VladimirSahin wrote:Are the tank numbers really that low? That's disappointing. Does anyone know the armor values the tanks in service have?
It would seem to be that there are between 13 -15,000 Russian tanks in use and storage. That would seem to break down to T-72 (60%), T-80 (25-30%) T-90 and T-64 making up the rest.
Active units would be;
2 Tank regiments and 3 Tank brigades each of 95 tanks = 495 total
40 tank battalions in Motor Rifle and Coastal units. Most at 41 tanks with a few at 31. For this argument all at 41 tanks = 1640 total
4 tank training regiments (@95 per) and 1 tank training battalion (@41 per) = 421 total
Each tank unit carries around 10 older models for training and spares x 50 = 500 total
12 Motor Rifle (@41 per) storage brigades and 1 Tank (@95 per) storage brigade = 587 total
Grand total = 2135 front line, 421 training, 500 spares, 587 reserves = 3643 plus the rest in storage.
NOTE: for those that think the front line number is small. Do some research and see how many active M1 Abram battalions (@58 per) are employed in the US Army and Marine Corp?
Last edited by franco on Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total