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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1


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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:34 am

    I mentioned chemical rocket fuel above, for a similar trip with an ion engine you could do it with a couple of tons of material at the most... and more important the trip would be much much shorter, so less onboard food and water will be needed... which means much less weight... which is critical on any expedition.

    With the water on Mars you could send processing rockets to mine the water so that when you arrive you have drinking water, air to breathe and if you need it, rocket fuel (H and O2)...

    With a nuclear power plant in orbit with ion engines you could take heavy but safe water up off Mars with you and then with the electricity from the nuke engine convert to Hydrogen and Oxygen and you have rocket fuel to get you going on the way home or you can use it like the disposable rockets as I suggested above to allow faster deceleration so the trip home will be much faster too...

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:49 am

    US landed first in moon with holywood movies... No manned moon landing.. sorry.
    No humans ever left the earth orbit.. Never in the history of science , Engineers send man
    to a potential suicide mission without testing first and mastering the flight without them.

    ABout space race being "Expensive" , is Not more expensive than the weapon race..
    Russia defense industry spend $ 80 BILLIONS   every year in weapons...
    but in space program Russia only spend $4 Billions .  While NASA spend $17 billions every year.

    So is not a money problem.. is more a priority problem.. Russia waste a lot of money , in things
    they don't need to defend their nation.. Everyone and their mother in Russia defense Industry
    complained about the buy of 4 mystrals carriers.  

    Russia don't need mistrals.. Russia don't need Aircraft Carriers for what? To project what?
    Russia don't need Amphibious warships.. who is Russia Going to invade? Russia don't fight outside their borders.. Russia government could easily get $10 to $15 billions in space budget.. if they just cut in their defense industry.. in things they dont need . to decommission all those rusty Soviets Big warships that are NOT NEEDED, and will pose no deterrence in any way to Americans and just keep a small but modern navy.. instead of a large but old one..  I can't see how useful will be for RUssia a large navy ,that will not be used at all..
    in case of any war with NATO it will go nuclear and an any surface destroyer will not be used at all. any low tonnage warships ,with a few Onyks missiles will be enough..  Americans needs
    a large navy because they invade /attack third world countries every year. . Russia invade no one.. they don't need a large navy. Is not going to help Russia protect their mother land.. neither will help in Ukraine conflict a large navy..  Russia Army and Airforce and land missile forces ,with Submarines will be more than Enough to defend Russian land ,they don't need 300+ warships.. to defend anything.. unless they have plans to fight a conventional war with NATO and have the wrong believe it will not end in nuclear war. Something they can do with their airforce ,submarines and land nuclear Missiles like Iskanders or TOpol.

    With the cut in Russia space program ,Russia is giving up traveling to mars.. this is what the
    Myopic president told.. that will leave Mars to americans.. and focus in the Moon.   Neutral

    IF Russia really wants to defend their Nation.. they need Full domination of SPACE.. is a simple as that. And this is what americans are doing. not stupid mystral warships or ice breakers or very large warship that are very vulnerable to Submarines or Combat jets or simple mines.

    By dominating space completely , in unmaneed and manned missions..with their own space stations and space shuttles, Russia can effectively and very quickly switch their civilians space program to a military one..and deploy battle stations in space if Americans deploy weapons they are already saying will do.  Russia is really missing opportunities to take advantage of times like this ,where american space program is in cutting their
    space budget.. instead balancing their weapon program.. and decommission things Russia dont
    need for the defend of their territory.

    Because Russia Project NOTHING... and Defend directly NO ONE far away of its territory. (look at Syria ,that only limits to supply weapons to them.) then what the fuzz of having a large navy with Big warships? for Penis contest?  Russian S-400 and S-500 on Russian Borders and its airforce will be good enough for the job of defending their land..  

    Full spectrum Space Domination IS the only thing in the world that can give Russia
    real peace of mind ,and a real nation defense..will allow Russia to to stop any ballistic missiles..
    before it reach space.. and FAR away of Russian borders.. and this is a HUGE PLUS.. and if that wasn't good enough , it will significantly Boost Russia space civilian program and travel to Moon
    and Mars.. not in the year 2035 or 5,000 .. .. but in 2020 like US and CHINA are planning ..

    IF Russia reduce the spending on its Surface navy by 20% ,decomissioning old soviet warships and saving a lot in salaries to thousands of sailors..and increase by 20% their space budget..
    then Russia will have enough for a really revolutionary Space Program..  And it will generate
    many hundreds of THousands of Jobs and create an industrial revolution.  All this without
    reducing in any way the defense capabilities of Russia Federation.

    Just look at Israel.. they don't have Aircraft carriers.. and just 5 submarines.. but who is going to dare to attack them from NATO ? and they do have an updated very capable BIG airforce ,that could make anyone in NATO or Russia to think 100x times to attack them. Neither Turkey have aircraft carriers and not a single destroyer.. But with lots of small capable and lethal coastal warships.. with cruise missiles and torpedos. all neccessary to defend their land. Who is going to invade or attack Turkey the second most powerful army in NATO? . Someone is really wrongly advice the Russian President.. what they are doing is dead wrong..making it easier for Americans to CUT  Russia from space.. for being so myopic and not see how americans and others in NATO are testing many projects for the militarization of space.

    Airforce defeats Navy.. and Land forces defeats airforce.. and simply formula that always work when you have powerful anti air defenses. and who control space ,controls everything under it.
    NATO cannot fly over Russia.. and NATO warships cannot get either close because Russia airforce will wipe them.. who needs a navy for defending your land? when you have a long range powerful airforce?  

    Russia defense industry should focus in Army and airforce and missile forces.. and not waste money is floating coffins destroyers with very short range weapons or very large navy with big warships.  Russia is not America that can afford to project power far away of its land.. .and should focus on its nation territorial defense and only that. and not into sending warships far away of its lands..

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:00 pm

    Vann7 wrote:US landed first in moon with holywood movies... No manned moon landing.. sorry.
    No humans ever left the earth orbit............................ lol1 lol1 lol1 ..........

    Idiot... No

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:22 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:US landed first in moon with holywood movies... No manned moon landing.. sorry.
    No humans ever left the earth orbit............................  lol1  lol1  lol1  ..........

    Idiot... No

    Just look at the link provided.. the whole Official Images of NASA of the moon, have been debunked as FRAUD.. it was an studio with artificial background images.. there is overwhelming
    evidence of being a fraud...and Not just from Photographic evidence but many other things. The only people who believe in the Apollo Moon landing cool story ,where americans supposedly played Golf.. are LAZY people who have very little to no research. Is for nothing ,not for coincidence that americans depends on Russia to fly to Space.. And their independence of Russia space technology.. they Never consider reviving their Saturn Rocket.. and improving it. Never in the History of Science a technology that produce so much success to a Nation.. is retired and never used again.. That only happen in Fantasy Land.  The natural thing to do when something really works in Engineering or have an acceptable success /failure rate is to continue developing it.. not to shut it down ,like NASA did to the Saturn Rocket.. This is the reason of Russia Soyuz Rocket success .  The whole Apollo space program was a fraud , and they never left the earth orbit.. this have even been slipped by accident by Astronauts in interviews ,explaining the danger of the radiation for humans,beyond the earth orbit. (that is twice farther than the International Space station distance from earth) . but not going to repost again
    all those videos.. just look 10 to 20 pages ago and you will see all the evidence you need to know the Apollo lunar manned program was a 100% fraud.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Mike E Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:27 am

    Vann we have been over this multiple times before.... 

    A) The Moon Landings did indeed happen, and all the 'evidence' saying otherwise has been debunked.

    B) This is not the place to debate a topic like this anyway.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:39 am

    Faked or not it would not change jack shit in reality. We know for a fact, russia is most technological advanced and stayed so since the first launch, everything else does not matter.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Book. Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:19 am

    max steel wrote:
    China wishes to buy Russian RD-180 rocket engines

    China is interested in buying Russia’s RD-180 dual-combustion chamber 400 tonne thrust engines for its prospective super-heavy-lift launch vehicle, a source familiar with the situation told Interfax-AVN on July 7.

    “The question is at least about buying ready rocket engines, first and foremost, RD-180, or even acquiring a production license,” the source said in comment on a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin who said on Monday that China might buy Russian rocket engines.

    In his words, “the second option is undesirable to us.”

    From Post n°175

    Rd 180 the west east russia

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:03 am

    Excellent news with the Chinese wanting to buy Russian rockets.... sell them but don't sell the licence to produce them.

    Money is tight at the moment, so it makes sense to reduce budgets at the moment in most areas, but Vann, you are being silly. Getting a Russian to Mars first wont mean anything if the Russian military is underfunded and weak.

    Money that is cut now can be spent later on when the economy improves and economic ties with the rest of the world that is not the EU and US improves the position of both partners.

    Regarding US domination of space... that is amusing... the Russians have systems that can interfere with satellites... from electronic interference through to lasers on the A-60 to directly interfere with optical sensors... having the high ground might make the US think its position is safe, but when a conflict actually starts and their satellites start failing they might realise that learning to read a map and learning to navigate with map and compass was something they should have taught their soldiers and sailors...
    max steel
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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Three spacecraft “Gonets-M” put into operation

    Post  max steel Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:07 pm

    Three spacecraft “Gonets-M” put into operation

    Three spacecraft “Gonets-M”, launched March 31, 2015, were put into operation.This is stated in a message posted on the website of “Information Satellite Systems named after Reshetnev”, the manufacturer of satellites.

    “Once being in orbit satellites of personal communications “Gonets-M” of number 21, 22, 23 orbital inspection was carried out, during which experts have tested the operation of all systems of spacecraft. At the moment they are used for their intended purpose,” the message said.

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    Post  Book. Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:39 pm

    GarryB wrote:Excellent news with the Chinese wanting to buy Russian rockets.... sell them but don't sell the licence to produce them.

    Money is tight at the moment, so it makes sense to reduce budgets at the moment in most areas, but Vann, you are being silly. Getting a Russian to Mars first wont mean anything if the Russian military is underfunded and weak.

    Money that is cut now can be spent later on when the economy improves and economic ties with the rest of the world that is not the EU and US improves the position of both partners.

    Regarding US domination of space... that is amusing... the Russians have systems that can interfere with satellites... from electronic interference through to lasers on the A-60 to directly interfere with optical sensors... having the high ground might make the US think its position is safe, but when a conflict actually starts and their satellites start failing they might realise that learning to read a map and learning to navigate with map and compass was something they should have taught their soldiers and sailors...

    I think Ru the one kill rival space Twisted Evil

    US China next decade Rd 180 !

    I read the note. No need satlite.

    US can no stop !   lol1

    Russian Tu-160 and PAKDA Strategic Bombers to Use Star Power
    by Staff Writers
    Moscow (Sputnik) Jul 05, 2015

    Jamming Russian long-range bombers' navigation satellite systems will not throw them off course. They will navigate using stars.

    Russian long-range aircraft such as Tu-160 strategic bombers will be equipped with a technologically new system that figures out a plane's coordinates based on the position of the stars.

    The new ANS-2009 astronavigation system can determine an aircraft's position and speed with high precision.

    Its main advantage over other systems is that this method "is supremely reliable in combat conditions when navigation satellite systems (NSS) can be brought out of operation by an enemy," the manufacturer's press service said.

    The integration of ANS, NSS and platformless inertial navigation systems aboard would allow a plane's coordinates to be calculated with maximum precision.

    The technical achievements realized in the ANS-2009 will be used in the next-generation strategic bomber PAK DA, the Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) added.

    The Russian Tu-160 is a supersonic variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber/missile carrier. It can engage targets around the globe with nuclear and conventional weapons.

    Moscow decided to renew the production of the world's largest supersonic bomber jets and modernize them.

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    Post  George1 Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:11 pm

    Russia forms Roscosmos state corporation

    The state corporation is set up on the basis of the Russian Federal Space Agency and the United Rocket and Space Corporation

    MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law establishing the state space corporation Roscosmos, the press service of the Kremlin said on Monday.

    The state corporation is set up on the basis of the Russian Federal Space Agency and the United Rocket and Space Corporation. It becomes the authorized management agency in the field of research, development and use of outer space. The corporation will manage space operations and implement the regulatory control in this sphere. CEO of the United Rocket and Space Corporation Igor Komarov will lead the newly established corporation.

    The state corporation will provide services in the field of space exploration, support development of rocket and space products of defense, dual, research and socioeconomic nature, coordinate activities related to GLONASS global positioning system, manage and coordinate operations at Baikonur and Vostochny launch sites.

    Roscosmos will also be responsible for international activities in the field of space research and use.

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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:47 am

    Energia may be reborn as Energia-3 (75 tons to LEO) and Energia-6 (150 tons to LEO). This would
    be after 2025. Until 2025 the priority is the Angara-A5B.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:39 am

    The Space services is a bit like the Navy... right now small efficient and capable should be the priority... get them into service and all the bugs worked out and then look at larger stuff to expand capability and reach.

    Bigger is more expensive but you wont need as many so it is not that expensive...

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  victor1985 Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:26 pm

    Do the russia sattelites are tested in a facility with radiation? And with heat? And with frozen? Why then the Persona sattelites failed? Is enough to put that sattelite near a radiation source like a cobalt 60 reactor

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    Post  Book. Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:59 pm

    RSC Energia Contract with Orbital Sciences Corporation Signed
    Press Release From: RSC Energia
    Posted: Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    The President of RSC ENERGIA (which is a part of the United Rocket and Space Corporation) Vladimir SOLNTSEV and General Durector of Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) David THOMPSON have signed a direct contract for the delivery to the US of engines made by NPO ENERGOMASH (a subsidiary of RSC Energia).

    The contract value is approximately US$1 billion (the exact figure is a commercial secret). Altogether, Russia is to deliver to the US 60 RD-181 engines - the customer is going to receive the first two engines as early as June 2015. The contract was concluded directly with the Orbital Sciences Corporation.

    The engine RD-181 was developed specifically for use on the ANTARES launch vehicle, its use will make it possible to deliver significantly bigger payloads to the ISS and low-Earth orbits. Used in the production of RD-181 are state-of-the-art materials, innovative engineering and design solutions, which made it possible to improve the engine performance (the thrust is 186 tons). RD-181 was derived from the engine RD-191, which enabled the successful flight of ANGARA launch vehicle in the summer of 2014, and which was also installed on ANGARA launch vehicle which flew in December of 2014 from Plesetsk launch site.

    The contract and addendums to it were concluded for engine deliveries and engineering support of the project - firing tests, engine installation, pre-flight processing, etc., which provides NPO ENERGOMASH with an opportunity to develop further, to upgrade its equipment, and stimulate its employees to develop and implement new advanced projects.

    Vladimir SOLNTSEV, the President of RSC ENERGIA says: "We produce a whole family of engines built around a common manufacturing concept, which means that we can support virtually any kind of launch vehicles: from super-light to super-heavy. The statistics is unequivocal: our liquid rocket engines are 100% reliable; and, by the way, almost a half of all the space launches in world in the last year were made using NPO ENERGOMASH engines. We had been working on this contract for 3 years, and we are glad that our US colleagues share our principles: the foremost factor in today's world, along with the product quality and competitive pricing, is the reliability of the supplier himself".

    US company OB go Rd 180
    60 engine. $1 billon

    Mccain so stopid Smile

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:02 pm

    Yessssssss thumbsup  russia

    Khrunichev Center "Proton-M" will cease to build by 2025

    Rocket "Proton-M" 2025 plan to replace environmentally friendly launch vehicle "Angara-A5", said on Friday the press service of the Khrunichev Space Center.

    MOSCOW, July 17 - RIA Novosti. The production of carrier rockets "Proton-M" plans to finish by 2025, their fully replace "Angara-A5", said on Friday the press service of the Khrunichev Space Center.

    "The production and operation of the rocket" Proton-M "will continue in the next 10 years. By 2025 it is planned to completely replace the" Proton "clean booster module type" Angara-A5 ", Khrunichev created in cooperation with the Russian space industry "- said in a statement.

    For the first time, "Proton" was launched fifty years ago, July 16, 1965, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. With this launch into space were put satellites "Cosmos", "screen", "Rainbow", "Horizon", the satellites for the study of the Moon, Mars, Venus, Halley's Comet; manned orbital station "Salyut" and "Mir", as well as their constituent heavy specialized modules "Quantum", "Quantum-2", "crystal", "Spectrum", "Nature", the Russian module of the International Space Station, "Dawn" and "Star".

    Currently, for removing payloads under the Federal Space Programme and widely used commercial software upgraded carrier rocket "Proton-M".

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:06 pm

    Sitting on their asses for decades and now they want a slice? Suspect

    Russian Defense Ministry: rocket "Soyuz-5" may be an alternative, "Angara"

    The development of "Soyuz-5" is leading the company on its own initiative ", he said on Friday Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, during his visit to the rocket-space center" Progress ".

    Mike E
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    Post  Mike E Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:49 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:Yessssssss   thumbsup  russia
    Kind of funny when we start celebrating a rocket headed for the past... Twisted Evil Still, great news and Proton will have served its' duty by then. 

    Soyuz-5 shouldn't be invested into unless it gives Russia something Angara does not...which in reality it does not. That being said, Russian developments with Methane will be exciting.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:29 am

    George1 wrote:

    i would like to see more space missions to mars from Russia in future

    Me too.. but more than anything , i would have liked Russia to send probes to Jupiter and Saturn and send images back of how is its surface.. how it should look being on the surface of
    both planets.. that will be really amazing.. and spectacular.   And not less interesting to visit
    The moons of SAturn.. like Titan..  or moons of jupiter like Europe and Ganymides ,LO ,Callisto
    ..Shocked  To send probes as they did in venus and take a close shot of the planets and moon surface..and later the most interesting ones.. send a rover.  Smile

    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Moons_of_solar_system_v7

    and with luck discover a real good place to visit in a manned mission.. I really thing such
    things can be done.. had Russia gave priority to space than any other thing.. Everyone likes
    space and traveling to those never landed places will truly encourage the society in Russia
    to stop wasting their time in "human rights" NGOs or silly things and study professional careers to help the Russian Space industry in the exploration of space .

    Any mission to a new planet or moon like those ,could paid by sponsors . Russia will have easily millions of offers from companies to become sponsors and their company name to show up in the lander or in a rover ..

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:20 am

    Well, hopefully with Roscosmos being merged with all those other entities, they will fix their problems. Major issues have been poor quality and high failure rates. With the industries merged to one entity, it will be easier for QC as well as obtaining parts and working closer with the industries to provide cheaper and more effective equipment. I think it was obvious that even with major funding from before, there were far too many failures and issues. That is probably why they are doing what they are doing - aiming at making Roscosmos profitable per year. Reason for this is that they would then generate revenue and be able to induldge in other projects that would benefit themselves to make even more money and technology improvements without worrying about funding from the federal government. If they do meet the rumored trillion rubles profits that is.

    Then, when things are fixed, I say jump to these more advanced space exploration again. Will take a while though.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Rmf Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:26 pm

    billions are spent on vostochny , you cant have new launch center with all added people and production , and new interplanetary satelites.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:27 pm

    In the Krasnoyarsk region is the construction of new buildings for the production of satellites

    This should help Vann wet himself.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:47 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Sitting on their asses for decades and now they want a slice?   Suspect

    Russian Defense Ministry: rocket "Soyuz-5" may be an alternative, "Angara"

    The development of "Soyuz-5" is leading the company on its own initiative ", he said on Friday Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, during his visit to the rocket-space center" Progress ".

    Interesting, LNG fuel instead of kerosene. I think they should build the single stage version regardless. Russia can afford more than
    one rocket design.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:49 pm

    sepheronx wrote:In the Krasnoyarsk region is the construction of new buildings for the production of satellites

    This should help Vann wet himself.

    Yup, it will be biblical flood, someone should call FEMA lol1

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:55 pm

    Rmf wrote:billions are spent on vostochny , you cant have new launch center with all added people and production , and new interplanetary satelites.

    Not really. The cost is not annual but a total spread out over many years. It is not a zero-sum game.

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