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Odin of Ossetia
Tsavo Lion
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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile


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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  dino00 Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:35 pm

    a missile with a global-range nuclear installation, everything is also going according to the plan," Putin said

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:39 am

    Nuclear-powered missile sounds like a crazy idea to me.

    Even Russian military now fears cyber-attacks against nuclear installations.

    Can a nuclear-powered missile be electronically hacked?


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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  The-thing-next-door Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:07 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Nuclear-powered missile sounds like a crazy idea to me.

    Even Russian military now fears cyber-attacks against nuclear installations.

    Can a nuclear-powered missile be electronically hacked?

    What kind of moron would connect either to the internet?

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:02 am

    The Burevestnik is not a remote controlled drone. It is an autonomous cruise missile

    The whole "cyber attack" hysteria in the west is just retarded.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:06 pm

    kvs wrote:The Burevestnik is not a remote controlled drone.  It is an autonomous cruise missile

    The whole "cyber attack" hysteria in the west is just retarded.

    They act like LAN connections don't exist, what would they need the WWW for? To download Hentai lol?!?! clown

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Nuclear-powered missile sounds like a crazy idea to me.

    Even Russian military now fears cyber-attacks against nuclear installations.

    Can a nuclear-powered missile be electronically hacked?

    What idiots believes this scaremonger nonsense lol? lol1 Federation strategic facilities have their own LAN networks cut off from the WWW, it's not like they can order thermonuclear warheads through Ebay and Amazon. clown

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:02 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:Nuclear-powered missile sounds like a crazy idea to me....

    Only marginally more crazy than nuclear powered bomb and still that never hurt anyone


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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:35 pm

    The Russian military uses encrypted communications links and not the internet. The internet was the baby conceived in the
    primitive era of the 1950s and 1960s by DARPA. Technology and its scientific basis have advanced since then. So the internet
    ended up as a useful civilian project.

    And indeed, the inanity of the cyber "terror" propaganda storm in the west is obscene. Critical infrastructure does not need
    any internet connection. There are enough warm bodies working in power plants and etc. to use USB sticks or some other portable
    media to update or install software/firmware required by their systems. If US power plants are directly attached to the
    internet protected only by a router, then they are begging to be penetrated by crackers (malicious hackers).

    It looks to me like all those idiotic movies from the 1980s about hackers breaking into the Pentagon (before the www!)
    have produced a generation of idiots that think this is a real issue. This is the same as with nuclear power. A load
    of Hollywood rubbish about meltdowns through the center of the planet and giant ants conditioned the feeble brains
    of sheeple to fear and hate nuclear power. Great timing for global warming mitigation efforts! Now millions are waiting
    for solar panels and wind mills to save us. This is certifiable insanity.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:32 pm

    The internet or outside access for the network (VPN) can be set up that is internal based only. Hence why Russia has little issues with their plants. But hacking attempts are made but those are on systems that just relay information but not control systems. But if that can get hacked it can be a problem where the virus spreads.

    That's why they are creating their own intranet/internet structure which eliminates most of the issues. But yes, I believe most of their setups are a LAN based one.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:59 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:The internet or outside access for the network (VPN) can be set up that is internal based only.  Hence why Russia has little issues with their plants. But hacking attempts are made but those are on systems that just relay information but not control systems. But if that can get hacked it can be a problem where the virus spreads.

    That's why they are creating their own intranet/internet structure which eliminates most of the issues.  But yes, I believe most of their setups are a LAN based one.

    The ideal for security is not to have any physical connection between the internet and secure systems. Power plants, etc.
    do not need secure systems to be internet connected. This is gimmick BS sold to managers so they can monitor from home
    or while traveling. There is no need for such "convenience" and these managers should do their fecking jobs properly.

    I know of a case in the government of Canada (not through the media but through contacts) where the clowns had a hard core
    firewall requiring RSA number generator devices for access but set up an email box that completely bypassed the firewall.
    They did get hacked but the hacker left a greeting card telling them to get their act together instead of doing something
    malicious. At the end of the day, no software or hardware can remedy stupidity.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Arrow Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:51 am

    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 210818102856-04-russia-skyfall-nuclear-missile-super-169

    Perhaps Russia is preparing for the Burevestnik tests. We haven't heard anything recently about testing and progress on this extremely exotic project. Cool

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Arrow Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:23 pm

    NOTAM which may indicate Burevestnik tests.

    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 IMG-20210927-231730

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  owais.usmani Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:00 pm

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Hole Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:53 pm

    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Fc3rk710
    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Skywat10
    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Skywat11

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Arrow Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:50 pm

    An interesting reactor project on americium 242. Perhaps a similar project, although modified, powers Burevestnik scratch

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:02 am

    10 Kilowatts operating for a year on 19 grammes of fuel... that is quite interesting...

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Arrow Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:08 am

    Very interesting. Burevestnik or Poseidon needs much more energy. Only that for a global flight or reaching the USA, it needs fuel for a few days only.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:20 pm

    Well not really because 10 kilowatts of electricity is the power generated... that could drive a fan based system of an electric jet engine and the reactor could provide the intense heat that would be generated by burning fossil fuels on a conventional jet engine... that could be plenty with an electric jet engine and essentially a nuclear ramjet with the pile heating the airflow...

    That reactor project is likely a test platform and not an operational system... it is to test the theory and make sure it works... for an actual platform... aircraft or submersible, they could scale it to generate all the power needed... a sub version could use the sea water for cooling allowing it to run at much higher temperatures, and indeed an airborne ramjet powered version could heat up ceramic frames that heat the air as it flows through the engine to generate extra propulsion...

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  PhSt Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:02 am

    Ok so the main idea behind the Burevestnik is that its a cruise missile with unlimited range due to its nuclear propulsion, so it means it can be launched from any point in the planet and reach any location due to its unlimited fuel

    Thats great! but how about its payload size? its speed? its survivability? I mean, unlimited range is not that much useful if its easily intercepted, or if its got a small payload/ destructive power where a single hit is not enough to achieve the desired destruction effect.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:25 am

    There are alleged photos of the missile in containers. It looks like reasonably sized cruise missile so it would carry the corresponding warhead. It is
    big enough to be armed with a typical cruise missile nuke warhead.

    A big feature of this missile is that it detects detection systems and steers clear. This makes it much harder to shoot down. For all we know it may
    accelerate to several mach in its terminal stage.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Isos Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:49 am

    A rocket booster for terminal attack is possible, just like Kalibr in anti ships version.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:32 am

    Thats great! but how about its payload size? its speed? its survivability?

    The thing about conventional cruise missiles is that to reach the long ranges they reach they actually spend most of the flight at medium altitude just cruising along... hense the name.

    As they approach the enemies air defence zone they drop down and accelerate and try to fly along cover like down a river or along the line of low hills.

    If they had nuclear propulsion they would fly low all the way because that would make them much harder to detect and deal with.

    I would expect the payload will be nuclear but we have no idea what their flight speed might be... but if they are supersonic at low altitude they will actually be very hard to deal with for any air defence system.

    The point is that these are weapons to hit cities so they can bypass military air defence systems and find weak spots and cracks in the defenses... including flying the other way around the planet and attacking from an unexpected direction.

    I mean, unlimited range is not that much useful if its easily intercepted,

    Most of the time such weapons will hit targets hours after ICBMs and SLBMs have already hit their targets so enemy air defences wont be intact and fully ready to deal with such threats.

    or if its got a small payload/ destructive power where a single hit is not enough to achieve the desired destruction effect.

    It should be capable of carrying a dozen very small warheads, each of which could do damage and small warheads are more radioactive than bigger weapons.

    A rocket booster for terminal attack is possible, just like Kalibr in anti ships version.

    Or it could just let the airflow into its reactor core to superheat the air and operate essentially like a nuclear ramjet.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:37 am

    Perhaps the Burevestnik test. It is a pity that the Russians completely concealed the works and progress as well as the solutions used in this exotic project.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Kiko Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:19 pm

    NYT: Russia is preparing to test a nuclear-powered missile, by Olga Ivanova for VZGLYAD. 10.02.2023.

    Russia is preparing to test the experimental nuclear-powered cruise missile Burevestnik, the American newspaper The New York Times (NYT) reported.

    The newspaper analyzed the movement of aircraft and vehicles in the area of ​​the Pankovo ​​training ground on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, where weapons were probably tested before. Based on this analysis, the publication came to the conclusion that the Burevestnik was being prepared for testing, reports .

    The newspaper VZGLYAD told how the improvement of the Russian missile defense system  is disrupting  American plans in space, and the Burevestnik nuclear missile is dramatically  expanding  Russia’s space prospects.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:19 pm

    Kiko wrote:NYT: Russia is preparing to test a nuclear-powered missile, by Olga Ivanova for VZGLYAD. 10.02.2023.

    me loves this, I refer ti the hill as NYT is paid subscription.

    Russia may be preparing to test an experimental nuclear-powered cruise missile with a range of up to 14,000 miles (1), according to The New York Times.

    (2) The missile, known as the Burevestnik, has failed in its previous trials and once caused an accident that resulted in several deaths.

    But the Burevestnik, also known in the West as the RS-SSC-X-09 Skyfall, would give Russia an extremely long-range intercontinental ballistic missile if future tests are successful and the weapon enters Moscow’s arsenal.

    The New York Times reported satellite images of a base in the Russian Arctic indicate movement of aircraft and vehicles consistent with previous tests, while Russia has also issued an aviation notice also consistent with previous tests that has been extended through Friday.

    The U.S. has also flown surveillance aircraft near the base for the past two weeks, a small increase in activity that could indicate concern from Washington.

    (1) So they know the range. Source as always unknown
    (2) they know about failed tests and deaths but no elaboration of number or deaths but they know. For sure.
    (3) close to Russian base? depending if thousands km is close then ok.

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    "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile - Page 16 Empty Re: "Burevestnik" Nuclear-powered cruise missile

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:40 am

    But the Burevestnik, also known in the West as the RS-SSC-X-09 Skyfall, would give Russia an extremely long-range intercontinental ballistic missile if future tests are successful and the weapon enters Moscow’s arsenal.

    The author doesn't know the difference between a cruise missile and a ballistic missile...  Why am I surprised?  Laughing

    Then the idiot author dumps this load of sh!t:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly threatened the use of nuclear weapons during the war in Ukraine.


    Pls tell me why I should put any faith in this idiots demented scribblings?

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