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    Syrian War: News #19


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:20 pm

    "#BREAKING All US state department personnel are being evacuated from #Syria within 24 hours: US official to Reuters"

    Bretty boy packing his bags right now...

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Jq290Xg

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:07 pm

    The fleas will pack too...

    #Breaking #EasternEuphrates @SputnikInt reports that #French army wants to withdraw from Syria.

    Possible extent of the Turkish OP.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:44 pm

    Looks like Turkey backed National Army killed another Russian in norther Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:54 pm


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  BKP Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:59 pm

    Insane... if this pullout actually happens... PARTY TIME Very Happy russia

    Not for Kurds though, they'll be kinda screwed. Not totally, but they could've worked out a pretty good deal for themselves if they had got on the good foot and not sided with one of their country's main antagonists.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:06 pm

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 T-Verhofstadt,-Guy-__src-(c)-European-Union

    Guy Verhofstadt
    ‏Verified account @guyverhofstadt

    Guy Verhofstadt Retweeted The Washington Post

    "A victory for Russia, Iran, Turkey, Turkish proxies & the Syrian regime. Unsurprisingly, it leaves Europeans more vulnerable - and shows how wrong it is that we do not have a defence force able to help stabilise our immediate neighbourhood."

    For anyone still in doubt about the purpose of the so called European Army (Defence Force)... you know for those that dream it will be a coalition with Russia, completely defensive in nature and that it won't be a threat to anyone.

    We gotta thank these idiots as always for their big mouths.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:13 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:06 pm

    Kurds could save themselves by inviting Russians and SAA in exchange for giving Kurdish majority areas autonomy in post war Syria. Not ideal but still better than being smashed by Turdkish army.

    Last edited by Walther von Oldenburg on Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:07 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Kurds could save themselves by inviting Russians and SAA in exchange for giving Kurdish majority areas autonomy in post war Syria.

    Even if that were the case ...too little time. They preferred to lose Afrin than hand it to Assad/Russia - keep that in mind. The boasting about Turkey getting bogged down etc - the impenetrable Afrin fortress - all propaganda their little peons bought up. Syria is better suited if these shitstains disappeared from the map completely - as in - their whole structure blown to smithereens (not Kurd genocide obvs).

    Turks will be moving in soon anyway so....meh.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:36 pm

    The withdraw must be legitimate. Their position is militarily defenseless in Syria both from the Turks and also their Zionist brand came, finally, under threat so they indeed have to pull out to avoid military annihilation.

    The deal most probably is this one:
    Turks get the East part, exterminate the dangerous Kurds who put their money to the wrong horse and then obviously step out with whatever cash they can carry with them.
    Iran stays in but Zionists and co will get the silent support from Russia to keep playing their terrorist game, because Moscow thinks that the jewish soft-power in the country is not to be underestimated (AshkeNAZI left only a few decades ago).
    Americans will have to retreat from Syria but also stop their terrorist activities in Yemen. In addition they will have to support patriots to the Turks, but in exchange the S400 will be cancelled.
    Sauds seem OK with this deal, as Salman-Putin relationship shows. Salman will have to put Russia in this OPEC+ body, enhance cooperation with China (the silent creditor of Assad), but still they have to pay as much as they do already to the Washington regime.

    Next day:
    Turkey is a big winner. Erdogan shifted his support at the right moment and became the late MVP
    SA left to fight an other day, but the war reparations threatens them with bankruptcy in the mid term
    Jews could afford a lose, but now they don't have other "free of jail" cards to spend
    Washington suffered their biggest blow after Vietnam, and they also lose the economic war, I expect them to try to counterattack immediately, but they face an industrial/economic force bigger than them and a tactical military disadvantage, conditions they never had to face before
    Putin restored Russia's military prominence, now we have to see if he can cash out, something at which Russians are notoriously bad historically.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:08 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Kurds could save themselves by inviting Russians and SAA in exchange for giving Kurdish majority areas autonomy in post war Syria.

    Even if that were the case ...too little time. They preferred to lose Afrin than hand it to Assad/Russia - keep that in mind. The boasting about Turkey getting bogged down etc -  the impenetrable Afrin fortress - all propaganda their little peons bought up. Syria is better suited if these shitstains disappeared from the map completely - as in - their whole structure blown to smithereens (not Kurd genocide obvs).

    Turks will be moving in soon anyway so....meh.

    The boasting about Turkey getting bogged down etc

    You need to keep in mind ,that Turkey army positions in Syria is not sustainable ,cant be hold over long time ,without the help and support of Russia or Americans or both. when one of them.. either US or Russia (or both), backup with weapons a force ,a paramilitary group to fight turkey positions in North of Syria ,then the Turkey army will be forced to retreat after months of years to their land.. it will face an attrition war like.. similar to americans war in vietnam.. 10 years lost.. won all the battles ,but lost the war, and had to retreat ,was lost because were forced to retreat because of the civil unrest in America.civil protest demanding the end of that war..also a coup against turkey ,a simple bullet on erdogan head can potentially reverse all Erdogan territorial gains in Syria with a change of foreign policy of a new Government in Turkey.. The population about half of Turkey population do not support Erdogan invasion on Syria.. and that number will only increase if Turkey start losing soldiers ,a lot of them and Turkey economy collapse.. So Syria have a big chance to recover all its territory ,all of it , after this Turkey invasion happens..and remove Americans from east of Euphrates..and Kurds disarmed.

    Americans likely understand that they will need Turkey help ,as a NATO member in case a world war 3 start vs Russia. So they will not risk breaking totally their relation with Turkey in change for kurds.. they will want to deploy nuclear armed missiles in Turkey for sure aiming at Moscow.. and this will be the real moment of truth between Russia and Turkey relations.. Erdogan can swing to any side ,the one that provide the highest offer.
    the only value of the Kurds for US,is that they are a Third Force that they can use against turkey and IRAN and IRAQ.. in case they need to start a major war there to remove any government.. So Kurds only value for Americans is being a meat shield to fight Turkey,Syria,IRAQ or IRAN.. thats the only value of them.. a meat shield.
    But in a major fight vs Russia.. Americans will never trade Turkey for Kurds.. So whether is now or later ,Americans will have to betray Kurds...unless they manage to Remove Erdogan first and replace him for a puppet.

    That said.. Is more easier to take control of North Of Syria ,when Turkey is there.. vs that when Americans are there.. one of them is alone and the other of them have an alliance of nations and they also have nuclear weapons.. So from the point of view of Syria , thinking long term.. it will be better for Syria ,if Turkey finally crush
    the Kurds and all their dreams of a kurdistan forever by disarming completely them and arresting their leaders.

    Russia through diplomacy later could get back north of Syria all of it or parts of it,but if not.. it will not be disaster for Syria , in terms if that means a total end of the war . But the probabilities Turkey will be able to hold North of Syria is very small.. Having an Army permanently north of Syria ,will represent a major challenge for Turkey economy. because such territory taken and kurds citizens will drag Turkey economy down... Europe and US will pressure and demand Turkey to Recognize Kurds as citizens and right to exist.. So Erdogan will need to keep a big army permanently in Northen Syria and will lose many troops.. as Americans did in IRAQ ,holding control and that will cost a lot of money.. to sustain.. on Turkey economy. IDlib is a zone ,in particular that Syria never had major support for retaking it will add more terrorism on Syria, IDLIB people are more loyal to Turkey than Syria.. but all this loyalty will end ,when the economy goes down.. and this is where Syria really need to work hard.. is developing the nation economy. and seek an end of the war. otherwise will get many protest in Syrian cities
    again and civil unrest. US and EUrope are still seeking to destabilize Syria and they will be using the classic color revolutions tactics to do it.. from the inside.


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  BKP Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:26 am

    Tomorrows headline:

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  eehnie Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:09 am

    It is obvious the US is wishing to go of Syria.

    It is obvious Turkey is wishing to enter more in Syria and Iraq.

    The US can go if Turkey enters to fight against Syria.

    At this point a deal between Turkey and the US is likely done.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  auslander Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:05 pm

    BKP wrote:Tomorrows headline:

    99.99999999999999999999999999999% probability.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  medo Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:36 pm

    US Army leaving Syria mean only one thing and this is, that US is running out of money. US have record high defense budget on paper, but it is filled with credits, not by created money and selling of US Tbonds doesn't go well as mayor buyers are selling them now, not buying and US budget doesn't have enough money. US still have to pay their Tbonds obligations, so they have to cut money to other sectors. It will not last long, when US will go bankrupt as they will not have enough money to pay their obligations. The World doesn't need US dollars and US Tbonds any more. The game is comming to the end.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Isos Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:09 pm

    medo wrote:US Army leaving Syria mean only one thing and this is, that US is running out of money. US have record high defense budget on paper, but it is filled with credits, not by created money and selling of US Tbonds doesn't go well as mayor buyers are selling them now, not buying and US budget doesn't have enough money. US still have to pay their Tbonds obligations, so they have to cut money to other sectors. It will not last long, when US will go bankrupt as they will not have enough money to pay their obligations. The World doesn't need US dollars and US Tbonds any more. The game is comming to the end.

    They have 0 reason to stay there. Russian secured the coast. Saudi and puppet's plan of making pipelines through syria is fucked up as Assad is still in power. Kurds are useless for them just like the closed and empty "kurdish state" which are not worth losing Turkey and access to black sea.

    I said that earlier that US would leave and let them just like they left south vietnam. They are defenceless now and can just pray that russia keeps Syrian and turks calm and away from them.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Dec 20, 2018 3:37 pm

    It will be interesting to see if Trump can actually pull this off instead of a watered down version that's meaningless - which I'm sure the bureaucracy will try to pull off - and are in the process of sabotaging right now.

    Lets consider that:

    The Pentagon brass wants to stay (overwhelming majority of it).
    The CIA wants to stay.
    The Europeans want America to stay (Brits, French, Germans, Dutch etc)
    The Gulf Monarchs (Saudi's/Emirates etc) want the U.S to stay.
    The Israeli's and their lobby want the U.S to stay.
    The U.S MIC wants the U.S to stay.
    The Neo-cons in his party and his cabinet want him to stay.
    The neo-liberals in the Dem party want him to stay.
    The media organs (MSM) wants him to stay.
    The think tanks want him to stay.
    The Kurds want him to stay.

    That's a lot of opposition from American war profiteers.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  starman Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:37 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:It will be interesting to see if Trump can actually pull this off instead of a watered down version that's meaningless - which I'm sure the bureaucracy will try to pull off - and are in the process of sabotaging right now.

    Lets consider that:

    The Pentagon brass wants to stay (overwhelming majority of it).
    The CIA wants to stay.
    The Europeans want America to stay (Brits, French, Germans, Dutch etc)
    The Gulf Monarchs (Saudi's/Emirates etc) want the U.S to stay.
    The Israeli's and their lobby want the U.S to stay.
    The U.S MIC wants the U.S to stay.
    The Neo-cons in his party and his cabinet want him to stay.
    The neo-liberals in the Dem party want him to stay.
    The media organs (MSM) wants him to stay.
    The think tanks want him to stay.
    The Kurds want him to stay.

    But most of these groups are not very passionate about this or not very influential. Strong as the Israel lobby is, for example, the zionists never needed US troops in the region. This move has incurred surprise and opposition among some congressmen but not very much.

    a lot of opposition from American war profiteers.

    But not the US public.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Dec 20, 2018 8:11 pm

    starman wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:It will be interesting to see if Trump can actually pull this off instead of a watered down version that's meaningless - which I'm sure the bureaucracy will try to pull off - and are in the process of sabotaging right now.

    Lets consider that:

    The Pentagon brass wants to stay (overwhelming majority of it).
    The CIA wants to stay.
    The Europeans want America to stay (Brits, French, Germans, Dutch etc)
    The Gulf Monarchs (Saudi's/Emirates etc) want the U.S to stay.
    The Israeli's and their lobby want the U.S to stay.
    The U.S MIC wants the U.S to stay.
    The Neo-cons in his party and his cabinet want him to stay.
    The neo-liberals in the Dem party want him to stay.
    The media organs (MSM) wants him to stay.
    The think tanks want him to stay.
    The Kurds want him to stay.

    But most of these groups are not very passionate about this or not very influential. Strong as the Israel lobby is, for example, the zionists never needed US troops in the region. This move has incurred surprise and opposition among some congressmen but not very much.

    a lot of opposition from American war profiteers.

    But not the US public.

    Those groups are the ones that rule the United States and engineer its foreign policy. What do you mean they're not influential? They're literally the American manifestation of power.

    The U.S public has had little say for decades on foreign entanglements. They've been voting for "restrainers" for decades and gotten cheated every single time because this bureaucracy supersedes them and has made it an art of boxing presidents politically to get what they want.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:13 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 T-Verhofstadt,-Guy-__src-(c)-European-Union

    Guy Verhofstadt
    ‏Verified account @guyverhofstadt

    Guy Verhofstadt Retweeted The Washington Post

    "A victory for Russia, Iran, Turkey, Turkish proxies & the Syrian regime. Unsurprisingly, it leaves Europeans more vulnerable - and shows how wrong it is that we do not have a defence force able to help stabilise our immediate neighbourhood."

    For anyone still in doubt about the purpose of the so called European Army (Defence Force)....

    That Guy is no one..
    He is just another MP in the European Parliament.. surprise surprise from a Liberal Party.
    The real authors of the European ARmy are France and Germany and Macron himself told it was to
    confront United States.. Smile   and days later after saying that ,he got the yellow vest protest.. coincidence? Wink

    And European army will not be to fight Russia (thats what NATO is already) or to please Israel.. only to defend their interest instead.. that American don't respect..  I don't see many in Europe in a rush ,seeking to start a
    war with Russia.. only US,UK,Poland and Ukraine and Baltics wants that. Notice how Germany and France prevented US to provoke a major full war in 2014 between Kiev and Russia with minsk 2 , when Obama was seeking to provide major tanks ,long range missiles  and likely biological weapons and chemical weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia.. Probably thats the reason why Ukrainen attacks focused largely in Donetsk and not
    in Crimea.. that they could have done it with American help.. and Germany and France protested this.. they know it can blowback bigtime in Europe , if they allow Americans to start a full scale proxy war in ukraine vs Russia. as for example Ukraine can provoke Russia to invade and later the CIA and MI6 blow up a nuclear reactor one that exist in Ukraine army controlled zone and later they blame Russia for this.. that is another False Flag. and radiation accident in Ukraine not only risk Crimea and Russia but also all eastern Europe.. and under some bad weather/winds reach Germany and France the radiation..they know how dangerous Ukraine can become for Europe security ,a time bomb with so many nuclear reactors and with Americans not caring a bit European interest in the zone or their security. This is why France and Germany and Russia did not invited Obama for any treaty ,a roadmap of steps to peace.. that Poroshenko was pressure to sign.

    a treaty that even though have not been followed ,still can be used to blackmail and pressure Ukraine for many years to return to it.. if want more Economic Aid ..from Europe..

    So the European army is a good will be the first step ,in the disbanding of NATO.. since why will Europe
    pay money to Americans for security ,when they can create their own security and use that money instead to build a powerful army?  By germany having a powerful army in control of the german government ,it will be a step closer ,for the creation of a Russian - European military alliance to counter NATO ,if Americans seeks to start a major conflict in Europe.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:44 am

    Naive viewpoint to have but yours to have.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:05 am

    It looks like Trump was serious on his demand for US troops leaving Syria.. whether the Pentagon
    will obey the commander in chief or not is a different story..

    But apparently HaL radio show is reporting
    General Mattis resigned today for Trump demanding the end of of US troops
    in afganistan and Syria..  Suspect

    Secretary of Defense James Mattis resigned Thursday, citing policy difference with his Boss, President Trump, on the heels of the President's decision to withdraw troops from Syria.

    “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position,” Mattis wrote in his letter.

    no idea if Mattis really wrote that on his resignation letter ,but several alternative media is saying this, if it is confirmed.. then seems Trumps is truly pushing the pentagon to abandon the major conflicts in
    Syria and Afganistan... and end the waste of spending ..

    It could be all a show , a major circus , since when Obama did an executive order to remove
    US troops from IRAQ.. just months later ISIS invaded IRAQ and Syria without firing a shot took cities.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  eehnie Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:56 am

    Do not worry guys...

    We have SeigSoloyvov to explain all it... Arrow

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:34 am

    The U.S public has had little say for decades on foreign entanglements. They've been voting for "restrainers" for decades and gotten cheated every single time because this bureaucracy supersedes them and has made it an art of boxing presidents politically to get what they want.

    Actually that is not true... the US public last had their say when they elected Trump over Hilary... and what a shock to the US system that was... Hilary was supposed to win... everyone had been paid for and all the media supported it.

    The fact is that clearly the US public have had enough of foreign wars that really have nothing at all to do with US security and safety, and actually in fact often reduce the safety and security of the US. Osama Bin Laden attacked the WTC buildings because of US soldiers in Saudi Arabia for the various attacks and invasions of Iraq.

    Trump knows that he got in because he said he would bring american troops out of foreign shithole wars and now he is actually delivering on his promises... which I think is a good thing for America and might just be the thing that gets him re-elected for a second term in office... despite having largely broken everything else.

    Maybe for his second term he wont hire such dicks around him that really don't want him to get his way... Bolton and Pompeo and Mattis are hardly interested in bringing the troops home or saving some money on defence...

    @Eehnie... yes... our American friend claims to be able to see the future, but it seems he didn't see that one coming... of course it might end up like the withdrawal from Germany and Japan after WWII... like the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc...

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  starman Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:24 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:
    Those groups are the ones that rule the United States and engineer its foreign policy. What do you mean they're not influential? They're literally the American manifestation of power.

    I said either not very passionate about this or not very influential (e.g. Kurds). The zionist lobby is most certainly powerful(!) but not very concerned as the withdrawal from Syria has little bearing on Israel (which always insisted on defending itself with its own forces not those of the US).

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  starman Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:47 pm

    Vann7 wrote:It looks like Trump was serious on his demand for US troops leaving Syria.. whether the Pentagon
    will obey the commander in chief or not is a different story..

    They have no choice and are preparing now.

    .... seems Trumps is truly pushing the pentagon to abandon the major conflicts in
    Syria and Afganistan... and end the waste of spending ..

    Right, he's actually doing something right for a change.

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