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Walther von Oldenburg
Morpheus Eberhardt
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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:59 am

    They got the third man Najim Laachraoui in Anderlecht...All small time criminals, all "Belgians", no refugees. There's at least one ID missing, but from Maelbeek Station attack.

    As I said, this has to do with failed policies in Europe and the US, it has nothing to do with "fugees". At best, the waves of refugees can be used to go though unchecked, but these fucks have gone unchecked before...

    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:58 am

    Good to hear you are OK, KoTeMoRe.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:20 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

    Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

    +1 on both inputs.

    There are genuine refugees, genuine jihadis, and genuine (dare I say it) controlled opposition at work here. To be honest, we're seeing the EU literally commit suicide, a suicide that is quite preventable. They are willingly dealing with the Turks, who they know are funding ISIS. They are willingly allowing countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, to speak of but three, suffer greatly both financially and socially from EU directives. They are willingly courting disaster with potential Ukrainian and full Turkish EU memberships. They are killing their energy sector in the name of "renewables" while pensioners freeze to death in their homes due to being unable to pay for the lunacy that is their new power bill.

    I don't get it to be honest. The best anyone has come up with for the refugee/migrant/wtf ever crisis is that it's potential cheap labour, but examine that clause hard enough and it just doesn't stick, combine it with the fact they're willingly letting "head-choppers" fresh from Syria in, and it becomes even more ridiculous.  

    If someone can explain what the hell they're doing, I'd be much obliged.  

    Even cheap labour angle doesn't hold up. Once they are in EU they have to be paid same as anyone else, so says the law.

    And it is pointless to attribute this mess to some grand conspiracy, it is just good old corruption and incompetence. Refugees are refugees, terrorists are terrorists.

    EU is just making same mistake USSR was making throughout it's existence-putting hollow ideology above it's citizen's and national interest. Plain and simple.

    Also, good to hear you are in one piece Kotemore, stay safe!!!

    Did anyone hear from Airbornewolf? He should be from those parts also.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:18 pm

    The Teutonic Knights managed to turn pagan Balts into Germans and good Christians. The same thing could be done to Arabs in Europe - just open history books and learn from the Knights.

    Anyways, RIP to the victims. It's barely conceivable how attacks like that could take place so close to major EU buildings and under "heightened security" after the Paris attacks. Tame has come to do some hard job firings.

    Did anyone hear from Airbornewolf? He should be from those parts also.
    He's from the Netherlands, not Belgium.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:02 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Even cheap labour angle doesn't hold up. Once they are in EU they have to be paid same as anyone else, so says the law.

    And it is pointless to attribute this mess to some grand conspiracy, it is just good old corruption and incompetence. Refugees are refugees, terrorists are terrorists.

    lol1 lol1 lol1 ....Oh yes no long established networks of logistics and safe-havens for terrorists in Turkey, no mass financing of ISIS of stolen oil in Turkey, no Al Qaeda Caliphate conferences in Ankara, no pro-ISIS clothing stores in Istanbul, no mass cooperation of Turkish military and terrorists in the Middle East, no long established networks of Turkish Grey Wolf terrorists operating in Europe, no blackmailing of the EU with refugees caused by a conflict initiated by Turkey (problem-reaction-solution), and no thinly veiled threats from Turdogan...Embarassed

    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Hqdefault


    Turkey deported Brussels attacker to Belgium in June, Erdoğan says

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:26 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    OminousSpudd wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:

    The guys who did the Paris attacks were all local scum that had lived more in Belgium/France than me in Western Europe. It has nothing to do with refugees, these guys were all born in Europe. It's simple the Zero Plan strategy regarding alien population strikes again, unfortunately I can't subscribe your opinion about "sending refugees back" because at no point the mass of the people that are refugees (and I'm one of them) deserve to be treated like shit because of either the kids or some rotten apples.

    Now what's the reason behind these attacks, we all have an idea and I have no issue subscribing to the glassification of Saudi Arabia and Friends.

    Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

    +1 on both inputs.

    There are genuine refugees, genuine jihadis, and genuine (dare I say it) controlled opposition at work here. To be honest, we're seeing the EU literally commit suicide, a suicide that is quite preventable. They are willingly dealing with the Turks, who they know are funding ISIS. They are willingly allowing countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, to speak of but three, suffer greatly both financially and socially from EU directives. They are willingly courting disaster with potential Ukrainian and full Turkish EU memberships. They are killing their energy sector in the name of "renewables" while pensioners freeze to death in their homes due to being unable to pay for the lunacy that is their new power bill.

    I don't get it to be honest. The best anyone has come up with for the refugee/migrant/wtf ever crisis is that it's potential cheap labour, but examine that clause hard enough and it just doesn't stick, combine it with the fact they're willingly letting "head-choppers" fresh from Syria in, and it becomes even more ridiculous.  

    If someone can explain what the hell they're doing, I'd be much obliged.  

    Even cheap labour angle doesn't hold up. Once they are in EU they have to be paid same as anyone else, so says the law. What a nonsense. They flood in politically so many immigrants because they want to reduce the standards of payment. If there are enough immigrants who are willing to work for less and know less about laws and when they are allowed to take vacations or time off they will hire those people. That is standard procedure since decades. That means indogene people are getting paid less and less and become over time jobless.

    And it is pointless to attribute this mess to some grand conspiracy, it is just good old corruption and incompetence. Refugees are refugees, terrorists are terrorists. There is a grand conspiracy by US on EU and all europe, you should read a little bit more recent history and geopolitics.

    EU is just making same mistake USSR was making throughout it's existence-putting hollow ideology above it's citizen's and national interest. Plain and simple. Wrong. Mistake means misscalculation, they are not doing any mistakes they are doing according to plan.

    Also, good to hear you are in one piece Kotemore, stay safe!!!

    Did anyone hear from Airbornewolf? He should be from those parts also.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:19 pm

    Werewolf is spot on. Those who profit from this indeed have made the calculus to instill fear and rifts among what used to be the working class. So yeah it's basically a plan to break that social resistance vs the good old Ploutocracy.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:01 pm

    From western media/politician, the reasons for this and all the other terrorist attacks in Europe is very simple. They do this because of  "inequality" "unfairness" "radicalisation" "disaffected youth" and various other nonsense. Even the word "terrorism" has been dragged from it's correct sense and is now said to be something that these "disaffected youths" do almost as if it is a lifestyle choice, and that these "new terrorists" have no reason for what they do other than they like being terrorists because the indigenous populations are "unfair" to them. Odd that while "old fashioned" terrorists such as some of the anarchists in late 19th Century Russia, or in modern times, Shining Path, ETA and IRA, are all, no matter what atrocities they did, seen as having a rational reason for what they did, a cause that they believed in, even a philosophy, and the problem being that they chose violence to try to achieve their aims as they saw no other way due to the systems existing within their countries. From this comes the phrase "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter". I think the Orwellian and bizarre mental contortions and semantics engaged in by the West is a symptom of their fear. They know their lies are not believed, they know they have created a nightmare by allowing mass immigration from their colonies, and will never admit it. They are trapped in group-think, partly because they cannot allow themselves to admit the truth even to themselves, and also because they need to keep the lies going and attempt to continue beating their populations into how they should think for as long as possible. The entire system in the west that has existed since 1945 is more full of contradictions than the Soviet Union ever was, and it cannot hold together much longer. Hollande said yesterday that "We are at war", but at war with what? "inequality" "Mormons" "Klingons", what did he really mean, if anything, except shitting out of his mouth as usual. So, "Forward the brave troops of political correctness against the enemy of unfairness that is the reason for terrorism!!!". Hm, "Morons, fuck"
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:08 pm

    EU must blow Turkey to pieces for what they are doing. Goddamit, we are not some small 3rd world country with no money for toilet paper.

    And change the f****** welfare systems. We Europeans have put it in place and we should dismantle it.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:16 pm

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:26 pm

    Disrespectful to poop...

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:29 pm

    Werewolf wrote:.................What a nonsense. They flood in politically so many immigrants because they want to reduce the standards of payment. If there are enough immigrants who are willing to work for less and know less about laws and when they are allowed to take vacations or time off they will hire those people. That is standard procedure since decades. That means indogene people are getting paid less and less and become over time jobless.............

    Joe/Johan/Jean/Julio Average in EU seems pretty satisfied with current situation otherwise somebody would have said something by now. I just checked and some idiots are holding hands in downtown Brussels right now. Judging by that response I would say they are OK with everything.

    Werewolf wrote:..............There is a grand conspiracy by US on EU and all europe, you should read a little bit more recent history and geopolitics........

    .............Mistake means misscalculation, they are not doing any mistakes they are doing according to plan..............

    I happened to have LIVED trough recent history. It is not a conspiracy if everyone is fine with the plan. What the hell are those much lauded European democratic elections for anyway? Ones they are preaching to the rest of the (selected parts of) planet?

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:46 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:.................What a nonsense. They flood in politically so many immigrants because they want to reduce the standards of payment. If there are enough immigrants who are willing to work for less and know less about laws and when they are allowed to take vacations or time off they will hire those people. That is standard procedure since decades. That means indogene people are getting paid less and less and become over time jobless.............

    Joe/Johan/Jean/Julio Average in EU seems pretty satisfied with current situation otherwise somebody would have said something by now. I just checked and some idiots are holding hands in downtown Brussels right now. Judging by that response I would say they are OK with everything.

    Werewolf wrote:..............There is a grand conspiracy by US on EU and all europe, you should read a little bit more recent history and geopolitics........

    .............Mistake means misscalculation, they are not doing any mistakes they are doing according to plan..............

    I happened to have LIVED trough recent history. It is not a conspiracy if everyone is fine with the plan. What the hell are those much lauded European democratic elections for anyway? Ones they are preaching to the rest of the (selected parts of) planet?

    I really don't know how You can even say such a nonsense, that everyone is ok wirh that plan. Who is everyone? Definetley not the every joe, think tanks, politicians and 5th column are rest is split on the Gutmenschen who think they all need help and that any of those redugees xould do anything wrong is just nazi propaganda and the growing number of those who are seeing the problems that are created or soon enough will get hot. It is a political war of foreigners (muslims) against natives, by that they are concentrating christains against muslims and wise versa only US and joos benefit from that.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:50 pm

    9000 Jews left France in 2015. Yes, Jews benefit from it. Exactly. Of course. That's right. Suspect

    Bottom line, every ethnic majority and minority, except Muslims, suffers from the ongoing refugee crisis, Jews included (overwhelming majority of them)

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:57 pm

    Werewolf wrote:......................

    I really don't know how You can even say such a nonsense, that everyone is ok wirh that plan. Who is everyone? Definetley not the every joe, think tanks, politicians and 5th column are rest is split on the Gutmenschen who think they all need help and that any of those redugees xould do anything wrong is just nazi propaganda and the growing number of those who are seeing the problems that are created or soon enough will get hot. It is a political war of foreigners (muslims) against natives, by that they are concentrating christains against muslims and wise versa only US and joos benefit from that.

    Well natives should get off their asses and do something because they are getting those same asses handed to them.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:23 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:......................

    I really don't know how You can even say such a nonsense, that everyone is ok wirh that plan. Who is everyone? Definetley not the every joe, think tanks, politicians and 5th column are rest is split on the Gutmenschen who think they all need help and that any of those redugees xould do anything wrong is just nazi propaganda and the growing number of those who are seeing the problems that are created or soon enough will get hot. It is a political war of foreigners (muslims) against natives, by that they are concentrating christains against muslims and wise versa only US and joos benefit from that.

    Well natives should get off their asses and do something because they are getting those same asses handed to them.

    Well maybe you should get off your arse and did something against NATO in 1999, but it isn't as simple as it sounds or is it?

    Fact is they want exactly that what most suggest to do something against the "refugees" which is exactly what the USrael wants so that their proxy dictatorship the EU can then react accordingly with draconian laws to restore law and order after the natives start committing criminal activity against "refugees". That is exactly what was done so often through human history and still there are people that believe they are all different all just some politics that was miscalculated... sure, they miscalculated so often that it totally looks like a planned chain of events, even just out of statistics they should have done something correct by now, but they haven't the fact is all those governments are proxy dictatorships (vassals) of USrael and do all according to plan to wipe out nationality, culture, native population (majority) that is all due to plan to erease the problem the USrael regime has.
    The uncertainity of europe because of the historical embedded playrole Germany, France and Russia have. As long they are or even could ever become independed again and persute their own politics it would be a coffin for the USrael political and financial and with that military occupation of the entire european continent. They are very concerned about Germany and Russian relationship that is why specifically german MSM is so hardcore under control and even Youtube channels get constantly closed for "copy right" stuff.

    It isn't that easy as long you have such a 7.5 bln Euro gaint domestic state propaganda run by USrael doctrine.

    And i don't even go to discuss that garbage with that Jew and his double accounts who acts as a nazi in solidarity with the jooish fanatism he is subjected to.

    Yes, Jews benefit from it. Great Israel is still a high priority, the more jews go to Israel the better because the plan is to expand, literally to expand and that is the open doctrine of Israel to expand settlements. They can't reproduce in the pace they want that is why they welcome every jew in Israel, that regime is the main benefitor of Christian vs Muslims, because entire ME is Muslim territory and they can not expand while Muslims/Arabs are seen as humans and they use US/NATO as their wardog to bite everything that is a regional power like Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lybia and sooner or later they will work their list to Iran like they planed more than 4 decades ago.

    You can fool some of the other guilables on this forum but you shouldn't have asked me via PM with your double account same stupid questions you retard.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:39 pm

    Your massive backlash against Muslims is simply not going to take place - Europe lives in fear for years and after all recent violence, backlash against Muslims is minimal. Not a single mosque was bombed in retaliation over a terrorist attack in Europe - and lots of people have reason to be angry, beginning with families and friends of victims to just regular angry folks. If something similar was done by Christian extremist in the Middle East, 2 hours later there would be massive rioting from Morocco to Indonesia - see the reeaction after Benedict XVI's comments about Islam in 2006 to see what might possibly happen with 10x intensity.

    Europe is truly showing it's civil face in current circumstances. The political far right is benefiting from the situation but the "militant" right is calm and inavtive.

    PS: I have no known Jewish ancestry. Maybe you can find out for me that I do?

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:50 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Your massive backlash against Muslims is simply not going to take place - Europe lives in fear for years and after all recent violence, backlash against Muslims is minimal. Not a single mosque was bombed in retaliation over a terrorist attack in Europe - and lots of people have reason to be angry, beginning with families and friends of victims to just regular angry folks. If something similar was done by Christian extremist in the Middle East, 2 hours later there would be massive rioting from Morocco to Indonesia - see the reeaction after Benedict XVI's comments about Islam in 2006 to see what might possibly happen with 10x intensity.

    Europe is truly showing it's civil face in current circumstances. The political far right is benefiting from the situation but the "militant" right is calm and inavtive.

    PS: I have no known Jewish ancestry. Maybe you can find out for me that I do?

    Like i said that guy is nuts. He really anticipate progroms against muslims in europe and says he is no jew.

    The only progroms that should take place are those against the vassals and 5th columnists in this country and all EU countries.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:30 pm

    Current political elites will not be in power forever - watch next parliamentary elections and mark my words.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Werewolf Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:44 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Current political elites will not be in power forever - watch next parliamentary elections and mark my words.

    Yes, the words of a guy who thinks there is nothing bad about US occupation of germany and no problems coming from USrael politics. Your words are not worth the internet traffic you are wasting pal. You have absolutey zero experience nor knowledge about politics and far far away from having a single clue about geopolitics. The political elite is an entire tree and forest of vassals, replaced with another 5th columnist Antlantists scum that ass licks USA, their rhetoric does not matter all we see is their actions, slippery sleazy ass lickery.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:29 am

    I saw this on fortruss
    It is essentially the same, in clearer terms, as my post #33 in this thread,which was meant to be thought about what lay behind it, but maybe I was too subtle, too sarcastic...

    But on this thread I certainly see "doublethink" and "newspeak" about the situation in Western Europe, so clearly some recognize that EU is in an Orwellian nightmare. Is there not a "perpetual war"?, and who is the "Eurasia"?, terrorists, Muslims, Russia, or people who see behind the veil of lies. Orwell wrote against socialism that had turned into totalitarianism in his times, but what he wrote can be seen today in the West and is still a valid novel, and with modern technology even more so. NATO/EU live in a world of lies, and lies so deep that ordinary apparatchiks in those organisations do not even know they are lies, maybe even some leaders even believe their own lies. These are the contradictions. It doesn't matter who the enemy is, real or perceived, it is only important that there is an enemy and the flames stoked ever higher. Wellcome to Hell.


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:08 am

    Dunno if anybody mentioned this issue, but days passed and I have not seen anybody put a Belgium flag on his/her avatar. No "pray for Brussel", very few commemoration activities... much much less than the case of Paris.

    Do these people consider Belgium is something inferior than France. Or do they lost the apetite to raise a flag ?

    May be it's just me but all these things make me feel sick about the hypocrisy in this world.

    Last edited by higurashihougi on Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:10 am

    Khepesh wrote:..., maybe even some leaders even believe their own lies. ...

    There are no leaders in NATO; the highest level constitutes of "apparatchiks", which are themselves completely clueless.

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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  jhelb Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:24 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Two of the Paris attackers were refugees, M al-Mahmod and Ahmad al-Mohammad.  Stopping refugees is only the first thing to be done.  The second is to deny re-entry of all nationals training with Daesh and the second is severe monitoring on all domestic mosques and crackdowns in the banlieues.  All Muslim clerics that preach anything but peace must be deported.

    Actually we need to back up a bit. Brussels for long has been a training ground for Islamic militants. Note that the plan to assassinate Afghanistan's Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Masood was hatched in Brussels thanks to NATO, CIA and MI5. Notice when these terrorists target Moscow or Beslan the West states that these are not terrorist attacks but rather Russia's internal problems.

    For the last 3 centuries the un holy alliance of US, UK and EU trained thousands of Muslim youths who were then send to fight Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Serbia in Bosnia, apart from other hot spots around the world. Today these same jihadis have been brain washed by ISIS and Al Qaeda and they are targeting the same people who once trained them. You see it's for a reason that they are called Home Grown terrorists.


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    March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks - Page 2 Empty Re: March 2016 Brussels Terror Attacks

    Post  Khepesh Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:02 am

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:

    There are no leaders in NATO; the highest level constitutes of "apparatchiks", which are themselves completely clueless.
    Well, I agree, but it is convenient to use terms understood by all, as if we all use our own terms, usually vitriolic, about these morons, then there may be confusion about exactly who we write about. I guess if NATO/EU were Soviet Union, then whoever was US president would be party General Secretary and all the presidents, prime ministers and other very senior politicians of subject countries and organisations would be nomenklatura.

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