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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:45 am

    Blasts reported at Brussels International Airport and Maalbek metro station.


    Livestream of Belgium International Airport:

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:06 am

    Boris Rozhin has reminded of the words spoken by Erdogan on 18 March about terror attack in Turkey.

    "There is no reason that the bomb did not explode in Brussels or any other European city. Car bombs in Turkey may mean nothing to you, but when the bombs start going off in your cities, you will feel it, but then it's too late"

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:36 am

    Assholes almost nicked my ass. My office is right around the metro station they hit, I usually take the metro at Maelbeek around 8AM.
    13 dead, 35 wounded at the airport an allegedly 5 dead at the metro station.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:45 am

    ^ Lucky escape, sounds that was way too close for comfort....

    Reported across Russian media that Russian intelligence services had warned Belgium about three citizens of Belarus who had converted to Islam and joined IS. These three, two brothers Ivan and Alexei Dovbash, and Marat Yunusov, had trained in Syria and travelled to Belgium in late February, with the intention, according to Russian intelligence services, of preparing terrorist attacks.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:06 am

    Khepesh wrote:^ Lucky escape, sounds that was way too close for comfort....

    Reported across Russian media that Russian intelligence services had warned Belgium about three citizens of Belarus who had converted to Islam and joined IS. These three, two brothers Ivan and Alexei Dovbash, and Marat Yunusov, had trained in Syria and travelled to Belgium in late February, with the intention, according to Russian intelligence services, of preparing terrorist attacks.

    I think the idiots who did that are "homegrown". And on hindsight yes it looks like taking my car today, was the right call.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:36 am

    15 dead at the Maelbeek metro station.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:43 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:15 dead at the Maelbeek metro station.

    You and your son had some close calls, keep us updated and stay safe!

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:46 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Boris Rozhin has reminded of the words spoken by Erdogan on 18 March about terror attack in Turkey.

    "There is no reason that the bomb did not explode in Brussels or any other European city. Car bombs in Turkey may mean nothing to you, but when the bombs start going off in your cities, you will feel it, but then it's too late"

    .....Sounds like the Caliph Turdogan was giving the EU a thinly veiled threat, he may as well of said "Pay me, or my Daesh-bag mercenaries will attack your political headquarters!"

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:57 pm

    Photo taken by a Russian in Brussels showing that the streets are now almost empty. From Lifenews
    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks 1e97088ba06b

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:02 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:15 dead at the Maelbeek metro station.

    You and your son had some close calls, keep us updated and stay safe!

    He had a close call, me it's normal, I work near the EU, I was aware the cunts would try and target it. Worse I called it out at the other site 5 years ago. This is on the European and US foreign policy. They mess with dogs, well some will wake up with the flies.

    Also my son is currently in Iran, poking fun at me.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  George1 Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:20 pm

    "There is no reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara could not explode in Brussels, or in any other European city," Erdogan declared during a ceremony commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli in the coastal town of Canakkale on March 18.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:02 pm

    34 dead so far 100 wounded...


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:39 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:34 dead so far 100 wounded...

    Erdogan's cryptic message is truly chilling, and will the castrated cuckold leaders of the EWwwwww or out the Caliph Turdogan for his obvious prior knowledge of the event? Talk about mafia style tactics to insure the payments come in on time, and with 34 dead, I can only imagine Donald 'elephant in the room' Tusk claiming it's the result of Russia's air-campaign in Syria, and not Turkish financing of ISIS.... Rolling Eyes #NATOstaybehindnetworkthough

    Just a reminder for everyone Ankara, Turkey hosted a Al Qaeda flag-waving conference on the 6th of March...

    Well this just happened....March 6th Ankara, Turkey hosted the International Caliphate Congress...and get was hosted at the Ataturk Sport Hall... Razz Embarassed lol1

    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Cc4MwsQW4AAev_a

    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Cc4Mw_WXIAAf5QE

    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Cc4MwnTWEAUWtTk

    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Cc4Mw8_XIAAaQIr

    Radical Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir calls for caliphate in grand meeting in Ankara



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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:06 pm

    34 dead, 230 wounded, some in critical condition.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:17 pm

    Today one of the "security experts" on CNN (forgot his name) said that the cause of those attacks was lack of "European dream" and that USA is safe because they have "American dream". confused

    He also said that Belgium and EU in general treat muslim minority poorly which causes terrorism.

    I mean WHAT THE F*CK!!!

    I am absolutely last person to have positive opinion of EU but this is bullsh*t of highest proportion. And who are they to criticize anyone? Like it is utopia for minorities in USA.


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Boshoed Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:32 pm

    Glad you're safe KoTeMoRe.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  kvs Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:05 pm

    Good to hear you are safe KoTeMoRe.

    Western appartchiks have been conditioning the NATO public to associate the refugees with "Putin's intervention in Syria" so I now
    expect them to spin that this terror bombing was indirectly his fault.

    Perhaps Putin is "weaponizing" terror. The NATO pit of retardation is bottomless.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:18 pm

    Thx guys, but we've lost one client today. He was flying out and was struck at Zaventem, his wife called the study and wanted to know if we knew he was she'll be flying in to take the body and his will.

    It has sobered me out like a slap.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Admin Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:13 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    I think the idiots who did that are "homegrown". And on hindsight yes it looks like taking my car today, was the right call.

    They are connecting it to the Paris attacks so not so homegrown. It is time to send the refugees back.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:15 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    I think the idiots who did that are "homegrown". And on hindsight yes it looks like taking my car today, was the right call.

    They are connecting it to the Paris attacks so not so homegrown.  It is time to send the refugees back.

    You know that will not happen. Doctrine is to outgrow the indogene population to destroy any ground for patriotism, nationalism or any european culture.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:38 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    I think the idiots who did that are "homegrown". And on hindsight yes it looks like taking my car today, was the right call.

    They are connecting it to the Paris attacks so not so homegrown.  It is time to send the refugees back.

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:18 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

    Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:32 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

    Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

    Both perps weren't PIDed. All we have are fake passports for them.

    I agree for all the rest.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:38 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

    Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

    +1 on both inputs.

    There are genuine refugees, genuine jihadis, and genuine (dare I say it) controlled opposition at work here. To be honest, we're seeing the EU literally commit suicide, a suicide that is quite preventable. They are willingly dealing with the Turks, who they know are funding ISIS. They are willingly allowing countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, to speak of but three, suffer greatly both financially and socially from EU directives. They are willingly courting disaster with potential Ukrainian and full Turkish EU memberships. They are killing their energy sector in the name of "renewables" while pensioners freeze to death in their homes due to being unable to pay for the lunacy that is their new power bill.

    I don't get it to be honest. The best anyone has come up with for the refugee/migrant/wtf ever crisis is that it's potential cheap labour, but examine that clause hard enough and it just doesn't stick, combine it with the fact they're willingly letting "head-choppers" fresh from Syria in, and it becomes even more ridiculous.

    If someone can explain what the hell they're doing, I'd be much obliged.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:58 am

    Brothers Khalid and Brahim el Bakraoui were identified among the suspected suicide bombers responsible for the Zaventem Airport explosion, RTFB reports.

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