Firebird Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:32 pm
I think we have to see it for what it is. A bare faced pisstake by scum in Washington and some of the EU.
Lots of Americans I speak to aren't fooled by America's lies for one second. Infact they are deeply ashamed of "Bathhouse Barry" and the other shysters.
America's influence is waning. Europe is in a terrible financial mess. The one thing they have is influence over a lot of states in the West. Russia was never really friends with many of them. The only time America was remotely civil was when America wanted to blow up the Middle East, or suck up Russia's assets via that clown Yeltsin. Half of Europe is just America's bitch.
So where does that leave Russia? Well there is a saying "in for a penny, in for a pound". If Russia gets grief for supporting the Crimea, it hasn't got anything to lose from supporting the whole of the oppressed Ukraine in its struggle against Nazis, terrorists and other Nationalist pondlife.
I can't fathom why America had its ops people on the ground, training up Nazis etc. But Russia and the Party of the Regions etc didn't have a separate group dedicated towards counter-operations. Atleast not to a level that could snuff out the American-Nazi collaboration.
Lets be honest here. This is a war. Right and wrong went right out of the window when America and the EU started supporting Nazis. Or infact supported Savashvilli, invaded Iraq, brought NATO up to Russian borders etc etce tec. Its not a hot war, but its a Cold War, restarted by America and some frends. Unfortunately, you can't read poetry to a mugger, you can't reason with a thief. There is only force - military, media, economic, sponsored guerilla etc etc.
"Free" elections in the West and Central Ukraine would be an utter joke. It cant be done with gangs of animals burning down offices and shooting/sacking judges. Clearly the Ukr. army wants to sit on the sidelines for now. Altho I'm sure some of the animals are ex/actual Ukr military.
My guess is that Russia should keep supporting Donetsk, Kharkov etc and start taking the battle to Kiev and Lvov. Via self defence squads etc etc.
It seems the claim for legitimacy of the new so-called govt is that it actually uses the parliament building. Fairly shit claim, IMO. And what happens at the Donetsk govt office? The Ukr cops (or one of their friends) apparently leaves a bomb there.
A full scale invasion of the Ukraine by Russia would be fairly expensive. But how expensive would be "self defence" squads wth top level equipment? I think much less..
I wonder what the next steps will be? The EU and US are simply trying to smear Russia in the intl community. They know its bullshit, but... as I said...this is war. There is no morality, only force and a thin veil of public relations that in truth stinks of American neo- imperialist shit.
PS I also think that Russia should take the fight to other places. Like funding protest groups in the EU, US and Central America. Americans start to change their tune when they get a taste of their own medicine. For instance, America was a huge backer of the IRA (and Al Qaeda vs the USSR). They started to reconsider terrorism only really after Sept 11th. Shows what a morally bankrupt state it is.