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    Libyan Crisis #2


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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:56 pm

    Also ANADOLU AGENCY (ENG) and Aljazeera .


    Libya: Unidentified planes bomb Al-Watiya airbase

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:04 pm

    Any missile fired by those mighty turkish AD systems ?

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:32 pm

    Isos wrote:Any missile fired by those mighty turkish AD systems ?

    The official sources didn't mention any fired AD so i guess no .It was a well planned sudden attack at night .

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:38 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:
    Isos wrote:Any missile fired by those mighty turkish AD systems ?

    The official sources didn't mention any fired AD so i guess no .It was a well planned sudden attack at night .

    The goal of AD system is to counter sudden attacks that an airforce can't because sending a fighter takes time.

    Total failure. Illustration of western air defence systems.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:43 pm

    Even if it fired some missiles ,it doesn't matter coz it was taken out by standoff munitions .Hawk is not bad but a lone is not enough .

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  medo Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:00 pm

    Turkey already bring Korkut AA guns and Hisar-A SHORAD to Libya as well as Stinger MANPADs. Considering, that air base Al Watiyah is rebuild to become Turkish operational center and air base and defense minister Hulusi Akar visit it yesterday, than there is good posibility, that air base was also protected by new Hisar-A SHORAD together with MIM-23 HAWK and Koral ECM complex. Air strike against air base protected with most modern NATO layered air defense combined with ECM complex is big success. Question is, who did it. LNA with their MiGs and Sukhois or Egypt. It will be interesting to see, if Turkey will show remains of weapons used in this strike. Are they Russian or western made?

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:51 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:
    ahmedfire wrote:
    Could be UAE as well...they used Mirage 2000's recently from a base in Egypt

    Could be but UAE didn't strike from EAF bases before .

    Satellite images released by
    shows the six Mirage 2000-9EAD/RADs of UAE Air Force on deployment at the air base located in south of Sidi Barrani, west of #Egypt.

    You could have mentioned that that link was back in early May when that deployment took place. Would have put it a bit more in context i.e. that the EAF had been there in the past (and had probably attacked a GNA base then) so could be there again last night.

    The date is on the twitter post...

    Reports at the time said that 6 UAE Mirages arrived there and left after carrying out an attack on Misrata if I remember correctly.

    UAE is much more directly involved with the LNA than Egypt was up to now

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:54 pm

    Most likely LNA su-24 supported by egyptian mig-29M.

    I highly doubt french did that because that would be hurtfull for NATO and the french position isn't to help militarly any side (at least officially). French munitions would be easily identified.

    UAE has some very good Mirage in Egypt but they don't have the political power to do such thing.

    I still haven't found anything about what weapons were used because it seems it was stand off attacks so some kh-31 against radars but where only radar tareted ? If not, then some other missiles should have been used.

    If they used bombs they would have heard the aircraft and the second Hawk would have launched some missiles.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  medo Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:38 pm

    On the night of July 4-5, Dassault Mirage 2000-9 multi-role fighters of the United Arab Emirates Air Force attacked the recently deployed air defense facilities of the Turkish military at the Al-Vatyya air base in Libya.

    Emirate aircraft used the Sidi-Barrani Air Force Base of Egypt in the north-west of the country to strike. The UAE is also actively using this air base to supply the troops of the Libyan National Army.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:17 pm

    Alex Mello
    Ok so bets on who hit Watiyah AB? Emirati Mirages out of Egypt? Egyptians? Russian MiGs?

    UAE adviser Emir Abdulkhalek Abdullah seems to admit that the UAE carried out an air attack on Al-Vatiya air base in Libya, saying "On behalf of all Arabs, the UAE has taught the Turks a lesson."

    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 EcQc6pwXYAYnXSS?format=png&name=small

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:19 pm

    Well that didn't take long!

    They attacked both Hawks and a third, presumably one of the Turkish gear sites.

    News battaglie mondo
    So even Turkish AA systems are vulnerable to airstrikes. Strange, I thought only soviet/Russian AA systems could have been destroyed. That's incredible! Only syaad and pantisir were shit until yesterday...

    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 EcQ7ubdXgAoW-ng?format=jpg&name=large

    Gerjon | חריון
    And there it is: first Sentinel-2 imagery of Al Wattiyah Air Base,
    #Libya since the Sunday night 'air strike'.

    Area SW, close to where Turkish air defenses were allegedly recently added, show clear changes (likely damage). Smaller areas in the SE also show changes.

    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 EcREdHDXgAIGNst?format=jpg&name=small

    possible signs of destruction from airstrikes/disturbed soil from air defense missile launches in the SW corner of al-Watiyah Air Base,11.877407&q=32.469256,11.877407&hl=en&t=h&z=16
    visible on Sentinel-2 satellite image from today

    Gifs at link

    Last edited by JohninMK on Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:01 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:24 pm

    Sounds like a Turkish threat, we don't need an airfield in Libya to still hit you. The post below came with a short vid of a fully loaded F-16 being refueled.

    Yörük Işık
    ‘To whom it may concern’ #Libya related tweet from Turkish Ministry of Defense: “Aerial tankers are an essential force multiplier, helping combat aircraft fly further and stay as long as needed to complete the mission further afield”

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:59 pm

    This is from a pro GNA poster so needs to be confirmed. If true wonder what the IFF is between TAF F-16 and the S-125?

    Sirte update:
    Turkish "Haber7" website reported on Monday that Turkey purchased the S-125 missile system from Ukraine and activated it over the airspace of the Libyan city of Sirte.

    The source continued:
    The Ukrainian system consists of 6 batteries for missiles, one dedicated to the airspace over the city of Sirte, and five will be installed in different strategic places in western Libya.

    Attack is coming for sure, but when and how?
    We should expect Turkey’s retaliation very soon by following:
    Guided missiles from Frigates and/or submarines (most likely).
    F-16 Fighters from #Turkey or East Cyprus. (likely)
    Drones attack (likely if operation starts).

    Turkey spokesman:
    Whoever attacked Al-Watia base made a huge mistake. There will be a retaliatory action for this act.

    If what LNA is announcing about high level military Turkish personnel being killed in the Al-Watia air strike is true; they should be very worried. Turkey’s response will be very devistating for LNA just like it was for the Syrian regime.

    Al-Watia airbase attack will be used as the legitimate reason for GNA to start the operation toward Sirte and Al-Jufra. It will be used as a prove that LNA will always be aggressors and must be stopped militarily.

    We should expect an operation to start very soon.


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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  medo Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:59 pm

    #BREAKING: It is now confirmed that #Turkish Air Force has lost at-least one HAWK-XXI air defense battery in Al-Watiya last night! The SEAD operation is carried-out by #Libya National Air Force's Su-24M strike bombers but #Turkey & #GNA are blaming #UAE Air Force over this!

    Ο Εθνικός Στρατός της Λιβύης ανακοίνωσε ότι πραγματοποίησε 9 αεροπορικές επιδρομές στην Αλ Ουατίγια.

    Τα ξημερώματα της Κυριακής, η Αεροπορία του Εθνικού Στρατού της Λιβύης, υπό τον Χαλίφα Χαφτάρ, πραγματοποίησε αεροπορική επιδρομή με βομβαρδιστικά Su 24M στην τουρκική αεροπορική βάση αλ Ουατίγια, νοτιοδυτικά της Τρίπολης.

    Σύμφωνα με λιβυκά κι αραβικά Μέσα, σκοτώθηκαν τουλάχιστον 4 Τούρκοι αξιωματικοί, ενώ καταστράφηκαν και οι 2 συστοιχίες των τουρκικών α/α ΜΙΜ 23 Hawk , οι οποίες εγκαταστάθηκαν στη βάση πριν από λίγες ημέρες.

    Το λιβυκό Al-Marsad που επικαλείται πηγή στον Εθνικό Στρατό της Λιβύης αναφέρει πως η επιδρομή στόχευσε εκτός από τα MIM 23 Hawk και τα τουρκικά συστήματα ηλεκτρoνικού πολέμου Koral, ενώ την είδηση επιβεβαιώνει και το Al Arabiya.

    Επιπλέον, μια υψηλού επιπέδου στρατιωτική πηγή είπε στο κανάλι «Al-Hadath Libya» πως : «Παρακολουθήσαμε την εγκατάσταση του τουρκικού συστήματος αεράμυνας Hawk και των ραντάρ του τις τελευταίες ημέρες».

    «Σήμερα, ο Τούρκος Υπουργός Άμυνας ενημερώθηκε ενώ ήταν στη Μισράτα ότι η βάση Uqba Bin Nafeh (Αλ Ουατίγια) ήταν έτοιμη για χρήση, οπότε ο Εθνικός Στρατός της Λιβύης αποφάσισε να τα καταστρέψει (σσ τα Hawk) μετά την ενεργοποίσή τους και το ποσοστό καταστροφής τους είναι στο 100%».

    Μάλιστα σύμφωνα με ανεπιβεβαίωτες πληροφορίες ένας από τους νεκρούς είναι και ο Τούρκος στρατιωτικός διοικητής της Τρίπολης, Γιασάρ Γκιουλέρ.

    Αυτή η επιδρομή, η οποία έρχεται μόλις μία ημέρα μετά την επίσκεψη του Χουλούσι Ακάρ στην Τρίπολη, δείχνει πως πλέον ο Εθνικός Στρατός της Λιβύης, με τα Su24M και τα MiG 29 που τον προμήθευσαν οι Ρώσοι, διαθέτει την αεροπορική υπεροχή στη Λιβύη.

    The Libyan National Army says it has carried out nine airstrikes in al-Watiya.

    In the early hours of Sunday, the Libyan National Army Air Force, under Khalifa Haftar, carried out an airstrike with Su 24M bombers at the Turkish air base al-Watiya, southwest of Tripoli.

    According to Libyan and Arab media, at least four Turkish officers were killed and two Turkish MIM 23 Hawk arrays, which were installed at the base a few days ago, were destroyed.

    Libyan Al-Marsad, citing a source in the Libyan National Army, said the raid targeted not only the MIM 23 Hawk and Turkish Coral Electric systems, but also Al Arabiya.

    In addition, a high-ranking military source told Al-Hadath Libya: "We have been monitoring the installation of the Turkish Hawk air defense system and its radars in recent days."

    "Today, the Turkish Defense Minister was informed while in Misrata that the Uqba Bin Nafeh (Al Watiya) base was ready for use, so the Libyan National Army decided to destroy them (in Hawk) after their activation and the rate of destruction. they are at 100% ".

    In fact, according to unconfirmed information, one of the dead is the Turkish military commander of Tripoli, Yasar Guler.

    The raid, which comes just a day after Hulusi Akar's visit to Tripoli, shows that the Libyan National Army, with the Su24M and MiG 29 supplied by the Russians, now has the air superiority in Libya.

    As we said, someone is adorned with someone elses feathers. Babak taghvaee and Greeks confirm, that strike was doen by LNA Su-24M, on the other hand UAE and Turks said it was done by UAE Mirage-2000 jets. I don't think Russia deliver antiradar missiles and guided weapons to LNA. Most probably LNA got Su-24M upgraded with SVP-24 for precise use of free fall bombs day and night from LNA stocks. Antiradar missiles and guided bombs could be given by Egypt, who have them for their MiG-29M fighters. Turkey have quite decent air defense there together with modern early warning radars. UAE Mirages would need to refuel over Libya and Turkey radars could detect that. On the other hand LNA Su-24M are based neare to them and they are equipped with terrain following radar for low flying under radar horizont. Enough to fly undetected and to effectively launch stand off anti radar missiles as Kh-31P. After radars and Koral ECM complexes are off, they could bomb even with unguided bombs as coordinates of targets were in SVP-24 computer. There are some rumors, that France help planning with satellite data. It will become clear, when Turkey will show remains of bombs and missiles.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:16 am

    medo wrote:

    In fact, according to unconfirmed information, one of the dead is the Turkish military commander of Tripoli, Yasar Guler.

    If that is true that is not good for the LNA. The Turks might accept a couple of Captains dead but a senior officer? Besides, if that name is correct he is more than the commander in Tripoli, he is the Turkish Chief of Staff.

    I sincerely hope it isn't. If it is, the eye for an eye revenge strike will be particularly hard, maybe even against Benghazi (a much easier target to hit direct from the sea or even Turkey with probably little warning.

    Jul 3

    Two planes belonging to the Turkish Air Force landed a short time ago in Mitiga Airport to transport the Minister of Defense Khulsi Akar and Chief of Staff Yasar_Gular.


    Thankfully I think the name must be wrong as Yasar Gular went onto Malta after Libya

    Jul 5
    Turkish Defense Minister Khulusi Aggar and Chief of Staff Yasar Guler visit the cemetery of Turkish soldiers in Malta, on the sidelines of a visit to the Maltese capital, Valletta, after their visit to Libya.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Second part added)

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:26 am

    This is from a pro GNA poster so needs to be confirmed. If true wonder what the IFF is between TAF F-16 and the S-125?

    Sirte update:
    Turkish "Haber7" website reported on Monday that Turkey purchased the S-125 missile system from Ukraine and activated it over the airspace of the Libyan city of Sirte.

    The source continued:
    The Ukrainian system consists of 6 batteries for missiles, one dedicated to the airspace over the city of Sirte, and five will be installed in different strategic places in western Libya.

    Attack is coming for sure, but when and how?
    We should expect Turkey’s retaliation very soon by following:
    Guided missiles from Frigates and/or submarines (most likely).
    F-16 Fighters from #Turkey or East Cyprus. (likely)
    Drones attack (likely if operation starts).

    Story about Ukrainian s-125 is old. I saw it on twitter like months ago. Theybwill be destroyed like the hawks. Anyone with half a brain will stay far away from them.

    Turkish answer from frigates is impossible they don't have cruise missile. Maybe the harpoons have some ground attack capability but that would be a pathetic way to show off.

    If they use north Cyprus it will give the right to LNA or Egypt (if they attack UAE in egypt air base) to bomb Turkish bases in northern Cyprus.

    Using the tankers puts them at risk to loose the tankers.

    Last edited by Isos on Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:29 am

    Again, I was right when I said Erdogan is playing like he is Putin or US. He doesn't have the military power for operations abroad and face a conventional force.

    Its AD and the base itself were poorly protected. The turkish frigates off the coast saw nothing and their pathetic weaponery couldn't help anyway.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  nero Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:35 am

    I think a lot of people are jumping the gun on the celebrations. Air-defenses aren't hard to destroy - you simply need to launch more missiles than they can handle. This is universally true for all of them, be it Russian, Turkish or American...

    Modern stand-off munitions have longer ranges than what the Hawk missiles so even in the case of successful interception, they opposing side has nothing to lose. We can see the same phenomenon in Syria, where Israel can take as many pot-shots at Syria - until one ultimately hits them and destroys some assets.

    The real battle is going to happen in Sirte. Until Egypt intervenes with it's land forces, such small victories of destroying a couple of SAM sites or killing a few Turkish officers mean nothing. It only gives fuel to the flame-war fire of the internet.

    Edit: In regards to the 'upcoming retaliation by Turkey' - there is very little they can do asides from starting the offensive on Sirte, likely pulling the Egyptians to intervene on LNA's side and more Turkish drones getting shot down by a mix of Pantsir's, Mig-29's and possibly some Egyptian supplied SAM systems.

    Using tankers or Libyan air-bases to launch attacks with their F-16's sounds quite a silly thing to do. It is realistic and possible, but it will unlikely change the reality on the ground... unless they can reliably fly CAS missions and those are likely tricky with all the assets at LNA's (& allies) disposal. Best they can hope is to clear the air-space for drones.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  medo Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:49 am

    nero wrote:I think a lot of people are jumping the gun on the celebrations. Air-defenses aren't hard to destroy - you simply need to launch more missiles than they can handle. This is universally true for all of them, be it Russian, Turkish or American...

    Modern stand-off munitions have longer ranges than what the Hawk missiles so even in the case of successful interception, they opposing side has nothing to lose. We can see the same phenomenon in Syria, where Israel can take as many pot-shots at Syria - until one ultimately hits them and destroys some assets.

    The real battle is going to happen in Sirte. Until Egypt intervenes with it's land forces, such small victories of destroying a couple of SAM sites or killing a few Turkish officers mean nothing. It only gives fuel to the flame-war fire of the internet.

    It's not the same. Turkey have just a few bases to defend and they have strong layered air defense there with Hawks, Hisar-A, Korkuts and Stingers as well as Koral ECM complexes. On the other hand LNA have small air force with just a few fighter jets. How many Su-24M LNA have? 2 maybe 4? Absolutely not enough, that Turkish air defense could not handle.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:12 am

    It's not the same. Turkey have just a few bases to defend and they have strong layered air defense there with Hawks, Hisar-A, Korkuts and Stingers as well as Koral ECM complexes. On the other hand LNA have small air force with just a few fighter jets. How many Su-24M LNA have? 2 maybe 4? Absolutely not enough, that Turkish air defense could not handle.

    You are wrong. 2 or 4 su-24M can destroy all of that. Those systems are able to engage the su-24 but not stand off munitions and certainly not mach 3 kh-31. Western ground AD systems are not designed to counter PGM.

    And we still don't know who did it.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:08 am

    The latest theory is that France might not have carried out the bombing but provided satellite intelligence as well as jammed the Turkish radars.

    Also, regarding the Turkish Frigates they did launch missiles at the Al-Watiya hangers back in May....

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  nero Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:27 am

    medo wrote:It's not the same. Turkey have just a few bases to defend and they have strong layered air defense there with Hawks, Hisar-A, Korkuts and Stingers as well as Koral ECM complexes. On the other hand LNA have small air force with just a few fighter jets. How many Su-24M LNA have? 2 maybe 4? Absolutely not enough, that Turkish air defense could not handle.

    So why did their air-defenses get blown up in the recent attack? Divine intervention? Egypt has well over 300 attack/multi-role jets. UAE has over 100.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:54 am

    Cyberspec wrote:The latest theory is that France might not have carried out the bombing but provided satellite intelligence as well as jammed the Turkish radars.

    Also, regarding the Turkish Frigates they did launch missiles at the Al-Watiya hangers back in May....

    Those speculations about french are from twitter accounts and nothing more.

    Egypt has its own satelittes.

    UAE mirage have jammers that can do the job. They are very well upgraded.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  medo Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:10 am

    После захвата армией ПНС авиабазы Аль-Ватия, находящейся в 130 километрах от Триполи, турецкие военные решили организовать там основной центр поддержки сил ПНС. Для целей ПВО на базе были развернуты американские ЗРК MIM-23 «Hawk» средней дальности и системы РЭБ "Koral".

    4 июля 2020 года Ливию посетили высокопоставленные турецкие военачальники, министр обороны и начальник Генштаба. В ходе визита министра проинформировали, что база Аль-Ватия готова к использованию.

    5 июля авиабаза подверглась массированному налету "неизвестной авиации". Все установленные турками системы вооружений были уничтожены на 100 %.

    Позже стало известно, что авиаудар наносили самолеты "Mirage 2000-9" ВВС Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов, базирующихся на египетской авиабазе "Сиди аль-Барани", неподалеку от ливийско-египетской границы. Информацию об этом распространил в социальных сетях пресс-секретарь армии ПНС,

    Ранее сообщалось о нескольких мощных авиационных ударах по турецкой военной колонне, направляющейся в район города Сирт, на подступах к которому разворачивается сражение между войсками ПНС и ЛНА. Самолеты без опознавательных знаков уничтожили 50 единиц техники и более 30 турецких военных.

    After the army of the GNA captured the air base of Al-Vatiya, located 130 kilometers from Tripoli, the Turkish military decided to organize there the main support center for the GNA. For the purposes of air defense, American medium-range MIM-23 Hawk air defense systems and the Koral electronic warfare system were deployed at the base.

    On July 4, 2020, Libya was visited by senior Turkish military commanders, the Minister of Defense, and the Chief of the General Staff. During the visit, the Minister was informed that the Al-Vatiy base is ready for use.

    On July 5, the air base underwent a massive raid of "unknown aircraft." All weapons systems installed by the Turks were 100% destroyed.

    Later it became known that the air strike was carried out by Mirage 2000-9 aircraft of the United Arab Emirates Air Force, based at the Sidi al-Barani Egyptian air base, not far from the Libyan-Egyptian border. Information about this was distributed on social networks by a spokesman for the GNA army,

    Earlier, several powerful air strikes were reported on a Turkish military convoy heading to the area of ​​the city of Sirte, on the outskirts of which a battle unfolds between the troops of the GNA and the LNA. Unmarked aircraft destroyed 50 pieces of equipment and more than 30 Turkish military.

    Russia also said, it was done by UAE Mirage-2000 jets. But LNA jets bomb large convoy of GNA and terrorists in the west of Sirte. I wonder if Turkey will now strike UAE base in Egypt? Anyway, Egypt will now have to go in war with Turkey. Question is also how quick will Greece join the war against Turkey.

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    Libyan Crisis #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Libyan Crisis #2

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:12 pm

    I wonder if Turkey will now strike UAE base in Egypt?


    There is no confirmed UAE base in Egypt . How would Turkey attack the Egyptian bases ?

    The bombing didn't destory the HAWK only but the Koral system too , Turks already deployed it there .

    A source at the LNA's Air Force operations room told Al-Marsad newspaper that the strikes targeted Hawk air defense systems, and a Koral Warfare Electronic System.

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