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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Viktor Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:26 pm

    Austin wrote:US working on similar system air based

    Only Russia will have its hypersonic missile type  (flying within atmosphere) ready by 2020 with production facilities also up and chewing by the same time while the US is stuck with its type.

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:35 pm

    Yeah come to think of it, it was USAF that started developing this system first and I remember that all tests were heavily advertised in media and news. They were acting pretty high and mighty about it. And so far none of the tests were fully successful.

    And here you have Russia starting late and successfully completing test run first. thumbsup

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:16 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Yeah come to think of it, it was USAF that started developing this system first and I remember that all tests were heavily advertised in media and news. They were acting pretty high and mighty about it. And so far none of the tests were fully successful.

    And here you have Russia starting late and successfully completing test run first. thumbsup

    Americans are second rate in materials science. Maybe some think that such a claim is funny but there are legacy effects in terms of
    development. As of 1991 the US did not know that oxygen rich staged combustion rocket engines were physically possible because all their
    tests failed. Soviet researchers managed to come up with superior heat resistant alloys.

    These scramjets are a similar problem. How to get materials that don't get ablated away during operation. Those Russian mud hut dwellers
    that don't make anything according to Obama clearly have an edge over the self-anointed master of human achievement, Uncle Scumbag.

    Of course Uncle Scumbag will eventually succeed. Humans in America can be intelligent in spite of their Hollywood bubble of delusion.

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    Post  Austin Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:56 am

    James Bond sounding nuke lifts Russia back to superpower

    This latest project picks up where the Albatros hypersonic warhead project of mid-1980s USSR left off. That project was in response to the US missile defence development and President Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars  program.

    This weapon is designed to be installed instead of traditional warheads on long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles. It starts working at a height of about 96km and flies at its target at a speed of 5-7km per second.

    Before entering dense atmospheric layers the projectile executes a complex manoeuvre directly over the target, one that makes it difficult for anti-missile defence systems to intercept it.


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    Post  gaurav Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:59 pm

    By all estimates Russia has 'completed" the deployment of SS-19 missile regiment (possibly 18 missiles) fitted with 4202 warheads
    at dombarovsky. Pr4202 is a fully deployed /tested weapon at dombarovsky.
    The Testing might have been completed previous year.

    Finally the 4202 is no longer a test vehicle.

    Thats the difference between Russian and American missiles. Russian deploy then and use them in arctic , aleppo , ukraine ..where as American only use them on twitter , CNN, facebook,bbc etc.

    The only thing is that Russia might be using that deployed missiles for its improved testing for improved ,compact warheads.

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    Post  George1 Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:22 pm

    Three Countries Competing to Create 'Next-Gen Suborbital Nuclear Bomber'

    Read more:

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:59 pm

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 W8EmG9V

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    Post  Austin Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:23 am

    Air Force: Hypersonic Missiles From China, Russia Pose Growing Danger to U.S.

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Highspeed-weapons-graphic

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:57 am

    Incredible! Not only do we have confirmation (recently declassified) of working applications of 'Plasma Stealth', apparently it was built into the Meteorite nigh-hypersonic cruise missile:

    Russia declassified the "invisibility cloak" of plasma for cruise missiles

    The plasma gun providing missile stealth "Meteorite", a training manual for future designers

    Russia declassified the "invisibility cloak" of plasma for cruise missiles

    Strategic supersonic cruise missile 3M-25 "Meteorite" (P-750) with photo site
    The plasma gun providing missile stealth "Meteorite", a training manual for future designers

    Scientific and Engineering Production Association (NPO Mash) declassified a unique plasma gun, made invisible to enemy radar and air defense systems strategic supersonic cruise missile 3M25 "meteorite". At the time of irradiation by enemy radar "Meteor" created around it impenetrable for the radar radiation cloud of ionized gas. Unique gun will be within the next year transferred to the Russian universities as a textbook for future engineers and designers in the design of hypersonic vehicles.

    As told to "News" in the NPO Mash, is currently negotiating the transfer of unique products come with the leadership of the Moscow Aviation Institute, National Technical University. NE Bauman, the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmech" them. DF Ustinova and Ural State University. BN Yeltsin.

    According to the tactical-technical task 3M25 was supposed to fly at speeds close to hypersonic, and thus be invisible to enemy radar. But designers Mash NGOs faced the problem.

    - It is best when irradiated plane or cruise missile radar can see the blades of the turbine engine and the inlet edge. These design elements like corner reflectors, - says the "News" editor in chief of Internet project Militaryrussia Dmitry Kornev. - Hiding from the radar of these structural elements, the problem with the radar signature of the aircraft is decided by 70-80%. Therefore, stealth planes make the air intake in the form of the Latin letter S. His bending blocks the passage of radio waves, but at the same time does not allow a rocket or an aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds.

    Designers NPO Mash equipped product normal air intake, allowing to develop a supersonic speed, and protect it from enemy radar from a plasma screen TV.

    Plasma - a quasi- neutral ionized gas. On the one hand, it completely absorbs radar radiation, on the other - can itself be an antenna for transmitting signals.

    The plasma screen on the "Meteor" formed a special electronic device - "plasma gun", created by the specialists of Keldysh Research Center. The unique device is located in the air intake of jet engine and a rocket during an emergency as it unfolds in front of the rocket "metal radio-network". In effect, it is electricity generated special electric plant, powered by a propulsion rocket engine worked.

    One of the developers of "plasma gun" director of the Keldysh Center Anatoly Koroteev described "Izvestia" how it works:

    - If you throw a tennis ball against the wall, it will bounce back and return, - says the expert. - Similarly, the radar signal reflected from the aircraft and returns to the receiving antenna. If the wall of angular faces and they are inclined in different directions, the ball bounces anywhere, but do not come back. This principle is based US "stealth". If we impose a wall of soft mats and throw them the ball, he just slap on her to lose energy and fall away from the wall. Similarly, plasma formation absorbs radio frequency energy.

    The complex with a cruise missile "Meteor" was preparing to surrender for service. He was made a full ammunition to be mounted on ballistic missile submarine project 667AM. However, the agreement of the USSR and the USA on the Limitation of Strategic Arms (SALT-2) has stopped working.

    - Specifically create a plasma screen in front of a cruise missile now is not so important, as it was in the 80s of the last century, when developed "Meteorite" - told "Izvestiya" Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences Vadim Kozyulin. - The car made under the terms of the then breakthrough missile defense when the enemy could see it only on a collision course. Today, radar facilities is irradiated from the top, bottom, side. Therefore, the only possibility to go unnoticed - is to fly at hypersonic speeds in six or more Makhov. At such speeds around the unit itself forms a plasma cloud. And it is important that in Russia already know how to use it and how radio-protective shield, and like an antenna, which can be used to transmit command and control signals.

    Russia declassified the "invisibility cloak" of plasma for cruise missiles

    So the Soviets had developed working applications of plasma stealth, the only drawback is that it's limited to near hypersonic and above speed missiles.

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    Post  kvs Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:35 am

    They should lay off the pop science in that article, even if they are quoting some government official. Quantum mechanics guarantees that some
    fraction of the reflection will be back at the emitter for any angle of incline. Of course the problem is that the fraction will get smaller the
    more oblique the surface is.

    Using a cold quasi-neutral plasma envelope is based on solid physics. Americans have a problem in this regard. They think that such concepts
    are tin foil hat voodoo. That is not surprising since they do not have the necessary education. BTW, plasma "stealth" begs the question about
    the "revealed truth" that the universe is expanding in the religion called cosmology. There is a vast quantity of cold plasma in space, especially
    enveloping galaxies. Very active galaxies with lots of high energy particle flux, i.e. quasars, just so happen to have the strongest red shifts.
    Before claiming that quasars formed shortly after the "moment of creation" perhaps less dogma and more science analysis is needed. The origin
    of the cold plasma in space is H2 ionized by high energy nucleons emitted by energetic stars and coronal mass ejection events. Due to the low
    density of H2 in space, it takes a while for it to neutralize.

    By assuming that essentially all the photons we observe, no matter how long they have been traversing space, do not interact with plasma, which
    results in energy loss (hence red shift), cosmology has driven itself into a tangled pile of nonsense. The picture of distance is all messed up since
    distance is measured via red shift. Also, the so-called acceleration of the expansion of the universe is more than likely a fail of the current dogma
    much like Ptolemaic Epicycles. Red shift due to interaction with cold plasma does not have to be linear with time (i.e. distance).

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    Post  Austin Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:44 am

    Honorary General Director and Honorary General Designer of JSC "NPO MIC Engineering", Professor Bauman Gerbert Efremov - the establishment and development of hypersonic aircraft

    "The US has not created any real hypersonic vehicle"

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:13 am

    Really if i was Russia ,i will use most of the budget in Hypersonic bombers and space domination and travel to other planets. If you design a super stealth bomber ,using Plasma tactics ,and this bomber can fly in the mesosphere at altitudes of navigational satellites , from 30k to 50km altitude. Then Russia will have a bomber that will be near impossible to stop with traditional NATO air defenses or high altitude missiles. Such bombers will have the power to fly above NATO aircraft carrier groups and take pictures from above of their entire formation and without being detected but even if were detected , they will have no way to stop them ,because will fly in a zone their Aegis defenses can't intercept anything. and neither their combat planes will be able to intercept ,because will fly too high and too fast and will not be visible in their radars if have plasma stealth.  Cool  So such a plasma stealth bomber will force United States to sign a peace deal with Russia and remove the ABM shield in Europe and even remove their military bases from all eastern Europe and any place near Russian borders . If you control the space above any warship of plane  ,then you will have a huge advantage of the capability to fight and without the enemy have a way to stop you or fight back.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:54 am

    If you design a super stealth bomber ,using Plasma tactics ,and this bomber can fly in the mesosphere at altitudes of navigational satellites , from 30k to 50km altitude.

    There are no satellites between 30km and 50km altitude... the atmosphere is thin at that altitude but still thick enough to slow a satellite down and make it fall back to earth.

    The lowest orbit a satellite could operate at would be well over 100km altitude... probably just under 200km altitude or so.

    Then Russia will have a bomber that will be near impossible to stop with traditional NATO air defenses or high altitude missiles.

    The obvious problem there is that while Russia spends money developing such a bomber the west can simply spend some money making something to shoot down bombers of that speed and that altitude.

    Such bombers will have the power to fly above NATO aircraft carrier groups and take pictures from above of their entire formation and without being detected but even if were detected , they will have no way to stop them ,because will fly in a zone their Aegis defenses can't intercept anything. and neither their combat planes will be able to intercept ,because will fly too high and too fast and will not be visible in their radars if have plasma stealth.

    Or they could take pictures with all the new military satellites they are putting up... and of course they could simply fly a few converted civilian airliners fitted with cameras... taking photos is not an act of war and could not be used as justification for shooting down aircraft in international air space.

    So such a plasma stealth bomber will force United States to sign a peace deal with Russia and remove the ABM shield in Europe and even remove their military bases from all eastern Europe and any place near Russian borders .

    How Naive...

    Even if a fully developed mach 15 plasma stealth bomber could be created and put directly into service the west would not remove anything. This aggression would lead to them developing missiles and air borne lasers to shoot such bombers down... which of course they will need to base in Japan and Europe...

    If you control the space above any warship of plane ,then you will have a huge advantage of the capability to fight and without the enemy have a way to stop you or fight back.

    An ABM system can shoot down ICBMs and SLBMs flying at very high speeds (7km/s or so)... what makes you think they would not adapt it to also shoot down bombers?

    Their SM-3 missiles on their AEGIS class cruisers are part of their ABM system... what makes you think they wont adapt them to shoot down hypersonic bombers?

    Plasma stealth bombers could simply be targeted with IIR guided missiles...

    Vann... don't you get it?

    For every measure there is a counter measure and for every countermeasure there is a counter counter measure... there is no winner for long.

    Remember for ages all tanks were dead because ATGMs were so powerful... now it seems armour is winning... the same can be said for aircraft... for ages aircraft were dead because of MANPADS and other SAM systems... new electronic self defence systems suggest that might not be so certain.... it is a continuous war where no one wins for long.


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    Post  Austin Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:12 am

    Hypersonics disrupt global strategic stability

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Hypers10

    Russian HGVs

    With  the  trauma  of  the  collapse  of  the  Soviet  Union  in  1991,  it  is  unsurprising  that  Russia's definition  of  strategic  stability  is  much  broader  and  encompasses  other  'domains'  alongside  the traditional  nuclear  aspects,  including  the  economic  and  social.  Despite  this  broader  perspective,
    nuclear weapons remain integral to Russian strategy and are inseparable from the other domains.

    As  the  Russian  military  has  recovered  since  its  post Cold  War  low,  the  asymmetry  between  its armed  forces  and  those  of  the  US  has  not  only  driven  military  modernisation  efforts  but  also shifted  Russia's  doctrine  in  coping  with  its  primary  competitor.  For  Russia,  the  US  is far  superior
    conventionally  and  therefore  Russia  must  rely  more  heavily  on  its  nuclear  weapons  to  counter perceived  regional  threats,  while  maintaining  its  ongoing  nuclear  modernisation  programmes  to maintain  strategic  parity  with  the  US. With  verification  under  the  2010  New  Strategic  Arms

    Reduction Treaty (the New START Treaty) due to expire in 2021 and limited prospects for further arms  control,  there  is  no  clear  pathway  for  restraining  Russia's  continued  emphasis  on  nuclear weapons.

    From  Russia's  perspective,  regional  missile  defences,  such  as  NATO's  European  Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) missile defence system, or the US's national Ground Based Midcourse Defense  (GMD)  system  have  the  potential  to  undermine  the  credibility  of  Russia's nuclear
    deterrent  unless  Moscow  finds  a  means  of  overcoming  and  penetrating  such  missile  defences. With a reported range of 9,900 km, Russia's Yu 71 has the potential to do just that.
    According to the US, EPAA is not directed at Russia, but was instead developed and deployed with threats from the 'south east' in mind.

    Nonetheless, Russia's perception of the threat to its arsenal from missile defence has prompted the pursuit of HGVs and other forms of military diversification.
    As previously reported in IHS Jane's Intelligence Review in June 2015, Russia's efforts to develop a modern HGV centre around the Yu-71, also known as Project 4202. Other Russian hypersonic work   includes   a   second   experimental   HGV the   Yu -74  which   flew   in   2016   from   the Dombarovskiy test site, near Orenburg, and landed on target at the Kura test site, Kamchatka, and the  short range  3M22  Zircon  HCM,  which  is  expected  to  enter  into  production  in  2018.  Russia's modern  hypersonic  efforts  may  also  reach  back  to  2001  when  it  tested  an  SS 19 'Stiletto'  (UR -100N)  intercontinental  ballistic  missile  (ICBM)  that  could  have  included  a  glide  vehicle.  Project 4202,  with  the  Yu-71  vehicle,  was  first  tested  in  2011.  There  were  several  other  tests  before  its
    first successful test in April 2016. According to the Sputnik news site (which has close links to the Kremlin) in 2016, at least 20 Yu 71 HGVs will be produced, with three per booster missile, thought to be the new RS -28 Sarmat, which is due to gradually replace the SS -19. The same news source suggests the Sarmat will also be capable of carrying up to 24 Yu-74 HGVs.

    Given  Russia's  shift  towards  an  increasingly  diversified  military  strategy,  Moscow's  focus  on hypersonic  technology  ensures  that  both  nuclear  and  conventional  strike  options  will  remain a vailable in the face of ballistic missile defence (BMD), and helps to ensure the flexibility required
    by an interconnected doctrine that blends conventional and nuclear forces. In addition to flexibility, while rebuilding its conventional capabilities Russia has increasingly relied on nuclear weapons as a  continued  symbol  of  great  power  status.  Hypersonic  technology  consolidates  both  trends  by ensuring the continued relevance of Russia's nuclear arsenal and at the same time bolstering its military prestige in the sense that it is not only keeping up with the US and China, but may even be
    surpassing   them.   Speaking   in   2014,   Boris   Obnosov,   head   of   Russia's   Tactical   Missiles Corporation,  said  in  a  news  interview,  "In  my  estimation,  the  first  hypersonic  products should appear ... in this decade before 2020." This estimate was reiterated in 2016.

    Last edited by Austin on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  gaurav Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:14 pm

    Austin wrote:  According to the Sputnik news site (which has close links to the Kremlin) in 2016, at least 20 Yu 71 HGVs will be produced, with three per booster missile, thought to be the new RS -28 Sarmat, which is due to gradually replace the SS -19. The same news source suggests the Sarmat will also be capable of carrying up to 24 Yu-74 HGVs.

    AGAIN THAT sputnik news.When we will learn that Sputnik = CNN. The Russian CNN  aka Sputnik news story are now being passed as official news stories by western media. There is till now no sign of YU-71.Yes lot of test were held but no where it is told that that YU-71 and YU-74 tests were done.

    There was just one sputnik news article on this hypersonic test.

    The main issue here some interfax tells about the zirkon... i think i am right.. recentlyinterfax link told that zirkon test are scheduled within a month or so.

    The western media (Janes) become zealous and starts vomiting from all sources basically Sputnik.

    The hypersonic has become a buzzword , hence janes and English media are quick to launch into a tirade of misinformation.

    Why janes does not take articles from NON-CNN  sources .

    INTERFAX(Recently  a link was given in anti-ship thread "mindstorm').That is real news. Interfax does not give fakenews unlike sputnik.

    There are also lot of positive things going on with Trump coming to power.Recently some info has suggested Russia has cut funding for
    whole series of SARMAT tests posssibly the warheads.(Which are the envy of the west).
    This is a definitely a good sign by Russia towards U.S.Some news propaganda cannot stand that Russia is showing friendship towards Trump hence
    they continue with the series of misinformation.

    Sputniknews at its best
    They are saying 20 HGV were tested  ,this is fake news.
    Russia MOD are clearly told a single payload was tested and a single payload was delivered to kamchatka.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Empty Hypersonic technology

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:37 am

    gaurav wrote:
    Austin wrote:  According to the Sputnik news site (which has close links to the Kremlin) in 2016, at least 20 Yu 71 HGVs will be produced, with three per booster missile, thought to be the new RS -28 Sarmat, which is due to gradually replace the SS -19. The same news source suggests the Sarmat will also be capable of carrying up to 24 Yu-74 HGVs.

    AGAIN THAT sputnik news.When we will learn that Sputnik = CNN. The Russian CNN  aka Sputnik news story are now being passed as official news stories by western media. There is till now no sign of YU-71.Yes lot of test were held but no where it is told that that YU-71 and YU-74 tests were done.

    There was just one sputnik news article on this hypersonic test.

    The main issue here some interfax tells about the zirkon... i think i am right.. recentlyinterfax link told that zirkon test are scheduled within a month or so.

    The western media (Janes) become zealous and starts vomiting from all sources basically Sputnik.

    The hypersonic has become a buzzword , hence janes and English media are quick to launch into a tirade of misinformation.

    Why janes does not take articles from NON-CNN  sources .

    INTERFAX(Recently  a link was given in anti-ship thread "mindstorm').That is real news. Interfax does not give fakenews unlike sputnik.

    There are also lot of positive things going on with Trump coming to power.Recently some info has suggested Russia has cut funding for
    whole series of SARMAT tests posssibly the warheads.(Which are the envy of the west).
    This is a definitely a good sign by Russia towards U.S.Some news propaganda cannot stand that Russia is showing friendship towards Trump hence
    they continue with the series of misinformation.

    Sputniknews at its best
    They are saying 20 HGV were tested  ,this is fake news.
    Russia MOD are clearly told a single payload was tested and a single payload was delivered to kamchatka.

    No kidding, the Yu-71 is an old Soviet 1980's era project, they're implying that SS-28 will be just now getting hypersonic gliders when the Topol-M series already had those characteristics since the 1990's, it's been known that the Topol-M warhead has a "skipping" trajectory:

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 Topol-M%2Btrajectory

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 15 RS-24%2BTrajectory

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    Post  George1 Wed May 17, 2017 2:33 pm

    Right now the Pentagon is developing several hypersonic vehicles as part of the DARPA Falcon Project. The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), which accelerated to about 6 kilometers a second during flight tests in 2015 and 2016, is in the final stages of development now.

    "A US hypersonic glider is carried by a rocket booster into outer space. It then separates from the launch vehicle, speeds up, levels out and glides about 100 miles above the sea level. It maneuvers its way to the target and then swoops down, unseen by radars on the ground, designed to spot higher-flying ICBMs,” Dmitry Kornev, editor-in-chief of Militaryrussia Online, told Izvestia.

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    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 17, 2017 3:45 pm

    George1 wrote:
    Right now the Pentagon is developing several hypersonic vehicles as part of the DARPA Falcon Project. The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), which accelerated to about 6 kilometers a second during flight tests in 2015 and 2016, is in the final stages of development now.

    "A US hypersonic glider is carried by a rocket booster into outer space. It then separates from the launch vehicle, speeds up, levels out and glides about 100 miles above the sea level. It maneuvers its way to the target and then swoops down, unseen by radars on the ground, designed to spot higher-flying ICBMs,” Dmitry Kornev, editor-in-chief of Militaryrussia Online, told Izvestia.

    Darpa's Project Falcon??..... wasn't that canceled or still in some transitioning phase??

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    Post  miketheterrible Wed May 17, 2017 4:08 pm

    US is still off by a while in their hypersonic weapon while Zircon is a reality. In a lot of actuality, they used tech from soviet era and already implemented it in the joint Indian-Russian weapon Brahmos. Refined and now placed for Russian use. So technically, India and Russia beat both the west and China at a hypersonic weapon.

    Russia is developing the system and counter system for hypersonic in a very serious way. They are putting a lot of resources and effort into it.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed May 17, 2017 8:33 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:US is still off by a while in their hypersonic weapon while Zircon is a reality. In a lot of actuality, they used tech from soviet era and already implemented it in the joint Indian-Russian weapon Brahmos. Refined and now placed for Russian use. So technically, India and Russia beat both the west and China at a hypersonic weapon.

    Russia is developing the system and counter system for hypersonic in a very serious way. They are putting a lot of resources and effort into it.

    Zircon is not a competition to this thing. However that new glide warhead for Sarmat is something that can easily get the job done if converted to conventional payload version.

    Sarmat is supposed to carry 3 of them plus decoys. Smaller cheaper version of rocket that carries just one would suffice. Or maybe just use Yars rocket to get it up in the air.

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    Post  kvs Wed May 17, 2017 11:08 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:US is still off by a while in their hypersonic weapon while Zircon is a reality. In a lot of actuality, they used tech from soviet era and already implemented it in the joint Indian-Russian weapon Brahmos. Refined and now placed for Russian use. So technically, India and Russia beat both the west and China at a hypersonic weapon.

    Russia is developing the system and counter system for hypersonic in a very serious way. They are putting a lot of resources and effort into it.

    Zircon is not a competition to this thing. However that new glide warhead for Sarmat is something that can easily get the job done if converted to conventional payload version.

    Sarmat is supposed to carry 3 of them plus decoys. Smaller cheaper version of rocket that carries just one would suffice. Or maybe just use Yars rocket to get it up in the air.  

    Not really. Russia needs a heavy ICBM and not just small mobile ones. Thus having small "heavy" ICBMs in expensive silos does not make any sense.
    Russia never said that the glide warheads would be exclusive to the Sarmat. I am quite sure they will develop a slightly smaller version for mobile

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu May 18, 2017 5:11 pm

    What about RS-26 Rubezh? What is happening with that? It was successfully tested multiple of times and for years. It also has a maneuverable warhead that is hypersonic.

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    Post  kvs Fri May 19, 2017 2:33 am

    miketheterrible wrote:What about RS-26 Rubezh? What is happening with that? It was successfully tested multiple of times and for years. It also has a maneuverable warhead that is hypersonic.

    The glide warhead is the next level of maneuverability. The MARV on RS-26, etc, is maneuverable but there must be limitations.
    It looks like the secrecy about details has made it seem like advanced glide warheads were there from years ago. From project 4202 we
    know this is not true. After the deployment of glide warhead ICBMs with rocket trajectory variation there will be no stage at which the
    US ABM system will see a ballistic or quasi-ballistic target.

    There must be a need for project 4202 if the US tested MARVs back during the 1970s. I suspect that the old MARVs were basically
    jerk-action devices that were not actually engaged in controlled flight (gliding) but just changed course slightly every so often. The
    new glider warheads can probably fly horizontally for thousands of kilometers and engage in all sorts of tricky maneuvers.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Mon May 22, 2017 1:23 pm

    A pathetic and laughable article in the NI titled "Russia vs. China vs. America: The Hypersonic Weapons Arms Race Is Here".  Sounds promising, but the article mostly talks about US wet dreams and the X-51 Waverider tech demonstrator.  They include a brief section on Chinese developments, but write NOTHING about Russian developments - no Proj 4202 HGV tested on SS-19, not even the recent successful tests of the Zircon AShM and its reported Mach7 top speed....

    Read it if you dare, but prepare for the worst.  This is NI going full retard like only they can...   Razz

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    Post  George1 Tue May 23, 2017 4:23 pm

    The all-new Voronezh-class radar stations are able to spot and track America’s hypersonic aircraft designed to bypass Russia’s missile warning system. Until very recently the trajectories of these “fast runners” were impossible to register, much less to track.

    Right now the Pentagon is developing several hypersonic vehicles as part of the DARPA Falcon Project. The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW), which accelerated to about 6 kilometers a second during flight tests in 2015 and 2016, is in the final stages of development now.

    "A US hypersonic glider is carried by a rocket booster into outer space. It then separates from the launch vehicle, speeds up, levels out and glides about 100 miles above the sea level. It maneuvers its way to the target and then swoops down, unseen by radars on the ground, designed to spot higher-flying ICBMs,” Dmitry Kornev, editor-in-chief of Militaryrussia Online, told Izvestia.

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