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    Syrian Civil War: News #3

    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  par far Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:55 pm

    Dima wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    Monarchist wrote:15 iranians killed yesterday including Ahmadinejad former bodyguard, all these so called "successfull offensives" are taking the toll on SAA, iranians, Hezbollah, iraqi shia's yet the Kremlin propaganda machine is in full swing, without any major gains too show about so far.

    SAA is not an army at this point. They are on same level as those "rebels" if not worse. It is like Ukraine, they forgot about army and now they have consequences. Simple as that. Any gains even tiny ones are good as they were loosing territory before. Islamists are not the strongest enemy too, push them hard and they will break.
    I strongly disagree with your view.
    Syrian Arab Army has shown itself (even with its many shortcomings) through the course of this bloody civil war that they are a true professional army and a true national army discharging its duty to protect the sovereignty of the Syrian republic. This message has been loud and clear even to the western world. Western propaganda might be trying to portray SAA as a shia/Alawite army, but it is not. It is an army made up of Syrians of almost all religions and that is hard to digest to the western world. The rotten stuff inside SAA already left the services during the initial days to join their paymasters for good. Likewise, regardless of the western propaganda, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad is also supported by Sunnis, but west plays good and always portrays it as Shia vs Sunni so as to create more fault lines to divide further and destroy Syria.

    All that said, SAA can/need to improve...

    I think the plan is to work with the SAA and turn it into an very effective and efficient fighting force, like it was done with NAF.
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  par far Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:01 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:U.S. Central Command War room, seems they are atm overseeing Syrian/Iraq deployment.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSCN7tGXAAAc2VD

    Russia also has it's own war command room, how is it compared to the American one?

    From the photos, the main one in Moscow seems to be smaller than this 'local' one in Quatar. Something about US money to burn, sorry I meant print.

    I wish Russia had the capabilities to print and burn money, if only Russia had the defense budget of China(China and Russia should switch their defense budgets, have China pay that much to Russia and Russia pays their budget to China, it's not like that China is doing much with it's military budget), Russia already has a very capable military budget that it has now, can you imagine if it was double what they have now. The US budget just dwarfs the rest of the world.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:43 pm

    Some sweet confusion from Financial Times:

    "Syria rebels divided on threat posed by Russian air strikes"

    Nine hundred and thirty-four Russian sorties and the destruction, according to Moscow, of 819 “terrorist installations” in Syria have yet to deliver a decisive territorial advantage for President Bashar al-Assad.

    Losses and gains are measured in terms of buildings, hills and villages rather than swaths of territory, and the net result is a bloodier version of a stalemate between the regime and its opponents earlier this year.

    FirstFT is our new essential daily email briefing of the best stories from across the web

    What this means has divided rebels. Some fear that the ground is being laid for a push that will threaten the survival of moderate opposition forces. Others say the lack of a definitive victory shows the success of their tactics to stall ground advances by the army and the Shia Lebanese and Iraqi militia backers.

    “The battle is better than excellent for the rebels, even though for the civilians the price has been terrible,” said Wassim Saadeddine, an activist from the city of Rastan in Syria’s Homs province — one of the areas targeted by the Russian-backed campaign in an attempt to protect Mr Assad’s hold on central Syria and his stronghold on the coast.

    “Russia pounds us with air strikes and opens the way for Assad forces, but as soon as they advance they come into an area heavily mined by the rebels. They come with tanks, but the rebels push them back with Konkurs and TOW [anti-tank] missiles,” he said.

    Pessimists fear that the worst is yet to come and point out the attacks have been focused on strategic targets. Activists say large hospitals have been bombed in northern Aleppo, which Mr Assad has set his sights on winning back. Strikes have also killed several rebel leaders.
    Syria clashes between regime-backed and rebel forces map

    Opposition headquarters have been flattened in raids that have killed at least 370 civilians and sent tens of thousands fleeing. Finally, regime forces have been able to retake strategic hilltops near the coastal region.

    Such strikes weaken the infrastructure and leadership that opposition forces rely on.

    Emile Hokayem, an analyst of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Bahrain, said: “The effect of Russia’s bombing campaign will be delayed. Rebel forces are not paying the price immediately on the front lines, but [will] later, as supply rooms, command posts and fallback positions are needed but destroyed.”

    As it asserts itself militarily in the Middle East more than at any time since the cold war, the Kremlin is also keen to capitalise on perceived US inaction and to extend its own influence in the region.

    On Friday, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, announced that Moscow had agreed to co-ordinate its military actions on Syria with Jordan, a country that receives about $1bn in US aid each year. Jordan confirmed the military co-ordination, which it said was intended to secure its northern borders.

    In Syria itself, the five-year-old civil war has become a convoluted struggle between the regime, the rebels seeking to end four decades of Assad family rule, and Isis, the militant Islamist group aiming to build a caliphate.

    Russia says it is intervening to stop Isis, which has now taken nearly half of Syria’s territory, though much of that is desert. But more than 80 per cent of the areas it has targeted are held by other rebels, according to a Reuters news agency analysis of Russian defence ministry data. The report bolsters arguments that Russia’s objective is to shore up Mr Assad after a string of blows from both the rebels and Isis that left his remaining territory increasingly vulnerable.

    Many observers say Russia has largely achieved those objectives and may have little interest in or capability to achieve further ground advances.

    Campaigns based on air strikes are no clear path to victory. Israel’s 2006 war against Lebanon’s Hizbollah militia was inconclusive, and a year of US-led coalition strikes has done little to weaken Isis in Syria.

    Activists say the opposition will survive, but the fate of Syria’s already shrinking and embattled cadre of ideologically moderate forces looks worse than ever.

    The goal may not be to wipe out moderates, says Mr Hokayem, but to make it impossible for them to retain influence. “The remaining ones will be too radical for the west to embrace, or too weak to come up with their own political proposals.”

    One Aleppo activist who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of his work, argued that both Isis and other hardline groups, such as Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syria branch, remain comparatively unscathed.

    “The people who still talked about democracy, negotiations and rebuilding — they’ve been the ones dying,” he said.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:26 pm

    ultron wrote:

    Finally! Assad makes the right choice. He never should have run again last year. He was not raised as a politician and he cannot handle the biggest crisis Syria is experiencing. Assad steps down. Make peace with FSA. Call a nation wide election. This is the ONLY way to go forward for Syria as a nation. Assad stepping down is the right thing to do. Stop the war. Stop the killing. Otherwise the war in Syria will never end. Not even 100 years from now.

    Assad making the right choice?. not should have run for elections?. i disagree with that statement.

    Yes, Bashar rather wanted to be an Doctor and did not wanted into Politics to begin with. Does that make him an bad politician?. not at all, he's done an admirable job so far keeping his army and people together in 4 years of warfare against foreign-funded and equipped "moderate psycho's".

    Out of curiousity, if you would stand in Assad's shoes. would you done it any other way?. against people that cut and eat organs?. Burn Pilot's alive in an cage?. or the most recent example of "moderate" throw crew under the tracks of an tank?. Or when these "moderates" come across an Christian settlement what they do to man, women and children. you can picture it being Muslim religious zealots its not very pretty.
    i have first hand experience with such jihadi's and there is only one option, extermination or they will do the same to you. there is no reasoning with these people. its naive to think you can.

    well, could try. but your severed head would end up on youtube if you know what i mean.

    This war was initiated not by Assad but by outside forces, its simply unnaceptable if Bashar goes and Syria,...being the last secular multicultural society in the region thats united and fighting under Bashar al Assad fighting for the last 4 years. if it falls and ISIS stretches across the Middle East It would be the Pandora's Box opening and it should be avoided at all costs while the Yanks and their "friends" seem to try everything to make it happen.

    Russia's right, re-Establish Syria's government control in its territory and stabilize it, then Iraq where im sure they are already talking to. then stabilize Iraq and then perhaps there is room for political steps. but definitely not now.

    At this moment first things first, and its the elimination of ISIS to the last man with every means possible.


    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:35 pm

    Video that "freelance journalist" Wasem Aledel was taking at the moment when he died in airstrike(?), at least so multiple sources tied with militants claim.


    Famous for his tweets aganist Russia.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  ult Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:36 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    From the photos, the main one in Moscow seems to be smaller than this 'local' one in Quatar. Something about US money to burn, sorry I meant print.

    So small...

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 VB4CPC-wGe0

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 JwlRHRe

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 OEfsDNK

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  ultron Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:37 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    ultron wrote:

    Finally! Assad makes the right choice. He never should have run again last year. He was not raised as a politician and he cannot handle the biggest crisis Syria is experiencing. Assad steps down. Make peace with FSA. Call a nation wide election. This is the ONLY way to go forward for Syria as a nation. Assad stepping down is the right thing to do. Stop the war. Stop the killing. Otherwise the war in Syria will never end. Not even 100 years from now.

    Assad making the right choice?. not should have run for elections?. i disagree with that statement.

    Yes, Bashar rather wanted to be an Doctor and did not wanted into Politics to begin with. Does that make him an bad politician?. not at all, he's done an admirable job so far keeping his army and people together in 4 years of warfare against foreign-funded and equipped "moderate psycho's".

    Out of curiousity, if you would stand in Assad's shoes. would you done it any other way?. against people that cut and eat organs?. Burn Pilot's alive in an cage?. or the most recent example of "moderate" throw crew under the tracks of an tank?. Or when these "moderates" come across an Christian settlement what they do to man, women and children. you can picture it being Muslim religious zealots its not very pretty.
    i have first hand experience with such jihadi's and there is only one option, extermination or they will do the same to you. there is no reasoning with these people. its naive to think you can.

    well, could try. but your severed head would end up on youtube if you know what i mean.

    This war was initiated not by Assad but by outside forces, its simply unnaceptable if Bashar goes and Syria,...being the last secular multicultural society in the region thats united and fighting under Bashar al Assad fighting for the last 4 years. if it falls and ISIS stretches across the Middle East It would be the Pandora's Box opening and it should be avoided at all costs while the Yanks and their "friends" seem to try everything to make it happen.

    Russia's right, re-Establish Syria's government control in its territory and stabilize it, then Iraq where im sure they are already talking to. then stabilize Iraq and then perhaps there is room for political steps. but definitely not now.

    At this moment first things first, and its the elimination of ISIS to the last man with every means possible.

    The fact that his army lost a sizable chunk of western Syria, including the entire Idlib province, having failed to clear the capital city of insurgents, despite an overwhelming advantage in firepower over insurgents who lack artillery and air power, is not what I would call doing a good job. In no other country can such failure as president be tolerated. Had Russia not militarily helped, he could very well be dead by now.

    Had Hafez been in Bashar's shoes, the insurgency would have been crushed in 2011 like the one was crushed in 1982. Bashar is too soft. That's why he almost lost his life.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Werewolf Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:50 pm

    ultron wrote:
    Airbornewolf wrote:
    ultron wrote:

    Finally! Assad makes the right choice. He never should have run again last year. He was not raised as a politician and he cannot handle the biggest crisis Syria is experiencing. Assad steps down. Make peace with FSA. Call a nation wide election. This is the ONLY way to go forward for Syria as a nation. Assad stepping down is the right thing to do. Stop the war. Stop the killing. Otherwise the war in Syria will never end. Not even 100 years from now.

    Assad making the right choice?. not should have run for elections?. i disagree with that statement.

    Yes, Bashar rather wanted to be an Doctor and did not wanted into Politics to begin with. Does that make him an bad politician?. not at all, he's done an admirable job so far keeping his army and people together in 4 years of warfare against foreign-funded and equipped "moderate psycho's".

    Out of curiousity, if you would stand in Assad's shoes. would you done it any other way?. against people that cut and eat organs?. Burn Pilot's alive in an cage?. or the most recent example of "moderate" throw crew under the tracks of an tank?. Or when these "moderates" come across an Christian settlement what they do to man, women and children. you can picture it being Muslim religious zealots its not very pretty.
    i have first hand experience with such jihadi's and there is only one option, extermination or they will do the same to you. there is no reasoning with these people. its naive to think you can.

    well, could try. but your severed head would end up on youtube if you know what i mean.

    This war was initiated not by Assad but by outside forces, its simply unnaceptable if Bashar goes and Syria,...being the last secular multicultural society in the region thats united and fighting under Bashar al Assad fighting for the last 4 years. if it falls and ISIS stretches across the Middle East It would be the Pandora's Box opening and it should be avoided at all costs while the Yanks and their "friends" seem to try everything to make it happen.

    Russia's right, re-Establish Syria's government control in its territory and stabilize it, then Iraq where im sure they are already talking to. then stabilize Iraq and then perhaps there is room for political steps. but definitely not now.

    At this moment first things first, and its the elimination of ISIS to the last man with every means possible.

    The fact that his army lost a sizable chunk in western Syria, including the entire Idlib province, having failed to clear the capital city of insurgents, despite an overwhelming advantage in firepower over insurgents who lack artillery and air power, is not what I would call doing a good job. In no other country can such failure as president be tolerated. Had Russia not militarily helped, he could very well be dead by now.

    Had Hafez been in Bashar's shoes, the insurgency would have been crushed in 2011 like the one was crushed in 1982. Bashar is too soft. That's why he almost lost his life.

    Are you an imbecile?

    Hafez would be frontline soldier, the one man army himself and defeat everyone?

    He is not the head of commanding troops around, most of presidents and whatever leaders have no jackshit idea about warfare and it is good that they do not order tactics and troops around. You can't blame Assad, but only admire how he sustained power despite entire NATO and their slaves in ME are throwing at them hundreds over hundreds of terrorist groups all funded and armed, provided with chemical weapons from turkey, backed and propagated by entire western Mainstream Media to label them as just poor rebels trying to free themselfs from a tyrannt and still despite all that effort the criminal Terrorist west has thrown at him he is still there,the state is still functioning. Ukraine crumpeled on first glance, Georgia aswell, Germany occupied which is by far more powerful than little Syria, Poland is already dead and asks russia to give it the final blow while wielding US toys and coughing blood while swearing at russia. I do with all honesty admire Syria and Assad and of course the most SAA. The Syrian Arabic Army has fought on levels US and Russia haven't seen for years, their tank crews have coordinated operations in urban warfare on such levels that most countries could not believe that just a mere arabic nation could get that high skilled and effecient with such underwhelming means and technology they have.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:08 am

    Seems like we again spotted AWM in Syria 2:11 sec, this time even more curious it looks its equiped with BORS Barrett integrated ballistics computer.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Bors-hero

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Monarchist Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:05 am

    Militarov wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSGaUBhXIAAFtte

    Cant say how much truth lays in this but ill anyways share.

    edit nevermind

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  NationalRus Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:22 am

    Bolt wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    ISIS killed Syrian "regime soldier", who was part of captured tank crew by driving T62 tank over him.
    Fucking savages, is there some sadistic cunt hired to make more and more ways to kill their prisoners??
    god damn, they must be cleansed from the Earth for good!

    they must, kinda sad that WMD's cant be used against official terrorist of worst kind that the world didnt saw since century's, they are no army, no rebel group and not a militia but pure terrorist and still the geneva convention must apply? fuck that! Rolling Eyes

    they say you can never really stop a idea, a ideology completely.... but actually you can, with roman tactics!

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:31 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    Bolt wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    ISIS killed Syrian "regime soldier", who was part of captured tank crew by driving T62 tank over him.
    Fucking savages, is there some sadistic cunt hired to make more and more ways to kill their prisoners??
    god damn, they must be cleansed from the Earth for good!

    they must, kinda sad that WMD's cant be used against official terrorist of worst kind that the world didnt saw since century's, they are no army, no rebel group and not a militia but pure terrorist and still the geneva convention must apply? fuck that!  Rolling Eyes

    they say you can never really stop a idea, a ideology completely.... but actually you can, with roman tactics!

    A nice punishment for Jihadists, I say lobotomize them, castrate them, and have them shoveling swine feces for penny's for the rest of their life. A punishment worse than death! Twisted Evil

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  NationalRus Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:37 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:
    Bolt wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    ISIS killed Syrian "regime soldier", who was part of captured tank crew by driving T62 tank over him.
    Fucking savages, is there some sadistic cunt hired to make more and more ways to kill their prisoners??
    god damn, they must be cleansed from the Earth for good!

    they must, kinda sad that WMD's cant be used against official terrorist of worst kind that the world didnt saw since century's, they are no army, no rebel group and not a militia but pure terrorist and still the geneva convention must apply? fuck that!  Rolling Eyes

    they say you can never really stop a idea, a ideology completely.... but actually you can, with roman tactics!

    A nice punishment for Jihadists, I say lobotomize them, castrate them, and have them shoveling swine feces for penny's for the rest of their life. A punishment worse than death! Twisted Evil

    to much work for to long, modern roman tactics would be to get them all and i mean all and quick = VX and Soman

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 T2uqc

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:05 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:
    Bolt wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    ISIS killed Syrian "regime soldier", who was part of captured tank crew by driving T62 tank over him.
    Fucking savages, is there some sadistic cunt hired to make more and more ways to kill their prisoners??
    god damn, they must be cleansed from the Earth for good!

    they must, kinda sad that WMD's cant be used against official terrorist of worst kind that the world didnt saw since century's, they are no army, no rebel group and not a militia but pure terrorist and still the geneva convention must apply? fuck that!  Rolling Eyes

    they say you can never really stop a idea, a ideology completely.... but actually you can, with roman tactics!

    A nice punishment for Jihadists, I say lobotomize them, castrate them, and have them shoveling swine feces for penny's for the rest of their life. A punishment worse than death! Twisted Evil

    to much work for to long, modern roman tactics would be to get them all and i mean all and quick = VX and Soman

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 T2uqc

    Yeah but someone has to shovel swine feces, and my suggestion means you can save tons of money in the process. lol1 Kill '2' birds with '1' stone lol! Wink

    P.S. F*ck the bleeding hearts who have more compassion for Jihadi rats than they do for their victims! I'm looking at you Samantha Power and Zbignew Brzezinski!

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Khepesh Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:02 am

    I have no idea if this is true, or which thread it could go in. However, this article says that the press service of the Syrian Defence Ministry have reported that in the liberated villages of Kafr Azhuz and Kafr Delbo, the remains of two men have been found. Both wear a mix of different NATO type desert uniforms, both are European in appearance as regards hair, eye and skin color, both show signs of sunburn over their shoulders, something even a European looking Syrian like Assad would probably not suffer from, only us "lilywhites", and critically, both had a Ukrainian trident over non color two tone horizontal stripe arm badge, and one had a trident tattoo on his right arm. There are no photos or even a link to Syrian source, but the article says this affair is still being investigated. For a few weeks there has been sort of propaganda talk about pravy sektor going to fight for ISIL, so perhaps at least a few are, don't know.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:18 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:U.S. Central Command War room, seems they are atm overseeing Syrian/Iraq deployment.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSCN7tGXAAAc2VD

    Russia also has it's own war command room, how is it compared to the American one?

    From the photos, the main one in Moscow seems to be smaller than this 'local' one in Quatar. Something about US money to burn, sorry I meant print.

    actually the one posted by the link of Russia is not the only room Russia have. US can have all
    the money in the world but money can't buy quality and performance.Something Russia have
    shown to have.. yet Americans fails to do. and about the room. the ones Americans using looks
    anything but "expensive". it looks like a normal room with a bunch of cheap LCD monitors
    together ,poor illumination and some big screen cheap projectors.  The Russian Centers is way more well elaborated and advanced than the american ones.    Smile

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 JwlRHRe

    yeah so "small" lol1

    it even have several floors height ,and all of them can see the same screens , but also
    each floor equipped each seat with their own displays too. IT seems US just took a warehouse and turned it into a command center ,while Russia designed a state of the art building ,for Command center operations with no comparable
    in the world. I bet the Russian displays not only bigger but fully modern and customizable too.
    can turn the entire screen in giant screen.. or divide it in sections and have many screens with pictures from around the world just with the touch of computer button. even the chairs are better in the Russian center.  Smile

    Just look at the building.. a real wonder structure.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 VB4CPC-wGe0

    For Sure it was made as a fortress and have bunkers underground..  The transportation
    system is also well thought , it is close to water canals so they can arrive there or leave
    by boat.    pirat  

    For sure the whole building is also connected to the underground Moscow powerful railway system too.  with their own private trains to arrive to the command center.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Kyo Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:08 pm
    Egyptian-born AND Turkish citizen Ali al-Turki, aka Muhajir.

    Last edited by Kyo on Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:09 pm

    Soldier executed by ISIS Tank was identified as Syrian army soldier Fadi Ammar Zidan from Tartus. Kinda felt it would be nice to mention him as we already saw how brutally his life ended, looks very young to me.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSHwIR9UsAAUvNo

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Kyo Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:28 pm

    Militarov wrote:Soldier executed by ISIS Tank was identified as Syrian army soldier Fadi Ammar Zidan from Tartus. Kinda felt it would be nice to mention him as we already saw how brutally his life ended, looks very young to me.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSHwIR9UsAAUvNo

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSHwfvEUcAASP3W

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 CSHwfxjUwAA0VQJ

    He was 19, alawite. After being ground-razed, he was run over by a tank.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  JohninMK Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:01 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:U.S. Central Command War room, seems they are atm overseeing Syrian/Iraq deployment.


    Russia also has it's own war command room, how is it compared to the American one?

    From the photos, the main one in Moscow seems to be smaller than this 'local' one in Quatar. Something about US money to burn, sorry I meant print.

    actually the one posted by the link of Russia is not the only room Russia have. US can have all
    the money in the world but money can't buy quality and performance.Something Russia have
    shown to have.. yet Americans fails to do. and about the room. the ones Americans using looks
    anything but "expensive". it looks like a normal room with a bunch of cheap LCD monitors
    together ,poor illumination and some big screen cheap projectors.  The Russian Centers is way more well elaborated and advanced than the american ones.    Smile

    yeah so "small" lol1

    it even have several floors height ,and all of them can see the same screens , but also
    each floor equipped each seat with their own displays too. IT seems US just took a warehouse and turned it into a command center ,while Russia designed a state of the art building ,for Command center operations with no comparable
    in the world. I bet the Russian displays not only bigger but fully modern and customizable too.
    can turn the entire screen in giant screen.. or divide it in sections and have many screens with pictures from around the world just with the touch of computer button. even the chairs are better in the Russian center.  Smile

    Just look at the building.. a real wonder structure.

    For Sure it was made as a fortress and have bunkers underground..  The transportation
    system is also well thought , it is close to water canals so they can arrive there or leave
    by boat.    pirat  

    For sure the whole building is also connected to the underground Moscow powerful railway system too.  with their own private trains to arrive to the command center.

    We are not comparing like with like. The photos of the Moscow centre are just that, the main control room with seating for all branches of Government, you can see Putin etc there. It should be compared with those in Washington perhaps. The US Qatar one is a functional regional command centre, military only so no need for any flashy screens etc, just desks and PCs to operate all the aspects of warfare. The similar Russian one we have seen in the same MoD building (albeit control of all military assets not just one region) was smaller and much flasher, meaning that there are almost certainly specialist control rooms (staffed with oiks like the US one) feeding it.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Solncepek Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:15 pm

    Abo Omar Tow - No.1 Tow Shooter in Falcons of al-Ghab (Suqur al-Ghab) Group is killed by SAA in Al-Mansoura

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:19 pm

    Solncepek wrote:Abo Omar Tow - No.1 Tow Shooter in Falcons of al-Ghab (Suqur al-Ghab) Group is killed by SAA in Al-Mansoura

    Care to post a fu*king link already?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:32 pm

    Rolling Eyes After the carnage with the captured tankist Syria should ask Russia to scramble several dozen Tu-22Ms and carpet bomb Raqqa to ashes... that machine can carry 60x FAB-250, good luck for them to enjoy the Blitz.

    My idea - two waves of attack. The first one would be made of 20-30 Tu-22Ms carrying regular FAB-250 bombs. Then after about 20 minutes another formation would bomb the area with ZAB-250 incendiary bombs. In total 3600 bombs would be dropped.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:40 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Rolling Eyes After the carnage with the captured tankist Syria should ask Russia to scramble several dozen Tu-22Ms and carpet bomb Raqqa to ashes... that machine can carry 60x FAB-250, good luck for them to enjoy the Blitz.

    My idea - two waves of attack. The first one would be made of 20-30 Tu-22Ms carrying regular FAB-250 bombs. Then after about 20 minutes another formation would bomb the area with ZAB-250 incendiary bombs. In total 3600 bombs would be dropped.

    Several dozen? Thats like half of active inventory of RuaF. Where would they land and operate from in Syria Smile? And who da hell is going to pay for that Very Happy TU22M is one expencive mofo to fly.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Kyo Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:44 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Rolling Eyes After the carnage with the captured tankist Syria should ask Russia to scramble several dozen Tu-22Ms and carpet bomb Raqqa to ashes... that machine can carry 60x FAB-250, good luck for them to enjoy the Blitz.

    My idea - two waves of attack. The first one would be made of 20-30 Tu-22Ms carrying regular FAB-250 bombs. Then after about 20 minutes another formation would bomb the area with ZAB-250 incendiary bombs. In total 3600 bombs would be dropped.
    Bloody contortionist skills you've shown up here, Walther. How about collaterals, such as civilian casualties, huh?

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