Military police: new challenges
Combat training and experience in the Syrian define new challenges and changes in the structure of the military units of the military police
Military police are there more than four dozens of foreign armies. The structure of the Russian Armed Forces in December 2011, the General Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, was created in December 2011. From that time began the formation of the national army of law enforcement.
Today, the military police is responsible for maintaining order and discipline in the units and departments, ensures the protection of military facilities and goods, deals with the regulation of traffic, investigation of crimes committed by military personnel, and performs many other important functions of law enforcement.
About how in five years managed to create a new structure, and in fact what tasks facing the military police today said Chief of Military Police Department of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Ivanovski.
To date, approved by the regulatory framework governing the activities of the military police, determined its composition, structure and objectives. Can we consider the formation of the military police has been completed?
- On completion of the formation of the military police too early to say. Last year, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov approved roadmap, which provides for improving the structure, preparation of guidelines, staffing and equipping of the military police.
Studying the experience of the use of military police armies of foreign countries confirmed the need for the creation of military units of the military police in the composition of formations and military units, as well as independent agencies of the military police, that is, its territorial bodies.
Currently, work is continuing to establish and improve the structure of the military police, including military bases overseas. I emphasize that the battalions that perform tasks in the Syrian Arab Republic, - this is the first army military police.
Actions military units will be tested in the ongoing exercise in 2017, including in the framework of a joint command and staff exercise "Zapad-2017". The results of combat training and experience gained in Syria, will help us to clearly identify the range of problems and make the necessary changes in the structure of military units.
- What changes, on the basis of lessons learned, we have already entered into force and made adjustments in your work?
- As a result of unannounced inspections with the transfer of troops to the highest degree of readiness at the territorial authorities, which have already been formed and which returned to the historical name - the military commander's office, tasked with the organization of garrison duty. This is necessary primarily for the coherent implementation of activities of the garrison.
Changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure gave the chiefs of military police powers to conduct investigation on the crimes committed by military personnel. In this regard, we have much to do to develop their own bodies of inquiry. In particular, to create an appropriate military accounting profession and form of inquiry offices in the states of the military commandant. Today, the military police officers are trained in the military prosecutor's office and military investigative bodies in order to acquire the practice of this work.
The improvement of the regulatory framework. For example, now the work on amendments to the Articles of Association of the military police. In addition, the General Directorate of the Military Police in conjunction with the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is preparing a draft Charter of combat military police. The document will identify the main tasks of the military police in the period of threat and war, as well as forms and methods of their implementation.
- Built on the commandant's service and VAI, military police took over the tasks and in front of these structures. What are the new features added in this case?
- In carrying out various activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as any activities involving the military police forces responsible for security, including all of its kinds. To ensure its integrated military police coordinate their actions with the military counter-intelligence, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other federal bodies of executive power. In addition, the interaction with the structures in the framework of the Armed Forces responsible for certain types of security - Chemical Corps, troops electronic warfare and engineering troops.
Ministry of Defense Guide Military Police appreciated the efforts to ensure a comprehensive security during the International exhibition "Innovation Day of the Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation - 2016," "Army of international games," International military-technical forum "Army 2016" All-Russian festival "Russian Army - 2016 "and a number of other large-scale events.
One of the new areas of activity for us was the performance of the bodies of inquiry functions. As a law enforcement authority, the military police have the right to institute criminal proceedings and conduct investigations. Another new and very important task of the military police - is to ensure reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria.
- If we talk about the Syrian experience, what are the tasks of the military police units decide in a combat zone?
- In the Syrian Arab Republic, the military police is subordinated to the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of the warring sides and performs primarily peacekeeping missions - providing humanitarian action, protection of medical facilities, support of cargoes. In addition, the military police unit tasked with security officials of the Defense Ministry and the Coordination Center for Reconciliation of the warring parties in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, the protection of aircraft and important objects.
- Why are facing military police tasks can not be entrusted to the troops of the National Guard, police, traffic police, security companies?
- Army National Guard, police, traffic police, security companies primarily perform tasks for the benefit of the civilian population. We work on the power unit - on the armed forces, and even other law enforcement agencies in order to ensure law and order, military discipline, protect the rights and freedoms of military personnel and civilian personnel, as well as ensuring road safety is under the military structures and in the course of hostilities.
If we turn to international experience, we can see that the military police are subject to all of the above you on the issue of the structure during the war. And I think that in the future we legislatively obretёm the same status.
In Syria, the military police dealt with first peacekeeping tasks: provide humanitarian actions, protected sites and accompanies loads
- What are the forces of the military police of the Armed Forces has today?
- At present, the total number of military police is about 10 thousand people. In its structure consists of the General Directorate of the military police as a central military command and control authority, the regional military police department and regional road inspection in each Military District and the Northern Fleet, as well as the territorial military police. It is more than 140 commandants of garrisons and about 100 military automobile inspection. In addition, as part of the military police - two disciplinary battalions (note:prisons) stationed in Nizhniy Novgorod and Chita regions. Protection issues involved in the management of the commandant of protection, which is also a structural division of the military police.
- The presented arsenal of military police, taking into account the specifics of the tasks? Are there any plans of its expansion, for example, due to the air component?
- Management of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is paying close attention to equipping the military police with modern weapons and military equipment, taking into account the specifics of the tasks performed. In addition to small arms and means of communication provided by the military police special means: traumatic weapons, stun devices, batons, handcuffs, shields, personal photo and video fixation. To carry out special tasks in the battalion for service received armored vehicles. In particular, the detachment of military police to perform tasks in the Syrian Arab Republic, equipped with armored vehicles "Tiger".
In accordance with the state defense order from 2017 to 2019 to ensure that the military police provided for the purchase of special vehicles patrol military police UAZ-3163-015 AP "Patriot", special vehicles ATNP-5350 on the basis of KAMAZ, intended for the carriage of rapid response teams as well as special vehicles UAZ-Z96221 to transport detainees.
As for the air component, but now we do a research project, which involves the formation of the military police weapons program. In the course of this work will be considered by the aviation and maritime components of the military police.
- An important issue of staffing. How are you doing with the selection and training of personnel?
- In five years, we were able to establish a mechanism for selecting candidates for service in the military police. If the first time we had to recruit candidates for the service, what is called a residual, but now we do it in view of the quality characteristics of future military police. We perform tests on activity, study the moral and physical qualities of the person. In addition, each candidate must have two surety.
Now our main task - it is training. Currently, your school in a military police there. Officers invited from the troops and carry out their training in military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence.
To prepare for this year's warrant officers and officers, we plan to hold the first set of students on the basis of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces or of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. Cooking warrant will be 2 years and 10 months, and officers - four years. The first part of the training involves military training, the second part will focus on specific disciplines, corresponding to the functions of the military police.
For the preparation of soldiers and sergeants on contract in Vladikavkaz we plan to create its first training unit - training battalion of the military police. At the same time we do not give up training in the existing district training centers. Regarding the training of military investigators are actively cooperating with the Military University of the Defence Ministry. In addition, the mobilization reserve for military police prepared two military departments - the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian State University of Justice.
- Given the wide range of tasks, as you have organized cooperation with other law enforcement agencies?
- We have established cooperation with the Military Prosecutor's Office (military investigation department) on issues of inquiry, maintenance of law and order and military discipline. Active joint work is conducted with the FSB of Russia, especially on the counter-lines. And we work closely with the Ministry of Internal Affairs structures.
Many tasks are closed on the central administrations of other law enforcement agencies, with whom we have agreements and interaction organized. In particular, the search for cooperation with the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation, on issues of various events involving troops - with the Department to ensure the protection of public order and coordination of interaction with executive bodies of subjects, on combating drug trafficking - with the Department for Control over drug trafficking. As for the troops of the National Guard, we no big event without them we do not do.
- What do you think the main goal for himself as head of the military police?
- I have one main goal - to the military police as a new structure within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has proved its viability and necessity of existence and came to the level at which the military police of the advanced countries of the world.
- What would you wish to colleagues on the eve of February 23?
- I want to congratulate all the servicemen of the military police on the upcoming holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland! And, of course, special greetings to those who are on duty and perform combat missions. They are dependent on the world, not only in our country but throughout the world. I wish you and all military personnel military police strength of spirit, sense of purpose and good luck!