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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020


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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  Mindstorm Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:01 pm

    sepheronx wrote: US will have a much more superior airforce in the sense of F-35's, and even if the Su-35 is a great aircraft because of its long detection range, the fact that it isn't an LO airframe, will obviously make it be detected sooner than the Su-35

    Well sepheronx, some of the most renowed domestic names, being also some of the better scientists at world in the sector, such as the Chief Designer at NIIP Vladimir Zagorodny , definitely don't agree with you Wink 

    "Интересно сравнить «дуэльные» возможности авиационных комплексов Су-27СМ2 (Су-35) и F-22A «Сухой», оснащенный «Ирбисом», может обнаружить цель с ЭПР 0.1-0.5 м2 (приблизительно в этом интервале лежит величина эффективной радиолокационной поверхности рассеяния малозаметного самолета Локхид Мартин F/A-22A) на дистанции 165-240 км. В то же время, американский истребитель «видит» своего противника с ЭПР 1 м2 на дистанции лишь 200 км (Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2005-2006). Таким образом, малозаметный «Рэптор» со своей АФАР по части бортового радиолокационного комплекса не имеет никаких реальных преимуществ перед модернизированным «Сухим» в ракетном воздушном бою на «вневизуальной» дальности."

    Metropolitan legends are a thing ; Physical Reality with the real order magnitude and interaction of its phenomenons is completely another thing. Very Happy 


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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  TR1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:44 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    TR1 wrote:I don't understand why they don't just tack on a bigger Su-35 order, but likely this has to do with production capability
    Primarily because the optimum mix of SU 35 , SU 34 and SU 30SM has not been worked out yet .

    In 2011 Zelin had stated that by 2020 RuAF will field 124 SU 34 with the option of raising that number to 140 in another 5 years .

    However, in 2011 the number of SU 30 SM to be purchased was still an open question .

    The only reason that I think the RuAF went for the SU 30 SM is because they wanted an aircraft that is cheaper than the SU 35S and can therefore be inducted in large numbers . Otherwise it does NOT make sense for an Air Force that already has the SU 35S & SU 34 to go for the SU 30SM .

    The introduction of SU 30 SM into the mix actually throws the procurement calculation into a loop . If only SU 35S & SU 34 were part of the equation , working out an optimum mix of aircrafts would have been a lot easier.

    The SU 34 can perform the same tasks as the SU 30 SM , but with almost double its range and about two and a half times its combat effectiveness. The SU 34 is designed as a bomber to deliver strikes to both ground and naval targets, as a fighter to gain air supremacy and as a reconnaissance aircraft. So though it is touted as a bomber , technically it can perform all the 3 roles .

    The SU 35S can also carry out these same functions but will primarily be used to gain air supremacy .

    Eventually , it depends on the strategy document for the next 10 - 15 years that the RuAF will come up with . Armies around the world decide upon strategy and tactics first and then decides what weapon system enables them to carry out such strategies/tactics. This gives manufacturers a road map , an overview .

    So until the RuAF spells out the zeroes regarding it's strategies in the near to medium term the suspended animation regarding the number of platforms ( SU 30SM , SU 34 , SU 35S) to be purchased will continue to reign supreme .
    As I see it there are to big reasons to go with Su-30SM:
    1.) Irkut needs work
    2.) Production capacity there is well-established to make up slow Su-34/35 production.

    That all being said I am ok with 3 platforms from the 3 big factories- why add Su-27SM3 to complicate the picture?

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  TR1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Will be a real waste of money if the rumored birds are not better equipped than the previous new SMs.
    Yes because if every new Russian plane is not a 5th + generation super stealth fighter with AESA radars poking out every orifice then Russia is DOOMED it is DOOMED hahahahaha...

    Or perhaps every Russian fighter does not need to be such, and for most roles 5th gen stealth fighters are dreadful wastes of money in terms of over kill.

    4th gen is fine, but there is a pretty huge difference between the SM/SM3 with its old-school radar and the Su-35.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  TR1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:48 pm

    medo wrote:Up to now, 90 Su-30SM are ordered and I'm sure there will be more and I'm sure they will order more Su-35 too.
    Only 60, they are theorizing another 30 could very well be ordered after 2016.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  TR1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:49 pm

    sepheronx wrote: But face it, in the future and in closer to now, US will have a much more superior airforce in the sense of F-35's,
    Is anybody expecting otherwise?

    It is a simple tale of budgets. The last thing the RuAF should be concerning itself with it matching the USAF one on one.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  Sujoy Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:30 pm

    TR1 wrote:why add Su-27SM3 to complicate the picture?
    SU 27 SM3 is basically upgradation to SU 35S standards ( mostly the avionics package) to the best extent possible . So far I recon 12 have been delivered.

    The aircrafts were originally intended to be supplied as sub assemblies to China under a contract signed in 2009. But China took only partial delivery and refused the rest . So there are a few upgraded airframes that are lying un used .

    There is some permutation and combination here that needs to be done .

    Does it make more sense ( both technically & financially) to upgrade SU 27 to SU 27 SM3 or should they go directly for the SU 35S .


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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty SAP-2020 is budget for procurement

    Post  TR1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:25 pm

    The issue is the Su-27SM3 so far have not been anything as good as Su-35 - No Irbis, none of the same extensive MAWS and EW complex, no 117S ( though they have FM1, not a big issue there ), no TVC, cockpit is not as good, etc.

    Now I am ok with finishing airframes lying around, but I am pretty sure they exhausted those, so any extra Su-27SM3 would be brand new builds.
    Btw, I am pretty sure they are not rated for as long of an airframe life as the Su-35 in any case.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Interview with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:32 am

    "Carry forward the job because of the state defense order the Ministry of Finance, we can not"

    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, what has changed and what has to change in the military-industrial complex

    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters, "b" on how to construct the interaction of the defense industry and the military under the Minister of Defence, over which products need to work on aircraft manufacturers and what to do with the space industry. Mr. Rogozin sure that the revision of the weapons program will not.

    "Military-industrial complex has become a credible platform of dialogue"

    - What has changed in the military-industrial sector, year and a half of your work in the government?

    - Started a fundamentally new legal and regulatory framework for the smooth and efficient operation of the entire defense industry. In particular, the law on the state defense order, introducing flexible pricing for the creation of complex weapon systems. Since January 2014 it entered into force.

    Military Industrial Commission (MIC) into a credible platform of dialogue between industry and the military. It formed part of the specialized tips for creating a new technical basis for the genera and species of the armed forces.

    They included representatives from industry, science and government customers themselves - profile commanders in chief, the heads of special services and law enforcement. It was here - at the professional level - addressing difficult issues that were previously not finding answers, erupted into public price wars. MIC has established a system for monitoring the execution of the current defense order, the effectiveness of military expenditure, the process of forming a complex cooperation of enterprises to create a fundamentally new weapons. By the end of 2012 we went on almost one hundred percent occupancy defense orders. This year, the industry is much more stable. There is a massive upgrade not only the Army and Navy, but the defense plants. We introduce a high-tech manufacturing. As a result - a new weapon began to arrive in the army and navy, such as nuclear-powered strategic missile project "Borei" multipurpose nuclear submarine of "Ash", "muscular", as I call them, corvettes and frigates that outperform their firepower NATO counterparts. In September, the country's leadership at the exhibition in Nizhny Tagil show the first prototype armored fundamentally new platforms "Kurganets", "Boomerang" and the heavy combat transformer "Armata". In the West, there is no such equipment.

    A few days ago, was officially born Rifle concern "Kalashnikov", reviving the production of small arms legendary competitive domestic brands, are joint ventures with leading foreign manufacturers, such as the Beretta.

    Successfully promoted state test fifth-generation fighter T-50, and IL-Russian heavyweight 476. Order it in Ulyanovsk will exceed the figure of 100 aircraft. Building a new nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet of the country. Building a new cosmodrome "East" and the city of Tsiolkovsky. Plants are being built for the new information systems and fire forces air and space defense. In Plesetsk sent a train with a new launch vehicle "Angara" created not by the Soviet and Russian on the drawings. To restore order in the organization of scientific research and in dialogue with the defense of fundamental science. The Fund earned a prospective study. Adoption of a plan of work for the next three years. In November, President Putin will report the first results of its operations.

    - How is the dialogue with the new leadership of the Ministry of Defence?

    - Unfortunately, in recent years the system of defense contracts in the military has been virtually destroyed. Decisions were made on the basis of voluntarism individual commanders, and not on the basis of performance-oriented planning. Each new commander in chief of the state defense order rewriting job on the understanding. For example, there is a new Commander of the Navy, see the ship under construction at the shipyard and begin the move to revise earlier decisions by its technical appearance. He feels that he will make the vehicle better if it is completed at the stage it will "improve", forgetting or not knowing that the improvements in the manufacturing process of a complex system always lead to a deterioration of the system. Of housing already built the ship begin to cut out the individual units, instead insert "glavkomovskie Wishlist." The hull is like a surgeon riddled body of a patient. With the arrival of the new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the appointment of Chief of Armaments Ministry of Defense Yuri Borisova, previously worked as the first deputy chairman of the military-industrial complex, the situation is definitely improved. But still even take time and a concerted effort to establish a system for planning the defense order, and thus qualitatively change the relationship of the customer and the industry.

    - This is the only problem?

    - Of the subjective - yes. But there is an important objective problem. We are now experiencing, in fact, a revolution in military affairs. Dreams of military science fiction become reality - I mean, first of all by the appearance and wide distribution of high-precision weapons. Its mass application in the wars of recent years has turned previous ideas about the forms of warfare. Precision weapons makes the war proximity, and now they will be born not on the borders of states. The scale of the States, the vastness of their territories will lose its significance for the organization of defense in depth. Begins to emerge weapons based on new physical principles. If traditional weapons was based on the kinetic, chemical and thermal influences on the enemy, but now there is a completely new type of weapon. Plus the new speeds - hypersound, whose development is a complex multi-faceted task. Those who do will achieve first call into question the old concept of strategic defense.

    - In what way?

    - When we consider hypothetical scenarios of nuclear conflicts, which were developed in the 60-90s of the twentieth century, they were based on the concepts of the use of the nuclear triad in a preventive, counter, counter-strike and retaliation. With such aggression in the other superpower had time to notch facilities missile warning fact launch missiles from the enemy and give the necessary instructions for the use of weapons of retaliation. With the advent of hypersonic weapons and the possibility of covert use with the territory of neighboring countries or nearby waters in the country are victims of aggression no time to lose in making a decision would not be at all. Everything will happen in a matter of minutes or even seconds. This means that the development of a defense mechanism against attack hypersonic precision means we have to think of the dramatic reduction in reaction time to aggression. The role of human aggression in the identification of and response actions in the event of a real attack will be minimized. By the way, now the missile defense system does not work in an automated and automatic. More and more decisions will have to entrust machines, putting them ahead algorithms action in critical situations. What can it lead to? To the enormous growth of the influence of computers, robots, automated control systems, which are more and more people will drive out of the scope of the decision on the application of retaliatory weapons. You do not like the story about the Skynet of legendary Hollywood film "The Terminator"?

    - Have you already begun to form a new state armaments program until 2025. At that it will focus?

    - New weapons program should be designed to create weapons that will be adequate to each type of hypothetical enemy and forms of warfare that it will impose on us. But in all scenarios, we assume widespread use of precision weapons and robotics, allowing our soldier suppress the aggressor, without entering into contact with him fight.

    - The new state program to place an aircraft carrier there?

    - The aircraft carrier - a weapon of war is not so much how many geopolitical ...

    - We have the "Admiral Kuznetsov", which was due to leave for the repair and upgrading, but never went away.

    - We also have the "Admiral Gorshkov", which will upgrade to the "Sevmash". We're going to him on November 15 to give the naval forces of India (with a new name Vikramaditya. - "B"), so far so without disruption.

    - In the spring discussed the transfer of the cost of the state defense order for 2016. This will affect the performance of all of the current state program as a whole?

    - There are two indicator targets that are defined by presidential decree. And without changing it, we do not have the right to revise these parameters. The concern is that, by 2015, reach 30 percent renovation of the arms, and in 2020 - by 70 percent. Therefore, the job transfer defense procurement blindly in 2016 only because the Ministry of Finance believes otherwise, we can not. At the very least, without a review of the presidential decree. This is the first. Second - the President made one decision: individual tasks of the state program of armaments can be displaced only in the event of unavailability of the industry to execute them in due time, but the program itself, the amount of funds allocated to it are not subject to revision.

    - Do you have confirmed these volumes?

    - We can confirm this is only the State Duma, will vote when the third reading of the draft budget for 2014 and 2015-2016.

    "His plans aviation industry must build for the future in 30 years"

    - How do you see the development of the United Engine Corporation?

    - It has to go in three directions. First - it's rapid recovery in Samara competence in engine for our long-range aircraft. The process is not only complicated, but also very expensive, as it is practically a piece production in a very limited edition. But to do so would still have, as the need to restore and extend the combat potential of the resource strategic aviation. She still serve the country, at least during the period of development and adopting a new strategic bomber, a political decision on the creation of which has already been made by the President. The second area - is the development of a new generation of engines. The first-born in this matter is the Permian PD-14, which will be equipped with a mainline aircraft MS-21. The birth of the aircraft expected in two years. By the way, buyers MS-21 will offer it in two options - with the Russian PD-14 and with the licensing collected at us "American" from Pratt & Whitney. The third area - is import substitution. For example, in a new production site Klimovsky Plant (JSC "Klimov." - "B") in St. Petersburg at the end of this year will complete the deployment of the production of engines for fighter aircraft and helicopters, which previously gathered outside Russia.

    - What happened to the plans of domestic production of civilian aircraft?

    - What do we have here ... Light aircraft we have. There is a veteran of the collective-workaholic An-2 and plans for its remotorization, but the prospects in this niche in the aviation industry while vague.

    In the niche of short-haul aircraft may be promising IL-112 in the civilian version. The military needed a light military transport aircraft, and they are inclined to give to a large order for the Il-112V - the plane on which the design documentation prepared by 95%. In addition, I believe that it would be good for the Indian market and the possible co-production with the country. Indeed, if we have such a large order for the Defense Ministry, why not see the possibility of civilian versions of the aircraft? Not only civil transport, and civil and passenger. Considered. I spoke with the chief designer ILYUSHIN Viktor Livanov. The designer confirmed, we can make a plane with a range of 1.5 thousand km and a capacity of 50 seats. Interesting topic? That's interesting. Although, of course, the last word of the market and the airlines, operators, yet the industry must constantly offer new ideas and machinery.

    Regarding SSJ and MS-21, these aircraft along with liners "Tu" in the coming years will amount to the family of mainline jets of the country, winning for himself the national market, otdavlivaya with him Westerners.

    And the overriding perspective for us is to develop long-range wide-body aircraft. Get out into the market with a completely unique design, without repeating the Europeans and Americans. Partners in China, it makes sense to take. Co-production with the Chinese will give us not only to minimize the risks, but also a huge market that will make the project profitable. Working with partners is already underway.

    Generally speaking, the plans our aviation industry must build for the future in 30 years, no less. Therefore, aircraft engine building and should be considered in the same context.

    - What will happen with the project AN-124 "Ruslan".

    - Upgrade will. There the problem is that the Ukrainian side is very tight for an agreement to provide us with consent to upgrade individual units of this aircraft. But we will not wait any longer, and use the world experience.

    - Negotiations are difficult?

    - Yes. He came from Kiev Deputy Prime Minister Boiko, I had a long conversation with him on the subject ... Sensible man, but to move the debate off the ground until hard. On the other hand, if they do not decide now, then we'll just have to localize at all production. And give up their services completely. Who do they work? With the Chinese? Chinese to sell?China, too, in this respect, far advanced. Why would they Ukraine? I am truly worried about the fate of our industrial cooperation with Ukraine.

    - Designed by An-70 is the same situation?

    - You know, what is it? Then the virtual plane. That's all they say, that he has a unique airflow wing, he takes off with a short strip from the ground ... But here is what we have seen on paper. Due to its technical characteristics, it is almost a direct competitor to IL-476. I will ask the question: why do we mnogoteme besides a series of half-hearted? Do we need to make in our own company, let's say, 50 IL-476 and 50 An-70? We are interested in large batches, in a serious load of our businesses and in their specialization, so that each plant is not turned into subsistence farming. Bear such a large overhead at our low productivity of labor is impossible. Therefore, the decision must be taken. It will happen, I think, in the near future.

    "We need constant help to finally break the vicious circle of accidents and mishaps"

    - How do you deal with the reorganization of the Russian Federal Space Agency and what you had in mind when talking about the combination of the aviation industry and aerospace industry?

    - June 11 held a meeting with the president. A number of participants advocated strongly for the consolidation of the whole aerospace industry within the corporation. However, without specifying what type. State corporations are of two types: type "Rostekhnadzor", where the functions of state client remain with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, or the type of "Rosatom" when the corporation itself and solves the problems of the state order and its execution. Everyone thinks that it is the second type of state-owned corporations is the most effective form, but, in my opinion, the success of "Rosatom" is largely due to the personality of Sergei Kiriyenko.

    Roscosmos case fundamentally different. If, for example, in "Rosatom" are more than 90% of all industrial cooperation, in this figure Roskosmos than 50%. Second, the problems in the aerospace industry so much that the government is just not right to give the industry an opportunity to figure them out on your own. It needs constant help to finally break the vicious circle of accidents and mishaps that with such annoyance discussed our entire society. As a result, the president agreed with the proposal Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to consolidate the enterprise sector in the framework of the Open Joint Stock Company "United Rocket and Space Corporation" with the preservation and enhancement of the Federal Space Agency.

    As for the so-called connection aviation industry and aerospace industry, each with only heard what he wanted to hear. It is not a mechanical connection corporations, and on the scientific and technological innovations that will generate mezhsrednye technology. Well, for example, hypersonic missiles that can change in the flight path of a ballistic on wind, it is not as many missiles as prototype of a hypersonic aircraft. Or project "Air Launch", involving the combination of a single set of rocket and space technology and aviation. That's about the same for the future of space and aviation future a unified technical policy and I spoke. But then provoked a stir in bureaucratic henhouse.

    - When can we expect the decree to reorganize the Russian Federal Space Agency?

    - Roscosmos must submit to the government, in the military-industrial complex systematic project: who collect, how to collect, as a federal state unitary enterprises to convert to public companies, both within the corporation to build a production holdings of how to implement a unified technical policy.

    - Are you planning to bring the share of the corporation "Energy" to a controlling interest? Now only 38% of its state-owned.

    - Of course. If brought to the controlling interest, the different options: You can provide subsidies under supply of new equipment, and thereby increase the state's stake. There are other options. I do not want to prompt. It is the task of Roskosmos, they need us to put on the table a draft decision.

    - In the West, much attention is paid to low-orbit communications segment. Russia has only system "messenger" with four satellites in orbit. We will develop this with us?

    - With pleasure. But do you think that we have private companies that are willing to assume the full scope of these works? We have 250 million people are involved in the aerospace industry and in the U.S. - 70 th Our productivity is eight times lower than theirs. Companies duplicate each other's work and thus is not loaded more than 40%. Hence the high turnover of staff, a large number of random people who are not feeling the ancestral connection with the enterprise. Such a crash, as in the July "PROTON", while maintaining a similar situation may be repeated. So you need as quickly as possible and consistently carry out profound reform of our aerospace industry.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:37 am

    If translation is not playing tricks on me , Rogozin is not in favour of supporting An-70 as it seems in direct competition to IL-476 ....which is strange as they are different type.

    Also some issues with An-124 although I dont understand what he is trying to say.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty State Armaments program

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:39 am

    I also read a news report from Kremlin that if Ukraine joins EU Free Trade Agreement , then there will also be in impact on supporting Ukraine Aviation Industry programs as EU and Russia have different standards that Ukraine has to comply in next 10 years or so.

    So I think the support of IL-112V over An-140 and less enthusiasm for An-70 might be one consequences.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:16 pm

    Russian Ministry of Defense is developing a new defense plan for 2016-2020 years

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    Post  George1 Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:22 pm

    Russia's state armaments program must take into account situation in economy — Putin

    NOVO-OGARYOVO, January 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that the state program for armaments extending till 2025 should be consonant with the macroeconomic parameters and the new military doctrine, adopted at the end of 2014.

    “Our plans (for defence) must be realistic, as before, and to be fully consonant with the government’s financial and economic capabilities and, naturally, the circumstances we and the world economy are in now,” Putin said at a meeting of the military-industrial commission on Tuesday.

    In his opinion, “without a fundamental analysis of the situation in this sphere we will be unable to build our plans in the field of defence and security.”

    Putin asked the commission’s members to pay special attention to ensuring the continuity of measures to be taken under the new state program for armaments in relation to the existing armaments program for 2011-2020.”

    Also, the head of state believes that the draft of the new state program must be well adjusted to the provisions of Russia’s new military doctrine of December 25, 2014, which specified new threats to Russia’s security.

    “The priorities in developing, producing and providing the newest armaments and military technologies must be identified in keeping with this fundamental document of strategic planning,” Putin said.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  sepheronx Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:06 pm

    Only 35% of the airforce is modern? Less for army? Wow thats bad. There better not be any cuts or 1) their military will degrade in quality even more and (2) many will be without jobs and businesses can go belly up. Hopefully the government will think this through as well. But I doubt there will be cuts but serious extensions, and it seems that may be what I was guessing would happen, as it seems they are extending it to 2025.

    But if they are saying it has to revolve around the new doctrine as well as economic conditions, I can see them increasing spending on armement as it means more money to local producers, means more tax money back.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  Viktor Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:54 pm

    George1 wrote:State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 1079094

    George my man ... my vote for this beautiful pic Very Happy thumbsup

    and something interesting .... thumbsup

    Putin: Russia will increase investment in the development of advanced weapons

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:50 pm

    Those figures can't be right for those 35% state-of-the-art, they list 46 Attack Helicopters as currently state-of-the-art, while there are already 60 Ka-52 in service alone, around 80-90 Mi-28N and 36 Mi-24VM2 (Mi-35M) and i would guess the numbers of other systems are inaccurate too.

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:51 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Those figures can't be right for those 35% state-of-the-art, they list 46 Attack Helicopters as currently state-of-the-art, while there are already 60 Ka-52 in service alone, around 80-90 Mi-28N and 36 Mi-24VM2 (Mi-35M) and i would guess the numbers of other systems are inaccurate too.

    i think the same too

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Russian state arms procurement program

    Post  Kimppis Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:16 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Only 35% of the airforce is modern? Less for army? Wow thats bad. There better not be any cuts or 1) their military will degrade in quality even more and (2) many will be without jobs and businesses can go belly up. Hopefully the government will think this through as well. But I doubt there will be cuts but serious extensions, and it seems that may be what I was guessing would happen, as it seems they are extending it to 2025.

    But if they are saying it has to revolve around the new doctrine as well as economic conditions, I can see them increasing spending on armement as it means more money to local producers, means more tax money back.

    Isn't that going perfectly according to plan? 30% by the end of 2015, or so. And I guess by "modern" they mean new. Some of the existing equipment, atleast in the ground forces and especially with upgrades is already adequate for years to come.

    Those are impressive numbers to me. 7-10% of the armed forces modernized every year.

    George1 wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:Those figures can't be right for those 35% state-of-the-art, they list 46 Attack Helicopters as currently state-of-the-art, while there are already 60 Ka-52 in service alone, around 80-90 Mi-28N and 36 Mi-24VM2 (Mi-35M) and i would guess the numbers of other systems are inaccurate too.

    i think the same too

    Ummm... I think that 46 means attack helicopters delivered last year, not the total number. Smile

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    State Armaments Program 2011-2020 - Page 9 Empty Re: State Armaments Program 2011-2020

    Post  George1 Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:19 pm

    Russia’s spending on state armament program to reach $40 bln in 2015 — Defense Ministry

    The deputy defense minister said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV Channel that some defense spending items would be cut

    MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. Russia will allocate 2 trillion rubles (about $40 billion) in 2015 to finance the state armaments program, Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova said on Wednesday.

    The deputy defense minister said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV Channel that some defense spending items would be cut.

    "At the same time, the sequestration has not affected the state armaments program. For 2015, the spending totals 2 trillion rubles," Shevtsova said, adding that the funds allocated for defense needs should be tightly controlled.

    Shevtsova said earlier the spending on the state armaments program would not be cut. She added that the program’s share in the Defense Ministry’s budget was constantly increasing, from 37% in 2013 to almost 62% by 2015.

    Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov earlier said the state defense order in 2015 would amount to 1.8 trillion rubles (about $36 billion). In 2014, it equaled about 1.7 trillion rubles ($34 billion) and was planned to be increased by approximately 20%.

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    Post  George1 Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:50 pm

    Russian Armed Forces to Complete 30% Rearmament in 2015 - Defense Ministry

    The task of rearming the Armed Forces by 30 percent by 2016 will be accomplished, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told President Vladimit Putin.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Defense Ministry has not changed plans for rearming its military forces regardless of the economic downturn in the country and by the end of 2015, Russia will have 30 percent new arms.

    “[The Defense Ministry] has signed state contracts, the industrial complexes have been paid in advance, and quality control and acceptance of the armaments and equipment have already been concluded,” Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Russia is currently implementing large-scale military reforms originally launched in 2008. The measures include an ambitious rearmament program expected to cost 20 trillion rubles ($325 billion).

    It is anticipated that 70 percent of Russian Army weapons and military equipment will have been modernized by 2020. The deadline for implementation of the 2008 rearmament program may be shifted to a later term than initially planned, Putin said during a Q&A session in Moscow on Thursday.

    During his 2014 year-end press conference, Putin said Russia's military budget would run up to $50 billion in 2015, despite economic issues.

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    Post  Viktor Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:00 pm

    Q1 2015 - deliveries

    Deliveries of equipment and weapons to the Ministry of Defense of Russia in the first quarter of 2015

    this will come handy in assessing the numbers

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    Post  franco Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:40 pm

    George1 wrote:Russian Armed Forces to Complete 30% Rearmament in 2015 - Defense Ministry

    The task of rearming the Armed Forces by 30 percent by 2016 will be accomplished, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told President Vladimit Putin.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Defense Ministry has not changed plans for rearming its military forces regardless of the economic downturn in the country and by the end of 2015, Russia will have 30 percent new arms.

    “[The Defense Ministry] has signed state contracts, the industrial complexes have been paid in advance, and quality control and acceptance of the armaments and equipment have already been concluded,” Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Russia is currently implementing large-scale military reforms originally launched in 2008. The measures include an ambitious rearmament program expected to cost 20 trillion rubles ($325 billion).

    It is anticipated that 70 percent of Russian Army weapons and military equipment will have been modernized by 2020. The deadline for implementation of the 2008 rearmament program may be shifted to a later term than initially planned, Putin said during a Q&A session in Moscow on Thursday.

    During his 2014 year-end press conference, Putin said Russia's military budget would run up to $50 billion in 2015, despite economic issues.

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    Sounds like from comments he made that although the goal remains to be 70% modernized by 2020 that adjustments will have to be made. Sounds like less brand new and more modernized equipment to me.

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    Post  George1 Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:23 am

    Deliveries of equipment and weapons to the Ministry of Defense of Russia in the first quarter of 2015

    As reported by the Office of Press and Information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, April 17, 2015 at the National Control Center of Defense of Russia under the leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Vladimir Putin was held the next day Unified acceptance of military products coming into service in the army, and objects military and social infrastructure of the Armed Forces.

    Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov reported to the Supreme Commander of acceptance of the results in industrial enterprises of weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE) in the first quarter of 2015 and its delivery to the troops.

    Yuri Borisov said that the Ministry of Defence signed a government contract in a timely manner, industrial enterprises paid upfront funds organized quality control and acceptance of weapons and equipment.

    In the interests of the Ground Forces in the first quarter of the military missions in industrial enterprises adopted new 341 unit of automotive equipment for various purposes, artillery reconnaissance radar system Zoo-1M, more than 1.9 thousand. Radio stations of various modifications, about 70 thousand. Units of portable weapons and equipment.

    Underwent repairs to the modernization of 60 units of armored vehicles, 36 multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G", 24 ballistic missiles.

    In the interests of the Airborne Forces adopted 24 armored vehicles BMD-4M and BTR-MDM "Shell", 483 parachute systems for various purposes.

    In the interest of the Air Force received 19 aircraft, 20 helicopters, 3 new and renovated 11 radar stations. 7 refurbished units of communication, 21 anti-aircraft missiles and 141 aircraft engines.

    In the interests of the Navy adopted ship communication "Yuri Ivanov" and oceanographic vessel "Amber", 4 patrol boats "Raptor", 2 units of support vessels and 8 radar stations for acquisition of naval ships, 40 torpedo.

    Is currently being re-Strategic Missile Forces with modern samples AMSE. In accordance with the schedule of commissioning of strategic missile systems "yars" stationary basing on 24 March in conjunction Kozelsk Strategic Missile Forces shall be a third phase of state testing systems and components of the command post, a unified power system, automated security system. Held intersystem commissioning of equipment in a military unit.

    Particular attention is paid to the Ministry of Defence development of unmanned aircraft systems, the development and introduction into production of new advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a wide range of applications. In comparison with 2013 year increased by several times the purchase of complexes with UAVs, and the Russian Ministry of Defence pays considerable attention to the technical characteristics and reliability of purchased vehicles. Thus, in the event, in the mode of video conferencing director of the company "Izhmash-Unmanned Systems" reported on the delivery of troops 5 complexes with UAVs "Tachyon".

    In connection with the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions implementation of the state defense order is carried out concurrently with import substitution components of Ukrainian origin, NATO and the EU.

    In order to ensure technological independence in the JSC "Nizhny Novgorod Moven" for acquisition of ships organized the production of ventilation equipment, instead of the previously purchased in Ukraine.

    During the event, the leaders of the defense-industrial complex was reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin about ready to send in troops samples AMSE.

    So, in the interest of the Land Forces Joint Stock Company "MZ" prepared for the transfer of 36 modernized 2B17M MLRS "Tornado-G." Arzamas Machinery Plant is being sent to the troops of 10 armored cars "Tiger-M" and 10 BTR-82A.

    OAO "Kurgan" put in the 106th Guards Airborne Division 24 of BMD-4M cars and BTR-MDM.

    Kazan aircraft plant within the GOZ-2015 transferred to the Air Force, two Tu-22M3, the last revision and repair with modernization. On Arsenyev Aviation Company adopted a military representative Ka-9 226.80.

    On completion of state tests and is ready to send in the Navy oceanographic research vessel "Amber" project 22010, reported Director of JSC "Baltic Shipyard" Yantar ".

    Summarizing the results of the acceptance and delivery of AMSE the troops in the I quarter of 2015, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov said, "that the conductivity of a set of measures will allow continuous production cycle, and as a result, the supply of equipment planned throughout the year."

    "The task of re-equipment of the Armed Forces to a level of 30% of new weapons and military equipment will be done", - assured Yuri Borisov.

    In turn, reporting to the Supreme Commander of the results of the reception facilities construction and repair, Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Tsalikov said that in the first quarter of 2015 made 224 object construction and repair, including 131 military special object 38 of housing and barracks Fund and 55 social infrastructure.

    The total area of ​​housing and barracks and social facilities received for delivery in the first quarter, more than 210,000 square meters.

    Total in 2015, work is being done on more than 2.7 thousand. Facilities across the country, including the Arctic regions.

    Commanders of military units, representatives of "General Directorate of arrangement of troops" and Spetsstroy reported to the Supreme Commander of the Implementation of major repair of units of the 80th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Arctic, stationed in the village. Alakurtti, receiving residential neighborhood in the 2,300 apartments for military personnel in Mytischi, commissioning construction projects for placing PTRC "Iskander" in the Western Military District, the social infrastructure of the Air Force Academy. Professor NE Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, house for submarine of the Northern Fleet in the village. Hajiyev, objects housekeeping area Tagil missile compound SRF and the completion of the reconstruction of the training center of naval aviation with ground testing and training facility of naval aviation in Yeisk.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:05 am

    Sounds like from comments he made that although the goal remains to be 70% modernized by 2020 that adjustments will have to be made. Sounds like less brand new and more modernized equipment to me.

    Could be, or it might mean less upgraded or upgraded to a lower standard equipment and a longer wait for new vehicles.

    For instance in the Navy you could give a modest upgrade to a Kirov class vessel so it can soldier on for a decade, but not be amazing or hugely powerful (remember this is a cruiser sized vessel that will have 20 large anti ship missiles as its main armament, while a new destroyer will have 4 UKSK launch tubes for 32 large anti ship or land attack or anti sub weapons). The upgrade will be cheap and simple but after 5-10 years you will probably scrap it as obsolescent. the other alternative is to give it small upgrade now and a more significant upgrade later... upgrade the Granit launchers to UKSK launchers and upgrade the electronics and install sigma and not much else... that way in 10 years when there is more money and more slipway space you could give it a full upgrade and it could serve another 20-30 years with S-400 and S-500 SAMs and of course Morfei and Pantsir and the new 152mm guns and all new sensor arrays of all types.

    Such vessels would be ideal escorts for new carriers and would mean new cruisers could be delayed and be even more impressive.

    Note even just fitting UKSK means that by 2025 it will be carrying Mach 7-8 Zircon hypersonic anti ship missiles as standard.

    The real question is what direction will they take... recent comments about ocean going corvettes suggest a shift from previous practise where corvettes were coastal short range vessels and it was frigates and destroyers that roamed the worlds oceans in groups. With a modern corvette with the fire power of a destroyer and the new sensors to use that fire power it will be interesting to see how they use them...

    Of course they might just save money in the short term with no upgrades to older vessels of all sizes and early retirement saving money to spend on brand new vessels. the same might apply to land vehicles and aircraft...

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    Post  franco Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:53 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Sounds like from comments he made that although the goal remains to be 70% modernized by 2020 that adjustments will have to be made. Sounds like less brand new and more modernized equipment to me.

    Could be, or it might mean less upgraded or upgraded to a lower standard equipment and a longer wait for new vehicles.

    For instance in the Navy you could give a modest upgrade to a Kirov class vessel so it can soldier on for a decade, but not be amazing or hugely powerful (remember this is a cruiser sized vessel that will have 20 large anti ship missiles as its main armament, while a new destroyer will have 4 UKSK launch tubes for 32 large anti ship or land attack or anti sub weapons). The upgrade will be cheap and simple but after 5-10 years you will probably scrap it as obsolescent. the other alternative is to give it small upgrade now and a more significant upgrade later... upgrade the Granit launchers to UKSK launchers and upgrade the electronics and install sigma and not much else... that way in 10 years when there is more money and more slipway space you could give it a full upgrade and it could serve another 20-30 years with S-400 and S-500 SAMs and of course Morfei and Pantsir and the new 152mm guns and all new sensor arrays of all types.

    Such vessels would be ideal escorts for new carriers and would mean new cruisers could be delayed and be even more impressive.

    Note even just fitting UKSK means that by 2025 it will be carrying Mach 7-8 Zircon hypersonic anti ship missiles as standard.

    The real question is what direction will they take... recent comments about ocean going corvettes suggest a shift from previous practise where corvettes were coastal short range vessels and it was frigates and destroyers that roamed the worlds oceans in groups. With a modern corvette with the fire power of a destroyer and the new sensors to use that fire power it will be interesting to see how they use them...

    Of course they might just save money in the short term with no upgrades to older vessels of all sizes and early retirement saving money to spend on brand new vessels. the same might apply to land vehicles and aircraft...

    Good points and certainly part of the challenge of trying to read between the lines of the political doubletalk. I still see the commitment to the 70% which IMO is a must goal.
    As for the Navy, apparently the cost of the 20385 has got so high that it is cheaper to buy a 11356. Which probably explains the decision to order 2 more 20380's and the talk of another 2 11356. The new DDG being planned looks like it could be almost the size of the Slava class and so with the UKSK, it may make a cruiser class redundant. The new 22350 FFG then takes over the role as a light DDG. They then need a corvette with the firepower of the 20385 and the endurance of the proposed 22160. But no matter what course they take with the Navy, most of the present surface ships have reached their best before dates with little opportunity for upgrades.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:45 am

    With the navy there is talk about global use of vessels so you might find vessels with reduced armament to reduce the crew size and increase space for water and food and extra rounds of ammo... so for instance a gun like a 57mm weapon becomes more interesting because it is a very potent weapon but more rounds can be carried than with a larger calibre weapon so it can spend more time at sea further from base before it needs to reload... keeping in mind that a guided 57mm shell that manages a direct hit every few rounds on an incoming anti ship missile makes it more effective than a twin barrel 30mm gatling gun with 2 thousand rounds, because to get an equivalent hit might require 300-400 shells to be fired per target... so less than 10 targets can be engaged before the weapon needs to be reloaded, whereas with guided shells a 57mm gun with perhaps 1,000 shells might be able to kill dozens or hundreds of targets.

    To be a global vessel of course extra fuel supplies and food and water capacity also need to be increased along with any reduction of crew would aide in extending range.

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