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    Russian Army ATGM Thread


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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:34 am

    I did a bit of reading on the Kornet and came up with some interesting info...

    Apparently, there is a sight (1PN80 - Kornet-TS) that enables the Kornet to target through a smoke curtain. Normally that should break the laser targeting.

    For the version of the complex " Kornet", intended for the Russian army has TPV sight 1PN80" Cornet-TS ", which allows you to fire not only at night, but the use in conditions of enemy combat smoke. Target detection range for a tank-type target is 5000 meters. Target recognition at 3500 m.


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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:22 pm

    Smoke is very bad for standard semi active laser homing (SALH) guidance because the laser has to travel to the target and be reflected brightly enough for the seeker on the missile on the launch platform to be able to see it clearly. This means that if the laser is mounted on the launcher that the laser has to travel double the distance to the target to the seeker.

    Things like smoke and rain will of course effect the beam and reduce range dramatically because any smoke the laser actually has to travel through twice... once on the way to the target and again as it reflects through the smoke back to the missile seeker.

    The laser beam riding guidance of the Kornet however, although it uses a much less powerful laser the seeker on the missile is looking directly at the laser emitter so any smoke will have less effect.

    Also you have to keep in mind that humans can't see through smoke because we see visible light. The lasers we are talking about are not visible lasers and use IR frequency light and at specific frequencies IR light might pass through smoke more easily than visible light so light that blocks human vision might not be a problem for these lasers.

    Note that a major user of thermal imagers (which see IR frequencies) is the fire brigade because at night in total darkness in a smoke filled room where even with a torch you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, with a thermal sight they can find people and animals and fire hotspots.

    Note this applies to natural smoke rather than the smoke generated by smoke grenades fired by tanks etc that have smoke formulated to block IR light as well.

    In this case however such smokescreens take a few seconds to fully develop and for the first few metres the missile will likely still see its laser. At 300m/s it will likely only be in the smoke for half a second and would probably impact the target anyway even if it loses contact with the laser beam in the last few seconds.

    For a SALH a tank firing smoke is a problem because the laser spot will be on the smoke and not the tank.

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  NationalRus Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:34 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:well a mounted vesrion is not bad after what 16 years? now....

    Assuming you actually watched the video you'd realise it's a bit more than just a 'mounted' doesn't take rocket science to put a ATGW on a jeep.

    im talking about Fire and Forget ATGMS Rolling Eyes

    and we still don't realy have one, now a prototype, limited use and testing... wow its been how long... the first FGM-148 was build in 1989

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Cyberspec Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:03 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:well a mounted vesrion is not bad after what 16 years? now....

    Assuming you actually watched the video you'd realise it's a bit more than just a 'mounted' doesn't take rocket science to put a ATGW on a jeep.

    im talking about Fire and Forget ATGMS Rolling Eyes

    and we still don't realy have one, now a prototype, limited use and testing... wow its been how long... the first FGM-148 was build in 1989

    It's explained nicely in previous posts, but here's a summary again from the link I posted previously....hopefully it will help you understand the KBP perspective (although I doubt it pirat )

    Experts at Tula KBP, despite the fact that successfully completed work on guided missiles which implements the principle of "fire and forget", refused to implement it, in the complex "Cornet". They believe that the ATGM "Cornet" compares favorably with their foreign counterparts.

    First of all, it used the principle of "see-shoot" and laser-beam control system, which has resulted in greater maximum range, in contrast to the Western concept of building a long-range anti-tank systems on a "shot - forget", in which anti-tank equipped with a passive homing (GOS) on matrices of charge-coupled devices. The foreign concept has remained unsold fully for several reasons.

    For example, the resolution of thermal imaging sight, placed on a mobile carrier, much higher than that of the GOS, so the problem of aquiring the target with GOS to begin with remains technically unsolved. The firing on targets without significant contrast in the far- infrared wavelengths (bunkers, pillboxes, machine gun nests and other engineering structures), impossible, especially in conditions passive optical interference. There are certain problems of scaling the target image to GSN during the missile approach .

    The cost of such a missile in 5 - 7 times higher than the corresponding values for anti-tank complex "Cornet".

    ATGM "Cornet" is characterized by:

    - Simplicity of use - does not require highly qualified personnel.

    - Versatility of application, defeats all the targets outside the range of effective return fire of the enemy;

    - The laser emission coding allows adjacent systems to deliver crisscross fire at different targets or at one target simultaneously

    - high precision combat application, including in adverse weather.

    - The possibility of combat application in conditions of electronic and optical noise (for example, provides protection from the effects of "Shtora-1" (Russia), Pomals Piano Violin Mk . L (Israel), in contrast to second-generation anti-tank systems TOW , Milan -2 T , Hot -2 T , "Konkurs" etc., which in these conditions, sharply reduced efficiency due to inoperable direction-finding channels of the missiles);

    - Block-modular principle of construction of IP, its low mass and size, versatility of attachment points, making it possible to place it on various vehicles, including jeeps.


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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  nightcrawler Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:58 pm

    @ 7:41

    what is this device called & is it against radio guided ATGMs

    They are mistakenly calling it the not yet developed Hermes

    I require other view upon the western claims that Kornet pompous range of 8km(as compared to western ATGMs <5km) is not practical in infantry roles during the battlefield

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:06 am

    nightcrawler wrote:@ 7:41

    what is this device called & is it against radio guided ATGMs

    It's an early APS prototype

    They are mistakenly calling it the not yet developed Hermes

    It's F&F in the sense that it takes the man out out of the loop after the missile is fired. The Hermes will have several different types of missiles with different ranges - radar, IR, laser guided and cluster's not an infantry weapon.

    I require other view upon the western claims that Kornet pompous range of 8km(as compared to western ATGMs <5km) is not practical in infantry roles during the battlefield

    It's not suited for close range fighting. That's what the Rpg's are for

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:48 am

    what is this device called & is it against radio guided ATGMs

    It is SHTORA.

    It is used against wire guided missiles.

    The way a wire guided missile works is that it has a computer on the launcher and an optical telescope for the operator to look through. It also has what is called a gionometer, which is an IR sensor.

    To operate the target is found through the telescope and the operator puts the cross hair on the target and presses a fire button. The missile is launched and it flys towards the target trailing a wire behind it. The computer looks for an IR flare in the tail of the missile and it compares the position of that flare with where the cross hairs are and generates flight commands for the missile to get it on the cross hair. So for example if the missile is high and to the right of the cross hair the gionometer will detect that and the computer will calculate how far from the cross hair it is and send a command for the missile to drop down and turn to the left a bit. The computer continuously monitors the missiles flight and sends commands to keep it on the cross hair... so unless it hit something in the way or runs out of wire or fuel the missile will hit the target.

    Obviously any fire on the battlefield could distract the gionometer so they started using an IR light with a wheel with holes punched in it so as the wheel spun in front of the IR light it created a coded IR light so the Gionometer could tell the missile from an IR flare or something burning. Current missiles like Metis-M1 use IR LEDs that flash at a rate the launcher recognises so it is not confused by other sources.

    SHTORA simply directs an enormously powerful IR beam at the launcher so that it is like looking at a burning matchstick in front of a WWII searchlight... ie the guidance system loses sight of the missile and can't correct its flight and it misses.

    They are mistakenly calling it the not yet developed Hermes

    To continue with wire guided anti tank missiles, the first missiles used a joystick where the operator had to manually fly the missile to the target.
    This was very difficult... especially under return fire.
    This was called Manual command to line of sight or MCLOS. This was replaced by systems like Milan and TOW and Dragon and Konkurs and Fagot with a system called semi-automatic command to line of sight or SACLOS where the computer controlled the flight commands of the missile and the operater simply market the target with his sight.

    This new system is fire and forget in the sense that the operator just presses fire and doesn't need to mark the target. In fact the operator simply finds a target and presses a button to start auto tracking of that target and then presses the fire button to launch a missile at the target. That is all they need to do, so it is fire and forget in that sense.

    I require other view upon the western claims that Kornet pompous range of 8km(as compared to western ATGMs <5km) is not practical in infantry roles during the battlefield

    In any combat you position your resources. You wouldn't put an RPG team on the top of a hill, you'd send them into built up areas where there short range is an advantage.

    Equally a system with a range of 8km and an ability to shoot down low aircraft needs to be somewhere where its range can be used... it could be the top of a hill overlooking the village you are about to attack in Afghanistan or it could be near an outpost in a position where it can be used on any vehicle travelling down a long stretch of road etc etc.

    In mountains and flat steppes and desert and open areas the range would be incredibly valuable because you can often see very long distances.

    Equally its long range means it would be ideal for use on UCAVs.

    Imagine a large raging river you need to cross with your convoy and just as your first vehicle approaches the end of the bridge it explodes. A mine is suspected so soldiers go forward to have a look and there is nothing. With a single shot from a small hill 7-8km away you have blocked a bridge with 70 tons of dead weight.

    This could be a shoot and scoot attack or the start of a full on ambush... or the plan could be as the enemy moves forward to assist the tank that went over first you take down the bridge with underwater charges on the main supports.

    In conventional war it means you can start firing at them before they can start firing at you... it wont always be useful but sometimes it will give you a clear advantage.

    Even if you only use it for shooting down enemy UAVs it is cheap and not effected by the low IR or low radar signature of the target. In Georgia they had to use BUK to shoot down some drones because the IR signature was too small for MANPADS and they flew too high for ZU-23s.

    It's not suited for close range fighting. That's what the Rpg's are for

    Yes. portable RPGs both reusable and disposable are used out to about 500-600m with the RPG-32 getting guided rockets in the near future and RPG-29 perhaps being replaced with a new model with guidance as well. Then they have Metis-M1 out to 2km. They had Kornet next to 5.5km but now they have extended it reach without increasing the missile cost to 8km.

    From what I have read the Hermes will come in a range of types and will be unified with the SA-22 SAM. The Hermes version will have a range of options including MMW radar seeker, IIR seeker, semi active laser homing, and GLONASS guided for fixed targets.

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Mindstorm Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:54 pm

    They are mistakenly calling it the not yet developed Hermes

    I require other view upon the western claims that Kornet pompous range of 8km(as compared to western ATGMs <5km) is not practical in infantry roles during the battlefield

    nightcrawler i will begin with the less important question among those at which i must respond ...ok?

    1) The concept of "fire and forget" has nothing to do with weapon self guidiance (this,in fact,represent only one of the means to achieve the goal), but with the capability offered by some weapon systems to don't require any further effort by part of the human operator after the fire sequence's completion.

    Kornet-EM (which,i remember to you,in spite of its impressive capabilities, is anexport version of a system,for internal usage,surely significatively superior...) is indeed a fire and forget weapon ; rather, in its infantry tripod version even the classical concept of "fire and forget" become a denigration of the capabilities offered by this new improved export version of Kornet.
    Thanks to its very advanced automomous target guidance/following system (a first worldwide) the tripod can be remotely controlled !!

    "It also makes it possible to use its stand-alone (tripod) version which can be controlled remotely." (from KBP presentation of the system)

    That,among the other things, mean that the operating team not only can move after the fire sequence (a process,obviously, not requiring any cooling time to wait for IR FCA to reach the right temperature Laughing Laughing ) but would be in a remote position from the launching unit and probably well hided even before the Kornet-EM shooting sequence !!!
    And that is not all; this single sqaud could,at this point, reach the position of another tripod launcher previously prepared, designate another target -always controling the system from remote and without any exposition even only to choose the target- ,and eveade another time ,letting the automatic guidance do its work (KBP say that capability of the robotic system to follow or reacquire a target,even an high mobile/agile/fast one, is five times those of a well trained human operator of classical Kornet !!); all of that for a weapon capable to engage at 10 km of range ,pratically any modern battlefield asset -with the only exception of very fast fixed wing aircrfat, and very heavily armoured targets engaged instead at 8 km - , with an impressive missile's speed and even equipable with a thermobaric warhead for engage type of targets simply impossible for other system in the same class.
    Pratically this improved export version is litterally on another planet,in respect to any other systems in the same category offered on the international market at today worldwide .....and ,as we well know, the system offered by other producer,western ones in particualar,for internetional buyers don't have an "export version" at all !!!

    2) You lose your time for try to respond to an horribly biased and comically ignorant kid like the guy -a certain 500- in the topic (on another site) you have pointed to me ,when you should,at maximum, "use " it for make some laughts with friends while exposing ,one after the other, the galactical idiocies it utter while attempting pathetically to "promote" hopelessly its beloved Spike family of ATGM Laughing Laughing .

    That is a little extract from the gallery of horrors of this comical guy :For start a titanical idiocy not specifically related to the subject in wiestion:

    " Laser that does not irradiate. Very Happy You are really genius "
    Ah Ah Ah !!!! What legendary ignorant !!! Laser ,or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation , is nothing more than a coherent radiation in a specific wavelenght segment of electromagnetic spectrum, nothing less nothing more; therefore target surface irradiation by part of a laser beam ,like a laser range finder do, is not only obviously existing but is even the only correct physical definition of the phenomenon in question !!! Incredible ,and this authenticate decerebrated toad got also the face to belittle its interlocutor Shocked Shocked Shocked

    Another poster say: "What? how is it (Kornet) not man portable? it is carried in infantry formations the same as the rest." and now the response of our 500 :

    "Kornet missiles weights 29 kg, Spike ER - 13 kg. See the difference? Or u still believe they are same class??"

    Ah Ah Ah ...Oh yes anyone at world see the difference ,above all because the weight of Spike-ER is ....34 kg

    Not only but its launch canister is also about 1,70 m in lenght (167 cm )!!!! Oh yes anyone at world see the difference. Razz Razz Razz

    - Let me clarify for u:

    2) Spike ER is in same class with Kornet and Kornet-D. Spike again is clearly superior here.

    I have laughed for half an hour (i am serious) reading that monstrous idiocy . This poster must be an unaware comical genius.
    Oh yes it has clarified one time for all to be one of the greater intellectually dishonest, presumptuous ignorant on the Earth !!!
    Spike-ER is a missile employable only on vehicles (for the self eveident parametrical reasons i have point previously that this idiot evidently ignore),moreover Spike-ER, like the rest of its sick family,is an authenticate turtle with a speed of the missile of about ......130-140 m/s !!!! Ah Ah Ah (That is the Pulcinella's secret for this abortive family of missile to reach at least a decent operative range) , image that a Spike missile is so slow that ,virtually, it fall perfectly among the target engageable by Kornet-EM !!!
    That don't only mean ,obviously, that a spike missile is a very easy job for any hard kill active defence system (like you well know little increase in speed produce exponentially faster decreases in probability of intercept) and a very easy target even for outdated SHORAD elements ,also in reason of the Spike's lofted trajectory which render not only target designationand interception dozen of times easier but increase even more the time of arrival to its intended target, but would offer to enemy target also more than double of the time,in respect to Kornet-EM (an enormous area) for search a batllefield element (a big rock , a group of trees, a buiding etc..etc..) to interpose between it and the inbound missile ,or to employ soft kill inbuilt or "improvised" countermeasures like putting at 25-30 meters an IR opaque aerosol of Shtora-1's 3D17 grenades (naturally completely useless against a beam rider Kornet-E/EM coming at 270/300 m/s) or entering a near river or irrigation channel among self produced smoke screen etc..etc..
    Spike missile family moreover, like any other weapon relying on missile seeker for target designation and boundary's discrimination (obviously inherently limited by unavoidable physical costraints)is not only very costly but need also a target with clear contrast in order to obtain a reliable lock and that is the main motivation for the clamorous failure of Spike ATGM in the Indian trials.
    Naturally not only Kornet/Kornet-EM enjoy an huge kinematical advantage (both in range and speed)and destructive power on Spike family corresponding (even not taking into account that Spike-ER is only vehicle-mounted ...),but the type of different battlefield targets them can engage from vast stand off range (bunkers,helicopters,budings,UAV,CAS aircraft,IFV,machine gun nests,enemy infantry anti-tanks teams etc..etc..)put Kornet-E/EM simply on a significantly higher level of effciency in a conflict between peer opponents.

    Last edited by Mindstorm on Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Cyberspec Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:26 am

    The only deficiency of the Kornet-D(EM) is the lack of a top attack would be good to add that option to the package.

    But apparently, apart from the L-R Hermes system, they're working on a close range RPG style weapon (produced by which will have a top-attack missile as an option. There's next to nothing information on it but I dug this up on a Russian Forum:

    (rough translation of the original)

    Development of short range anti-tank system with autonomous control system "Autonomy"

    complex "Autonomy" combines the best features of RPG anti-tank grenades - simple construction, high jamming immunity, the implementation of the principle of "fire and forget" and guided anti-tank systems - high probability of hitting, powerful warhead .
    The system enables the a defeat tanks as a direct hit, and from the top (overflying target) through the use of the warhead. The missile control system has a autopilot angular stabilization with high gas-jet rudders, interacting with a supersonic stream Ragon engine.


    -Range - 350 m (both versions)

    Warhead weight:
    - "standard" version (version 1) - tandem shaped-charge - 5.2 kg
    - "top-attack" version (version 2) - 8,5 kg
    - explosive-fragmentation warhead - 8.5 kg

    weight of rocket
    - version 1 - 10 kg
    - version 2 - 15 kg

    Length of rocket
    - version 1 - 1000 mm
    - version 2 - 1250 mm

    Weight of the complex in the firing position
    - option 1 - 14.5 kg
    - option 2 - 19.5 kg

    Developer – TSNIITOCHMASH

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:45 am

    With a range of 8-10km the attacker will have a choice of where to position his launchers for best effect.

    It is normal to position such systems to attack the flank of an enemy force, or for example position them in conjunction with a minefield.

    A mine on its own is not a great weapon as you need to lay lots of them to ensure you get a good chance of hitting tanks, but once one vehicle runs over a mine the enemy will often stop and try to find the extent of the minefield and then drive around it, or bring up anti mine equipment and make paths through it.

    The best use of a mine field is to cover it with Machine guns and snipers so the enemy can't just send soldiers forward to clear a path. Equally the enemy armour force can either send a tank with mine rollers through to clear a path or the whole unit can turn and try to go around the mine field. If they turn then you can shoot at their vulnerable side armour with missiles and concealed guns/tanks. If they clear a path destroying the front tank with the rollers and the last vehicle in the column will trap the other vehicles that can either sit and draw fire or turn and risk running over a mine.

    What I an trying to say is that frontal attacks with just ATGMs would be very rare... and not as easy as KBP would suggest as the first reaction to missiles coming in from long range would be to send out scouts to find where the fire is coming from and then target that area with artillery... just as any Russian tank unit not equipped with modern TI sights that suddenly found TOWs arriving from 4km away at night.

    Thanks for that info on Autonomy Cyberspec.
    I have seen what looks like an RPG-29, but with a fixed tripod and a large guidance/seeker box thing. This might be a further development of that.

    They have also talked about guided rockets for the RPG-32, and of course there is that new system called Baikal that they have not released details of yet.

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  Austin Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:33 pm

    Ok guys details on Kornet-EM from horses mouth Smile

    Military Parade, No. 4, 2011

    Author: Igor Stepanichev, Arkady Shipunov, Lev Zakharov

    Igor Stepanichev - Acting Director General of KBP Instrument Design Bureau

    Arkady Shipunov - First Deputy General Director - Head of Research

    Lev Zakharov - Chief designer in charge of subject area

    Antitank guided missile (ATGM) systems have been developed and manufactured around the world for more than half a century. Over this time they have become the most popular and in-demand type of precision guided weapons, due to their ease of use and relatively low cost.

    Nowadays, ATGM systems are effectively used not only to destroy tanks, but also to engage a wide range of other small targets: enemy lightly armored and soft-skin vehicles, various fortifications, manpower, and infrastructure elements.

    The third-generation Kornet-E system featuring a laser-beam riding guidance system, developed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau and adopted in 1998, was the first ATGM system offering complete ECM immunity and the capability of firing from mobile carriers (platforms). Currently, the Kornet-E ATGM system with a firing range of 5,500 m is the most advanced model of a multipurpose close assault weapon. Its missile load includes missiles with a tandem HEAT warhead designed primarily to engage heavily protected targets (tanks, bunkers, etc.) and missiles with HE warheads intended to defeat a wide spectrum of targets posing a threat on the battlefield.

    A future ATGM system must be a versatile defensive/assault guided weapon capable of handling a wide range of missions in the close-in zone under various combat conditions, moreover available both in portable and vehicular versions.

    At MAKS 2011 International Aviation and Space Salon, KBP will exhibit its in-house developed Kornet-EM multipurpose missile system meeting the current requirements for a future ATGM system, owing to the use of advanced engineering solutions which have given it a number of new qualities.

    The use of machine vision with a target autotracker removes the human from the ATGM guidance process, thus actually implementing the "fire and forget" concept, without using expensive seekers in the missile. At the same time the target tracking accuracy under real combat conditions increases up to 5 times and a high hit probability is achieved throughout the entire range envelope of the ATGM system, which is twice the range of the Kornet-E.

    The capability to engage targets in automatic mode reduces the psychophysical load of operators, mitigates requirements for their qualifications, and at the same time cuts their training time.

    The modular design concept traditional for the Kornet family allows the installation of one or two automatic missile launchers on a wide range of relatively inexpensive small vehicles of various origin (the weight of one-and two-launcher versions of the weapon system together with missile load is 0.8 and 1.2 tons, respectively) with a remote control option.

    Basic specifications of the Kornet-EM system

    Firing range -- 50 - 10,000 m

    Guidance system -- automatic, laser beam riding guidance

    Jamming immunity -- high

    Number of targets engaged simultaneously by a savo -- 2

    Armor penetration of HEAT warhead -- 1100-1300 mm

    TNT equivalent of HE warhead -- 7 kg

    Missile load -- 16 pcs

    including ready-to-fire missiles -- 8

    The proposed variant of a combat vehicle with two launchers provides salvo firing against two targets, thus significantly increasing the rate of fire and firing capabilities of the ATGM system. Like the Kornet-E, the Kornet-EM has retained the capability for salvo firing of two missiles in one beam against one target to penetrate active protection systems.

    Increase in firing range up to 10 km and hit accuracy, the implementation of auto-tracking making it possible to track not only slow ground targets, but also higher-speed objects, have made the Kornet-EM capable of accomplishing a mission that is essentially new for the ATGM system - engagement of small aerial targets (helicopters, UAVs and attacking ground-attack aircraft).

    The effectiveness of the Kornet-EM system against aerial targets is achieved through a combination of a precision automatic guidance system and a guided missile with a thermobaric warhead equipped with impact and proximity target sensors (ITS and PTS).

    The proximity sensor guarantees reliable engagement of an aerial target at all firing ranges. Combined with a powerful HE warhead, the PTS compensates possible misses through effective destruction of an UAV or a helicopter by overpressure.

    The maximum firing range of 10 km range gives the ATGM system an advantage when engaging helicopters - this makes it possible to fire at ranges exceeding the range of enemy weapons.

    The Kornet-EM system includes:

    - combat vehicle with two automatic launchers and operator's panel with a display;

    - automatic launcher carrying four ready-to-fire guided missiles and fitted with a TV/thermal imaging sight incorporating high-resolution TV cameras and a 3rd Gen. thermal imager, a built-in laser rangefinder and a laser missile guidance channel as well as an automatic target tracker with laying servos;

    - guided missile with a HE warhead with impact and proximity sensors having the firing range of up to 10 km;

    - anti-tank guided missile with a maximum range of up to 8 km and a HEAT warhead with armor penetration of 1100 to 1300 mm, which gives the Kornet-EM the capability of defeating current and future tanks, given the tendency to growth in their armor protection.

    The Kornet-EM missiles can be used for firing from a 9P163M-2 portable launcher with an optical channel of variable power (12x and 20x) equipped with a 3rd Gen thermal sight.

    Comparative performance analysis of the Kornet-EM system and its foreign counterparts suggests that the former is superior to fire-and-forget systems 3 to 5 times in terms of combat efficiency when accomplishing missions traditional for ATGM systems, being at the same time simpler in use and maintenance and employing 3 to 4 times cheaper missiles, which are an expendable component of the system and largely determine its operating costs in troops.

    At MAKS 2011 International Aviation and Space Salon, KBP will exhibit its in-house developed Kornet-EM multipurpose missile system meeting the current requirements for a future ATGM system, owing to the use of advanced engineering solutions which have given it a number of new qualities.

    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 1314168011643_4MPD10

    Flight range -- 150 - 10,000 m

    TNT equivalent -- 7 kg

    Target sensor -- impact and proximity

    Max flight speed -- 320 m/s

    Weight with the container -- 33 kg

    Container length -- 1210 mm

    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 1314168011643_4MPD11

    Flight range -- 150 - 8,000 m

    Armor penetration -- 1100 - 1300 mm

    Max speed -- 300 m/s

    Weight (with the container) -- 31 kg

    Container length -- 1210 mm

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    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Army ATGM Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:34 pm

    Top attack doesn't need to be complicated or expensive... a downward firing warhead plus a simple sensor that detects large metal objects and a timer.

    Using Kornet as a basis... it has a laser for the missile to ride and presumably a laser range finder to make sure the target is within range.

    A few simple calculations will give you a quite accurate flight time to target figure that can be used to prevent other objects setting off the warhead.

    Say the target is 2,500m away and that equals a flight time of 7.8 seconds with a missile flight speed of 320m/s. That simply means that a warhead that is triggered by passing over large metal objects could be set to arm after 7.2 seconds so any metal object on the way will not prematurely set off the warhead... and then launch the missile and the laser beam the missile rides could be set a few metres above the tank. If it is flying at 320m/s that means at 0.6 x 320 = 192m short of the tank, or 2,308m from the launcher, the warhead will arm and any significant metal object the missile passes over will set off the warhead leading to a powerful downward HEAT blast.

    Worked for BILL2.

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    Post  KRATOS1133 Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:09 pm


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    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:23 am

    Nice pics, though you should include a link back to Vitalys website when you post them here.

    Actually just thinking about the physics of things putting these Kornet missiles on high flying UCAVs might result in top attack impacts.

    A laser beam riding missile can be fired and controlled from a moving platform.

    We know this because that is one of the improvements of the BMP-2 upgrade as the Kornet missiles can be fired on the move unlike the previous generation Fagot and Konkurs that were both wire draggers.

    However when an aircraft fires a laser beam riding missile if it is flying closer and closer to the target but not descending then the angle of the laser will get steeper and steeper meaning that a missile fired from 4km up and 4km away from the tank horizontally will not just fly down the 45 degree angle beam to hit the target, as the launch aircraft closes on the target the beam angle will get steeper and steeper and while the missile itself will fly a shallower flight trajectory than the laser beam as it closes on the target its angle of attack will get steeper and steeper.

    In other words as the UCAV flys forward the angle will start at 45 degrees and when the UCAV is directly above the target the angle will be vertical 90 degrees straight down.

    The missile is supersonic however and in this sort of diving profile will probably impact at more than its normal flight speed so the missile will likely hit the target well before the UCAV gets above the target.

    Assuming the UCAV gets to 3km away from the target when the missile hits, that results in a right angle triangle 3km by 4km by xkm. The third side is a laser beam so it will be straight (unlike the missiles actual path), so a bit of basic maths says 3x3 plus 4x4 equals xxx... or 9 + 16 = 25 which means x is 5km so the laser beam will be steeper than 45 degrees.

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    Post  medo Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:40 pm

    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 6f3c9910

    Picture of Krizanthema-S from N. Tagil exhibition. It have different optical sight than prototype with two windows, so it could also have TI night channel inside. This give to Krizanthema day/night capabilities in both radar and laser guidance modes.

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    Post  Cyberspec Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:03 am

    It have different optical sight than prototype with two windows, so it could also have TI night channel inside.

    You could be right. We'll see if it's confirmed.

    Here's a better picture from the front together with a Hrizantema-S battery command vehicle

    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Th_616256910_DSC_3677_122_545lo Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Th_616262669_DSC_3672_122_62lo

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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:09 am

    Interesting... the optics are much larger...

    The radar position also seems more substantial with a proper turret.

    The older model had a retractable radar with a large hatch to the rear that covered in when stowed.

    On the command vehicle that flat array antenna seems to have a box it folds back in to as well (note from the photo of the launch vehicle you get a side view of the command vehicle).

    The command vehicle also seems to have a very large box on its rear deck???

    Are they air scoops on its top? Air conditioner? AUX power unit?

    Any body seen a photo of its spec board?

    Considering the Kornet went from 1.2m armour penetration to 1.3m, and from 5.5km range to 8-10km range I wonder what missile performance increase if any this missile has achieved.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:15 am

    Actually if they had any brains... and they certainly do... they should unify the optics with this system and the the optics on the Mi-28N/M as both will be used to guide the same missile in the same way by the "gunners" of both vehicles.

    Would have liked to have seen them go to a quad launcher and if they are going to stick with the arm launcher perhaps made it longer with a radar/optical package on a similar arm next to it so the vehicle could remain behind cover with the sensors popping up to search for targets and then to guide missiles to targets.

    Yes... I am very difficult to buy Christmas presents for... (AK-200 plus a Pecheneg, a APSB suppressed Stechkin machine pistol (yes it is old) and an SV-98 will do this year). Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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    Post  Cyberspec Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:28 am

    Apparently the Hrizantema isn't being considered for Russian Army service. It's seen as a 1990's tech with limited upgrade potential. Looks like they'll be sticking with the Kornet and (hopefully soon) the Hermes as the LR ATGM system

    GarryB wrote:Yes... I am very difficult to buy Christmas presents for... (AK-200 plus a Pecheneg, a APSB suppressed Stechkin machine pistol (yes it is old) and an SV-98 will do this year). Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

    I'm glad we're not relos Smile

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    Post  medo Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:29 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:@Medo
    It have different optical sight than prototype with two windows, so it could also have TI night channel inside.

    You could be right. We'll see if it's confirmed.

    Here's a better picture from the front together with a Hrizantema-S battery command vehicle

    Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Th_616256910_DSC_3677_122_545lo Russian Army ATGM Thread - Page 3 Th_616262669_DSC_3672_122_62lo

    From this angle optical sight in Krizanthema is clearly seen and it have two windows and it for sure have one of Thales Chaterine thermal imagers, which are produced by license in UOMZ.

    This battery post look like a replacement for older PRP vehicles. Radar, which it have looks like small Fara radar, but to use together with Krizanthema it would be better to have larger Credo radar with longer range.

    Would have liked to have seen them go to a quad launcher and if they are going to stick with the arm launcher perhaps made it longer with a radar/optical package on a similar arm next to it so the vehicle could remain behind cover with the sensors popping up to search for targets and then to guide missiles to targets.

    Why not a turret with two quad launchers and radar/EO package in the middle? It seems constructors decided to build this system without turret and that whole components could be stored inside vehicle. That means that launcher capabilities are depending on autoloader capabilities and maybe dual launcher is maximum, what autoloader could support.

    Apparently the Hrizantema isn't being considered for Russian Army service. It's seen as a 1990's tech with limited upgrade potential. Looks like they'll be sticking with the Kornet and (hopefully soon) the Hermes as the LR ATGM system

    As I know, Krizantema is ordered by Russian artillery units. Kornet is also 1990 tech and upgrade potential for both missiles are the same. Khrizantema have one + comparing to Kornet and that is radar mode of using and radar could enable far longer range of using than optical mode and missile could also be faster for use with radar. Limitation is more in optical mode with laser guidance. But with newer stabilized EO sight with Chaterine TI, those capabilities could also be improved, so I wouldn't be surprised if Krizanthema use newer faster missiles with longer range.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:37 pm

    Apparently the Hrizantema isn't being considered for Russian Army service. It's seen as a 1990's tech with limited upgrade potential. Looks like they'll be sticking with the Kornet and (hopefully soon) the Hermes as the LR ATGM system

    Are you sure?

    The Russian AF seems to view Krisantema as the replacement for ATAKA... particularly on their helos where radar and laser beam riding guidance are both useful.

    AFAIK before the new Kornet EM was revealed it was the Kornet that was the dead duck on a BMP-3 chassis and that Krisantema had been ordered as a replacement for the ATAKA and SHTURM system (mounted on an MTLB chassis).

    The new system might have turned heads... especially the light model in the Tigr but I would wait to see the new Krisantema before writing it off.

    Why not a turret with two quad launchers and radar/EO package in the middle?

    Russian ATGM vehicles... I mean dedicated ATGM vehicles tend to have fully retractable systems so with everything stowed away it looks harmless... a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    Putting the optics and sensors on one arm and the missiles on another means you can continue guiding missiles or looking for targets while reloading or simply keeping a lower profile with just the sensors visible.

    Regarding Kornet and Krisantema... both were relatively old systems and the potential for upgrade for both is probably slightly in favour of Krisantema as Kornet is also partially mobile at 29-34kgs for each missile. The Krisantema on the other hand is the successor to the ATAKA series and is much heavier... almost 50kgs and is designed for vehicle use.

    I would like to see the Kornet used in light vehicles like Tigr-M and also replace wire guided missiles on Russian IFVs like BMP-2 etc, but Krisantema is probably a better helicopter fired missile due to its radar guidance linking it to helicopter use.

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    Post  Mindstorm Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:38 pm

    Khrizantema have one + comparing to Kornet and that is radar mode of using and radar could enable far longer range of using than optical mode and missile could also be faster for use with radar.

    Seem that continue to be very easy to forget two fundamental concepts :

    1) Kornet-EM with all its publicized wonderful capabilities and goods is an export model of the same modernized system offered to Russian Army.... and all of us perfectly know what are the huge differences between export and internal versions of weapons in Russian tradition...

    2) Even more important Kornet-EM can be employed also by infantry with a remotely controlled classical tripod launcher : that mean the capability by part of an infantry squad,at now without any equal worldwide, to engage from 8/10 km of distance pratically the whole spectrum of battlefield menaces (from MBT UAV or CAS aircraft to IFV or helicopter) executing the entire fire sequence from a concealed position (even not in LOS with the enemy) and let the robotic guidance engage the target UAV, MBT ,enemy infantry squad, bunker, helicopter etc..etc... while changing position ; even toward a fire position of another launcher previously placed to be remotely controlled.

    Last edited by Mindstorm on Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  medo Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:39 pm

    Russian ATGM vehicles... I mean dedicated ATGM vehicles tend to have fully retractable systems so with everything stowed away it looks harmless... a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    Putting the optics and sensors on one arm and the missiles on another means you can continue guiding missiles or looking for targets while reloading or simply keeping a lower profile with just the sensors visible.

    True and Krizanthema as well as Kornet SP are build by this concept. But in contrast to Konkurs, where 5 missiles are on launcher, Kornet and Krizanthema have autoloaders and autoloader limits the number of missiles on launcher. Of course, after launching the missile launcher goes back in the vehicle to be reloaded, while in that time guidance system guided missile to the target.

    Semm that continue to be very easy to forget two fundamental concepts :

    1) Kornet-EM with all its publicized wonderful capabilities and goods is an export model of the same modernized system offered to Russian Army.... and all of us perfectly know what are the huge differences between export and internal versions of weapons in Russian tradition...

    2) Even more important Kornet-EM can be employed also by infantry with a remotely controlled classical tripod launcher : that mean the capability by part of an infantry squad,without any equal at now worldwide, to engage from 8/10 km of distance pratically the whole spectrum of battlefioeld menaces (from MBT UAV or CAS aircraft to IFV or helicopter) executing the entire fire sequence from a concealed position (even not in LOS with the enemy) and let the robotic guidance engage the target UAV, MBT ,enemy infantry squad, bunker, helicopter etc..etc... while changing position ; even toward a fire position of another launcher previously placed to be remotely controlled.

    Kornet is basically portable long range ATGM to replace Konkurs ATGM. They also build Kornet-SP based on BMP-3, which Russian army also received, but most probably in smaller number. Krizanthema is build as SP ATGM to replace Sturm-S. Modernizing larger Krizanthema missile could also give longer range, higher speed and better penetration capabilities. Krizanthema could in its basis engage two targets simultaneously, one in radar and one in optical mode. Advantage of Krizanthema comparing to Kornet is in its radar. RWRs and radar jammers are not so common in tanks, also radar could search and track tanks in any environment.

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    Post  franco Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:31 am

    The new SP Kornet-E based on the GAZ 233036.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:49 am

    1) Kornet-EM with all its publicized wonderful capabilities and goods is an export model of the same modernized system offered to Russian Army.... and all of us perfectly know what are the huge differences between export and internal versions of weapons in Russian tradition...

    I didn't forget that... but in this case it is negated because the difference in performance between the revealed export performance and the domestic model applies to both systems so the assumed better performing domestic Kornet-EM should not be compared with the export version of the old Krisantema.

    2) Even more important Kornet-EM can be employed also by infantry with a remotely controlled classical tripod launcher : that mean the capability by part of an infantry squad,at now without any equal worldwide, to engage from 8/10 km of distance pratically the whole spectrum of battlefield menaces (from MBT UAV or CAS aircraft to IFV or helicopter) executing the entire fire sequence from a concealed position (even not in LOS with the enemy) and let the robotic guidance engage the target UAV, MBT ,enemy infantry squad, bunker, helicopter etc..etc... while changing position ; even toward a fire position of another launcher previously placed to be remotely controlled.

    Did not forget that either, but we need to keep in mind that Kornet was barely man portable, and that its primary purpose was to replace all the old wire guided medium to long range missiles.
    There are layers of AT systems, as you most probably well know, and they start with the multi purpose unguided cheap RPG out to about 600m or so and include both launchers (RPG-7, RPG-29, RPO-A, RPG-32 etc etc) that are cheap but multipurpose and up till recently unguided.
    The next layer was the short range missiles... the AT-4/AT-3 missiles that have been replaced in service by the AT-13 METIS-M1. Then we have the medium/long range systems like AT-5 and AT-6 (Konkurs and SHTURM and ATAKA) which both could have been replaced by the original Kornet, but weren't. The Kornet pretty much replaced the AT-5 while the ATAKA was being replaced by Krisantema. Now the new Kornet-EM has blurred things up a bit because it substantially outperforms the old Krisantema in armour penetration and range, though I do believe the Krisantema has a speed of 420m/s, which is higher than the 300m/s of the Kornet-EM.

    The advantage of the Krisantema is complete any conditions operation... including in whiteout and brownouts and heavy rain/snow etc etc.

    AFAIK the Krisantema uses command control guidance much like the TOR missiles where the radar tracks the target and the outgoing missile and calculates course corrections and transmits those course corrections to the missile via radar beam.
    This means a substantial radar upgrade would allow multiple targets to be engaged with multiple missiles, and it means the missiles themselves are very cheap because they only need a datalink back to the launch radar, they don't need their own radar antenna or seekers or sensors.

    I would think that the extra weight of the Krisantema should enable performance to be greatly improved with a better warhead and improved rocket motor and smaller and lighter electronics leading to an equivalent jump in range and penetration comparable to that with the Kornet-EM.

    I think the Kornet-EM will replace all the existing ATGMs in Russian units like the AT-5s on BMP-2s, and in BRDMs in anti tank units attached to brigades, but I think Krisantema will be the helicopter "light" ATGM of choice for all helo types and that occasionally Ka-52s and Mi-28s will carry Hermes for heavy targets, but will carry Krisantema more often because it will be carried in packs of 8 instead of 4 with Hermes and for most targets Krisantema will be good enough and much cheaper than Hermes.

    If they can get Krisantema to 12-15km range with a radar that can detect and track the smallest UAVs then it will be worth while too.

    The new SP Kornet-E based on the GAZ 233036.

    It has only one launcher deployed in that photo... the other one is stowed.

    btw it is Kornet-EM.

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