KomissarBojanchev wrote:I wonder if expertise in ICBM financially helps Russia. They don't seem to sellable weapons so their only purpose seems to be prestige and ensuring MAD. But MAD is already assured because Russian ICBMs are all far more advanced than any US nuclear carrier system.
Also could the sarmat help Russian foreign policy?
No ..
Russian nukes , and Sarmat and any Nuclear Submarine.. does not help in any way, shape or form Russia foreign policy.
Its only a deterrence weapon , to scare Russian enemies ,US and closest allies from seeking a direct nuclear confrontation with Russia or try anything involving a NATO invasion on Russia or from blocking Russia sea routes..
It neither helps Russia economy because Russia does not export their nukes .
So Sarmat guarantee Russia will never be attacked ?No.. look at Turkey attack on Russian plane.. and the attack of Alqaeda-Pentagon on Russian base on Syria.
that got 2 soldiers killed and some planes damaged. So Russian nukes are not a shield against Hostilities from
NATO and other enemies.. Russia will continue losing civilian planes ,its cities bombed by terror attacks and its military killed .consequences of western sponsored -financed terrorism and color revolutions .
So if Sarmat really needed? Yes ,.. is an unfortunate need for Russia in order to earn a little more respect in the world.. to guarantee
that no sane President in US will dare to start an open war with Russia or at least not directly. But this does
not apply to mentally to sick leaders that are not sane and have zero morals and values.. Sometime ago , there
was a report on Russian Insider website ,that revealed how 2 Pentagon Generals/or war advisors.. were promoting
a nuclear first strike on Russia with everything they have. and their reasoning was that if they do it right.. that they
will destroy most of Russian military bases...and neutralize most nuclear arsenal and launchers,and so that the retaliation of Russia will be very disorganized and will be much weaker in comparison. and that it was worth of losing
10millions of americans lives and up to 40 millions (from 350millions citizens the have) if in the end they destroy Russia and win the nuclear war. Hillary Clinton was neither sane.. as she was directly promoting war with Russia , neither Erdogan is sane.. IF you give nukes to ISIS or any lunatic Islamic Leader , then for them will not be unthinkable to start a nuclear war with Russia. Because in the end ,they want to die to meet their 72 goat virgins in heaven. So Russia nuclear arsenal , sarmats or not will not help much Russia from being nuclear attacked ,if the control of launching nukes is given to a lunatic ,unstable emotionally man.. like Erdogan, or North Korea Kim jon un.
That is if US is ruled ever by a clinton/Mcain psychopath or if they take the decision to nuclear arm ISIS or Erdogan and lure them to attack Russia.
All said Sarmat is an unfortunate need for Russia. It only reduce the chances of US direct attack on Russia with nukes..
but do not completely eliminates the risk. and neither helps in Indirect attacks from US on Russia ,as is happening
in Syria. Sarmat will allow Russia to launch Nukes from any global direction ,instead of a predictable path that will be the north of Russia ,where Americans have more defenses ,and Russia could for example launch a nuke towards SOuth pole ,bypassing American defense shield in Europe ,and attacking US territory from the south ,instead of north or east or west. So US satelites will not be able to track the missile entire flight path until is closer to US territory. So give them less time to counter it .
So Putin needs Sarmats.. to counter Putin mediocre leadership and its abysmal influence with the west.
As i told Garry ,that does not understand much of Policy , Russia needs to influence the west ,and only west,
whether they like them or not..because NATO is on the west ,and if Russia fails to Influence Americans And/or Europe,
then it will need Sarmat missiles and to spend a fortune on its military as is doing. Because Russia does not lead in the world in civilian business ,where it really matters in time of peace , then Russia have next to influence with the west.
Said in other words for the only thing europe needs Russia is for cheap discounts in Gas.. and for the only thing Americans needs Russia is for cheap rocket engines and taxi to ISS. but US dependence on Russia space tech will change very soon. So meaning the last influence Russia had with American will also be lost.
Putin's Russia have a massive ,influence problem in the world.. and influence /leadership issue.. Only rejected nations ,like IRAN ,Cuba and Venezuela and north korea follows Russia all the time. Not even Belarus is always on Russia side.
and we know what happened in Ukraine.. American/NATO influence over Ukraine of better salaries ,quality of life, better business ,was not match for Russia cheap gas discounts to them.
People likes to follow Leaders ,Winners, people or nations with success ,that lead the way into the future..
Putin's in the other hand ,since he came to power, all his focus have been to turn Russia into a Saudi Arabia of Asia
and with strong modern army and some presence in space.. and that it. So this is why he face Euromaidans in former soviet allied countries.. so easily. .US incited revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine , Moldova ,bulgaria ,former nations allied to Russia... with very ease.. and this is consequences of Putin's Shortsight policies in the world.
Putin's allows Americans to steal the show in everything ,even inside Russia ,his people prefer American technology
over Russian one..because of being inferior or for not having anything at all to compete. So by Putin by focusing in
Energy and now agriculture and Sports so much , Business that while make profits ,it does not help Russia at all ,
in their influence problem.. it does not help Russia to influence its European Allies to leave NATO . So Putin have been
allowing American modern innovative business to completely dominate in the world.. and use iphones and its technology as a weapon of influence... then he depends on American technology and leadership in the world.. offering no alternative and later he complains why no nation takes Russia seriously and that Russia is not respected in the world .
Even Obama gave a favor to Putin ,telling him what is Russia problem.. He told what does Russia make?
Of course he knew Russia have rockets and produce nukes.. and have tanks.. but his message was for the average civilian population in the world.. what does Russia makes ,that civilians can buy? and the answer is NOTHING.
So Putin's vision of Russia is a nation without leadership and without influence in the world. that have a powerful army and wins all the sports medals.. but still have no influence in the business world. and this is from where US power comes.. From its Influence of its business. Control Internet ,Control Bank system. Control technology ,etc etc etc..
so what is Putin doing to counter the massive influence of US Empire in the world. ? NOTHING..
nukes is an influence but in a negative way.. it encourage your enemies to find ways to counter you.
while if Russia was stealing the show in the world , Landing in Mars with humans and producing leading technology
not a refrigerator or a coffe machine .. but real innovative technology ,that takes the world in to the future.. (as it was the invention of internet and computers) then the story will have been different... and Americans will be forced to cooperate more with Russia if wants to have access to Russian innovative business.
Putin is a backward looking leader and he needs to drop the soviet past , almost every month a celebration of a victory of something their ancestors did.. and instead create a modern culture , inspired by modern innovative business. This is exactly what US,UK japan ,South Korea,TAIWAN,Germany and other technology superpowers are doing. Russia needs to imitate the good things the most developed nations are doing in business.and how the most developed nations ,use their business. As a tool of public influence.. as an example.. If Putin invested in Music industry ,not to
promote soviet songs but modern music ,and had success ,creating international recognized bands , that will have far more influence than a hundred of sarmat missiles. So Putin needs so much money to be spend in Nukes ,to counter his mediocre leadership and vision of Russia in the world. Is not more medals in good for nothing sports that Russia needs.
Is not more sochis or more FIFA or more victory parades.. Where Russia needs to win ,is in Civilian Business ,to defeat the most popular business the west have. This will help to disband NATO and get Europe closer to Russia and even change their liberal values too. This is because Modern Innovative business today ,influence everything in people lives.
So Russia have an influence problem..and doesn't look Putin have an idea ,how he promotes the isolation of Russia and
its confrontation with the west. Americans have a system ,an empire in place and Russia offers no alternative to it..and later Putin have the face to complain ,when they are not taken seriously their interest. So Putin offers no alternative to the "American Business World" , and follows their business ,their internet and their banks , in other words ,plays their game under their rules.. and later complains the west is not fair with Russia. Pure idiocy indeed.
If Russia follows American system ,business ,banks, UN,WADA,IOC ,and use their technology then it can complain it don't like it or is unfair for them. Russia face a leadership/influence problem problem , this is the core of all its confrontations with US.. the west only respect leadership and nothing else. and this is why Russia have not been
banned its space program.. because is the only thing Americans respect from Russia,, because they need it.
But Putin the Ignorant.. doubles down on sports promotions and olympics waste of money and in more military spending. while reducing its budget by half in space ,that is the only thing they had to influence US.
Every nation , every human can be influenced.. and money alone is not an influence.
Look at QATAR.. is a very rich nation with a very high quality of life and all their cities looks
like designed for hosting an olympic. the average salary in Qatar is $130k a year.. according to
Obama own words . but still Qatar is seen as a primitive nation ,and their influence is very low..
and Putin only needs to understand what influence the west.
Material luxuries ,Freedom of expression and modern development and entertainment.
Not selling more potatoes and not energy , that is not an influence. it only boost economy but without influence.
Sports does not make people healthy either,. but to get lifetime injuries..for e-penis bragging. it even promote
xenophobhia.. the superiority of one race over another.
Russia needs nukes to counter the abysmal leadership of Putin and mediocre influence of Russia.
if Russia was landing in mars first with humans..and had more advanced and faster computers than the west
and Russia had a modern culture.. the US allies from NATO will be jumping ship already and seeking to join Russia business orbit. Everyone will always follows the ones that lead. and Russia does not lead in the things that really
matter for civilian population.. They don't care about Armata ,for what anyone here needs a tank? or a nuke? this is only need for war ,
when your nation influence failed . ,Civilians ,young generations prefer an an iphone instead ,prefers their internet , their hollywood movies or gaming , over anything Russia offer to them with their business.
which is ZERO. Since Russia does not export anything for civilians in the west ,the ones Russia needs to influence if want to disband NATO , other than Cheap Gas..
So yes Russia needs Sarmats and to continue investing so much on its military..
But this is all consequence of Putin Abysmal leadership and ignorance ,on how to influence the west.
If Russia was a very influential nation ,and did not depended on energy its economy.. then Syria pipeline war will not be happening ,and neither Ukraine euromaidan will be happening. Since ukrainians will want to be closer to Russia and not to Europe. because again People follow leaders.. and not second best or losers.