The war in SYria is far from Over.. Aleppo liberation will NOT be the end of it.
After the visit of ERdogan to RUssia with Putin , to "restore" relations ,
he basically ,just played a game and asked all from Russia and gave nothing back
aside of an Apology for Shutting down the plane . In fact it was said that ERdogan
in the very same conference of "Friendship" with RUssia , he went as far as reinstate his
support for the Tatars in Crimea fighitng Moscow with support of kiev and washinton.
And also he denied any rumor about Russia warning them of a coup in progress...
SO many experts believe Erdogan visit to Russia ,was more a show to Blackmail US
and Europe. To try to get a better deal from them.
"No agreement on a single Russian political or security priority (on st petersburg Putin -Erdogan meeting). (Erdogan) His real audience was in Washington, Berlin, and Brussels." Erdogan is a bazaar wheeler-dealer who strives to wriggle himself into the best possible position both as the Sultan of Turkey and the leader of the Sunnisphere, while manipudividing the Russian and Frankish kaffirs against each other. The bugger should be wearing a red fez and an eye patch, a la Barbary pirate
Combining all things together. All this looks like the whole coup was an ERdogan inside job ,
nothing more than show, than a Circus , something that erdogan did to its own Government
to justify ,to take full control of his Government and become a dictator.
What all this means , is that ERdogan Policies with Syria have not changed not even
by any degree. HE will continue aiding ISIS and ALqaeda. But if the Syrian army goes and clear western aleppo and central city too and IDLIB. ERdogan can simply order its Army
to Invade Northen Syria to push back the Syrian army. Forcing Russia to come to the aid of Syria.
NATO is blending US and Europeans special forces with Syrian Kurds and replacing all territories
that ISIS have with theirs. So the war is far form over.. could last 10 years. And Russia biggest weapon against Turkey , its sanctions cannot be removed or at least not completely and Russia needs to delay as much as possible any business cooperation with Turkey. Russia will do fine to dissuade Russian citizens from traveling to Turkey , because they could be used as human shields in case Turkey start a war with Russia and Syria.
It is time for RUssia to pressure China and help them with Syria , because NATO is only increasing its forces covertly in Syria and the whole coup in Turkey looks more like an inside job
of Erdogan on its own nation to fully take control of its country. This whole anti erdogan coup
could be a fake show , only used for Turkey justify "capture" US nuclear weapons. and Americans have an excuse for losing them to ERdogan. And use Erdogan control of nukes
to pressure Russia in Syria. and help Americans Neocons get their nukes in the real hands they always wanted them to be. So that way ,at least to the American people , Obama administration will not be accused of supplying nuclear weapons to Erdogan ,since they will claim "they lost them" . So people need to be ready for a second Inside Job Coup , that will
end with ERdogan capturing US nukes ,with a thumbs up from NATO. Later the history of how
those old nukes were not very protected from being hacked will show up ,allowing Turkey to justify having nuclear weapons. This is how i see all will be played. US ,transfer of its nuclear weapons to Turkey , using fake staged coups as cover.
The only thing that will stop the war in Syria is a new President in US ,that stop it ,maybe trump? if he is genuine , or that Russia continues exposing Americans aid to terrorism , and they continues defeating every terrorist in Syria with very minimal forces. while NATO spending a lot in the fight. China entry in the war will only makes Things far easier for Russia. Because will give NATO memories of their failed Korean war ,so is unfortunate they are not there.