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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1


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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:44 pm

    In Russia they managed to print the satellite on a 3D printer

    Specialists from Tomsk Polytechnic University have managed to print the satellite on a 3D printer. Spacecraft "TOMSK-TPU-120" will be sent to Baikonur, then it will take on Board the ISS on a cargo ship "Progress MS-02" and on March 31 will launch from the station.

    3DPrinted in Tomsk, the device has dimensions in mm 300х100х100 and run it will be during the next spacewalk. This is done for testing of new materials not previously tested in space. The altitude of the orbit will be 400 km and work in space, it will be about six months. It is expected that in the future technology of 3D printing small satellites will be in great demand. The design of the nanosatellite was created by specialists of the scientific-educational center "Modern production technologies" TPU. The materials used were created by scientists TPU together with employees of Institute of strength physics and materials science SB RAS.

    All the components of the "TOMSK-TPU-120" authorized by the Russian Federal space Agency. Mainly used plastic, and the battery pack is manufactured by the method of slip 3D printing Zirconia ceramic.

    Werewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    What does SpaceX have to do with Russian space news?
    Trying to win the Spacerace which was lost over two decades ago.

    SpaceX's rocket crash lands on a floating drone ship — as expected

    love the bolded part Smile

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:56 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:

    I always had the idea for a long time of , Russia deploying a big mirror in space orbit and use it
    to manipulate the weather in Russia. To allow Russia experience a much better weather ,by
    radiating the sun light on its territory on winters. if done big enough and efficient enough ,
    with enough research and funding and done right , in the right time.. then it should be very possible for a nation like Russia to totally change its cold weather and turn Russia into a more
    warmer nation ,with smaller winters.  SOmething that can really benefit the Russian agriculture..
    but also Russia tourism ,could create many perfect days in Russia with clear day or nights.

    The posibilities are endless the mirror could be used for example to weaken hurricanes or to
    fix bad weather.  

    I think that'd cause ecological disaster on a massive scale. One does not simply muck up the seasons.

    Not really . Im speaking about creating an highly reflective surface in space of a very huge
    dimension. it could be just a giant Aerostat  covered by super resistant tin foil with a tiny engine to control its orbit,and all that it will do is simply use the same mother nature ,the sun  light and direct some of it to some major zones in Russia more warmer and greener and perfect days.
    So example to a special event in Russia ,like sport event ,or parade. or for agriculture. Where is the destruction? Is nothing new of what the earth receive,is the same Sun light being used with more efficiency to your advantage. it will be similar to having solar panels in your house ,used to keep your house warmer ,but on a bigger scale. instead of just one house , to do it a major zone in your country. lets say Urals in Russia. Such kind of simple technology could truly be
    game changing for the Russia weather , and help Russians at will get perfect clear days many times . It will also help to clean the air too , since when you warm the air ,the dust and dense
    smog go away.  It will be ideal for China too ,for cleaning its environment and that all those toxic do not stay floating in air.

    if the whole thing ..lets call it ,instead of a solar panel ,a solar space system.
    If developed well ,through testing and more testing ,it could allow Russia one day to become
    no longer a cold place most of the year ,but to have the weather more closer to LAtin America ,
    that it is green most of the time and there is snow and winter but only on the high mountains
    in the places no one live ,and in the cities a more better weather.

    im fully aware the earth weather changes in some parts of the planet could affect the weather in other parts.. and hurricanes are formed for the over heat of zone zones.. but if it is done correctly it will be not a problem. The use of Science to improve weather is a natural way of
    development. is no different of the use of science to make people older look younger. Manipulating the nature is an inevitable future for science. and this is nothing new.. already Russia have been doing that for decades . they can provoke rain to happen earlier ,throwing special ice crystals over already formed clouds. this is nothing shocking.. just science at work.  
    And creating an artificial mini "sun" /or better call it reflectors in space , will be a natural thing
    to do ,to take a more efficient advantage of the free energy that provides the nature.

    As a bonus ,the reflectors in space ,will illuminate too the nights in some zones in Russia ,
    it will looks prettier with more clear nights if not completely turn night into day. it will be
    very useful technology with endless potential .

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:42 am

    There are a few problems with a very large mirror in space to warm up an area on the ground... the obvious one is orbital speeds...

    to maintain height in orbit a craft needs to move at the required speed... if it moves slower it will fall to a lower orbit... if it moves faster it will move up to a higher orbit until it reaches escape velocity in which case it will leave earth orbit forever and move into open space.

    A large object is a large target and a very large object in orbit means it will get hit a lot... if it is large then the centre is moving at the right speed for its altitude but the lower portion and upper portion of the craft would not be moving at the same speed as objects in that altitude... objects at the altitude of the lower portion of the sphere or shape will be travelling slower than the rest of the vehicle so the vehicle will be ploughing through debris ahead of the rest of the craft and of course the top of the vehicle will be getting hit from behind by faster moving material in a higher orbit... it would not last a day and would be shredded.

    An object dozens of kms across would appear relatively small in orbit and would not add that much heat to the ground... more light... sure, but not the intense heat as you get from direct sunlight...

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Svyatoslavich Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:54 pm

    Vann7 wrote:Where is the destruction? Is nothing new of what the earth receive,is the same Sun light being used with more efficiency to your advantage. it will be similar to having solar panels in your house ,used to keep your house warmer ,but on a bigger scale. instead of just one house , to do it a major zone in your country. lets say Urals in Russia.
    You really think this would have no environmental effect? Russia's cold climate is not "bad", thousands of plants, animals and microbiota are perfectly adapted to it, change it in such a drastic way and they will mostly die. Humans have adapted to living in it for some thousand years, also, which is way easier and less harmful to other forms of life.

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    Location : fishin on Stalin´s Strait between Mexico and Canada

    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:13 am

    Svyatoslavich wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Where is the destruction? Is nothing new of what the earth receive,is the same Sun light being used with more efficiency to your advantage. it will be similar to having solar panels in your house ,used to keep your house warmer ,but on a bigger scale. instead of just one house , to do it a major zone in your country. lets say Urals in Russia.
    You really think this would have no environmental effect? Russia's cold climate is not "bad", thousands of plants, animals and microbiota are perfectly adapted to it, change it in such a drastic way and they will mostly die. Humans have adapted to living in it for some thousand years, also, which is way easier and less harmful to other forms of life.

    True but why would you assume that in Russia there are no people with proper science background to assess it ?
    We also do not know about real objective of this project. What if this is test of military technology o rbetter dual use? or climate weapon?

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Rmf Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:16 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    What does SpaceX have to do with Russian space news?

    Trying to win the Spacerace which was lost over two decades ago.

    well they are beating russians in their own game, and thats whole point of spaceX , after 2000s and many cancelled programs in USA, after they started buying russian engines , Elon got some scientists and workers together and started spacex , their goal was to have engine with lowest cost per tonn of thrust , not best isp ,not high thrust or whatever, no records , nothing revolutionary (thus expencive), just get the cost down , that means no bueracracy , means simplicity ,many engines for easy mass production,and low weight, if it takes more fuel to launch its not a problem fuel today is 5% of total launch cost ....
    They have already killed zenit ,now they go after proton with falcon heavy , and with dragon capsule ready they will kill soyuz.

    Not only that they will kill ULA big american space conglomerate -lockheed and boeing who held monopoly in USA. That forced ULA  to get their congresman to fund new super-heavy launcher, republican and democrat together affraid , this launcher is amazingly protected from cancellation ,if anyone watched its own saga i personally was amazed how much funds its getting even more then Nasa demanded in certain years, it will be expencive but it will mean america can do thing in space russia cannot for decades ,if ever.

    Posts : 4810
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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:25 am

    Rmf wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    What does SpaceX have to do with Russian space news?

    Trying to win the Spacerace which was lost over two decades ago.

    well they are beating russians in their own game, and thats whole point of spaceX , after 2000s and many cancelled programs in USA, after they started buying russian engines , Elon got some scientists and workers together and started spacex , their goal was to have engine with lowest cost per tonn of thrust , not best isp ,not high thrust or whatever, no records , nothing revolutionary (thus expencive), just get the cost down , that means no bueracracy , means simplicity ,many engines for easy mass production,and low weight, if it takes more fuel to launch its not a problem fuel today is 5% of total launch cost ....
    They have already killed zenit ,now they go after proton with falcon heavy , and with dragon capsule ready they will kill soyuz.

    Not only that they will kill ULA big american space conglomerate -lockheed and boeing who held monopoly in USA. That forced ULA  to get their congresman to fund new super-heavy launcher, republican and democrat together  affraid , this launcher is amazingly protected from cancellation ,if anyone watched its own saga i personally was amazed how much funds its getting even more then Nasa demanded in certain years, it will be expencive but it will mean america can do thing in space russia cannot for decades ,if ever.

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    Posts : 336
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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  x_54_u43 Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:06 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    russia russia russia

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:17 am

    x_54_u43 wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    russia russia russia

    What an impressive post there Banderoid. You must think you are a legend.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:22 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Rmf wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    What does SpaceX have to do with Russian space news?

    Trying to win the Spacerace which was lost over two decades ago.

    well they are beating russians in their own game, and thats whole point of spaceX , after 2000s and many cancelled programs in USA, after they started buying russian engines , Elon got some scientists and workers together and started spacex , their goal was to have engine with lowest cost per tonn of thrust , not best isp ,not high thrust or whatever, no records , nothing revolutionary (thus expencive), just get the cost down , that means no bueracracy , means simplicity ,many engines for easy mass production,and low weight, if it takes more fuel to launch its not a problem fuel today is 5% of total launch cost ....
    They have already killed zenit ,now they go after proton with falcon heavy , and with dragon capsule ready they will kill soyuz.

    Not only that they will kill ULA big american space conglomerate -lockheed and boeing who held monopoly in USA. That forced ULA  to get their congresman to fund new super-heavy launcher, republican and democrat together  affraid , this launcher is amazingly protected from cancellation ,if anyone watched its own saga i personally was amazed how much funds its getting even more then Nasa demanded in certain years, it will be expencive but it will mean america can do thing in space russia cannot for decades ,if ever.

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    Don't confuse him with facts such as the actual costs of a Proton launch as opposed to the creaming price set with ULA. Then we have
    the Proton replacement Angara being even cheaper to build and to launch than the Proton. Yep, Musk will be "teaching Russia lessons"
    for a long time.

    The premise of the Rmf post is beyond retarded. In his warped mind, competition means a last man standing situation, aka monopoly.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:55 am

    x_54_u43 wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    russia russia russia

    For the record, my opinion is that the only real value of manned mars exploration is to engender multi-national co-operation in an area that is high profile but neutral in impact in the global hard power balance. Going to Mars is simply too hard and too expensive for any one nation to do by itself. Its only an international effort that our species of somewhat-evolved primates will reach another planetary body to pillage and ruin, and that is for the best, as we have well and truly fucked up this 3rd rock from the sun with our incessant, child-like obsession with grabbing everything for ourselves and trying to put our boots on the necks of other peoples.

    Regarding Mars itself, that planet is quite frankly a useless piece of real estate. Mars is a useless little planet with nothing to offer. I don't see people rushing to colonise the Peruvian Atacama Desert, and that benighted bleak-scape is a tropical paradise compared to the Red Planet. I mean, just think about the foolishness of the endeavor. Setting up shop in a radiation/UV-soaked, freezing cold & nearly airless desert a few hundred million miles and 2 years away from any external help/supplies/spare parts, and where it costs several thousand dollars to get a single kilo of payload to low-earth orbit, let alone to Mars orbit. It costs approx $0.5B to get a robotic probe to Mars that weighs a few metric tons, so what price on a 30-40T manned vehicle that is just sufficient for a crew of 3-4 to survive the 9 month trip with minimal cargo capacity and a one-way only landing capsule?

    Final opinion - given the greedy selfish unfeeling clowns that infect our unaccountable Deep State Ruling Elite, this planet will eventually look like Mars - dead, barren, devoid of anything valuable, all used up and blown away. Rampant, insatiable, capitalistic selfishness will exhaust and destroy this planets biosphere just as surely as the solar wind and lack of a magnetosphere doomed Mars to its present fate. Actually, this is an amusing parallel. Mars was doomed due its small physical size. Similarly, Humankind may well be doomed because of the small size of our collective compassion in light of the Human capacity for greed, stupidity and selfishness.

    russia russia russia Who needs Mars when you have all of this... Very Happy

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:58 am

    kvs wrote:
    Don't confuse him with facts such as the actual costs of a Proton launch as opposed to the creaming price set with ULA.   Then we have
    the Proton replacement Angara being even cheaper to build and to launch than the Proton.  Yep, Musk will be "teaching Russia lessons"
    for a long time.  

    The premise of the Rmf post is beyond retarded.   In his warped mind, competition means a last man standing situation, aka monopoly.

    Agreed. Rmf seems to advocate a race to the bottom where everything is sacrificed on the Altar Of Musks Ego.

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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1

    Post  OminousSpudd Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:15 am

    x_54_u43 wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:

    FFS I've had enough of this constant spamming and BS....

    If Musk had access to better engines he would use them.  As it is, while the F9 is shaping up as good launcher, its nothing special (though mindless SpaceX groupie fan-boyz fiddling with themselves in moms basement might disagree). and his reuseabilty scheme is seriously limited and is unlikely to be reliable in the long run.  A horizontal fly-back booster powered by a combo of air-breathing engines for take off and cruising, and rocket engines for ascent to 2nd stage launch is probably the optimum, but winged fly-back booster (like Baikal concept) are the next best option, and will readily leverage off current technological progress on UAV and computerized autonomous flight controls.

    Zenit was wounded because of Ukropistani incompetence leading to poor reliability, and then killed outright by Maidan Nazi stupidity...

    Proton will be killed by FH?????  Proton will fly as long as Russia needs to launch heavy birds.  As long as Khrunichev can sort out their manufacturing, QA/QC and human error issues, they have plenty of scope for sharpening the pencil (Proton costs for federal payloads are a fraction of commercial ILS prices).

    ULA will be killed by Musk????  Sorry, but now you have outed yourself as a foolish fan-boi....

    Russia will develop a SHLV when they are ready, and in the great scheme of things, keeping up with grandiose US plans (that will come to naught due to the future machinations of the increasingly dsyfunctional Yankistani political system) is a fools crusade with no real-world payoff  Keep in mind that sending manned missions to Moon or Mars is nothing more than a giant PR exercise for geo-political purposes (forget the garbage about "science") and represent a colossal sink of badly needed resources.  Once the costs become clear, the Uh'Murican political whores will receive orders from Wall Street to pump cash into keeping the US Ponzi Scheme afloat at all costs, and interplanetary missions will be dumped....

    Now be off with you, and cease this endless vapid, puerile, Russo-phobic tirade and undisguised Musk-worship...

    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    russia russia russia

    And your infatuation with the American Mars project is because why exactly, Mr. Offended? Do you seriously consider it a legitimate program? That's just an exercise in naivety.

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    Post  Rmf Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:34 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    Don't confuse him with facts such as the actual costs of a Proton launch as opposed to the creaming price set with ULA.   Then we have
    the Proton replacement Angara being even cheaper to build and to launch than the Proton.  Yep, Musk will be "teaching Russia lessons"
    for a long time.  

    The premise of the Rmf post is beyond retarded.   In his warped mind, competition means a last man standing situation, aka monopoly.

    Agreed. Rmf seems to advocate a race to the bottom where everything is sacrificed on the Altar Of Musks Ego.  
    where and how did i advocate that??
    its interesting how its basically same whining from some fanboys here as was americans in 90s how their top line new modular launchers (delta ,atlas,...which by the way angara is copying) were commercialy losing to backward russian rockets designed in 60s.
    its same on both sides - denial ,passive agression, and rudeness.
    russian space program got a second chance, you dont get very often in life ,and squandered it...
    not going and seeing no reason to go to mars or anywhere in space just shows how limited these guys are.
    anyway exomars will launch in monday so hoping for the best.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:18 am

    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    You mean like the first soft landing on Mars... the Mars-3 lander on December 2 1971?

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:57 am

    GarryB wrote:
    I bet if Russia went to Mars first, it would cease being a giant PR exercise for you.

    You mean like the first soft landing on Mars... the Mars-3 lander on December 2 1971?

    MRO images strongly suggests that Mars-3 landed sucessfully in 1971. The causes of the loss of transmission shortly after deployment have been debated since, but its been suggested that the fuel loss on the orbiter prevented it entering the correct orbit and it dropped below the horizon of the landing site as the prelim camera scan was being returned. Since the incorrect orbit didn't return the orbiter to the landing site for 14 days (instead of <24hrs) the landers batteries were long dead by that time. This is quite plausible as the radio link was redundant, and BOTH channels failed at precisiely the same time, which is what one would expect from the relay droping below local horizon.

    A pity really, but they did well to get that far at all given the rudimentary technology of the day (only 14 years after Sputnik).

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:02 am

    Rmf wrote:
    not going and seeing no reason to go to mars or anywhere in space just shows how limited these guys are.
    anyway exomars will launch in monday so hoping for the best.

    I never said that. Going to Mars as part of an international scientific effort (including all space faring nations such as US, Russia, China, EU, Japan and India, and with no-one nation (ie US) extolling Lordship over the joint venture) is a great idea to engender global co-operation. Colonising Mars simply because it is there (and because our Solar System has no other better prospects) is an astoundingly bad idea for the aforementioned reasons...

    Agree 100% on ExoMars. Finally something we see eye-to-eye on! Very Happy
    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:48 pm

    Upgraded Proton rocket to be launched on April 28

    The first launch of an upgraded version of the Proton-M carrier rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome is scheduled for the end of April, a source in the space rocket industry told Interfax-AVN on Friday.

    "By now, the Proton-M has passed three stages of modernization in order to raise its energy potentials. The first launch of the Proton-M of the fourth, last stage of modernization, has been slated for April 28," the source said.

    This launch is expected to put in orbit the Intelsat 31 telecommunications satellite, he said.

    "The Proton-M rocket of the fourth stage of modernization, using a Briz-M upper stage, will be able to deliver a satellite of up to 6,300 kilograms to a transit orbit before the geostationary one," the source said.

    The first launch of the Proton-M rocket of the first stage of modernization was in 2004, the second stage in 2007, and the third one in 2009, the source said.


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    Post  George1 Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:16 am

    Τhis is the 3rd Resurs-P satellite that has been launched


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    Post  Austin Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:01 pm

    Sad news one of the Solar Panels of Resours-P has failed to deploy

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    Post  George1 Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:03 pm

    BAIKONUR, March 14. /TASS/. The space vehicles of the Russian-European inter-planetary mission ExoMars-2016 have successfully separated from the third stage of Russia’s Proton-M carrier rocket, the State Space Corporation Roscosmos told TASS on Monday.

    The Russian Proton-M carrier rocket with the spacecraft of the ExoMars inter-planetary mission blasted off earlier on Monday from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.



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    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:49 am

    One of the most important events for Russia ,in decades ,for its space program ,
    the exo mars 2016 mission and what the Russian Governments does to advertise that
    mission in coperation with the European Space agency?
    a 2 minutes video on ruptly.  Neutral

    Ellos Mosk with his reverse landing event..made a hell lot more noise in promotion than
    Russia travel to mars..

    i just dont understand what is wrong with the Russian government
    is full of Idiots ,and incompetence that do not understand how important is ADVERTISING
    and promotion of its own nation Space program in such important events like this.
    IMHO this is more important than the stupid BRICS or any Gold Olympics , because is
    an historical mission to mars. Not saying that they should celebrate too much yet until mission
    reach mars . But at least they could have done MUCH BETTER than a stupid ruptly video of 2minutes without any interviews of coverage of what is going on. RT cover it in just one page but only reported it very briefly .  

    here is the so so report of this.. just another day for Russia space program.  No

    This is depressing ,for sure in the west not even will be reported Russia being part
    of the mission , just like it wasn't reported when NASA reach pluto in their New Horizons
    mission in atlas V.. which use  --> Russian-built RD-180 engines.   Neutral

    neither the many missions of NASA in mars using Russian engines.  Neutral

    A Perfect example of idiocy and incompetence. this is what i think of the Russian Gov in
    promoting their nation development and relevance in the world. i have seen better advertisements of toilet paper in the west ,than Roscosmos advertisement of its space program.


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    Post  Austin Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:07 am

    ExoMars team has long wait to confirm launch success

    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #1 - Page 36 ExoMars_2016_fairing_release_node_full_image_2

    Artist’s concept of the Proton rocket’s payload fairing releasing in flight, revealing the ExoMars spacecraft. Credit: ESA–David Ducros

    It will take more than 12 hours from liftoff of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter until engineers verify the mission is on track for Mars after a series of critical in-space maneuvers by the Proton rocket’s Breeze M upper stage.

    The Proton/Breeze M launcher has never sent a mission to Mars before, but while the flight profile is different most of the rocket’s missions, the ExoMars launch will not set records in mission duration or complexity.

    The 191-foot-tall (58-meter) Russian-built rocket is counting down to launch at 0931:42 GMT (5:31:42 a.m. EST) on Europe’s most ambitious mission ever to another planet.

    While the marathon rocket mission is not unusual to commercial communications satellite operators who often use the Proton/Breeze M, it is new to scientists and engineers mounting a Mars mission.

    Jorge Vago, an Argentine-born researcher, leads the science aspects of the ExoMars mission for the European Space Agency.

    He spoke with Spaceflight Now on the eve of the launch of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and the Schiaparelli lander, a tandem craft that ranks among the most massive probes ever dispatched to the red planet.

    “It’s a mixture of being happy that we’ve gotten to this moment, and I’m also nervous, of course,” Vago said in an interview.

    Packaged atop the Proton rocket are the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, a platform designed to map the prevalence of methane in the Martian atmosphere, and the Schiaparelli lander, a stationary module that will make an automated touchdown on the red planet Oct. 19.

    “A launch is always a tricky affair, and in particular the trajectory injection that requires four burns of the Breeze upper stage over a 10-hour period,” Vago said. “Each one of those has to work just fine to put us on the right trajectory to get to Mars.”

    The Proton rocket will pitch east-northeast from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the ExoMars spacecraft, soaring on more than 2 million pounds of thrust from six first stage RD-276 engines.

    The major events of the ExoMars launch are listed below:

       T+00:00:00 — Liftoff
       T+00:02:00 — First Stage Separation/Second Stage Ignition
       T+00:05:27 — Second Stage Separation/Third Stage Ignition
       T+00:05:47 — Payload Fairing Jettison
       T+00:09:42 — Third Stage Separation from Breeze M
       T+00:10:16 — First Breeze M Ignition
       T+01:38:04 — Second Breeze M Ignition
       T+03:52:16 — Third Breeze M Ignition
       T+10:16:10 — Fourth Breeze M Ignition
       T+10:41:18 — ExoMars Separation

    “It’s not just a case of watching the launch, and then saying, ‘Yippee, everything went OK,'” Vago said. “We have and sit and bite our nails for another 10 hours.”

    The Breeze M main engine firings will propel the ExoMars payload higher and faster on the way to Mars, building up enough energy to escape the bonds of Earth’s gravity.

    Deployment of the 9,550-pound (4,332-kilogram) ExoMars spacecraft from the Breeze M upper stage is set for 2012 GMT (4:12 p.m. EDT).

    “Shortly thereafter, we will deploy the solar panels,” Vago said. “Once that has happened, and we know that the Breeze upper stage worked OK, then I think we can pop the cork.”

    Ground controllers at the European Space Operations Center in Darmstadt, Germany, expect to receive signals from the Trace Gas Orbiter around 2128 GMT (5:28 p.m. EDT) via a ground station in Malindi, Kenya. The communications pass will give engineers confirmation the spacecraft is healthy following launch, and officials also hope to verify the extension of the orbiter’s power-generating solar panels.

    Often used to propel communications satellites into high-altitude orbits thousands of miles above Earth, the Proton/Breeze M combo has flown 87 times since 2001. The Proton’s core booster has been flying since 1965, amassing 410 missions launching commercial and Russian military satellites.

    But the launcher’s track record in recent years has been spotty, at best, with six failures of the Proton rocket or its Breeze M upper stage logged in 49 flights since December 2010. The Proton/Breeze M has a run of six straight successes since its last mishap in May 2015.

    Two of the recent failures were blamed on a design flaw in the Proton’s third stage — a weakness that Russian officials say has now been corrected — and investigators identified quality control issues for other in-flight anomalies.

    “ESA got a report of the last failure and all the measurements they have taken, and they are strongly committed to not allowing this to happen again,” said Walter Cugno, ExoMars program manager at Thales Alenia Space, the mission’s primary European contractor.

    Russia has a star-crossed history with launches of Mars missions, with the last two attempts never making it out of low Earth orbit.

    European space officials switched the ExoMars launches to Russian Proton rockets after NASA withdrew from the program in 2012 due to funding restrictions within the agency’s planetary science budget.

    NASA originally signed up to launch the 2016 and 2018 missions aboard Atlas 5 rockets from Cape Canaveral.

    Email the author.

    Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:26 am

    Exomars (TGO & Schiaparelli) launch is CONFIRMED!!!   russia russia russia russia

      07:29  ExoMars separation

      ExoMars separation confirmed! The Mars-bound spacecraft has been released from the Proton rocket's Breeze M upper stage after the rocket completed a fourth and final maneuver to propel itself out of the grasp of Earth's gravity.

      The fourth burn was supposed to put the ExoMars spacecraft on an escape trajectory.

      ESA has confirmed the fourth burn and ExoMars separation, but the status of the spacecraft will not be known until around 2128 GMT (5:28 p.m. EDT), when it radios ground controllers via communications site in Kenya.

    Subsequently, contact has been made with the ExoMars probe.  Both solar panels are confirmed as deployed correctly.

    $#@&, but is GOOD to see the Mars gremlins of the last 20 years put to bed....    and the trolls will no longer be able to sneer that "Russia hasn't sent anything beyond LEO for 25 years...."

    russia russia russia russia russia

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    Post  George1 Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:11 am

    Russian manned spacecraft docks with International Space Station


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