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    Syrian War: News #12


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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon May 15, 2017 10:34 pm

    calm wrote:Brave reporters from Idbilstan.

    I sent 3sources UNDERCOVER to Idlib, Syria. ALQAEDA FULLY IN CONTROL. Watch my EXCLUSIVE story (ENG subs)

    10000 fuckin Uygurs? Why hasn't China started bombing Syria to kill its own muslim terrorists? They could give a major helping hand.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon May 15, 2017 10:43 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    calm wrote:Brave reporters from Idbilstan.

    I sent 3sources UNDERCOVER to Idlib, Syria. ALQAEDA FULLY IN CONTROL. Watch my EXCLUSIVE story (ENG subs)

    10000 fuckin Uygurs? Why hasn't China started bombing Syria  to kill its own muslim terrorists? They could give a major helping hand.

    China let them there to destroy Syria. China takes a lot of dirty blood oil money from Saudi Arabia. China also sells UCAVs to Saudi Arabia to massacre civilians in Yemen. China only see money. China has 0 morals.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 15, 2017 10:48 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:...........

    China let them there to destroy Syria. China takes a lot of dirty blood oil money from Saudi Arabia. China also sells UCAVs to Saudi Arabia to massacre civilians in Yemen. China only see money. China has 0 morals.

    So their moral matches your IQ then?

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  TheArmenian Mon May 15, 2017 10:56 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:...........

    China let them there to destroy Syria. China takes a lot of dirty blood oil money from Saudi Arabia. China also sells UCAVs to Saudi Arabia to massacre civilians in Yemen. China only see money. China has 0 morals.

    So their moral matches your IQ then?

    Why is Russia not giving Msta-S to Donbass?
    Why is Russia not supplying counter battery radars?
    Putin has sold Novorossia.

    /Sarcasm mode off.

    You guys should stop replying to the resident troll.
    If Mods ban him, he/she/it will sign up under another name.
    Just refrain from replying to him. That is the best method.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  JohninMK Mon May 15, 2017 11:00 pm

    Another article on the US attacking the ISIS leaving Tabqa on safe passage from the SDF. These are three extracted paragraphs. Bear in mind it was the Wall Street Journal that has brought this to light.

    The Kurdish forces obviously made a deal with the ISIS rearguard. They offered safe passage (safe conduct) to the ISIS fighters if those would dismantled their demolition charges on the Tabqa dam and leave their heavy weapons behind. The ISIS group accepted and fulfilled its part of the deal. The dam was saved. The ISIS forces withdrew. The Kurdish commander had made the right decision. Any fighting around, on or within the dam structure could have led to a catastrophic dam failure which would have killed ten-thousands (at least) further down the Euphrates.

    The Syrian government managed to reconcile with about 1,500 towns and local areas that had taken part in the insurgency against it. It promised an amnesty for the fighters and reestablishment of public services. If it would have broken this contract with some of the first areas that took part in it, others would never have agreed to such deals but would have fought down to the last man, woman and child. The Syrian government also offered safe passage to al-Qaeda held Idleb for various Jihadist groups in besieged areas. It stuck to those deals and never attacked the departing enemies. This enabled it to make more such deals. Large parts of Homs, Aleppo and Damascus thereby returned to government control without destructive fighting.

    I have yet to see a comment from the Kurdish commanders on the ground who made the deal, or from the U.S. special forces embedded with them. If I were in their place I would be furious. The breaking of this deal guarantees that no future deals can be made. ISIS fighters would never again feel bound to them. They will now kill hostages, not negotiate about them. They will blow up infrastructure instead of accepting deals about preserving it in exchange for safe passage. The Kurdish soldiers on the ground will have to bleed for this stupidity. This was some extremely short sighted and vindictive behavior by the U.S. commanders of the overall operation.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon May 15, 2017 11:30 pm

    Interesting move, clearly no tunnels in the area. Wonder why.

    Syria Today‏ @todayinsyria 9h9 hours ago

    #Raqqa | #IS opened one of the main irrigation canals in Raqqa and the water flooded streets of western neighborhoods

    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 C_3mon5W0AE1u7p

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  eehnie Mon May 15, 2017 11:51 pm

    par far wrote:
    eehnie wrote:
    par far wrote:This is a few weeks old but according to this Russia is ready to sent ground troops to Syria, if the Syrian government requests, what are they waiting for?

    I think Russia will not increase its presence except as a reaction. If the opposition receives higher help, the gouvernment of Syria will receive higher help. This would be escalation mode. Russia is promoting instead de-escalation mode.

    All the Russian allies in the area are advancing, and all the Russian adversaries are losing. Russia can keep this model of fighting, and likely will do it, while there are not big changes.

    The opposition is getting higher help, they are in South Syria with NATO assholes. It would be also be nice if Iran send in more support but situation in Southern Syria is getting critical.

    I would expect that the answer of Russia to a escalation process, would have different phases and degrees:

    0.- Redeployment of the units that are defeating the pockets of Syrian rebels. Without increase the forces, the positions of the Syrian forces in the North and in the South (from Israel until the Euphrates) fronts will be reinforced.

    1.- Surely Russia provided to Syria their stocks of retired (including of the reserve) weapons, to be stored in territory of Syria if needed. It means, that Syria would have important amounts of these weapons available to new units that would be formed in case of need. If not these stored weapons would be supplied to the current units to cover the loses. But in every case, I expect important amounts of these weapons stored in Syria at this point. More concretely Syria can have been receiving from Russia these years (bolded weapons have been present in the war of Syria):

    085mm D-44
    076mm M-1938
    130mm KS-30
    037mm 61-K
    085mm 52-K KS-12 M-1938
    100mm KS-19
    122mm D-74
    014.5mm ZPU-1/2/4

    082mm Vasilek

    160mm M-160 (TMB2004-2005 300 units; TMB2017 300 units)
    152mm D-1 (TMB2004-2005 700 units; TMB2017 700 units)
    122mm M-30 (TMB2004-2005 3750 units; TMB2017 3750 units)
    203mm B-4(M) (TMB2004-2005 40 units; TMB2017 40 units)
    152mm ML-20 (TMB2004-2005 100 units; TMB2017 100 units)
    057mm S-60 (TMB2004-2005 >0 units; TMB2017 >0 units)
    130mm M-46 (TMB2004-2005 650 units; TMB2017 650 units)
    152mm D-20 (TMB2004-2005 1115 units; TMB2017 1075 units)
    023mm ZU-23-2 (TMB2004-2005 >0 units; TMB2017 >0 units)
    BTR-50 (TMB2004-2005 1000 units; TMB2017 >0 units)
    SA-9 (TMB2004-2005 >0 units; TMB2017 >0 units)
    BM-13 (TMB2004-2005 <50 units; TMB2017 100 units)
    T-54 (including engineering variants) (TMB2004-2005 0 units; TMB2017 >0 units)
    T-62 (including engineering variants) (TMB2004-2005 3000 units; TMB2017 2500 units)
    T-55 (including engineering variants) (TMB2004-2005 <1360 units; TMB2017 >2800 units)

    The numbers of The Military Balance for these weapons are erratic in some cases and static in others. I do not think are right, but surely Syria has material at this point for some additional division.

    And obviously the movement of armament is not stop there.

    2.- The first and main ally of the Syrian gouvernment are the Arab shii, obviously from Iraq and Lebanon, but also from other countries out of the zone of war, which shii minorities I expect to decrease, by lack of freedom and by the high pressure from sunni communities:

    Arab shii population out of the zone of war (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen):

    Saudi Arabia: 2000000 to 4000000 --- 10% to 15% of the Muslim population
    Kuwait: 500000 to 700000 --- 20% to 25% of the Muslim population
    Bahrain: 400000 to 500000 --- 65% to 70% of the Muslim population
    UAE: 300000 to 400000 --- 10% of the Muslim population
    Oman: 100000 to 300000 --- 5% to 10% of the Muslim population
    Qatar: 100000 --- 10% of the Muslim population
    Jordan: 62000 --- <1% of the Muslim population
    Palestine: ???? --- <1% of the Muslim population

    3.- Non-Arab shii voluntaries. Largest shii populations in non-Arab countries are in Iran, Pakistan, India (8 digits), Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Tanzania (7 digits). Iran is also promoting this, and is promoting the movement of important persian populations in other neighbor countries to Iran.

    4.- Iran.

    5.- Russia.

    Last edited by eehnie on Tue May 16, 2017 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  calm Tue May 16, 2017 1:08 am

    Along with families(wives, kids)
    They are the one that hold the Latakia front, together with some Turkmens.
    And be sure that China know how to deal with Turkey.

    Video is deleted, post updated with new link.

    According to SOHR(pro rebels) 40-50k foreign terrorist have been killed by SAA for past 6 years. That's a whole army of invaders. Now there are 20k+ foreigners from around the world living in homes of Syrians in Idbilstan.

    Uyghurs from China with kids, in Syria.
    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 C_5IWgRXgAI1ojYSyrian War: News #12 - Page 35 C_5IZu8WsAACL7c

    Syrians with kids in Syria.
    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 C_5D_4dU0AA6cR-Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 C9BDneoXoAEbNI6

    This is a battle for survival. All those foreign fighters that have come to Jihad in Syria, want to kill all Christians and Alawites.
    What can SAA do when time for Idlib comes? All those foreign fighters will be stranded in Syria, with choice to surrender or die.

    And the final question is what will hapen with all those children. IS have moved all families of their foreign fighters to central Syria and area around Deir Ez Zor. There are hundreds of them, no more escapes now when border with Turkey is sealed...
    Turkey have relocated all turkmens to areas in between Kurds around Al Bab to change demographic picture. but i highly doubt that they will do the same with some Uyghurs and Chechens. And even some Bosnians from Balkans have their families there.

    Hard times for Syria as a state. First they need to finish off all those Jihad hordes, and to deal with their families after...

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 16, 2017 2:31 am

    Was flipping through channels and apparently CNN is having a shit-fit over Trump allegedly "giving Intel on ISIS to Lavrov"

    I mean what is worst thing Russia could do with that ISIS Intel? Kill them before USA does?

    Looks like we are in for a fun day of TV tomorrow.... yet again... lol1

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  kvs Tue May 16, 2017 3:29 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Was flipping through channels and apparently CNN is having a shit-fit over Trump allegedly "giving Intel on ISIS to Lavrov"

    I mean what is worst thing Russia could do with that ISIS Intel? Kill them before USA does?

    Looks like we are in for a fun day of TV tomorrow.... yet again... lol1

    So CNN is openly protecting Daesh. CNN was not elected to decide how intel on Daesh should be used. As you note,
    if Russia is given this intel to save US forces the trouble, then what is CNN's "case". Little baby tantrum that "Russia should
    not be allowed to help"?

    I really hope this sort of behavior creates a major backlash against the US fake stream media.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Tue May 16, 2017 4:29 am

    What kind of assholes bring their children to a warzone?

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  miketheterrible Tue May 16, 2017 9:42 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:What kind of assholes bring their children to a warzone?

    The kind that deserve to die.

    Hopefully the kids will just be sent home.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  GarryB Tue May 16, 2017 10:45 am

    I think that it is odd that those photos of terrorists with their kids have the kids faces but the adults faces blurred...

    A little ironic considering the kids are the innocent victims here and likely had little choice in the decision to move to a war zone, yet the people who took them there are hiding their identities...

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  BKP Tue May 16, 2017 7:58 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Another article on the US attacking the ISIS leaving Tabqa on safe passage from the SDF. These are three extracted paragraphs. Bear in mind it was the Wall Street Journal that has brought this to light.

    The Kurdish forces obviously made a deal with the ISIS rearguard. They offered safe passage (safe conduct) to the ISIS fighters if those would dismantled their demolition charges on the Tabqa dam and leave their heavy weapons behind. The ISIS group accepted and fulfilled its part of the deal. The dam was saved. The ISIS forces withdrew. The Kurdish commander had made the right decision. Any fighting around, on or within the dam structure could have led to a catastrophic dam failure which would have killed ten-thousands (at least) further down the Euphrates.

    The Syrian government managed to reconcile with about 1,500 towns and local areas that had taken part in the insurgency against it. It promised an amnesty for the fighters and reestablishment of public services. If it would have broken this contract with some of the first areas that took part in it, others would never have agreed to such deals but would have fought down to the last man, woman and child. The Syrian government also offered safe passage to al-Qaeda held Idleb for various Jihadist groups in besieged areas. It stuck to those deals and never attacked the departing enemies. This enabled it to make more such deals. Large parts of Homs, Aleppo and Damascus thereby returned to government control without destructive fighting.

    I have yet to see a comment from the Kurdish commanders on the ground who made the deal, or from the U.S. special forces embedded with them. If I were in their place I would be furious. The breaking of this deal guarantees that no future deals can be made. ISIS fighters would never again feel bound to them. They will now kill hostages, not negotiate about them. They will blow up infrastructure instead of accepting deals about preserving it in exchange for safe passage. The Kurdish soldiers on the ground will have to bleed for this stupidity. This was some extremely short sighted and vindictive behavior by the U.S. commanders of the overall operation.

    I'm going to do some more looking into this. If this is true, then it's another unmistakable sign of the shockingly low quality of American leaders today, military, political, whatever. This act is one of either stupidity or gleeful malice. And, yet, incredibly, these same people vaingloriously self-assume the right to world leadership when they apparently couldn't effectively lead themselves out of a wet paper sack.

    GarryB wrote:I think that it is odd that those photos of terrorists with their kids have the kids faces but the adults faces blurred...

    A little ironic considering the kids are the innocent victims here and likely had little choice in the decision to move to a war zone, yet the people who took them there are hiding their identities...

    Good observation

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  JohninMK Wed May 17, 2017 12:09 am

    Bit of troop rotation underway

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — A new artillery unit of the US Marine Corps has arrived in Syria to assist partnered forces on the ground with isolating the city of Raqqa, US Central Command spokesperson Maj. Josh Jacques said on Tuesday.

    "They are providing support, on a temporary basis, across the combined joint operations area that the commander needs to ensure a lasting defeat for ISIS [Daesh]," Jacques told the Marine Corps Times.

    However, Jacques declined to say how long the unit will be deployed in Syria.

    The unit has replaced some 400 Marines from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit who deployed to Syria in March to establish an outpost in support of the ongoing operation to liberate Raqqa from Daesh terrorist group.

    Central Command head Gen. Joseph Votel said the Marines were aiding with all-weather fire support for Syrian Democratic Force partners and assisting with the logistics capability in Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  franco Wed May 17, 2017 1:40 am

    Apparently the Desert Hawks brigade have been getting retrained and equipped. They will soon be rejoining the action.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  eehnie Wed May 17, 2017 3:58 am

    Then, without include the surrended until now, if I'm not wrong these are the remaining pockets:

    - Arsal: ISIS

    - Western Kirkuk: ISIS
    - Mosul: ISIS
    - Al Ayadiya: ISIS

    - Birkat al Fukhtah (border with Lebanon)
    - Dumayr
    - Al Yarmuk
    - Ar-Rastan (Homs)
    - Duma

    All them can fall in some months.

    Last edited by eehnie on Wed May 17, 2017 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  ultimatewarrior Wed May 17, 2017 4:47 am

    American marine artillery deployed to take Raqqa city. It looks like SDF will be going for Deir es Zor while SAA is getting nowhere due to lack of Russian support.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  JohninMK Wed May 17, 2017 2:24 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:American marine artillery deployed to take Raqqa city. It looks like SDF will be going for Deir es Zor while SAA is getting nowhere due to lack of Russian support.
    As I said above this is just a standard troop rotation. Nothing to see or jump to conclusions from here. Move down the car.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  ultimatewarrior Wed May 17, 2017 4:01 pm

    SAA using RPO PDM-A in eastern Homs. About time they got some new arms. At 0:13 and 0:55.


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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  calm Wed May 17, 2017 6:35 pm

    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 DACmMJbWAAAJnCH

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  ultimatewarrior Wed May 17, 2017 10:39 pm

    Russians. Take a good look who your partner is. Russians are naive. That's why they lost the Cold War. Lost Yugoslavia. Lost Ukraine. Lost Libya. Lost Iraq. Lost Yemen. Lost Afghanistan. Almost lost Syria. Russians always think Americans are good people. Americans are evil people. They always trick Russians with dirt.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 18, 2017 1:33 am

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu May 18, 2017 4:38 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:Russians. Take a good look who your partner is. Russians are naive. That's why they lost the Cold War. Lost Yugoslavia. Lost Ukraine. Lost Libya. Lost Iraq. Lost Yemen. Lost Afghanistan. Almost lost Syria. Russians always think Americans are good people. Americans are evil people. They always trick Russians with dirt.

    some nameless FSA guy saying something doesn;t mean shit.

    Also Libya? they never fought for Libya half the countries you named they never stepped foot into.

    The break-up of the USSR was hardly Russia faults it was Gob's you clearly do not know history or what happened.

    Lost Ukraine bruh Putin complete all of his objectives in ukraine,

    You need to seriously think before you type. I could list all the reasons why you are so mistaken here but that would be a waste of time.

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    Syrian War: News #12 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #12

    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 18, 2017 5:06 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:Russians. Take a good look who your partner is. Russians are naive. That's why they lost the Cold War. Lost Yugoslavia. Lost Ukraine. Lost Libya. Lost Iraq. Lost Yemen. Lost Afghanistan. Almost lost Syria. Russians always think Americans are good people. Americans are evil people. They always trick Russians with dirt.

    some nameless FSA guy saying something doesn;t mean shit.

    Also Libya? they never fought for Libya half the countries you named they never stepped foot into.

    The break-up of the USSR was hardly Russia faults it was Gob's you clearly do not know history or what happened.

    Lost Ukraine bruh Putin complete all of his objectives in ukraine,

    You need to seriously think before you type. I could list all the reasons why you are so mistaken here but that would be a waste of time.

    Dude, that's that troll's fifth account. He just spits shit but mods tolerate him for some inexplicable reason.

    Just ignore him, he haven't said a single intelligent thing for last 3 years.

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