TR1 wrote:Do I really need to keep repeating myself?
It is a huge part of the gov BUDGET.
That is why with the price of oil dropping the budget had huge holes that needed to be filled. The revenue from natural resource export is what the gov used to fund many of its lavish programs.
Thank you, I am well aware Russia has industry.
Now now TR1, you may well be aware that Russia has industry - but you are being dishonest.
Putin's government (and Medvedev's) has done much for the diversification of the Russian economy.
- The huge expansion of the automotive industry, including the cash for clunkers program, all the government efforts to encourage foreign automakers to increase the levels of localized parts and the establishment of incentives for doing so.
- The wood-processing industry and the government efforts in that regard, including slapping duties on exported raw timber; as a result many Finnish and Chinese wood-processing companies have invested in production facilities in Russia
- The constant high-level efforts at a government level to sell arms abroad; the defense industry feeds how many companies in Russia? Similarly, the government's modernization of the Russian military and the stricter standards towards Russian defense companies; this has contributed to the development of this economical sector too. Lately, defense enterprises have started to be merged into larger corprations by the state; time will tell how that will turn out but there are grounds for optimism.
- Ditto with nuclear power plant construction, and to a lesser extent hydroelectric power-plants; both of them are pushed at a state-to-state level by the Russian government, and many successes in securing contracts have been noted in recent years. Domestic investment into new power plants of all types is also tied in with government programs; many NPPs are being built around the country; thermal, hydro-electric, even solar power plants too.
- Government-led investment into Russian infastructure. New railroads, new ports, renovations and expansion of airports, construction and reconstruction of highways, bridges and ring-roads around the country and many of its major cities. The new space-port at Vostochny. Railroad construction is also being pushed being pushed as an export at the state level by the Russian government; several contracts have been secured.
- Government efforts at encouraging tourism, reforming Rosturizm, publiscing the country at exhibitions, the massive investments into Sochi and the focus on investment into sport infastructure for international events, the new F1 track, the large amount of visa-free regimes signed with countries world-wide and further government interest in this issue. All of this has been done through government money and programs.
- Investment into high-tech, the widespread campaign at encouraging investment into nano-technology; the setting up of the Rosnano investment conglomerate, the Skolkovo institute and other government and regional technoparks and business incubators for tech start-ups.
- The state investment into the Northern Sea Route, renewal of ports along its route and supporting infastructure, construction of a fleet of new icebreakers to keep the route open, investment into new miltiary garrisons along the Arctic, state-support at the highest levels, directed at encouraging other countries to start making use of it.
- Government reform of the higher-education system, the unification of various existing and newly built instututes and facilities into a series of federal universities, one for each district of the country. Setting up of the Skolkovo Management school too. Focus on establishing partnerships with foreign institutes.
- Government investment into farmers and agriculture, many supporting programs for purchasing farm equipment and land. The recent counter-sanctions have eliminated much of the competition for Russian farmers. The government has also established direct contacts with many of the large multinationals involved in investing in Russia food & beverage production; Coca Cola and so on; giving them support and whatever they need.
- Attempts to improve business conditions, Russia has been steadily climbing up the rankings in recent years. Loads of initiatives and support programs in regards to small and medium-sized businesses. Various beaurocratic reforms.
It's all I can think of now but there's plenty more than that.