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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2


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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:40 pm

    zarib wrote:Looks like the Iraqi forces will control Fallujah faster than the US marines did in 2004.

    Wow lets not go down that road.
    Iraqi forces have been struggling for over 2 years. The Marines didn't take that long.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:54 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    zarib wrote:Looks like the Iraqi forces will control Fallujah faster than the US marines did in 2004.

    Wow lets not go down that road.
    Iraqi forces have been struggling for over 2 years. The Marines didn't take that long.

    that´s why thye used phosforus bombs against civilians what Iraqi army didn´t do...

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  zarib Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:57 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    zarib wrote:Looks like the Iraqi forces will control Fallujah faster than the US marines did in 2004.

    Wow lets not go down that road.
    Iraqi forces have been struggling for over 2 years. The Marines didn't take that long.

    Iraqi forces haven't been trying to take Fallujah for over two years. The operation to take Fallujah and its surrounding areas only started in May. Prior to that, Iraqi forces were simply holding their ground and stopping ISIS advances, not carrying out offensives on the city or villages around it.

    Not trying to say that Iraqi forces are better than the marines, because we know they aren't. However, I think it is a pretty good indicator of how far the Iraqi forces have come since 2014 and that they can make a very capable force if the proper leadership and logistics are provided.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  Iraqiya Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:00 pm

    Operation started May 30th 0500 Baghdad Time

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:02 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:that´s why thye used phosforus bombs against civilians what Iraqi army didn´t do...

    Civvies were told to leave. Tough luck for those who did not. Marines went in and cleared the place house by house. It was a great op with low casualties for USMC. No reason to rant against it and use these Iraqis as better example. Same Iraqis that lost control of over half of their habitable country within a few weeks or so. I'm not going to comment on the speed they were getting trashed and surrendering circa 2003.

    zarib wrote:Iraqi forces haven't been trying to take Fallujah for over two years.

    That's because Iraq has been under black on the map for the past 2 years and right now Fallujah beardies have/had areas to fall back for many weeks.  Most already did. The Marines/US controlled the entire place but they had a cornered enemy, into a fortified city.

    PS. TOS-1 is not launching flowers and candy by the way.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  zarib Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:19 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    zarib wrote:Iraqi forces haven't been trying to take Fallujah for over two years.

    That's because Iraq has been under black on the map for the past 2 years and right now Fallujah beardies have/had areas to fall back for many weeks.  Most already did. The Marines/US controlled the entire place but they had a cornered enemy, into a fortified city.

    PS. TOS-1 is not launching flowers and candy by the way.

    The fact that Iraqi forces have been busy conducting operations in others areas over the past 2 years only supports my point. And now, when they turned their attention to Fallujah, they are doing a faster job clearing it than the marines did in 2004. That is a fact.

    Also, ISIS have haven't had places to fall back on for weeks. If you've been following the operation, it started in May with the goal of surrounding the city from all sides. Then they opened humanitarian corridors to free civilians. Then they stormed the city starting around 1 week ago. So ISIS couldn't retreat anywhere really, Iraqi forces have simply overwhelmed them.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:22 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:that´s why thye used phosforus bombs against civilians what Iraqi army didn´t do...

    Civvies were told to leave. Tough luck for those who did not. Marines went in and cleared the place house by house. It was a great op with low casualties for USMC. No reason to rant against it and use these Iraqis as better example. Same Iraqis that lost control of over half of their habitable country within a few weeks or so. I'm not going to comment on the speed they were getting trashed and surrendering circa 2003.

    and US soldier did not shoot civilians at all ? Great thousands of civilians little USMC. Yugoslavia or Libya wer e also examples of trashing enemies right? right better don´t because we clearly disagree on this. topic

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:13 am

    @Gunship: I think that USMC fought better than current Iraqi army.

    Just like the US troop fought better than Saigon puppet regime.

    May be I am just ignorant of the issue, but I do not highly appreciate the fighting capability of puppet regimes created by the West. After all, when a man does not fight for his own ideal and interest, then his capability is nearly zero.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  KiloGolf Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:54 am

    zarib wrote:The fact that Iraqi forces have been busy conducting operations in others areas over the past 2 years only supports my point. And now, when they turned their attention to Fallujah, they are doing a faster job clearing it than the marines did in 2004. That is a fact.

    Nope, in fact it makes your argument weak. The enemy is strained as he was chased away and engaged for 2 years, in 2 different countries. The Marines in 2004 were up against an enemy that was gearing up, digging in, in relative freedom, probably even before the 2003 invasion.

    zarib wrote:Also, ISIS have haven't had places to fall back on for weeks.

    They had months if not, two years for that. They've been free to move that is. Generally, trash-talking and counting days to compare with Operation Phantom Fury 12 years ago is quite desperate, for an IQ Army that gave up entire brigades to the enemy very recently, as in less than 2 years ago.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  sepheronx Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:48 pm

    Pretty good Syria style rework done on the T-55 turret. Now a small arty piece.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  George1 Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:50 am

    Moscow, UN Discuss Anti-Daesh Fight, Stabilizing Iraq

    Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has discussed the fight against the Daesh extremist group and the stabilization of Iraq with Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jan Kubis, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Kubis is currently on a consultative visit to Moscow.

    "A thorough exchange of opinions on the situation in Iraq in the context of Iraqi government efforts to counter the Daesh terrorist group took place during the discussion, as well as an exchange of views on ensuring political stabilization and promoting national reconciliation taking into account all of Iraq's ethno-religious groups," the ministry said.

    The meeting comes as the Iraqi army is engaged in liberating the city of Fallujah from the Daesh.

    Daesh is a designated terrorist organization outlawed in the United States, Russia and numerous other countries. It overran large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  Iraqiya Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:08 pm

    Breaking Al Moalimeen district fell only Al Jolan left for ISIS

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  George1 Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:58 pm

    The losses of the Kurdish "Peshmerga" in the battle against the Islamists

    According to the bulletin of the French "TTU", authorities of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan were first reported about the losses of the armed organization "Peshmerga" in the battle against the "Islamic State." By mid-June 2016, they amounted to 1,466 dead and 8,610 injured, and 62 people unaccounted for.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  calm Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:52 pm

    Iranian artillery shells Qandil region north of Erbil in #KRG #Iraq as clashes intensify with #PDKI in western #Iran (Rojhalat)

    #Fallujah offensive started 36 days ago, Iraqi Army entered the city 26 days ago and now has been fully liberated
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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  calm Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:16 pm

    20 warplanes from Habbaniyah & Taji took part destroying at least 138 vehicles destroyed & killing many, most of them foreigners

    Reports that the massive Da'ish gathering started near Hasi and moved towards #Baghdad before #Iraq's forces acted.
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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  iraqidabab Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:07 am

    video of the above ^^ great footage


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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  sheytanelkebir Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:28 am

    all the world's media (except for BBC!) is reporting this air raid as having been carried out by the US forces!

    absolutely disgusting!

    in fact the attack was carried out by iraqi Mi28, Mi35, IA407 and ec-635s.


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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:29 am

    Apparently this attack was carried out by Mi-28 helicopters


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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  sheytanelkebir Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:24 am

    even frikking RT is saying it was a US air raid!

    what is wrong with this world. news agencies just copy and paste from each other.

    BBC is the only sensible one here.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  sheytanelkebir Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:29 am

    Please can people please comment on the stupid news sources with the CORRECTION.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  OminousSpudd Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:28 am

    sheytanelkebir wrote:Please can people please comment on the stupid news sources with the CORRECTION.
    RT seems to have corrected its mistake:

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  calm Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:01 pm

    Sorry. Footage emerged of US pilots/commanders standing in front of American Mi-35Ms speaking about today's strikes. Laughing

    #Iraq's commanders and footage released clearly shows Iraqi helicopters tackling the bulk of the Da'ish force south of #Fallujah.

    #US-led coalition refused multiple requests by #Iraq's MoD to hit this convoy. Iraqis had to act independently.

    #US-led coalition is now trying to steal credit from #Iraq's army aviation for today's airstrikes against the Da'ish convoy near #Fallujah.

    20+ of #Iraq's AAC helicopters took part in destroying this Da'ish convoy. Mainly Mi-35M, Mi-28NE, EC635 + Bell 407.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:37 pm

    sheytanelkebir wrote:all the world's media (except for BBC!) is reporting this air raid as having been carried out by the US forces!

    absolutely disgusting!

    in fact the attack was carried out by iraqi Mi28, Mi35, IA407 and ec-635s.

    RAid was carried with Russian Ordinance from videos you can see the dirty trail of S-8.

    Masha'Allah for the Iraqi forces.

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    IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: IRAQ - Fight on Islamic State: News #2

    Post  sheytanelkebir Fri Jul 01, 2016 2:14 pm

    some more footage emerging.

    they displayed some dozens of abandoned vehicles... hundreds were destroyed and hundreds were abandoned in the melee.

    there are more new videos emerging from the head cams of iraqi helo pilots blowing up the stragglers who tried to break out.

    I note that ABC news and the like have "amended" their articles ... but of course only after the damage has been done and iraqis even begun mockingly to post videos of US raids in Syria and deliberately lying and calling them Iraqi raids to illustrate the point. Wink

    minister of defence visiting some of the helo pilots who participated.

    here are videos from yesterday showing some of the escaped vehicles from the doomed convoy who escaped to the desert near razazza lake being picked off one by one with a CH-4B.

    also from yesterday

    discussions inside the King Air 350I with the attack helo pilots as the go about their business.

    in the aftermath one survivor is caught. probably wished the helo killed him.

    another after effect vid

    and another of the column nearer to amiriyat al falluja

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    Post  sheytanelkebir Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:58 pm

    and another vid from mopping up today

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