I have not read his book " the satanic verses , " I have better things to do . But from the title alone , it is obvious to me that : this author did not aim at publishing a scholarly work on religious studies . But he aimed to court infamy , in order at least to attract attention and sell as many copies and make money . He was told before publishing the Book " not to publish it . " Therefore be knew the danger he subjected himself and others by publishing .
But which is worse ? Throwing insult at a prophet of religion or the killing and assassination of the transgression ? In my view killing the offender is far worse a crime . Far worse than a lunatic throwing insults at religion . Muslims should not be proud or happy about this attack .
This problem of blasphemy in the Muslim world , and subsequent killings and executions exists in many countries . The right punishment for an individual who throws insult at religion with the aim of causing public disorder , is at maximum a small fine .
However scholarly and objective historical study of religion should be allowed , even if it is found that it reveals mistakes or problems that contradict the official religious narratives , that are usually subject to political falsification and revisionism . Islam itself has many problems : amputations , early marriage for women , excessive prayers and belief in the " Jin , " an inclusion of pre-Islamic fire God ! Excessive clothing for women , a product of a time , when agriculture and wealth allowed women to choose marriage partners ........
I hope a quick recovery for Mr . Rushdie . Although I dislike his Book , which is a cheap shot at Islam , in order to sell a Book . Muslims need a tolerant and scientific understanding of their religion , it's correct and incorrect points . I dislike some Iranians expressing happiness at his stabbing or likely death . Ayat . Khomeini also wrongly sentenced a lot of innocent people , socialists and democrats , to death . That was and is wrong also .