Backman wrote:The humanitarian situation in Syria is just terrible. China, Russia and Iran should have had an alternative payment system up and running 10-20 years ago. Then this wouldn't be happening. Russia has gone the furthest to develop alternatives. China not so much. Their alt payment system is more of a swift node than Russia's.
Actually is the other way . China have developed alternatives many years ago ,not only
to the western financial system ,but also to anglojewish system business too . they are doing pretty dam well ,in so little time ,they catch and at times surpassed many of the western business , from
smart phones to next gen wireless communications like 5G , to electric cars and they have alternatives in place to amazon and ebay . alternatives even to american google and youtube. with tik tok and others. this is a far cry ,to what putin the outdated president is doing. all that midget care is about
gas stations and nothing else ,in terms of business. The pandemic turned to force Russia/open the their eyes to develop its pharma industry , and for the only reason sputnik is not dominating in sales
world wide , is because decades of abandon of their pharma industry. Russia is now investing in manufacturing plants , but why do that now ? and not 20 years before? a nation like Russia ,that its own president complains on russian media , US and major allies finance and arm terrorism and at same time developing bioweapons labs ,right on russian borders ,as it is georgia biological weapons program ,right on russia borders , should have been alarming ,and a signal ,that russia cannot not only discard a nuclear war with US possible ,but also a biological war too ,and so the midget president had to be prepared for the worst kind of outcome ,and building better nukes is not enough ,but how to counter potential biological wars , should have been a major scenario they should have consider possible and have a mass scale nation wide vaccination program decades ago in case they attacked with bioweapons. china did their job , they manufacturing millions vaccines per month ,
while russia not even 5% of that. Russia give vaccines to venezuela at water drop , each month 10 thousands.. while china give millions of vaccines by the time Russia produce a hundred of thousands.
So behind is Russia in manufacturing ,that now is asking help china to manufacture sputnik v , for their planets away superior manufacturing capabilities.
so instead of putin wasting hundred of billions $$ US dollars in epennis contest , as sochi and world cup was ,that according to putin ,to "promote good relations " with the west , something that failed miserably , they should have invested that money in real development of Russia , in more important business ,either for national security ,as pharma industry is , or in full spectrum domination and lead the world in space ,for military and commercial purposes.
But all this short sight development of Russia by putin ,what i call artificial cosmetical development ,
in totally irrelevant things , like luxury parks , or olympics medals , this have allowed the west ,to expand their influence and domination with their modern business. and make it more easier for russia enemies ,to more easily sanction russia . if putin develop the country ,like a banana republic ,gas station economy , this is music to the ears of the west , because allows them to relax ,and have nothing to worry about their system being challenged. the story is completely different with China.
they are the only nation in the world challenging the anglo western empires unilateral system.
Putin is totally hopeless ,with his idiotic foreign policy of russia , by being bodyguards of the poor and rejected nations from the western world. Syria will not be at war today , if putin keep his noses away of it , and warned them ,that after iraq invasion of NATO ,they will be next ,and that russia will have no way to help them properly in middle east , while fighting millions of terrorist there ,in combination with NATO major powers and israel support.
So don't complain about china not aiding syria , this is all Russia fault ,for behaving as if it was a super power ,that could defend all nations in the world. People talk about syria , and in economic terms , venezuela is far worse , they don't have gasoline or diesel , and Russia is totally ignoring them. as it is not their problem but it is . Putin need to stop encouraging nations ,from ever doing any kind of business with them ,if they are not ready to properly come in their defense after syria,venezuela or others attacked by NATO or israel. And at same time ,stand with those nations ,
fully ,they have chosen to create an alliance with them. but putin do neither one , he continues encouraging country to resist the western pressure and when attacked ,putin leave them alone on their own. had iran and iraq did not helped russia ,in helping syria not collapse, they will have been over run in 2014 by isis ,that Anglozionist powers have been aiding. because iran and iraq bring a ton of soldiers to help syria fight back. and russia airforce in combination with the land forces could help push back the terrorist form most zones. but the danger is far from over , Syria is experiencing a miserable life ,under eternal war by russia enemies , that target syria as punishment to russia .
And Russia is completely incapable to help them properly , to end the war or restore their nation
Moral of the story is , Russia needs to stay out of the world and stay only withing their borders , because any invitation to become an ally of russia is a death sentence for that nation. and this is why venezuela and syria are paying the price , and soviet union also did this mistakes ,and encouraged cuba to ally with them , reason why they now facing more than 50 years of economic blockade.
Only nations that russia can build relations ,are those that can't defend themselves on their own if attacked by the west. only china and india could do that ,from the nations not aligned with the the anglo west yet.
however ,now that they made a big mistake and encourage the destruction of syria ,by inviting them to do business with russia ,they either need to fight back and help syria or encourage them to surrender to US and abandon their relations with russia , and any other nation ,considered enemies by the west. even japan that was nuked , was able to restore relations with US. they have a neutral policy and can do business with anyone more or less. and become fully independent at any moment it wants to do it ,if want to fight like Russia and china the west. Russia foreign policy is close to disastrous , a totally retarded one ,totally passive policy of just taking hits and not fighting enemies back and their enemies take advantage of this weakness of putin on his foreign policy. someone should explain putin ,that being nice and polite doesn't works with those who wants blood and his head chopped out of his body after russia destroyed. That only force and power will be respected.
russia already have military power ,that can counter the west ,but no business power yet ,to counter their system.
Something that people need to never forget , is that there is no place for Russia , in the anglo jewish world system. To follow the american world ,the american banks , the american internet , the american high tech industry ,the american international rules and later expect that Russia will be
treated fairly is insanity. pure idiocy. Russia needs to create its own business world , a strong alternative to the strong modern western business world , and it don't need to do it alone , it can recruit china and india ,and brazil too, to counter the western business world ,coordinate their efforts
so that Russia ,china and india and brazil can work as a team to fight the west ,instead of becoming competition with each other business between them.. business high tech and space alliance between
BRICS nations ,is the way to go , and the right people need to lead this revolution , you need a real leader ,with real ambitions and confidence ,to do such gigantic project. Putin don't have the leadership required to transform Russia into a modern economy that can challenge western world and its major control over the developed world.