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    Russian Ground Forces: News #2


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    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian Ground Forces: News #2

    Post  franco Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:57 pm

    Minister of Defense reported in his annual report that there were 7 new units being formed in 2018.
    - one logistic brigade in Voronezh for the 20th Army
    - one engineer regiment in Voronezh for the 20th Army
    - one Coastal Defense division in Chukotka
    - other 4??
    - there were reports of another 2 engineer regiments to be formed but no timelines

    EDIT: although formed at the end of 2017, the new Artillery brigade at Kolomna for the 20th Army may also be considered one of the 7 new units.

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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:36 pm

    Salary breakdown and career prospects for sergeants in the Russian ground forces

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:19 pm

    Oldies but goldies. I wonder if there will be any guided ammo riding on laser beams here?

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 29 Htmlconvd-iur9C849x1

    "Polite people" armed with a "Spear" (SPG9)
    Special forces will receive long-range anti-tank grenade launchers

    The special units of the Russian army will be armed with the legendary SPG-9 grenade launchers "Kopje". In Syria, they demonstrated high efficiency against field fortifications and enemy manpower. Thanks to the long range and high accuracy of the shooting, these recoilless guns proved to be a suitable means for dueling with enemy grenade launchers. In this case, one shot for LNG-9 is much cheaper than an anti-tank guided missile. The grenade launcher will undergo modernization - will receive a modern night sight and more powerful ammunition.

    Army special forces will saddle combat "Bears"
    The newest Russian armored personnel carriers will be useful for raids in the rear of the enemy and the protection of columns
    As "Izvestia" was told in the Defense Ministry, the anti-tank grenade launchers of the SPG-9 plan to return to the arsenal of special units. They will undergo modernization and will be used to combat manpower and suppress enemy firing points.

    During the Syrian campaign, militants actively used grenade launchers of Western production - Carl Gustav and PanzerFaust. For their suppression of the range of shooting conventional RPG-7 was not enough. But the enemy was coping well with the LNG-9, which were in service with the Syrian army.

    Initially, these products, adopted in service in 1963, were intended to combat armored vehicles. The cumulative grenade PG-9V has decent indicators of armor penetration - 300 mm. Later, for SPG-9, a fragmentation grenade was developed. The firing range of the "Spear" when it is used is about a kilometer.

    The LNG-9 is distinguished by a fairly high rate of fire - up to six rounds per minute. This is due to the fact that it is easy to recharge, and the gunner does not need to wait until the grenade hits the target. Shooting from the "Spear" does not require long preparation, the treatment of these weapons can be trained all the fighters. If necessary, the grenade launcher is disassembled and transferred by calculation forces. If, at the same time, to distribute at least two shots to all the soldiers, then one unit will have a very solid ammunition.

    Since the late 1980s, the "Spears" have gradually begun to give way to anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) - the power of standard shots was not enough to break through the armor of modern tanks. However, ATGMs are quite expensive, so recoilless guns have remained very popular in developing countries.

    Military expert Oleg Zheltonozhko told Izvestia that such weapons are in high demand in conditions of local conflicts, when military operations are conducted by small highly mobile detachments. Special forces have to deal with a well-armed and prepared enemy, so they need additional firepower.

    "The militants receive the latest foreign weapons, they learned to dig in and equip positions, so the special forces need means of reinforcement, the same trench artillery," Oleg Zheltonozhko explained. - Due to the more powerful ammunition, the SPG-9 easily affects from a greater distance even the concrete reinforcements. In disassembled form, it can be transported by jeep or an armored car "Tiger", carried by a group of soldiers.

    The Pentagon is also actively returning to the old grenade launchers - the Swedish Carl Gustav. In the 1980s, they were purchased for ranger battalions, later replaced with anti-tank missiles. However, in Afghanistan, the US military carried heavy losses from the exact fire of the RPG-7 grenade launchers, which the detachments of the banned Taliban movement in Russia were actively using. ATGMs could not effectively deal with such a threat. The Pentagon decided to give out to the special forces, infantry and airborne troops, operating in Afghanistan, grenade launchers. Carl Gustav have proved their effectiveness. Therefore, now the US military uses them everywhere in Afghanistan and Iraq.  

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:25 am

    With modern optics and a fire control system to calculate the path of the round even dumb cheap rounds can be rather effective... this is a bit like fitting a Gefest &T package to an old recoilless rocket launcher to make a cheap weapon as accurate and as useful as a much more expensive guided weapon...

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    Post  franco Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:28 pm

    In the 58th Army will be formed two more motorized rifle divisions

    According to the Izvestia newspaper, in the article by Nikolai Surkov, Alexei Ramm and Evgeny Andreev, "the Northern Caucasus was fortified with divisions, the Southern Military District is reinforced with new formations and modern equipment," the Ministry of Defense began an unprecedented reorganization of the main strike force in the south of Russia, the 58th Army. It will be significantly strengthened by the formation of two new motorized rifle divisions equipped with BMP-3 and the newest T-72B3 tanks. To accommodate these connections, existing and new military towns in Mozdok and Vladikavkaz will be reopened. Part of the 58th Army will be redeployed to the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Experts note that in this way Russia is forming a general-purpose force that will contain the threat from NATO.

    As Izvestia was told at the Defense Ministry, at the end of 2018, the formation of two new motorized rifle divisions will begin as part of the 58th All-Arms Army. They will be created on the basis of the currently existing 19th and 136th separate motorized rifle brigades (OMSBR) by adding additional battalions and regiments. They are supposed to be armed with infantry fighting vehicles BMP-3 and T-72B3 tanks.

    The 19th Krasnoznamennaya Voronezh-Shumlenskaya Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Suvorov II degree, a separate motorized rifle brigade will again become a full-blooded division (in 2008 it was reduced to the current status). In this regard, the number of garrisons will increase. Under Vladikavkaz, several military camps will be repaired and returned to the deployment of the divisional units. A large garrison will also appear in Mozdok.

    The 136th Motorized Rifle Uman-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, a brigade stationed in Dagestan's Buinaksk, will be transformed into a full-fledged division. She will also have new garrisons. In particular, it is planned to actively use the base in the village of Botlikh. There is a large, modern military town and a well-equipped training ground, where now the special forces are trained.

    An important element of the ongoing reorganization is the equipping of existing and newly created parts and units with the latest technology. So, motorized rifle divisions will receive the most powerful serial BMP-3, and tank ones will be equipped with the latest modification of the upgraded T-72B3. These cars differ from previous versions with reinforced armored protection and a more powerful engine - 1120 hp.

    The editor-in-chief of the magazine Arsenal of the Fatherland, Victor Murakhovsky, told Izvestia that the strengthening of the 58th Army is part of the measures to create a core of combined arms armies in the Southern and Western districts on the basis of divisional structures. According to him, it is necessary to form general-purpose forces, which will be guaranteed to contain the threat from NATO.

    - The experience of combat operations and exercises showed that the division is a more self-sufficient connection than a brigade. The latter usually requires reinforcement by means of combat and technical support and fire, "the expert said. - The division is more adapted to the physico-geographical features of the European part of Russia, where large spaces and a considerable length of lines of contact and fronts.

    The 19th OMSB was established in 2009 as part of a military reform based on the 19th Motorized Rifle Division. This connection with a rich and glorious history. The division participated in many major operations of the Great Patriotic War. For the capture of the Bulgarian city of Shumlen, she received the corresponding name - Shumlenskaya. Later, the connection was awarded for crossing the Danube and participating in the liberation of Bratislava.

    The 136th OMSBR is a combat unit, which in the 1990s played a major role in protecting Dagestan from terrorists. During the fighting in 1999, her staff showed courage and courage. When performing combat missions, 36 servicemen were killed: 5 officers, 8 sergeants, 23 soldiers. Since 1999, more than 1,400 servicemen of the brigade were awarded orders and medals for participation in the counter-terrorist operation. Five officers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

    NOTE: think I will wait for the official MoD announcement.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:25 am

    During the Syrian campaign, militants actively used grenade launchers of Western production - Carl Gustav and PanzerFaust. For their suppression of the range of shooting conventional RPG-7 was not enough.

    My understanding is that the RPO-M has a range of about 800m with a max range of about 1.7km and would therefore fill the role of unguided HE weapon to out shoot the Carl Gustav and Panzerfaust while being portable and relatively cheap.

    I rather suspect the rounds would be smaller and lighter and more portable than the SPG-9 rounds.

    At the moment I think the RPO-M has only a thermobaric warhead but it would be easy enough to develop HE and other warheads for this 90mm calibre weapon...

    KBPs webpage on it:

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:29 am

    GarryB wrote:With modern optics and a fire control system to calculate the path of the round even dumb cheap rounds can be rather effective... this is a bit like fitting a Gefest &T package to an old recoilless rocket launcher to make a cheap weapon as accurate and as useful as a much more expensive guided weapon...

    SPG-9's original rounds had something like 300mm armor penetration. Newer with tandem warheads 400mm behind ERA so it can still take down anything but MBT. In era where any truck or MRAAP is armored it might be a good tool.

    GarryB wrote:

    My understanding is that the RPO-M has a range of about 800m with a max range of about 1.7km and would therefore fill the role of unguided HE weapon to out shoot the Carl Gustav and Panzerfaust while being portable and relatively cheap.

    I rather suspect the rounds would be smaller and lighter and more portable than the SPG-9 rounds.

    At the moment I think the RPO-M has only a thermobaric warhead but it would be easy enough to develop HE and other warheads for this 90mm calibr

    My educated guess: smaller and lighter = less effect and shorter range. Perhaps also more expensive.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:17 pm

    Spotted this. No idea how old the picture is but the officer on the right looks very familiar albeit much younger then Smile
    ‏ @Russian_Defence
    5h5 hours ago

    In the light of 16.02.18 announced augmentation of 58th Combined Arms Army(OVA), Southern Military District (YuVO) - 136th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade(OMSBr) & 19 OMSBr are to become divisions - the disparity between certain Combined Arms Armies becomes even more acute... 1/2

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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:30 am

    In the 58th Army will be formed two more motorized rifle divisions

    According to the Izvestia newspaper, in the article by Nikolai Surkov, Alexei Ramm and Evgeny Andreev, "the Northern Caucasus was fortified with divisions, the Southern Military District is reinforced with new formations and modern equipment," the Ministry of Defense began an unprecedented reorganization of the main strike force in the south of Russia, the 58th Army. It will be significantly strengthened by the formation of two new motorized rifle divisions equipped with BMP-3 and the newest T-72B3 tanks. To accommodate these connections, existing and new military towns in Mozdok and Vladikavkaz will be reopened. Part of the 58th Army will be redeployed to the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Experts note that in this way Russia is forming a general-purpose force that will contain the threat from NATO.

    As Izvestia was told at the Defense Ministry, at the end of 2018, the formation of two new motorized rifle divisions will begin as part of the 58th All-Arms Army. They will be created on the basis of the currently existing 19th and 136th separate motorized rifle brigades (OMSBR) by adding additional battalions and regiments. They are supposed to be armed with infantry fighting vehicles BMP-3 and T-72B3 tanks.

    The 19th Krasnoznamennaya Voronezh-Shumlenskaya Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Suvorov II degree, a separate motorized rifle brigade will again become a full-blooded division (in 2008 it was reduced to the current status). In this regard, the number of garrisons will increase. Under Vladikavkaz, several military camps will be repaired and returned to the deployment of the divisional units. A large garrison will also appear in Mozdok.

    The 136th Motorized Rifle Uman-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, a brigade stationed in Dagestan's Buinaksk, will be transformed into a full-fledged division. She will also have new garrisons. In particular, it is planned to actively use the base in the village of Botlikh. There is a large, modern military town and a well-equipped training ground, where now the special forces are trained.

    An important element of the ongoing reorganization is the equipping of existing and newly created parts and units with the latest technology. So, motorized rifle divisions will receive the most powerful serial BMP-3, and tank ones will be equipped with the latest modification of the upgraded T-72B3. These cars differ from previous versions with reinforced armored protection and a more powerful engine - 1120 hp.

    The editor-in-chief of the magazine Arsenal of the Fatherland, Victor Murakhovsky, told Izvestia that the strengthening of the 58th Army is part of the measures to create a core of combined arms armies in the Southern and Western districts on the basis of divisional structures. According to him, it is necessary to form general-purpose forces, which will be guaranteed to contain the threat from NATO.

    - The experience of combat operations and exercises showed that the division is a more self-sufficient connection than a brigade. The latter usually requires reinforcement by means of combat and technical support and fire, "the expert said. - The division is more adapted to the physico-geographical features of the European part of Russia, where large spaces and a considerable length of lines of contact and fronts.

    The 19th OMSB was established in 2009 as part of a military reform based on the 19th Motorized Rifle Division. This connection with a rich and glorious history. The division participated in many major operations of the Great Patriotic War. For the capture of the Bulgarian city of Shumlen, she received the corresponding name - Shumlenskaya. Later, the connection was awarded for crossing the Danube and participating in the liberation of Bratislava.

    The 136th OMSBR is a combat unit, which in the 1990s played a major role in protecting Dagestan from terrorists. During the fighting in 1999, her staff showed courage and courage. When performing combat missions, 36 servicemen were killed: 5 officers, 8 sergeants, 23 soldiers. Since 1999, more than 1,400 servicemen of the brigade were awarded orders and medals for participation in the counter-terrorist operation. Five officers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

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    Post  George1 Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:09 pm

    100th anniversary of the Red Army in Ivangorod

    Interesting photo-report from the festive event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, which took place on February 22, 2018 in Ivangorod (Leningrad region), near the border with Estonia (and near Narva), and included a very significant display of military equipment. It is worth noting the presence of the T-80BV tanks at the event.

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:12 am

    Russian Armed Forces create new mobile multipurpose survey complex

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:32 am

    JohninMK wrote:Spotted this. No idea how old the picture is but the officer on the right looks very familiar albeit much younger then Smile

    It's Gerasimov.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:24 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:Spotted this. No idea how old the picture is but the officer on the right looks very familiar albeit much younger then Smile

    It's Gerasimov.

    meh it wasn't Bardack Obama? Razz

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    Post  franco Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:06 pm

    MOSCOW, March 7 (Itar-Tass) - RIA Novosti. The level of equipping the Army with modern weapons has tripled since 2012, said Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    "Over the past five years, more than 10,000 units of modern weapons, military and special equipment have been delivered to the military in the framework of the current State Armament Program (GPV 2020), which has made it possible to increase the level of equipment with modern weapons three times, 45% (44.7% from 15%), "Salyukov said in an interview with the newspaper of the Russian Armed Forces Krasnaya Zvezda , published on the website of the newspaper on Wednesday.

    According to him, the task set by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, to bring the share of modern weapons, is fulfilled (by the end of 2015 - at least 30%, by the end of 2020 - up to 70%).

    Salyukov stressed that at present the Army is fully equipped with all the necessary weapons and military equipment.
    "The systematically complete re-equipment of military vehicles with modern weapons models is being continued within the framework of the implementation of the GPU." According to the state defense order, modern samples are being purchased, as well as modernization of existing weapons, priority is given to the complete supply of weapons, reconnaissance, control, maintenance, maintenance, repair and training, as well as the necessary stock of missiles and ammunition, "the commander-in-chief said.

    "The experience of purchasing brigade complete sets of the main armament of the Iskander missile brigades, brigade and divisional sets of anti-aircraft defense systems - the S-300B4 anti-aircraft missile system, Buk-MZ and Tor-M2 air defense systems, and also the complete deliveries the battalion level of other weapons.This approach allows the full formation of units and units that are able in the shortest time to begin to perform tasks for the intended, "- explained Salyukov.

    He added that modern modernized self-propelled howitzers 2S19M2 Msta-SM, fully integrated into a single tactical control system, and modernized Tornado-G medium-range rocket launchers with the capability of automatic targeting of a combat vehicle on the target .

    "One artillery brigade, 14 battalions, four batteries of barreled and reactive artillery have already been re-equipped," the commander-in-chief explained.


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    Post  George1 Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:53 am

    Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published a video showing brand new tank tactics filmed at the Pogonovo proving grounds.

    An all new tactic was rehearsed during military drills at Pogonovo proving grounds near the Russian city of Voronezh, in which battalion and division commanders of the Western Military district took part.

    "The special feature of this military exercise was a unique method of hitting targets at distances of up to 12 kilometers," said Timur Trubienko, army vice commander.

    The new tactics involve tanks posing as artillery and shooting from behind cover. Usually, tanks shoot only within their range of sight — but this time, they received intel from Orlan drones.


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    Post  franco Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:17 pm

    Some figures from a Polish Military magazine on Russian Ground Forces equipment acquaintances from 2008-2017. Both new and modernized.

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    Post  Hole Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:24 pm

    Did someone see this aritcle in National Idiots... ur, Interest about the best armies in 2030?
    Best five armies: Russia, China, India, France (Yes, the frog eaters. Their whole army has the size of one russian Division!) and the best of them all... wait for it, you guessed it, Amiland!!!!

    I mean... the russian army is superior in:

    Air defence
    NBC troops
    Engineer troops

    How could someone than claim the Ami Army is better? Cooler sun glasses or what?

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:43 pm

    Well they can claim anything they like... how can you prove them wrong?

    Of course the secret is in the title of the website... it is in their national interests to be the best... that way they can bludgeon others into submission and maintain their economic and political position.

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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:05 am

    Sure, but... How can someone fool himself in such a way? The whole doctrin of the armed forces of Amiland is: drop a bomb on it! Than you go around and claim that your Army is the best? Ridiculous.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:25 pm

    Hole wrote:Sure, but... How can someone fool himself in such a way? The whole doctrin of the armed forces of Amiland is: drop a bomb on it! Than you go around and claim that your Army is the best? Ridiculous.

    Well, by including France they sort of discredit the whole list.

    At the end of the day it is NATO's nuclear weapons that make it a threat. It's conventional capability is grossly exaggerated based
    on propaganda adventures like the Iraq war. I fully expect NATO to use nuclear weapons first in any war on Russia since they know
    that there is no way they could win a conventional war against it. NATO is also composed of sheep who believe that it was the
    western alliance, i.e. the USA, that won the war against Nazi Germany. Little details like the fact that 80% of Germany's resources
    were spent on the eastern (i.e. Soviet) front are systematically ignored. The only war that the USA has won against a worthy opponent
    was the war against Japan and it had to use nuclear weapons to do it.

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:46 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Hole wrote:Sure, but... How can someone fool himself in such a way? The whole doctrin of the armed forces of Amiland is: drop a bomb on it! Than you go around and claim that your Army is the best? Ridiculous.

    Well, by including France they sort of discredit the whole list.

    At the end of the day it is NATO's nuclear weapons that make it a threat.   It's conventional capability is grossly exaggerated based
    on propaganda adventures like the Iraq war.   I fully expect NATO to use nuclear weapons first in any war on Russia since they know
    that there is no way they could win a conventional war against it.   NATO is also composed of sheep who believe that it was the
    western alliance, i.e. the USA, that won the war against Nazi Germany.   Little details like the fact that 80% of Germany's resources
    were spent on the eastern (i.e. Soviet) front are systematically ignored.    The only war that the USA has won against a worthy opponent
    was the war against Japan and it had to use nuclear weapons to do it.

    Japan a worthy oponent lol! what next a 1950s style alien invasion?

    Just look at Jap equipment and how badly they lost in Manchuria.


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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:32 pm

    Using nucelar weapons is NATO tactic from the beginning.

    The fight against Japan was mostly air and sea battles. At the end of the war Russia was fighting more Japanese (in China) than Amiland had ever met in their battles.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:38 pm

    Hole wrote:Using nucelar weapons is NATO tactic from the beginning.

    The fight against Japan was mostly air and sea battles. At the end of the war Russia was fighting more Japanese (in China) than Amiland had ever met in their battles.

    Indeed. Soviet forces routed the 1 million strong Japanese Kwantung army. The USA had Iwo Jima and other such ground battles.

    As for "worthy", I am comparing to Iraq in 1990. And the USA was not all that back in 1940s. They had to adapt to fight Japan
    and did not just steam roll it.

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:16 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Indeed.   Soviet forces routed the 1 million strong Japanese Kwantung army.    The USA had Iwo Jima and other such ground battles.

    As for "worthy", I am comparing to Iraq in 1990.   And the USA was not all that back in 1940s.   They had to adapt to fight Japan
    and did not just steam roll it.  

    The point being that the US took forever to make gains against the Jap army wheras the Soviets just rolled over it.

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    Post  Sprut-B Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:40 am

    Hole wrote:Did someone see this aritcle in National Idiots... ur, Interest about the best armies in 2030?
    Best five armies: Russia, China, India, France (Yes, the frog eaters. Their whole army has the size of one russian Division!) and the best of them all... wait for it, you guessed it, Amiland!!!!

    I mean... the russian army is superior in:

    Air defence
    NBC troops
    Engineer troops

    How could someone than claim the Ami Army is better? Cooler sun glasses or what?

    National Idiots are saints in comparison to sites like FoxtortAlpha. Just read this horseshit article about new Russian nuclear-powered cruise-missile from butthurt US veterans.

    Also in YouTube there are some shitty military dick-measuring videos are been made by NATO fanboy channels like Binkov's Battleground. Even though in all of his dick-measuring videos Western military always wins, people still fall for his cherry picked stuffs & praise him for being neutral lol.

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