As Sa'iqa wrote:
I see no reason to blame USA for human rights abuse in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a totally different culture, based on different values. On the other hand, there are lots of USA allies with excellent human rights record. Norway is a US ally and it's one of the most free and tolerant countries in the world, same with the entire Europe. Find just ONE Iranian or Russian ally with a similar record.
No reason to blame USA? First of all Saudi Arabia is a dictatorship a bad regime that has one of the biggest if not the biggest human rights abuses in the world and USA holds this scum of royal families in charge over the country just because this human scum of royal families sell S.Arabian oil for almost nothing to USA and recieve all this money for themselfs. And you are such a biased person, to bring Norway as US ally to make an invalid argument that USA is such a good guy. Norway has no oil that means it is a non factor doesn't matter if it's an ally or an enemy, no Oil no need for war or corrupting the country to make it to an "ally" for their oil.
Why only "human rights abuses" occur and chased by the self-claimed Justice of the World USA in countries with Oil or strategic important locations?
Almost the entire african continent is contaminated with human rights abuses by governments, militarisms, organisations that form entire own armies for regional power and so on? Why not one "allied" country of USA and NATO is accused for human rights abuses even when they are documented and very well known?
Because they don't give a single F*ck about it and cover it up, don't bring daily all the shit of African continent up, since it's the West that brings this shit to Africa, buy making trouble, looting them from their natural resources, supplying their little warlords with weapons, this is the reason why USA has 75% of the entire military world market.
Just strategy for more and more power and power comes through who holds the most natural resources by making to a monopoly.
America is the only country without human rights abuses i guess?
No Police brutality at demonstrations, no torture camps like Gitmo, people are not locked away just because they are activists, USA has no laws like Nazi Germany did to lock away people without charge and fair trial like NDAA and Patriot Act, but i guess this all are not human rights abuses since they don't surve the purpose to achieve something in favor of the glory mighty and always moral acting USA.
Maybe you should ask yourself to watch with bare eyes and not through your white,blue and red flagged glasses.