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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:31 pm

    The US TFR rate is at 1.62 after dropping since around 2008.

    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 1714073713930

    Note the correlation of low TFR with economic down turns. The last low TFR period was from the early 1970s to about 1985 which
    corresponds to the stagflation and recession period. The TFR dropped after after 2008 financial crisis which resulted in a literal jobless
    recovery that clearly has not gone away. The current inflation is just more hammering of the income earners which is reflected in
    declining birth rates.


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:41 pm

    God help us if she wins

    But this takes the biscuit, the 'cloud' in a data centre somewhere, no way Laughing 

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:43 pm

    Just another Joe Biden but without the dementia.   Sock puppet for the regime.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  JohninMK Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:33 pm

    S p r i n t e r

    Kamala Harris Will Become the Weakest US President Ever — American Conservative

    When Biden withdrew from the presidential race, it was a kind of partisan regicide that is still foreign to Americans, writes The American Conservative. It is more a feature of English politics for centuries. Now that Pelosi is practically bragging that Biden was ousted in a partisan coup, Americans should consider the experience of their British cousins ​​and how this new phenomenon might shape politics.

    The post-Brexit upheaval in the UK is what you might expect in the US. Without a strong leader, the ruling party is split. The crippling effects of the crisis are felt across a country that has seen six prime ministers in eight years. Britain’s military might is long gone, and outside the City of London, the country is an economic backwater. New Prime Minister Starmer promised to restore stability, but that promise has been dashed within weeks of taking office, as the consequences of neoliberal immigration policies spill out onto the streets.

    If Kamala Harris becomes president, she will face the prospect of a major power conflict on all continents, with the emergence of BRICS and other threats to Western financial hegemony. She will also be seen as a usurper by a portion of the population. At the same time, her power and level of legitimacy will be the same as that of Rishi Sunak and Theresa May: almost zero.

    At a time of crisis when full power is required, the US faces the prospect of being led by a creature of Nancy Pelosi. Harris will be dependent on donors, agency heads and congressional leadership for everything. That would make her the weakest constitutionally-mandated US president since Buchanan. She will be doomed to watch one crisis follow another, but will be unable to control them. And that, according to the publication, is the main tragedy of Kamala Harris.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:15 am

    Fake fruit? This looks like some sort of distraction psyop. Remember when they tried to dredge up UFO's recently? I think these fake fruits
    are intended to serve the same purpose.


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Kiko Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:33 am

    The US Deep State presently bogs down to only one specimen: the eminent Robert Kagan, who pulls and has pulled all the strings during the Democrat presidencies. If Harris becomes the next President, nothing will change wrt this:

    Biden bequeathed to fight Russia to the end and at any cost, by Kirill Strelnikov for RiaNovosti. 08.21.2024.

    The first day of the US Democratic Party convention put a lot of bold dots over the "i's", enough to understand what Russia will focus on if the current Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the next President of the United States.

    The main intrigue of the first day of the Democratic convention was the expectation of how the Karabas-Barabasses pulling the strings behind the scenes would be able to put the brakes on the scandal with the de facto violent squeezing of Joe Biden out of the presidential race as a result of a "palace coup" and how much the future policy of Kamala Harris would differ from the policy of the current president (or rather, those who start the teleprompter for him and tell him when to take his medication).

    Biden's speech, the highlight of the convention's first day, showed that the Brutal Democrats who had stabbed him in the back had made him an offer he couldn't refuse—and he dutifully gave Harris her blessing to the throne, prompting a massive Democratic sigh of relief.

    But the main thing is that Biden's speech became a kind of political testament, in which he described his achievements at length, and then expressed confidence that the "new, young generation" (represented by 59-year-old Harris), for whom he selflessly cleared the way, will continue to proudly carry the banner of American exceptionalism.

    Biden stated outright that Harris would continue everything their tandem had done during their “four amazing years” of working together, which included international policy and, of course, relations with Russia.

    It is significant that in his speech at a similar Democratic Party convention in 2020, when Biden was nominated as a presidential candidate, he mentioned Russia only once. In this, most likely his last, keynote speech, Sleepy Joe devoted a significant part of his speech to Russia, in which he bequeathed to Harris and all of America to fight Russia to the end.

    In particular, Biden quoted the words of the famous American politician Henry Kissinger : "Europe has never looked at Russia without fear since Napoleon Bonaparte in the 19th century." In addition, he called the unification of NATO to fight "Russian aggression" and support for Ukraine one of his main achievements , and especially emphasized that Kamala Harris "will never bow to Putin and Russia."

    Considering that Biden was a hardened Russophobe and a supporter of increasing confrontation with Russia (see his open threats to the Nord Stream pipeline , which were carried out, and the unprecedented scale of military and economic aid to Ukraine), Joe's "testament" means that if elected president, Kamala Harris, who has already voiced a tough anti-Russian position, will definitely crank up the speedometer of the confrontation with Russia to the red zone.

    And it's not about Kamala Harris.

    Golden-mouthed Kamala was chosen by the puppeteers of the "deep state" because she is the perfect honey pot: what goes in, comes out beautifully, and in itself it is empty.
    According to people close to Harris' inner circle, "she doesn't really have a background in defense or international affairs, so she's very dependent on her advisers to tell her what to say on the subject."

    Let us recall that Kamala Harris, who previously barely stood out against Biden, nevertheless repeatedly voiced her position on Russia and the conflict in Ukraine from a piece of paper. In particular, she personally met with the quasi-president Zelensky six times and represented the United States at the main anti-Russian sabbaths, such as the Munich NATO conference or the "security conference" in Switzerland , where she declared her "unwavering support" for Kiev "for as long as it takes." She also repeatedly accused Russia and President Putin personally of all sorts of sins and crimes (including Navalny's death), threatening "responsibility and consequences." Interestingly, Harris advocated for "preventive" anti-Russian sanctions, that is, sanctions not as punishment for some anti-American sins, but just like that - just in case.

    If Harris herself becomes president, the role and influence of her advisers on defense and international issues will increase many times over – and it will be interesting to find out who, in fact, will decide on issues of war and peace for the talented Kamala Harris.

    According to some sources, Harris's main advisers on "defense and international affairs" are a certain Philip Gordon and Rebecca Lissner. Gordon served as national security adviser under Clinton and Obama, meaning he is a systemic Atlanticist-Russophobe with roots in Cold War politics. As for Rebecca Lissner, this specific lady took an active part in developing the "US National Security Strategy", published at the beginning of Biden's current term.

    So what does Ms. Lissner think about Russia, according to this strategy? This: "Russia poses an immediate threat to a free and open international system, trampling on the basic laws of international order." In one of her books (she is also a prolific writer), she states that "Russia's proxy war in Ukraine has already shown that it has both the will and the ability to challenge the United States in the gray zone, while the United States still lacks the capacity to respond (decisively)." In another book, Revelation Wars, Lissner essentially lifts the curtain on Kamala Harris's future international policy (since she will be writing her papers).

    Characteristic thought: "Rethinking US grand strategy is critical in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine alongside rising tensions with China . In the past, military interventions have played an important role in shaping US grand strategy."
    If anyone had any doubts about what would happen to Russian-American relations if Harris became president, read the quotes above a couple more times at your leisure.

    For Russia, this means only one thing: American elites, regardless of their party affiliation, consider Russia to be their main threat, which must be eliminated by any means necessary, including military intervention or a preemptive strike.

    Some people need to forget that everything will calm down and go back to normal: it won't calm down and go back. We need to understand that this conflict is not accidental and that we are at a turning point in history when we need to answer the question: us or them.

    For Russia, the answer is obvious, so we need to base our entire policy and specific actions on the fact that under any Western presidents, chancellors, chairmen and secretaries, we simply must be strong, united and honest (“you can make mistakes, but you can’t lie” — remember?), otherwise Biden’s ominous testament will come true.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 22, 2024 3:55 am

    Shame nobody bothers to ask why.

    Why fight Russia and China to the very end?

    During the cold war the US made friends with communist China because they saw them as the lessor threat in their fight against the Communist Soviet Union.

    Sad they are so fucking stupid really... if you can ignore you differences with communist China to get an ally against the Soviets, then doesn't it make more sense to ignore your differences with the Soviets and the Chinese and you have no enemies... but with no enemies your military MIC does not get all that money and wars stop happening which is obviously bad for the people who obviously control the US and the US media.

    The US has essentially worked together with ISIS against Russia and Assad in Syria and against the Taliban in Afghanistan... they also worked with Al quada in Syria against Assad and the Russians... they worked with nazis after WWII and the worst scum that Japan produced because they perceived the Soviet Union to be the bigger threat... yet it never crosses their minds if they can work with the scum of the earth, including some of the worst dictators on the planet, then why can't they just work with everyone...

    Because that would create peace and they need chaos to scare their populations to spend more on weapons and war and so called defence.... because those powerful military forces also give them control of markets and resources around the world, which they exercise by creating conflicts and removing governments and even declaring people leaders of countries who were never even elected... like Guano in Venezuela.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:00 am

    America has become utterly pathetic. A politically corrupt justice system and inane, kangaroo persecution of dissidents and the opposition for allegedly
    being Putin assets. We had Trump subjected to this shit and clearly it never gets stale.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Kiko Yesterday at 10:41 am

    America is suspended between light and darkness, by Dmitry Kosyrev for RiaNovosti. 09.15.2024.

    Horror! Donald Trump wants to deprive humanity of the unearthly pleasure of continuing his televised debates with Kamala Harris. He sees no point in continuing this circus. And, in fact, he is right. And it is pointless for us to discuss who won this carnage. Because this is some kind of nonsense: what one side considers its success in this dispute, the other does not perceive as its own failure. "You have disgraced yourself!" - "What disgrace is this, this is a triumph." In general, it is about like a conversation between a blind and a deaf person.

    The details are interesting here — an example of how different forces in the US still cannot stop evaluating the first (possibly the only) round of those very debates. At least this: it is clear that the Democratic team — in particular, the group of analysts from The New York Times — predictably declared that Harris had won, and the colleagues of this expert crowd adjusted the corresponding polls and ratings. This was the case in the previous and the previous elections — a battle of fake ratings and so on. But there are interesting details in this story. First of all, this: about light and darkness.

    "Our country is finished, we are a failed nation," Trump declares. The Democratic team of debate experts smirks: "Trump brings darkness, Harris brings light." So the voter should like her more than him. Who likes gloomy people, choking with horror that the country is dying, when in fact everything is going well in the country.

    Why do we need not only debates, but also presidential and other elections? Something like this: voters see that obvious problems have accumulated. These voters are fed two or more people (and their parties) with different approaches to solving these common problems. Well, if we are talking about people, then they have different character traits that will either help or hinder the task. "This person can do it," voters decide, sitting in front of the TV. Then they vote - and get what they deserve. And the side that lost does not object.

    But that's in an ideal world or an ideal America. And here, one half of the country believes that the country is finished, and the other half believes that Trump is "marinating in the ecosystem of right-wing media and this, together with his personal oddities, paralyzes his ability to understand reality" (this is from the collective fashionable verdict of the same Harris support team).

    Two realities? Exactly.

    Let's marinate in this right-wing ecosystem and see what reality is like. Here's an article by a professional economist who says: we (the whole world) are experiencing the last moments of the collapse of the financial system created in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Hotel, and this threatens the entire world with economic depression and war. We as a country need to get our house in order, return to financial sanity, to a balanced budget, even if it means giving up imperial ambitions abroad.

    In particular, here we move on to another author from the same marinade, he believes: it is necessary to deflate the "bureaucratic bubble". Three million officials, and this does not include many millions of civil servants like the military or firefighters. Who take up to half of the income from the population, in order to distribute it in the form of benefits to future voters of Kamala Harris and others like her. What economy can withstand this? The United States, he reminds, began as a country with a rebellion against London , which took only one percent of what the colonists-settlers of America earned, but did not want to give them the right to vote (membership in parliament).

    And this is from a typical mailing that some people still receive in Russia despite the sanctions . The mailing is on the topic of "Where is the logic?" Russian influence on our elections is bad, and when illegal immigrants vote in these elections, it is good. If you lied to the college admissions committee, you will go to jail, and if you lied to the immigration services when entering the country, you will go to college for free. And so on for 12 more points with the conclusion: we live in a world where up and down have swapped places, where moral is immoral. Wake up, America, our "Titanic" has already hit the iceberg!

    Is this a phantom world of delusions of wrong Americans? But at least this world is real simply because about half of the country lives in it. But the other half thinks that everything is right - we are shaking and destroying this America of yours, morally bending to the ground all those who disagree. And this Kamala is exactly what we need here. And then new generations will come with a different lifestyle and way of thinking.

    So, the main result of the story with the Trump-Harris debates (and with the US elections) is that when the good of some is the evil of others and the forces are equal, democratic mechanisms are useless.

    And then what will happen and how fast? No one sees any quick solutions for America's exit from the catastrophe that is obvious to everyone; we have heard assessments like "it will be like this for at least two decades." But the Republicans are still trying to make plans to find a way out, understanding that this will take a long time. A long time, if only because the Democrats mostly live on both coasts of the country, and the Republicans - in its middle. At the same time, they represent two different economies: the service sector in the first case and manufacturing in the second. It is unclear how to put such a country in order.

    Let's take another look at what Trump said: the US is not even a failed state (a healthy country can improve and change its governance). His words are "a failed nation." That's worse.

    This happens. No one in the world is guaranteed that their nation - their people - will live forever. After World War II, there was such a country as Ruanda-Urundi, but it has not existed as a nation since 1962, and in its former component - Rwanda - there was a terrible massacre between the two halves of the population in 1994. The nation did not work out.

    Although why go to the jungles of Africa for examples ? There was another country - Ukraine , where the western part is mostly known for an ideology close to the one that Kamala now represents. And the east and south - here we are talking about completely different people. The result is obvious. Can this happen to the USA? Why not.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 26 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Today at 1:34 pm

    It is obvious that the Democraps are flooding America with illegal migrants to rig the presidential election.

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