Odin of Ossetia wrote:
Exchanging a productive partnership with Turkey for a mindless devotion to the Alawites in Syria is very unreasonable.
Plus all those defenseless Syrian civilians bombed and frozen to death does not look good on Russia. Interestingly the West does not seem to care.
You can't be polish as you claimed.. even Poland government who hates Russia supports Assad.
but don't say it in words.. for not angering their americans friends.. they say that in actions.. look..
read carefully this..
Syria and Poland to *** enhance economic, trade relations****https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=150135
So what do you know.. that the polish government and their intelligence agencies doesn't know ?
if you are polish ,did you really think Poland and most of europe ,including australia ,support for assad ,is because they are not better informed than you ?
Poland gave money from his own nation budget.. to rebuild homes to the refugees
that support Assad.. and the syrian pairlament applauded Poland government good gesture with
standing ovation..
So obviously you are a troll.. all your claims that alawis or Assad " are evil".. contradict Europe actions..
Poland , italy ,hungary ,all of them support assad.. australia another nato member support Assad with actions,
and with words ,they follow US sanctions.. so which is more important , your words? or your actions ?
your actions speak louder than words.. they say exactly what you believe. and Poland, spain,italy ,hungary ,austria ,greece actions are all in full support of Assad.. because if assad was the evil you claim.. those nations will not be helping Assad with their actions ,encouraging others in europe to strenghten the assad economy.
more about "Evil Assad" and evil alawis..
FRANCE France delegation visits Syria's Assad, **defying EU sanctions**https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190830-france-delegation-visits-syrias-assad-defying-eu-sanctions/
Norway Norway recognizes Assad’s right to use force of arms https://norwaytoday.info/news/norway-recognizes-assads-right-use-force-arms/
So you are only a troll.. a fake polish.. because a true polish will never sponsor radical islamic extremism
in Syria that Turkey and US and Israel support. you are an evil Erdogan supporter.. or a Netanyahu supporter.
because is impossible to hide ,that the rebels Assad fight are all terrorist close to Alqaeda.. you never condem
Erdogan alliance with Al-Qaeda.. you never condemn NATO support to Isis.. you only complain about "evil Assad"
bombing children ,because he is soooo evil.. right? So either you are zionist jew or an terrorist sponsor.. it can't be any other way.. mentally stable people will not support islamic terrorism that Assad is fighting ,to flourish and grow in Syria.. unless you are an israeli zionist or a muslim brotherhood supporter who wants to see Syria destroyed. so which one you are? be honest? and unmask yourself for once .. no sane person support suicide bombers friendly ideology to grow in idlib. that Russia and Assad are bombing.