Viktor wrote:Nice
Russian Air Force received the third improved "flying radar" A-50U
I want to see bigger and clearer image.
you know i'd like to see if the A-50U's radar will adopt similar arrangement as A-50EI.. triangular AESA Radar.
Viktor wrote:Nice
Russian Air Force received the third improved "flying radar" A-50U
Austin wrote:Model Revels A-100 Configuration ( Air International )
Stealthflanker wrote:Austin wrote:Model Revels A-100 Configuration ( Air International )
I'm still wonder why Russians doesn't opt for Phalcon style three faced phased array design. It may have somewhat more complex module design due to need to provide electronic beam steering in both azimuth and elevation, but the benefit of having even faster update rate are very attractive. To me at least.
Werewolf wrote:B2 will never fly at low altitude regardless of what they believe about their enemies radar capabilities.
"In the coming decade ,however, Soviet Strategic air defense will be much more capable to engagé low altitude vehicles. As a result penetration by currently deployed US bombers will become much more difficult in particular in the heavily defended western URSS.
If the B2 bomber and advanced cruise missiles achieve the desired level of reduced observability, using tactics appropriate to stealth vehicles they probably would be capable to penetrate most of the Soviet Union at low altitude. The capabilities of Soviet air defenses will place some limitations on operations of the B2 , however. "
Mindstorm wrote:
From the CIA formerly classified "Soviet Forces and Capabilities for Strategic Nuclear Conflict Through the Year 2000" pag. 367 - Strategic Defensive Forces -
"In the coming decade ,however, Soviet Strategic air defense will be much more capable to engagé low altitude vehicles. As a result penetration by currently deployed US bombers will become much more difficult in particular in the heavily defended western URSS.
If the B2 bomber and advanced cruise missiles achieve the desired level of reduced observability, using tactics appropriate to stealth vehicles they probably would be capable to penetrate most of the Soviet Union at low altitude. The capabilities of Soviet air defenses will place some limitations on operations of the B2 , however. "
I repeat one more time, the real order of magnitude of the tactically relevant RCS of similar "stealth" aircraft and the laughable metropolitan legends circulating on them particular on the net in the last decade , for the very high density of fanatical ignorants..... is entire worlds apart.
Obviously the real technical requirements of weapon development programs of this kind and, even more, theirs CONOPS , as in the instance of the B2 "Spirit" strategic bomber, are always dictated by the former and never by the latter
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
"a country well governed is where the little number work the great number, and this little number is fed by this great number, but the little number governs the great number".
Un pays bien organisé est celui où le petit nombre fait travailler le grand nombre, est nourri par lui et le gouverne.
Moreover, if we add the fact that beside at least 2 F-117 were downed in Serbia, another B2 Spirit was also downed and crashed in Croatia. Leaving the myth of the B2 intact. A myth worked only for ignorants like I was, before Internet came, and evidently the congressmans, and taxpayers.
If Vhf radars are enough to track the stealth, why do we need X-band, and L-Band ?
why Russia will spend money for the cumbersome, and very expensive SU-Pak T-50 ? Is it worth to spend it ?
GarryB wrote:Only one F117 was shot down.
The other F-117 and the B-2 kill are conspirasy theories.
GarryB wrote:
Only one F117 was shot down.
The other F-117 and the B-2 kill are conspirasy theories.
medo wrote:
Officially 1 F-117 shot down and 1 F-117 damaged (both by SAM-3), another damaged F-117 is uncomfirmed as only some sources talk about it. No B-2 shot down or damaged.
GarryB wrote:When they shot down the first F-117 they showed wreckage.
they have not show wreckage of the other aircraft.
It is war... both sides will not be telling the whole truth.
The Serbian that said he shot down a B-2 might have shot down something but without B-2 wreckage it could easily have been one of the many dozens of UAVs they shot down.
GarryB wrote:When they shot down the first F-117 they showed wreckage.
they have not show wreckage of the other aircraft.
It is war... both sides will not be telling the whole truth.
The Serbian that said he shot down a B-2 might have shot down something but without B-2 wreckage it could easily have been one of the many dozens of UAVs they shot down.
GarryB wrote:The US lies.
I get it.
When Foreign allied troops were found to be responsible for a US soldiers death in Iraq the investigation was halted and evidence was covered up.
The reason given was they did not want to embarrass their allies (the Polish forces).
If they will lie and hide such things that are important to their own people of course the will have no problem hiding things with rather more strategic impact like the shooting down of F-117s or B-2s.
If we had a real media in the west instead of the corporate stooges we have today then their might be some real independent investigations, but we have no such things.
Don't be upset that I believe only one F-117 was shot down... I have been wrong before about a lot of things, and I am not believing the US because I respect them... rather because I don't believe they would be able to successfully cover something like that up... someone would squeal... I hope.