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    Russian Economy General News: #10


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:38 pm

    I agree with you.

    Russia needs to take Belarus if US succeeds in a maiden there as they need it.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Austin Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:50 pm

    India will provide a $ 1 billion credit line for the development of the Far East

    This was announced at a plenary meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. "India will provide a $ 1 billion credit line. This is an unprecedented case, this is our launching pad in the Far East. The Indian government is very active in this region," he said.

    Modi emphasized that this is a unique event when New Delhi provides such a special line of credit to another country.

    According to Modi, India and Russia concluded at the WEF 50 investment agreements for $ 5 billion. He noted that the Far East has great natural resources and potential for active development.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:23 pm

    The pro Russian in ukraine in 2014 were not were not 60% of the population. At best 50% in the Russian speaking areas (Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson). I do not know about Dnipro as it was directly controlled by Kolomoski.

    It could have been useful for Russia of course to have especially the industries in places like Zaporozhe and Nikolaev, but it was not easy after all the damage in the minds of the general population after more than 20 years of "independence".

    Of course, in 1991 it would have been much easier to include in the new Russian federation also all of Belorussia and all of Ukraine except Galicia, and there would have been almost no problem with civil unrest due to that.  But this was not a responsibility of the current Russian government, but of Mr Eltsin, Mr Kravchuk and mr

    Anyway, most of ukrainian oblasts will probably eventually go back under Russian control, but I fear only after they destroy all the useful industries and infrastructures.

    All of those regions will need a lot of money to be invested there to bring them on par with the neighboring russian oblasts, after so many years of neglect, and they will probably complain that the life will not improve fast enough for them after an eventual reunification with Russia.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:56 pm


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    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:08 am

    What burden? If they are not happy to join Russia then they are welcome to move out. Russia needs the territory, people can be reproduced, but not land.

    The Soviet Union tried that during the cold war, nothing they could have done would have been right... even having better living standards than the Soviets themselves had wasn't enough for those assholes.

    Russia needs more territory like it needs more problems... it needs to focus its attention on getting the best out of the people and territory they do have, not in acquiring more land and more people who prefer to blame others for there problems.

    If there was a huge ground swelling of people wanting to be called Russians and be Russian then fine, but otherwise they will have to be looked after and pampered and even then there is no guarantee a small minority might protest at evil moscow being undemocratic... after all the US always follows international law to the letter.

    BTW people who don't like Russia would be much like the Albanians in Kosovo... how did that go when Serbia decided that Albanians should live in Albania... kinda logical to me to be honest.

    This is a kind of twisted logic. Russia does not need another hostile neighbour next to it.

    What difference would it even make... they already have to look elsewhere for trade, so who cares if NATO troops are a little closer... the medicine is the same... tactical nuclear warheads on IRCMs and IRBMs...

    Russia needs to move in and seize Belarus period. If America bitches about Nuclear war let them have it. Are you afraid?

    I don't think the benefits of a Russian Belarus make it worth while... either way you get NATO on your border, but if you seize Belarus then there will be a section of the population that will be miffed at you and they will get enormous support from the west... and for what... what is actually in Belarus that is valuable enough to Russia to make them want to seize it using violence or force?

    It is like Afghanistan during the Soviet period... they only went in to help an ally against infiltration by an enemy (US)... in terms of strategic location it was bloody useless and cost them men and material... and for what?

    The real key is for Russia to focus within its own borders and make being Russian mean something to other people... new technology to make life easier and more comfortable, spending money wisely to improve communication and transport within the country to open out isolated areas to commerce, to build a free and fair society... where anyone can work a fair days work and receive enough money to live comfortably on, where important things are not expensive and everyone gets the education and health support they need... you know... the sort of thing the US used to be about in the 1950s before the bean counters rewrote the rules to favour the already rich.

    Don't make anyone join Russia that doesn't want to... it really has to be their choice or it simply isn't worth the agro.

    And it is not me being pro us or pro eu, it is me thinking of Russias interests over the actual realistic interests of the baltic states or Ukraine or Belrus... because they would all fit much better with Russia and be much better off with Russia looking after them the way they did... putting trade through baltic ports instead of st petersburg etc etc, but that really wasn't better for Russia so screw them.

    This is because of other Majority half is left with no support. If only Putin decided to arm the 60% Pro-Russia Ukrainians in 2014 then the Banderite NATO pigs would have been crushed. Russia should have fought aggressively from the very beginning.

    Adding weapons would not help either side as it would escalate and lots of people would get killed and still nothing would be solved.

    IMHO Putin should not have accepted Porochenko as the new leader of Kiev, the coup should never have been accepted as being legitimate because it was not... it was an illegal coup and a government that has no authority over the Ukraine... which is why the regions are fighting.

    Former Soviet territories Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania shouldn't have been allowed into NATO. now NATO is in Russia's doorstep.

    That is NATOs problem, whether they were or were not in NATO they would remain venomously anti Russian. Their presence in NATO makes NATO weaker and more vulnerable, but also more anti Russian, but the whole purpose of the organisation was to oppose the Soviet Union, which is now Russia.

    Don't you think it is ironic that the US controlled NATO to fight the SU, but now the SU is Russia and the US acts like they claim the SU was going too... gobbling up countries in Europe moving military forces to borders and holding exercises intended to intimidate and stir trouble...

    This is why it is very important to destroy America's economy as it is the main engine that powers NATO. an American economic collapse will create a storm of economic and political chaos across the planet and this will be the crucial opportunity for Russia to snap back the baltics, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. with all these territories back to Russia, it will be more secured in terms of resources.

    But the question is... if it is a sudden collapse rather than a gradual steady erosion, what will happen with shock and emergency modifications.

    What I mean is that the gradual steady use of tools like the US dollar and sanctions and the threats to kick them out of SWIFT have led to Russia and other countries taking measures to rid their addiction to US controlled economic threats... if the US had gone postal in the 1990s and kicked Russia out of SWIFT and never allowed them into the WTO or the world bank... the effects on Russia could have been devastating, but given 10 years to develop and then a slowly increasing level of sanctions have allowed Russia to fix their weaknesses... like dependence on energy exports, like importing food they could clearly grow themselves, like SWIFT etc etc Russia has in fact become rather stronger and much less dependant on the west... her ties to europe were quite significant, but the US was able to easily demand sanctions because the ties to the US were much fewer and less negotiable.... America didn't have a huge amount of trade with Russia so sanctions haven't effected that relationship much at all... if America collapses now Russia and a lot of the rest of the world are in much better shape to come out OK... but the longer it takes the better they will be and it might come to a point where countries start shutting the door when they see the US ambassador coming to give his weekly sermon on how bad you are and you need to open up more to US trade and accept their GMO foods and super greasy fast foods... that is when I think a US collapse will do everyone some good, but I sadly believe the US needs a civil war to fix its laws and to make law makers listen to the needs of the American people, not the needs of the independently wealthy who will jump ship and run away... who probably send their kids to super expensive european schools now anyway... not to get a superb education, but to mix with the children of the rich and famous to create links and ties with the movers and the shakers of the world. It wont be their kids getting shot or stabbed in the streets. The limo will have bullet proof glass anyway...

    If there is a portion of the population that resists, Brutalize them into submission. since America is crippled, they cannot afford to interfere or provide help to the separatists.

    The cure is starting to sound worse than the disease...

    But if America decides to go down the path of Nuclear war then Russia will have no choice but to make sure that every NATO citizen is erased from the planet.

    And that is the problem... even with fast breeder reactors it is going to take them some time to build enough nuclear warheads to irradiate the entire territories of their enemies...

    Russia needs to take Belarus if US succeeds in a maiden there as they need it.

    Russia doesn't need the problems that would create... Russia was right to avoid getting directly involved in the Ukraine and would do well to avoid the shit storm in Belarus... they just need to point out to the majority what this radicalised minority is trying to do and give them the opportunity to react and stop it... and if they don't... it is the country they live it... it is their bed they have to lie in.

    The pro Russian in ukraine in 2014 were not were not 60% of the population. At best 50% in the Russian speaking areas (Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson). I do not know about Dnipro as it was directly controlled by Kolomoski.

    There might be rather more pro Russia now seeing what the anti Russian forces have achieved, but the ukrainian president that was overthrown was actually rather anti Russian himself... his choice of the Russian offer was just common sense... it was something along the lines of 7.5 billion in loans that had to be paid back from the EU, vs 15 billion in investment from Russia in the Ukraine plus a similar amount from China... only an idiot or a paid employee of the US would choose the EU offer and he wasn't an idiot nor being paid by the US like Poro was.

    It could have been useful for Russia of course to have especially the industries in places like Zaporozhe and Nikolaev, but it was not easy after all the damage in the minds of the general population after more than 20 years of "independence".

    And the fact that they were soviet facilities that could probably have taken about 50 billion of investments and upgrades to get them up to modern standards... which it didn't get.

    All of those regions will need a lot of money to be invested there to bring them on par with the neighboring russian oblasts, after so many years of neglect, and they will probably complain that the life will not improve fast enough for them after an eventual reunification with Russia.

    Exactly... and it will be all Russias fault too...


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:15 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:

    The narrator should buy a clue. The statement that large injections of money into the Russian economy (note: not into consumer pockets) will drive up inflation is patent nonsense.
    Russian companies are starved for affordable credit and thus there is suppressed GDP growth. The narrator and a lot of other yaps do not understand what is inflation. Inflationary
    instability appears when:

    1) there is no absorption capacity for new money in the economy. This results in vacuous price changes and hence inflation.

    2) unstable economic conditions akin to recession or depression where the value of money is unstable. This is most clearly
    seen during hyperinflation when money and pricing fully detach from the physical economy and prices are jacked up in
    anticipation of more money printing and further loss of value of a unit of currency.

    Neither of the above is relevant for Russia. In fact, Russia is in an artificial deflation regime due to overpriced loans. So injecting tens of billions of
    affordable loans into the Russian economy will not result in an inflationary spike. Especially if the money is injected as loans to the corporate sector
    and not gifts to consumers. This nuance is totally missed by a lot of "experts".


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:41 am

    It looks Putin's favorite party ,United Russia, lost half the seats in Moscow city
    elections.. and the communist ,The Independent and liberals gained those seats..
    So all the money Putin invested on Moscow in pretty parks and all the money
    invested in stadiums for football  did not helped him secure Moscow seats in parliament.

    If the communist weren't so mediocre ,promoting self isolation of Russia again..
    and if the liberals weren't traitors , that will be a good thing.. So it seems little by little
    every thing the Outdated President did ,will be reversed and not in the right direction..
    but in a much worse one..  No

    So the western leading powers ,still can do a lot of damage from the Inside..
    and is not surprising with Putin lack of Vision for Russia ,lack of ambitions ,and
    refusal to modernize his thinking and still attached to the Russian old past..
     If Putin retire (which i hope he does) , The communist
    will replace him.. no doubt about that.. And it will be a repeat of the mistake
    soviets did.. They could even reverse Crimea adquisition ,and pass it to Ukraine again ,since
    they already did it once.. Laughing

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    Post  PhSt Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:09 am

    what is actually in Belarus that is valuable enough to Russia to make them want to seize it using violence or force?

    Territory = natural resources, arable lands, living space, buffer zone. You are smart enough, you should know. If Kazakhstan is still part of Russia, 1.) they wouldn't need to rent Baikonur. 2.) Russian will have large swath of steppes to land their space vehicles. 3.) more agricultural, living space for Russians

    It is like Afghanistan during the Soviet period... they only went in to help an ally against infiltration by an enemy (US)... in terms of strategic location it was bloody useless and cost them men and material... and for what?

    The Soviet leadership at that time was naive. They should have massacred everyone who did not submit to Soviet power.

    Their presence in NATO makes NATO weaker and more vulnerable, but also more anti Russian,

    I dont follow your logic here. So if Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia etc joins NATO, will it make NATO 10x more weaker?

    So all the money Putin invested on Moscow in pretty parks and all the money
    invested in stadiums for football did not helped him secure Moscow seats in parliament.

    This kind of makes me wonder if the average Russian (or at least in this particular instance, Muscovite) appreciate Putin's hard work to make Russia a better place to live.

    So the western leading powers ,still can do a lot of damage from the Inside..

    It is a quite disturbing development indeed. Russia needs more patriotic education to make ordinary Russians more resistant to NATO's moral corruption campaign against its population. Just look at the uprising in Hong Kong, ethnic Chinese people that are brainwashed to go against their own country. They are so brainwashed by the west that they dont even consider themselves Chinese anymore. I hope that both Russia and China will be able to deal with this growing problem of NATO assisted backstabbery angry angry
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:52 am

    Just look at the uprising in Hong Kong, ethnic Chinese people that are brainwashed to go against their own country. They are so brainwashed by the west that they dont even consider themselves Chinese anymore. I hope that both Russia and China will be able to deal with this growing problem of NATO assisted backstabbery

    No1 asked them if they wanted to join the PRC in 1997. They r ethnically & culturally Chinese but in their mind r not PRC citizens/subjects of the CCP that's in power in Beijing. Many of their relatives, friends, & parents/grandparents fled the PRC during the Cultural Revolution.
    There r many different kinds of Chinese people- those in the PRC & those in HK, Macao, Taiwan, SE Asia; overseas in Africa, Polinesia, Australia/NZ, Americas, & Europe.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:01 pm

    The problem in Russia is the lack of upholding the law. You see, Yabloko was able to gain 3 seats because 1) no opposition in those areas plus (2) the liberalists were able to gain foothold.

    If Russian authorities upheld the law, at least two of the candidates would be behind bars regarding their stance on Crimea. It's in criminal code. But no one does a thing to them.

    Communists gained ground though.

    But UR still holds majority of seats anyway.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:15 pm

    Territory = natural resources, arable lands, living space, buffer zone.

    They already have more natural resources and arable lands and living space than they can realistically manage as it is, and if the territory of Belarus becomes Russia again then it is not a buffer zone.... it is just more territory to defend and protect and to invest in... hostile locals wont thank you for that investment and will likely complain that it is not enough no matter what is done...

    You are smart enough, you should know. If Kazakhstan is still part of Russia, 1.) they wouldn't need to rent Baikonur. 2.) Russian will have large swath of steppes to land their space vehicles. 3.) more agricultural, living space for Russians

    Russians already have more land than any other country on the planet and they are investing a lot of money on several space ports inside their own territory... why rent from someone else?

    Kazakhstan is not part of Russia by their choice, why do you think that would change?

    The Soviet leadership at that time was naive. They should have massacred everyone who did not submit to Soviet power.

    Funny, because the western stereotype of the Soviets was that that was exactly what they were doing... calling in air power to bomb peaceful villiages... murdering women and children... but for the last 18 years that is what the west has been doing, but the coverage has been different.

    Britain tried about 6 times to create a silk road from China to Europe through there and failed every time and they tried that massacring all their enemies on more than one occasion and it tended to fail miserably each time it was tried. Hitler tried it too during WWII... it wasn't some accident that 20 million died on the eastern front... and it didn't work out for them either...

    I dont follow your logic here. So if Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia etc joins NATO, will it make NATO 10x more weaker?

    Russia will defend itself against NATO with nuclear armed missiles... do you think the Ukraine or Belarus or Finland being part of NATO will make even a tiny difference?

    What sort of force boost would NATO get with Ukrainian troops... first of all who will supply their transport and equipment?

    NATO is a label for the anti Russia club in Europe and lets face it, the Ukraine and Finland and Georgia are pretty much already members... even if they don't have the badges or the flags. Putting Belarus in the same group is clearly not right... they are not venomously anti russian yet, like the Ukraine 1% clearly are.

    This kind of makes me wonder if the average Russian (or at least in this particular instance, Muscovite) appreciate Putin's hard work to make Russia a better place to live.

    The main problem with democracy is that your average person will vote for someone because of their name or because of the way they look, or as some sort of protest because the person currently in seems to have been there too long... how about giving someone else a go...

    By the time they work out it was a mistake it is too late. And the majority of people vote for one party or person because of an issue or a few issues... might be anti gun or anti death penalty or perhaps climate change or some such bollocks and don't really care that on some other issues the person they are voting for is a fucking nutter. They also assume that they will do what they say they will do and will not be influenced by bribery and corruption.

    No1 asked them if they wanted to join the PRC in 1997.

    Give all the people in Hong Kong British passports and send them to the UK while it still exists... Hong Kong is Chinese... no question about it.

    They r ethnically & culturally Chinese but in their mind r not PRC citizens/subjects of the CCP that's in power in Beijing. Many of their relatives, friends, & parents/grandparents fled the PRC during the Cultural Revolution.

    The hand over back to China was always the situation... if they didn't see that coming they have no excuse. They should ask the US for passports and the UK for passports and just leave.

    They are protesting extradition laws to mainland China... where were the protests when they passed the extradition law to the US? The US has a solid policy of kidnapping internationally Chinese citizens based on commercial issues, there is more danger from the US than from the PRC.

    There r many different kinds of Chinese people- those in the PRC & those in HK, Macao, Taiwan, SE Asia; overseas in Africa, Polinesia, Australia/NZ, Americas, & Europe.

    Large numbers of Chinese people came to New Zealand for the gold rush and were treated like shit by the early settlers. They even had a chinaman tax where you had to pay a significant sum of money to come to New Zealand to live if you were Chinese... they clearly didn't want non whites to come here... total bastards.

    Of course the British are ultimately to blame they fucked up a lot of places doing shit like this. In Fiji, the Fijians have a different culture and work ethic from the British and when a Fijian has done enough work to pay the bills he stops working and goes home to his family... which was not good enough for the British, so the british got a whole lot of ethnic indians from their other colony in india and got them to do the work... which was fine, but when the british left they didn't take those indians with them so there are all these fijian indians that are not ethnically fijian... they are of course indians from india, but they occupy most of the jobs in government and own most of the businesses and now they practically run the country.

    New Zealand is shocked when they have a military coup in Fiji because most of the military are ethnic fijians who don't think fiji should be ruled by ethnically foreign people. So they have had military coups where the elected indian has been replaced by some ethnically fijian general, but the entire situation was created by the British but they don't give a shit.

    The west has a lot to answer for and the problems they created wont go away...
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:08 pm

    They should ask the US for passports and the UK for passports and just leave.
    Every time a revolt/civil war/oppression/famine/natural disaster was occuring on the mainland, waves of refugees & immigrants were coming out to Taiwan & SE Asia.
    Those who can will go there & perhaps Australia & Canada, not UK & USA.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:55 pm

    PhSt wrote:

    It is a quite disturbing development indeed. Russia needs more patriotic education to make ordinary Russians more resistant to NATO's moral corruption campaign against its population. Just look at the uprising in Hong Kong, ethnic Chinese people that are brainwashed to go against their own country. They are so brainwashed by the west that they dont even consider themselves Chinese anymore. I hope that both Russia and China will be able to deal with this growing problem of NATO assisted backstabbery  angry  angry

    Putin is a populist.. Someone that try to please people with artificial things ,that in no
    way will change people lives in a long term.  A incredibly super expensive park , super expensive football stadiums all across Russia , super speed trains to chain ,creating laws
    for demanding singing the national anthem in school every morning.. new roads..
    even when all those things are nice to do... It really don't inspire people to be better at all..
    or to be more patriotic..Forcing students to  Sing the national anthem every day ,will not inspire people to be more patriotic at all..  it will if any annoy them .

    Putin promote Patriotism in a very outdated way . the entire Putin strategy is based
    and worshiping the past.. and by having a powerful modern army. combined with
    orthodox values  and thats it.  Putin try to influence the west and his own people with morals and values ,with politeness. This is a really wrong...

    Putin don't understand the words Joy , FUN ,Excitement , Awesomeness .. You see
    him all the time ,like a stone face Super Boring person..and later talk softly..  No
    He is weak as hell and this inspire Disrespect.. inspire Opposition to him.. No .and This is Putin's biggest Problem and is a Very HUGE ONE...  Putin don't understand Leadership ,
    don't understand what Confidence and Strenght is.  

    Leaders are Motivators ... you understand this contradiction? Putin is one of the most lame
    leaders i have seen ,he is not a motivator at all.. and to make things worse ,his vision of Russia is of a nation that Follows others.. His goal is to join the EU .. he have said it..
    why not the EU to JOIN Russia Federation? Is not the same thing.. One is an union from a weakness position , from a follower one.. and the other is from a strong position with Russia leading..   So is this Insecurity of Putin ,his lack of vision for a new Russia ,what drives away so many young generations ,to want to kick him from power..

    The alternative way , the far better way to promote Patriotism.. is with SUCCESS.
    learn this.. Success never fails.. Even Gay people ,that are very successful they are Respected.  If someone wants respect.. be Successful. Everyone respect leadership.
    Putin should not be happy with just growing economy. He needs Russia to be
    the Best nation in the world.. and not just a follower.
    This is the only way Russia can defeat the American system.. by replacing their Leadership.
    But that will be impossible to achieve with Putin in power ,because he have zero ambitions ,
    all he wants he have said.. is "Russia stability" that is to survive ..and this is what a very insecure Person will say..  Russia lack of Leading Role in the world ,is what kills Russia little by little..  If I was in his shoes.. i will make a national top priority more important than SPorts ,than Nukes ,than Hypersonic weapons ,to Completely REPLACE
    the American leadership in the most Popular civilians business that society Loves and can't imagine their lives without it.   So Leadership in farming rice and beans is not what Putin
    needs to feel proud about.. he actually should just not even mention it . Leadership in
    Technology ,in Space exploration ,in Entertainment.. the day Russia could do that ,is the
    day US system will collapse.. and the Cold war will end. and everyone will agree they need Russia.

    People are naturally greedy ,and the more the government give them money ,the more they want.. the more pretty parks you do , the more they want.. All this cosmetic development of Russia.. is misuse of Russia budget.. Putin better allow those Roads and bridges to collapse.. if that is what it get the budget for a real ambitious space program ,but get a Man in the moon and mars FIRST and a Base..Once Russia leadership demonstrated,  The celebrations will not stop and all those liberals will have to admit their Government is great. later when Leadership achieved , those pretty parks and trains and all other cosmetic changes in their cities can be done later.. But Russia now ,more than never needs to compete with US .. is a race for top influence..a race for who leads the world. and the winner will take all.. there is no place for Second Best... If Russia fails at Leading the world.
    Their future will be very shallow or dark.. Because it will be either become a colony of EU..
    (the lest bad outcome) or completely disbanded if Washinton DC succeed in dividing society
    and is doing a very good job.. it is Slow but is working.. Siberia now captured by Soviet opposition ,which will not be surprising if their leaders works like Navalny for the CIA and Moscow and ST petersburg is next. and no ammount of pretty parks or roads will help Putin to be popular enough to counter the growing liberal opposition.


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    Post  PhSt Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:29 am

    The problem in Russia is the lack of upholding the law. You see, Yabloko was able to gain 3 seats because 1) no opposition in those areas plus (2) the liberalists were able to gain foothold.

    If Russian authorities upheld the law, at least two of the candidates would be behind bars regarding their stance on Crimea. It's in criminal code. But no one does a thing to them.

    This is a very disturbing trend indeed. its like leaving your house doors open to let scoundrels ransack your place and murder your family. Its funny how Putin couldn't act on this, are his advisors slacking around? Is he starting to soften his approach to national traitors? is he going the path of Gorbachev and prostituting Russia once again to the west? I can only see dark times ahead if such irresponsible behaviour by the Russian government continues.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:19 am

    Every time a revolt/civil war/oppression/famine/natural disaster was occuring on the mainland, waves of refugees & immigrants were coming out to Taiwan & SE Asia.
    Those who can will go there & perhaps Australia & Canada, not UK & USA.

    The UK created the problem, why are they not keen to clean up their mess... of course... why would they start now.

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    Post  PhSt Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:25 am

    if the territory of Belarus becomes Russia again then it is not a buffer zone.... it is just more territory to defend and protect and to invest in... hostile locals wont thank you for that investment and will likely complain that it is not enough no matter what is done...

    How is this not a buffer zone? is having a couple of hundreds of kilometers extra distance between Moscow and NATO invasion forces not useful? the mentality/ loyalty of locals can be managed through an iron fist. Think of this scenario, If lets say Russia grants Karelia, or Chechnya or maybe even Kamchatka independence, over time people from these territories will develop their own identities and will start to resist Russian influence. The reverse is the same, If Russia captures Belarus for instance, at first there will be resistance, but over time with the right application of brutal force, populations can be brainwashed and can be turned into loyal zombie simpletons that will obey without hesitation.

    Russians already have more land than any other country on the planet and they are investing a lot of money on several space ports inside their own territory... why rent from someone else?

    Kazakhstan is not part of Russia by their choice, why do you think that would change?

    Most of the chunk of Russian territory is Tundra. incorporating Kazakh territory will give Russia more areas with slightly warmer climates. Also, Why are Russian cosmonauts still landing to Kazakhstan from ISS? Why not land to Russian soil? Does this not signify the importance of Kazakh territory for Russian space flights?

    The main problem with democracy is that your average person will vote for someone because of their name or because of the way they look, or as some sort of protest because the person currently in seems to have been there too long... how about giving someone else a go...

    By the time they work out it was a mistake it is too late. And the majority of people vote for one party or person because of an issue or a few issues... might be anti gun or anti death penalty or perhaps climate change or some such bollocks and don't really care that on some other issues the person they are voting for is a fucking nutter. They also assume that they will do what they say they will do and will not be influenced by bribery and corruption.

    This is why Russian patriotic establishment must make itself so entrenched into Russian society to the point that any form of color revolutions/ regime change ploy will not succeed or affect Russia's upward trajectory and enable the government to continue policies for national growth and development. Putin needs to act quickly and shouldn't hesitate for a split second because such a short time is enough opportunity for the west to derail Russia's progress and plunge the country back to the chaos of the 90s.

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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:05 am

    You two (Vann and Psht) should get off whatever you're're living in some sort of alternative universe

    So Russia should just waltz into Kazakhstan (or wherever) and simply incorporate it Razz ...there is the little matter of 20 or so million Kazaks who might have other plans

    Both Kazakhstan and Belarus are already pretty close to Russia...Belarus is in a military sense already practically part of Russia


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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:12 pm

    Good video.

    So essentially there are about 150 SSJ-100 flying and so according to Borisov, the needed infrastructure is being built for aftermarket support. And also Aeroflot ordered 100 additional and 50 - 60 more by others.

    At least SSJ is more successful than I initially thought.

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    Post  PhSt Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:02 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:You two (Vann and Psht) should get off whatever you're're living in some sort of alternative universe

    People would be saying the same thing thing too, in the early 1980s about the idea that the USSR will breakup.

    Cyberspec wrote:
    So Russia should just waltz into Kazakhstan (or wherever) and simply incorporate it Razz ...there is the little matter of 20 or so million Kazaks who might have other plans

    I never said it can be done overnight but Russia needs to include this sort of expansion policy as part of its long term goals.


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    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:38 pm

    Even the Elite in United States that influence heavily US foreign policy agree with me...   lol1

    George Soros told recently in a New York TImes editorial..

    if Chinese firms such as Huawei are allowed to compete in the global market, Beijing will be able to expand its “systems of political control worldwide.”  

    So see this suckers?  This is the way to FIGHT the American Empire idiots..
    With L E A D E R  S H I P.. is leadership , how you defeat the American Empire.
    Leading , making people to Follow you..  is how you win..
    You can lead a Horse to move the way you want with a carrot.. So Putin needs to change
    the tactic ,instead of using hypersonic missiles to "lead" americans into respecting Russia..
    instead of using Olympic bullshit , or victory parades to influence the west..Instead of
    wheat records.. Is with Innovative next generation High Tech Business leadership..
    how can you put an end to the American system.. and as Soros say.. expand WORLD WIDE
    the political control of nations (through with top leadership in Technology business).  

    The questions to ask are.. Why Soros is not in panic with Russia hypersonic missiles?
    Why Soros is not worried at all about Putin's Olympics ,or Putin's farming records..?
    Because they don't counter at all the American System.. the American empire..
    Advance weapons and military if not used ,to stop a bully nation ,then they are worthless.
    and Business that increase Russia economy ,but don't counter the American Empire,
    are worthless too.. in defeating the west..

    Empires without society influence ,cease to exist.. Is INFLUENCE what Russia needs.
    To Influence the west in particular is what Russia needs. because if you influence the
    west you can disband any alliances aimed at countering Russia... and the West Love ,technology , the west Love Space, the west love entertainment.. west love internet ,so this is how can Russia influence the west.. by countering the western innovative business ,with alternative better ones. (While Moron in Chief)  Putin was downplaying CHina decision to bet on Huawei (In China economic model) in his marathon questions interview in TV.. because he claimed Huawei was "busted" with Trump sanctions.  Here you have one of the most important minds of the American Empire warning Trump about China high tech industry .. Smile

    and Trump economy secretary told it too.. something of the like.. If Trump allows China
    to lead in IT ,Robotics  and high tech business , US economy will enter into a an abyss will not recover again..

    Putin is the only MORON that continues to ignore American leading business and do nothing
    to change Russia economic model..China is the only country in the world fighting the American Empire.. Russia only complains and dissobey US orders but don't fight back. So to save Russia ,a major total reverse of Russia economy is need.. from a gas station with mining and weapons exports ,to a High tech leading business and space economy..  Fire the moron at the kremlin and replace him for Rogozin..he will at least do it right Russia space program ,with far more funding than the one Putin support.. and this will give another Pain in the ass ,to the american system.. IF Russia take the absolute  lead in Space with being first with humans (for real) in Moon and mars and build a base in the moon. it will be the last nail in the coffin of the American empire.. And millions of students worldwide will want
    to move to Russia to study ,Engineering and science..


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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:31 am

    How is this not a buffer zone? is having a couple of hundreds of kilometers extra distance between Moscow and NATO invasion forces not useful?

    A buffer zone is territory between you and your enemy that is expendable... that you don't care about... for the Soviets, that was eastern europe, so that if the west attacked the fighting would be on Warsaw Pact territory and not Soviet territory.

    If Belarus becomes Russian territory then it becomes Russian territory and Poland becomes the buffer zone where the Russian nukes will land... still, so really nothing would actually even change.

    With the INF treaty gone and looking at the performance of NATO in recent exercises I would say Russia has nothing to worry about in terms of invasion threat... the only question they need to ask would be is do they have enough tactical nukes to obliterate everything they want to destroy...

    the mentality/ loyalty of locals can be managed through an iron fist.

    Yeah, Stalin is gone buddy... Putin is a democrat and wont be pulling that sort of shit... why would he bother starting that now?

    Think of this scenario, If lets say Russia grants Karelia, or Chechnya or maybe even Kamchatka independence, over time people from these territories will develop their own identities and will start to resist Russian influence. The reverse is the same, If Russia captures Belarus for instance, at first there will be resistance, but over time with the right application of brutal force, populations can be brainwashed and can be turned into loyal zombie simpletons that will obey without hesitation.

    When has that ever worked?

    Most of the chunk of Russian territory is Tundra. incorporating Kazakh territory will give Russia more areas with slightly warmer climates. Also, Why are Russian cosmonauts still landing to Kazakhstan from ISS? Why not land to Russian soil? Does this not signify the importance of Kazakh territory for Russian space flights?

    The Ukraine made the motors for most Soviet helicopters and Soviet war ships... till they didn't. While they did, they kept doing so because they had no other customers. The decision to stop doing it was political and could come from Kazakhstan over night... and the Russians would alter their procedures and processes and land them somewhere else.

    This is why Russian patriotic establishment must make itself so entrenched into Russian society to the point that any form of color revolutions/ regime change ploy will not succeed or affect Russia's upward trajectory and enable the government to continue policies for national growth and development. Putin needs to act quickly and shouldn't hesitate for a split second because such a short time is enough opportunity for the west to derail Russia's progress and plunge the country back to the chaos of the 90s.

    The problem there is that your proposed treatment of fellow Russians in Belarus sounds harsh enough to make even reasonable people dislike Russia and Russians... at least when the US says Putin is a dictator, anyone who uses their brain can realise someone who was voted in with the job of running a country is supposed to be dictating policy and direction for the country and as long as the people are given a chance to remove them from power at an election then US criticism looks like bullshit... the reality is that with the DNC rigging the democrat electoral process to put hilary ahead of sanders the US is not even nearly democratic at all.

    You two (Vann and Psht) should get off whatever you're're living in some sort of alternative universe

    So Russia should just waltz into Kazakhstan (or wherever) and simply incorporate it Razz ...there is the little matter of 20 or so million Kazaks who might have other plans

    Both Kazakhstan and Belarus are already pretty close to Russia...Belarus is in a military sense already practically part of Russia

    There should be a word that means a plan that does the opposite of what it is supposed to do... how about we create a new one... the US Constitution perhaps?

    Russia treats those two countries with respect and get respect in return. There is cooperation at many levels and a good relationship... why sleep with their wives and put them in chains and start telling them they are Russian?

    I never said it can be done overnight but Russia needs to include this sort of expansion policy as part of its long term goals.

    Its best chances for good relations with its neighbours is to succeed. Become successful. Make life comfortable for the average Russian.... eliminate poverty and look after the sick and mentally ill... don't elect them to president like the US and UK do. When Russia has a nice modern country with motivated educated people who work hard and earn enough to be comfortable without 2 or three jobs for both husband and wife, then Russia wont give a fuck about Belarus or Ukraine.

    They need to aim for a society where a company would rather pay their employees a good wage with good benefits and make a modest profit that can be reinvested into the company to improve production and productivity and technology levels, than penny pinch on salaries below manager and tooling and training just to make the maximum profit that all goes to the share holders who might live in a different country and have nothing to do with the business at all.

    They need to avoid American business models like the plague... whose focus is shareholders and profit... they don't give a shit about anything, their workers, their property and resources... when the workers became human resources, they suddenly became minimum wage robots to be abused and managed like numbers on a spreadsheet.

    Company spirit is a new tool to increase productivity and loyalty without actually spending more money.

    Even the Elite in United States that influence heavily US foreign policy agree with me...

    Which is all the evidence anyone needs to prove you are wrong... the elite in the us don't give a shit about anything except making more money for themselves.... because they are only billionaires and trillionaires and they need it more than poor people do... you know poor people... that is anyone with less than 20 million dollars in the bank...

    So see this suckers? This is the way to FIGHT the American Empire idiots..

    America is a broken ship and not only don't they see it, but they don't want to know.

    It is the ones below deck telling the ones on top that water is coming in, and the captain has ordered the crew to drill holes in the hull because that will let the water out...

    Russia and China don't need to do a thing... what they need to do is buy gold and get rid of US dollars because they are going to become worthless, and they need to set up alternatives to international trade systems like swift so after it goes tits up they can continue to trade with their partners.

    Making it go faster would just focus US hostility on them and might lead to them lashing out... when someone is having a fit you step back and let them... when they lose control they can do anything... including bite your finger off if you try to help. Once they finish and regain some control you can help them up and wipe the spit off their face and any blood if they bit their own tongue and help them to the toilet if they need a change of underwear, but stepping in while they are thrashing about will only risk you hurting them and them hurting you.

    The questions to ask are.. Why Soros is not in panic with Russia hypersonic missiles?
    Why Soros is not worried at all about Putin's Olympics ,or Putin's farming records..?

    Who gives a fuck about Soros... Russia should not be acting based on what that censored does or does not want.

    Russia should develop their agriculture, because a country that can't feed itself is in trouble... look at Venezuela and North Korea. Russia should hold international events because it is part of the world community no matter how much a tiny minority called the west likes to suggest otherwise, and hypersonic missiles are ideal for keeping the USN and NATO in general in check and in its place... all money very well spent.

    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:41 pm

    What Dmitry Medvedev did not say

    My comments on this would be unnecessary, but I wouldn't mind reading what others have to say.

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:18 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Who gives a fuck about Soros... Russia should not be acting based on what that censored  does or does not want.

    Russia should develop their agriculture, because a country that can't feed itself is in trouble... look at Venezuela and North Korea. Russia should hold international events because it is part of the world community no matter how much a tiny minority called the west likes to suggest otherwise, and hypersonic missiles are ideal for keeping the USN and NATO in general in check and in its place... all money very well spent.

    I don't care about Soros.. But you and Everyone if want to be smart ,should pay very close attention what the Enemies of Russia fear most. IF you see SOROS and his top economic secretary ,warning Trump ,that if China LEADS the world in IT ,in Robotics and advance High Tech , that US economy will never recover again..

    So what more you want?  a Coloring Book ,with drawings explaining you what
    the World needs to do ,to end the American empire?   They said it.. they told it ,
    what is their weakness.. They depend on their Leadership on innovative High tech,
    to LEAD the world ,to Influence the world.   So this is very important..
    Because is teaching you exactly how the American Empire can be defeated..
    and they are even saying it.. IS LEADERSHIP ,what Russia needs.. to defeat the American Empire.. it INfluence.. not influence with north korea.. but Influence with NATO countries ,
    including US ,to disband their competition..  

    Putin is wasting precious time and a lot of money , in totally superficial things..
    economy based on commodities.. energy and mining and tourism..
    this is mediocre vision of Russia.. it don't mean to end those business..
    but instead to not focus so much in that..
    like Sports ,farming and victory parades..
    Is not a better economy what will help Russia ,Is Leadership what will save Russia.
    Because if Russia leads the world ,then no longer the world will follow the American
    Empire and no longer American companies needed..

    So the same year Russia becomes a superior alternative to US high tech business and Lead in Space exploration. and lead in Moon and MArs and others...the year Russia achieve Success in developing a superior system, it will be the year that..
    1)NATO will disband
    2)Europe will move towards Russian Orbit.. will follow Russia.
    3)US military bases kicked
    4) Ukrainians will not longer want to join the west.. and will want to return to Russia.
    5)US authority will end.. and nobody will follow America anymore..
    6)Scientist and students from Europe andAmerican will move to Russia to be part of Russia success.
    7)the year ,US will respect Russia , and US will realize they need Russia.. if don't want
    to be left behind ,in Russia world lead.. and so they will drop their cold/semihot war
    and will seek instead to negotiate for an alliance.. Wink
    8)Will avoid a world war 3 and even promote a denuclearization of the planet..

    It is Leadership what Russia needs , and not more money.  Americans like Soros
    can print money .. so is not about money.. Is about Leadership.. about Control the world.
    Russia needs to disband the American most popular innovative business  ,with a superior ones.. this is how Russia will solve its problems. Russia could have the best infrastructure in the world ,a million of expensive parks.. and host every week an olympic and win all the medals..have a thousands of submarines and warships and hundred of thousands of nukes like soviets had..  and this still will not solve the problem..because is not countering US
    business influence in the world. Putin  follows an Unfair System ,that threatens their nation own existence , and the only thing he does is complain is not fair to them..and later Putin dont understand why the west is not fair with them.. . No

    China is the only nation fighting the American system.. and is not China money ,China 7% GDP what fights the American system.. what fights the American Empire is China LEAD
    in High tech.. what counters US it companies and APPLE.. this challenge not only their entire
    spy intelligence system ,but also their image in the world too... even Amazon have a major competition with Alibaba.. Is China Leadership in high tech business ,what Trump is trying to destroy..because is more dangerous for the American Empire,than Russia hypersonic missiles.. Russian weapons don't harm US business lead.. but China innovative high tech business do a lot of harm on US economy.. and so reduce US influence business influence in the world and image of leader..


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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:40 pm

    I don't care about Soros.. But you and Everyone if want to be smart ,should pay very close attention what the Enemies of Russia fear most. IF you see SOROS and his top economic secretary ,warning Trump ,that if China LEADS the world in IT ,in Robotics and advance High Tech , that US economy will never recover again..

    Soros is not a bond villain... he is not going to tell the world what he fears most and the secrets that will destroy him and his kind.

    Why do you think Soros has any ability to see in to the future any better than anyone else?

    So what more you want? a Coloring Book ,with drawings explaining you what
    the World needs to do ,to end the American empire? They said it.. they told it ,
    what is their weakness.. They depend on their Leadership on innovative High tech,
    to LEAD the world ,to Influence the world. So this is very important..
    Because is teaching you exactly how the American Empire can be defeated..

    Yeah, because things are simple... I mean Russia and China both had empires that were defeated because the west dominated in the world of IT and robotics and of course AI, so if they can win leading positions in those areas then of course the US will collapse... except the US controls the western media so how would anyone in the west know when China or Russia or India or anyone started to dominate at anything. And if they don't know then what difference does it make?

    If China and Russia can take the lead in those areas... which are broad areas BTW, will that make the US economy stop or disappear? Will it make their nuclear weapons disappear, will it make their aircraft carriers disappear?


    Perhaps a 12 year old might think if China can make an AI Robot that they will win because then they will have the equivalent of an army of drones or if you like transformers, but in actual fact leading in AI or robotics or even just IT means fuck all.

    Wall Street raped Syria and Iraq and Libya and stole billions of dollars and assets from those countries and both wall street and london stole from Venezuela billions of dollars in frozen assets they wont be giving back... do you really think they are going to say that new Chinese CPUs are better than American ones so we give up because we obviously lose.

    Grow up.

    So the same year Russia becomes a superior alternative to US high tech business and Lead in Space exploration. and lead in Moon and MArs and others...the year Russia achieve Success in developing a superior system, it will be the year that..
    1)NATO will disband
    2)Europe will move towards Russian Orbit.. will follow Russia.
    3)US military bases kicked
    4) Ukrainians will not longer want to join the west.. and will want to return to Russia.
    5)US authority will end.. and nobody will follow America anymore..
    6)Scientist and students from Europe andAmerican will move to Russia to be part of Russia success.
    7)the year ,US will respect Russia , and US will realize they need Russia.. if don't want
    to be left behind ,in Russia world lead.. and so they will drop their cold/semihot war
    and will seek instead to negotiate for an alliance.. Wink
    8)Will avoid a world war 3 and even promote a denuclearization of the planet..

    1)NATO is meaningless and a huge waste of money for the west... may it continue forever... it makes clear who you can trade with and who are American drones to be ignored.
    2) Screw Europe, they are as toxic as the Americans are... Russia needs more ties with the west like it needs a chainsaw enima.
    3) US bases around the world suck money from the US economy and are what will end up ruining the country... why would you want them to stop?
    4) Screw the Ukraine... they are leeches and right now they are starving because there is not so much blood left in the west... the last thing Russia needs to to have to start feeding them... better for Russian money to go to Russian interests and Russian people instead of foreign sob stories.
    5) US authority is ending, and they are accelerating the process themselves by throwing their weight around in public.
    6) The language barrier will make such a thing difficult or unlikely, and to be honest unnecessary... why would Russia want weak lazy westerners to pollute their country with their bullshit?
    7) Who cares about getting respect from the west, screw them. Why would you want Russia to be allied with those censored .
    Cool Why? If you get rid of nukes then you give cart blanche to colonial powers with large conventional forces with good mobility and reach... in other words you make NATO make sense and give it enormous power... fuck that. How about every country gets ten nuclear devices each...

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:59 pm


    To disband NATO is important.. to remove Americans from Europe IS important..
    for Putin is.. for Russia is .. only for you is not.. because you are incredibly fool.
    Europe is important ,because if they are being used to provoke a wars against Russia.
    and to sabotage Russia economy.. Ukraine, Moldova ,Serbia as examples where US can do
    a lot of damage to Russia.. forcing Russia to they did it in Syria..
    they can also use NATO/Europe to deploy lots of missiles aiming at Russia..
    that Have Putin in panic every day.. complaining about why their western partners
    don't come to its senses.. Rolling Eyes It is Putin the one that needs to come back to its senses..
    the west want Russian blood and there is nothing he can do to stop their wishes.. other than
    to Fight back.. by countering US business. to weaken their economy and leadership..

    Putin don't have a real strategy ,to stop the American empire.. you don't stop
    the American empire with Hypersonic missiles or nukes.. ,if they are not used..
    Those are revenge weapons and nothing else..  Neither de-Dolarization helps.. as long AMericans have something to sell ,people like.. dollars will be used in the world..

    With Putin policy , americans can continue every day ,every month ,every year attacking Russia ,and nothing will happen to them.. because Putin is weak and don't fight back at them.. not even if their Russian military bases attacked.. or Russian soldiers bombed in the field by American airforce.. Russia will never get respect ,ever.. if Putin turn the other cheek ,every time Russia slapped in the face.. Why would Americans changes their hostilities ,towards Russia ,if Putin does nothing ??? No
    that really damage them ?   He don't fight back with the military and neither Putin fight backs with targeting US Business.. Only China is fighting the US system.. with Huawei and their 5G ,encrypted communications ,and with all their other advances too in IT..

    Russia doesn't export anything to the world ,that makes lives of people better..This iswhy
    jokingly calls Russia a gas station a figurative way of saying Russia nearly don't export anything that anyone will want to have.. unless you talk about guns..  and this is the core of its major influence problems in the west..China have far more influence in the west than Russia and that should be a total embarrassment for Putin.. because China just 20 years ago ,was a farming rice nation.. and was way behind Russia in development..behind Russia
    in everything . But Chinese Government understood well ,that if they want respect.. they will need to become a Leader and challenge US top business too..  
    today they have eclipsed Russia in nation development and this is consequence of Putin's short sight vision of relying so much in lazy economic models ,of relying in oil and gas for Russia economy.. and not modernizing Russia economy.

    in closing.... No point in arguing anymore with you.. will avoid it totally..
    Since you are completely closed ,and very short minded and dumb.

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