Vann7 Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:06 am
medo wrote:What is more interesting is the fact, that it was F-16I Sufa, which was shot down. It is the most advanced abd the newest F-16 plane with the most sofisticated israeli electronics. Israeli propaganda claimed, that its ECM capabilities enable it to easily make strikes ai areas protected by S-300 or S-400, but now it is shot down by the old first generation S-125 (SAM-3) modified to Pechora-2M. And considering, that SAA also hit and damage F-15, most probably F-15I Raam, than this bring a good question of israeli ECM capabilities against modern air defense complexes.
Thats great news..
This new event , was a major awakening for the Israelis arrogance and belief in invulnerability of their
Airforce. No longer Israelis/zionist in military discussions will claim ,Israeli airforce can defeat S-300s and S-400.
Because in Syria no plane shot down.. They obviously don't understand Russia rules of engagement.
that their air defenses are only for exclusive protection of Russia military base and any region in Syria that
Russia army operates. From now one , Israel will be more careful in their attacks on Syria..even if using standoff weapons ,because Syria have long range defenses that can hit parts and the fear
will be present all the time.. Losing another combat plane of their best ones in their inventory ,will truly
be too embarrassing for Israel to take.. Israel have been training Syria,IRAN,hezbolah for years ,in how to fight
their own Israeli airforce. with their predictable weekly attacks on Syria. and it was a matter of time , Syria and IRAN will learn how to do it.. for nothing it was said ,practice makes perfection..