved in the Chinese "research" that produced it.
    Not surprising that other "humanitarian" research is being staged around the world. We are living in an era of insanity on all fronts.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:40 am

    So many people idolise America while America just sees the rest of the world as expendable... Indians getting into bed against China despite Bhopal...

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:56 pm

    Patrushev on US bio-labs:

    “I suggest that you pay attention to the fact that numbers of biological laboratories under US control are growing by leaps and bounds across the world. And – by a strange coincidence – mainly at the Russian and Chinese borders … Of course, we and our Chinese partners have questions. We are told that there are peaceful sanitary and epidemiological stations near our borders, but for some reason they are more reminiscent of Fort Detrick in Maryland, where Americans have been working in the field of military biology for decades. By the way, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that outbreaks of diseases uncharacteristic of these regions are recorded in the adjacent areas.”

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    Post  LMFS Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:30 pm

    Maybe US wants Russia to help sanitizing those areas with a mix of extreme temperatures, pressure and radiation?? unshaven

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:05 pm

    LMFS wrote:Maybe US wants Russia to help sanitizing those areas with a mix of extreme temperatures, pressure and radiation?? unshaven

    That's what I'm TOS-1...err, talking about! It's time to TOSs-1 over their side! Wink

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    Post  LMFS Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:53 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:That's what I'm TOS-1...err, talking about! It's time to TOSs-1 over their side! Wink

    True! I was in fact thinking in the disinfecting qualities of gamma ray What a Face

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    Post  miketheterrible Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:10 pm

    So regarding Slovakia and their attempted bs against Sputnik vaccine looks like it failed. Slovak tests at a lab proved the effective use of Sputnik.

    Deputy PM of Slovakia said it was an attempt from enemies of Russia and Sputnik vaccine to cause a rift and force their removale.

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