PapaDragon wrote:More than $5.9 billion to be invested in spaceports development by 2025 — Russian PM
These days one forum topic gets merged with other forum topics , rightly so(due to global economics).
Russia needs to generate extra sources of revenues in order to make its space industry
Cutting off defence expenditures and diverting them in space industry is not the solution.
Russian deep state and U.S deep state are in continuous struggle for dominance.
Russia does not have huge middle class to generate wealth.It can only generate wealth slowly as
the young generation grows and joins the labour force.
The only way for Russia to immediately generate extra sources of Revennues in through Nord straeam , turk stream
, LNG exports , China pipelines.
Besides Russia India business is also drying up as Russia thinks that Indian regime is
'not friendly'
Previously Russia invested a lot in India(not that way) but as a hedge against sanctions ,
but now Russian deep state has raised its head and brutally
cut off all Indian projects.From submarines, aircraft , OIl gas , infrastrutcure, electricity
everytihng. This situation demands extra ordinary circumstances to generate new revenue streams for Russian Deep state.
I mean Russ gov knows that space industry is the"Achilles heel" .. as long as Russia space industry remains embedded with U.S
it is the biggest national security threat to Russia apart fropm U.S nukes etc.Russian deep state understands this. Thats why so much desperate activity yu are seeing on ths front. Especially on diversion /catering of resources to space sector to stop the revenue generation from U.S