George1 wrote:The 120th mixed aviation regiment will receive the Su-34 bombers in addition to the Su-30SM fighters
Pff… other speculation of the blog "altyn73" ???
As the next year when said a squadron of Su-34 would go to Shatalovo after Khurba ??? or when he said Millerovo will receive Su-35 after Uglovaya ??
The regiments will be formed with two squadrons in long term. Mixed regimets with 3 sqadrons should be split to get new regiments.
The case of Morozovsk was diferent because received the squadron projected for Monchegorsk when 98 SAP was trasfered to North Fleet and this would be provisional.
For the moment Su-34 is for Chelyabisnk this year and the next, and with that 4º SU34 regiment is completed the replacement of previous existing Su-24 regiments and fulfill the last order of 2012 for 92 Su-34
So for more Su-34 is necesary a new order and these new airplanes for the 2020
In adition two mixed regiments Su-24M-Su24MR have been raised on the basis of two recon. squadrons in Marinovka and Shatalovo, so is previsible this two units will be the last ones in replace the Su-24 with Su-34
The other two recon. squadrons are in Chelyabinsk and Varfolomeyevka (Primorie Krai) and could be used for new mixed regiments Su-24M-SU-24MR, at least one in the Far East that could be attached to the Navy for get a new Army of VVS i PVO in the Pacific that in long term would be replaced by Su-30SM
The question of the next unit of Su-34 could have relation with the base of Domna, but this is diferent to say 120th will have a definitive mixed composition , just after split the regiment and rebuild the 266th !!!
Until 10 years ago there were two Su-24 regiments near Domna, in Bada (313th)and Dzhida (2th, transfered to Chelyabinsk) in adition of 266th and 120th.
In the past there was the 23º Air Army of VVS (Frontal Aviation) in Transbaikal Military District with near a dozen of regiments
It would be logical to base the next regiment of Su-34 in the Transbaikal area again, better than have a second Su-34 in the Far East without any Su-30SM regiment. This second would have not sense.
Then, may be reasonable to send Su-34 to Domna that is the only base available in Transbaikalia region in this moment.
In fact bases like Domna can base a complete division
Step airbase looks in overhaul.,115.4334732,947m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
So when 266th go to Step, Domna can home other Su-34 regiment without any problem after Chelyabisk (about 2020) and later, relocate the Su-34 regiment to Bada . in the middle of the way betwewn Domna (Chita) and Ulan-Ude, when this other base receive overhaul
With three regiments (Su-30,Su-34 and Su-25) could be formed a new división of 11th Army VVSiPVO in the Transbaikal área with HQ in Domna-Chita that also have a anti-aircraft regiment as coverage
About the other nonsenses that say that blog, of course 31th or 14th will not receive Su-34
31th is close to 559th, in fact are parts of the same división, that already Works togther, and only 10 mimutes flight of distance.
And 14th also is near 47th (15 min), if west receive more Su-34 will go to Voronezh temporally or Shatalovo when the Su-24 be replaced for Su-34