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    Russian Economy General News: #4


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    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:13 am

    I don't have specific data.

    But I think they're generally on the right track with their financial system realignment efforts. The (western) derivatives market is just one big ticking time bomb...when it blows, it's likely to be a much bigger disaster than the 2007/08 crisis

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:13 am

    Now Friday 10 2015 , Ruble is waiving from 51 to 50..  
    For comparisons ,before the sanctions and oil sinking in value.. early in 2014 at Sochi
    the RUble value was in the 35.. when oil was at 100 and there was no sanctions. But with the war in Yemen.. if i was Russia or IRAN i will send thousands of mercenaries with weapons to Yemen
    and after taking all the country ,move to Saudi Arabia and overthrow the Saudi Monarchi..  That will truly take oil prices to heaven.. we are speaking about $200 to $300 per barrel .. if Saudi Arabia becomes a war zone and its oil business interrupted. And will allow Russia to make a ton of money..courtesy of Oil-freedom fighters.. lol and recover withing just few months all the losses in 2014. .   Smile

    Ruble 'miracle' pushes 2015 gains to 15%

    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 11

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    Post  henriksoder Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:37 pm

    Russia must gain middle and small companies better in the sense that the individual knowledge, ambitions and goal must be stimulated economic and progressed by the state with eaiser upstart-rules of the companies and easier moduls to create a company, hire people and more comfortably rules for the company to expand and grow in the Russian society.

    Russia must take in account the earlier sectors of the Russian economy collpase of the economy and stimulate such sectors of the economy which can be gained before it collapsed. The Russian economy and market must be more effective and more likely open and prosper economies in Europe and for example US. The Russian economy must be stimulated by the state and the Russian economy must claim results of the individual to contribute to a more prosper Russia.

    Russia must gain sectors and their oppurtunities to develop, for example the oil and gas production must be stimulated and competed internationally for Russian values. Russia should work for a less corrupt society which should be able to gain the national economy and for a fair Russia where the economic capital is distributed in a effectful, fair and gainfull way for the Russian national economy.

    Russia must take in account all their natural resorces and gain them and compete them in the international competion and market. Russia must produce and import things which will gain the Russian economy, for example in the long term. Russia should work for good free trade and trade with EU for a useful outcome for the Russian economy. Russia should also work for a trade in the world which gain Russian interest. Russia should also work for a gainfull trade between Russia and China for a strong economic development in Asia.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:41 pm

    henriksoder wrote:Russia must gain middle and small companies better in the sense that the individual knowledge, ambitions and goal must be stimulated economic and progressed by the state with eaiser upstart-rules of the companies and easier moduls to create a company, hire people and more comfortably rules for the company to expand and grow in the Russian society.

    Russia must take in account the earlier sectors of the Russian economy collpase of the economy and stimulate such sectors of the economy which can be gained before it collapsed. The Russian economy and market must be more effective and more likely open and prosper economies in Europe and for example US. The Russian economy must be stimulated by the state and the Russian economy must claim results of the individual to contribute to a more prosper Russia.

    Russia must gain sectors and their oppurtunities to develop, for example the oil and gas production must be stimulated and competed internationally for Russian values. Russia should work for a less corrupt society which should be able to gain the national economy and for a fair Russia where the economic capital is distributed in a effectful, fair and gainfull way for the Russian national economy.

    Russia must take in account all their natural resorces and gain them and compete them in the international competion and market. Russia must produce and import things which will gain the Russian economy, for example in the long term. Russia should work for good free trade and trade with EU for a useful outcome for the Russian economy. Russia should also work for a trade in the world which gain Russian interest. Russia should also work for a gainfull trade between Russia and China for a strong economic development in Asia.


    None of that really made much sense.

    Russia already has whatever they can do to provide assistance to small and medium companies with tax exemptions for 2 - 3 years.

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    Post  Viktor Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:37 pm

    Nice Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    90% of the outflow of capital from Russia - repayment of foreign debts

    Recall that capital outflows totaled $ 32.6 billion, of which $ 29.8 billion - repayment of debt owed ​​to foreign banks and $ 2.9 billion - a reduction of financial assets

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:07 pm

    9 Reasons Why The Russia Ruble Is The Best Performing Currency Year-To-Date

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:11 pm

    I'm worried about the strengthening rouble

    We were just beggining to see a raft of articles about how Russian exports have started booming and all sorts of new plans

    And now Russian goods are fast rising in price for international buyers..

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:11 pm

    Viktor wrote:Nice  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    90% of the outflow of capital from Russia - repayment of foreign debts

    Recall that capital outflows totaled $ 32.6 billion, of which $ 29.8 billion - repayment of debt owed ​​to foreign banks and $ 2.9 billion - a reduction of financial assets

    Once they pay off their debts, then all money will be for themselves.  I am afraid of what the future will be though before they can pay it off.  Like if US will try to destabilize Russia through Ukraine or try to start a war.

    flamming_python wrote:I'm worried about the strengthening rouble

    We were just beggining to see a raft of articles about how Russian exports have started booming and all sorts of new plans

    And now Russian goods are fast rising in price for international buyers..

    True. But as long as it stays in the late 40's to 50's, it should be good. Now Russia is exporting furniture as well. The value of the ruble is still quite low, so the goods are still quite cheap.
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:59 pm

    Rouble shouldn't appreciate greatly it can harm its economy . Till 45 is ok . US can't do anything else now to destabilize russia except war . and we all know US with navy alone can take care of Russia let alone CSTO . Very Happy Laughing

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:02 pm

    max steel wrote:Rouble shouldn't appreciate greatly it can harm its economy . Till 45 is ok . US can't do anything else now to destabilize russia except war . and we all know US with navy alone can take care of Russia let alone CSTO . Very Happy Laughing

    They can? You sure about that?
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:40 pm

    Yeah man don't ya know they have much more stronger and advanced navy with their SSGN hiding under polar cap and near japan in pacific targetting Valadivostok and Moscow . Don't forget their aNTI-SUB TECHS . They will first blow your subs then you'll see the wrath of Tridents and UGM-27 Polaris missile . Razz tongue Laughing Surprised Laughing

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    Post  mack8 Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:43 pm

    They'll send their navy right up to Belarus's shores presumably. Rolling Eyes

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    Post  Werewolf Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:53 pm

    flamming_python wrote:I'm worried about the strengthening rouble

    We were just beggining to see a raft of articles about how Russian exports have started booming and all sorts of new plans

    And now Russian goods are fast rising in price for international buyers..

    I am pretty sure that is the solution of Washington (Federal Reserve Bank) after they miscalculated the entire down rating of rouble and russia just bought off private companies and started thriving own economy into more export and domestic production. They've realized that is not possible to harm russia in that way, so to stagnate this developing process they had to raise the value a little bit higher. Those exchange rates are all controlled and held administrative by FED only, so it is easy for them to adjust that as they like.
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:58 pm

    Belarus ? Too astute dude . They will even enter Caspian Sea . affraid Laughing


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    Post  flamming_python Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:00 pm

    The rouble's rise and now fall has correlated very strongly with the oil price's fall and now rise over the last 12 months.

    Too strongly in fact. It's not the only factor but it does seem to be a decisive one.

    Which is a problem; as it allows a shithole like Saudi Arabia to effectively have an instrument of control over Russia's economic competitivness.
    The only state organization that should have such an instrument, should be the Russian Central Bank.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Werewolf Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:15 pm

    flamming_python wrote:The rouble's rise and now fall has correlated very strongly with the oil price's fall and now rise over the last 12 months.

    Too strongly in fact. It's not the only factor but it does seem to be a decisive one.

    Which is a problem; as it allows a shithole like Saudi Arabia to effectively have an instrument of control over Russia's economic competitivness.
    The only state organization that should have such an instrument, should be the Russian Central Bank.

    That is not the case, the rouble strengthend but the value for Oil still remains unchanged around 50.79 USD. That actually shows the oppossite that the exchange rate is effected by private hands not free market of supply and demand, otherwise the oil price would have to rise above 60-65 USD per barrel to have a change on rouble which it did not.

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    Post  kvs Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:03 pm

    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 11 20150410_RUB2_0

    The ruble has decoupled from WTI prices over the last three months.

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    Post  kvs Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:06 pm

    To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away. It's previous decline was way too tightly coupled to the
    oil price compared to other oil dependent economies (that would actually be Canada even if it is claimed otherwise). The numbskulls
    realized that the ruble collapse was equivalent to import barriers and export subsidy: a recipe for Russian economic growth and
    development. So now we are going to see over-valuing of the ruble. The ruble should be about 55 to the dollar.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:17 pm

    Why didn't canada's or norway's currencies which are far more dependant on oil than russia fall very little or not at all?

    max steel
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    Post  max steel Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:20 pm

    Canada is struggling with its economy too . Not good for pripaganda . Even norway is facing some issues , forgot what were they but will let you know .

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:36 pm

    kvs wrote:To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away.   It's previous decline was way too tightly coupled to the
    oil price compared to other oil dependent economies (that would actually be Canada even if it is claimed otherwise).    The numbskulls
    realized that the ruble collapse was equivalent to import barriers and export subsidy: a recipe for Russian economic growth and
    development.  So now we are going to see over-valuing of the ruble.   The ruble should be about 55 to the dollar.

    I think Ruble is headed to its natural position. But the sweet spot is probably 55 rub/usd.

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    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:40 pm

    kvs wrote:To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away.

    Yep definately. They no longer have the financial resources to match their ambitions.

    It will be tough for a year or two till the economy adjusts to the new conditions, but it doesn't look it will be as bad as some predicted a few months ago.

    As for the "western partners" trying to do something, I'm sure they will do their best...some analysts believe they will try to destabilise Central Asia next to prevent a meaningful Eurasian integration and China's Silk Roads strategy. That way they will attack Russia from 2 fronts (Ukraine and C. Asia) at the same time.

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    Post  kvs Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:29 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    kvs wrote:To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away.

    Yep definately. They no longer have the financial resources to match their ambitions.

    It will be tough for a year or two till the economy adjusts to the new conditions, but it doesn't look it will be as bad as some predicted a few months ago.

    As for the "western partners" trying to do something, I'm sure they will do their best...some analysts believe they will try to destabilise Central Asia next to prevent a meaningful Eurasian integration and China's Silk Roads strategy. That way they will attack Russia from 2 fronts (Ukraine and C. Asia) at the same time.

    That is a very good point. NATO wants to disrupt the formation of a new silk road that will bind Asia into a powerful economic entity and link Europe with it. For sure NATO's agents are trying to stage colour revolutions in Central Asia to establish a barricade composed of NATO bootlick regimes.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Kimppis Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:30 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    kvs wrote:To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away.   It's previous decline was way too tightly coupled to the
    oil price compared to other oil dependent economies (that would actually be Canada even if it is claimed otherwise).    The numbskulls
    realized that the ruble collapse was equivalent to import barriers and export subsidy: a recipe for Russian economic growth and
    development.  So now we are going to see over-valuing of the ruble.   The ruble should be about 55 to the dollar.

    I think Ruble is headed to its natural position. But the sweet spot is probably 55 rub/usd.

    Which means shitty nominal GDP and financial power? I know that nominal GDP is just a number and low value has its positives, but it still doesn't seem... right. Russia is not a fucking Spain (no offence to Spain).

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    Post  TR1 Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:39 am

    Kimppis wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    kvs wrote:To me this looks like the speculator attack on the ruble has fizzled away.   It's previous decline was way too tightly coupled to the
    oil price compared to other oil dependent economies (that would actually be Canada even if it is claimed otherwise).    The numbskulls
    realized that the ruble collapse was equivalent to import barriers and export subsidy: a recipe for Russian economic growth and
    development.  So now we are going to see over-valuing of the ruble.   The ruble should be about 55 to the dollar.

    I think Ruble is headed to its natural position. But the sweet spot is probably 55 rub/usd.

    Which means shitty nominal GDP and financial power? I know that nominal GDP is just a number and low value has its positives, but it still doesn't seem... right. Russia is not a fucking Spain (no offence to Spain).

    True, Spain has a more diverse economy than Russia. Razz

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