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Hannibal Barca
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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:07 am

    Trump cannot be faulted for the witch hunt hysteria that gripped the US mass media after he won. People project way too much
    freedom and power on their leaders. They are lucky if those leaders are not total sock puppets.

    Trump's experience in business would not have prepared him for his job. And he actually managed to sabotage the agenda
    of the puppet masters. Like his half-hearted responses to the hoaxed chemical attacks in Syria. If he was Obummer
    he would have launched some carpet bombing campaign "to save the children".

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:16 am

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:41 am

    kvs wrote:Trump cannot be faulted for the witch hunt hysteria...

    Yes he can

    He was throwing his own men under the bus over Twitter posts, he was part of the problem through stupidity

    kvs wrote:...And he actually managed to sabotage the agenda
    of the puppet masters. Like his half-hearted responses to the hoaxed chemical attacks in Syria....

    He wouldn't have had to bother sabotaging anything had he just did intelligent thing and ignored Twitter

    You can't be career politician and fuck around with social media, just ask that dumb bitch Zakharova

    Last edited by PapaDragon on Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:28 am

    Both dems "win" the senate seats, what did I say? Laughing
    Banana republic tier.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:09 am

    Maximmmm wrote:Both dems "win" the senate seats, what did I say? Laughing
    Banana republic tier.

    Love how the Gopnicrats are now blaming prominent Trumpers for 'telling people to not show up'. It's definitely not the fraud though. Hilarious how the Dems just follow exactly the same voting fraud strategy, late ballot caches from heavily D chocolate cities and all.

    Of course it had nothing to do with RINOs not willing to fight for Trump during his Presidency, their indolence during the legal battles the past two months, them OK'ing the ridiculous pork stimulus bill (600 USD per American, 4200 USD per Israeli and lot sof money for globalists through bailouts) and the Senate overriding Trump's veto on the nearly 1 trillion dollar defense spending bill

    I feel good for average Joe. At least people now know where they stand, and they won't get their hopes up anymore for the next imposter promising 'to fight for them'

    Martin Armstrong's AI Model (the same model that predicted mass civil unrest in May 2020 years ago) has stated that his model forecast to enter the shooting fase in US in mid 2022 and no later than 2024.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:39 am

    Honestly the most perverse thing about democracy isn't that it's more flawed or less flawed than any other system, it's that the current populations have been so brainwashed to believe that democracy = clean and good government and gosh darn it if it ain't the best thing there is. People should always be playing around with options. I mean even the founding fathers took a while to settle on how their country was going to be governed and they kept debating it for decades afterwards.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:46 am

    I believe that the Founding Fathers intended the USA to be a Constitutional Republic, and not a Democracy. Could be wrong on that count though

    I think it was Aristoteles who said that democracy always descends into oligarchy which then descends into tyranny.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Georgia Elections

    Post  calripson Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:07 pm

    There is really only one statistic you need to understand to realize what happened in Georgia - Georgia as of today is only 53% non-Hispanic white. Race and ethnicity are the two greatest predictors of a person's voting habits in Identity Politics America. What this means on a broader scale (other than the bomb planted under America in 1965 with the Kennedy Javits Immigration Act worked) is the Republican Party is toast. Texas will soon turn Blue with the influx of Californians and Mexican immigrants. "White" America is over. What comes in its place will be very authoritarian, very oligarchic, and very unstable.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:22 pm

    These minorities are too small today to explain the D. Party take over. Blacks account for 13% of the US population but get
    100% of the MSM fawning attention. Latinos are not all D. Party loyalists and only account for 18% of the population.
    So the non-white argument does not hold water. The problem is the Orwellian mind control created by US MSM propaganda
    that has made US whites be their own worst enemy. Most white females support the D. Party.

    All whites who support BLM and repeat the inanity that only whites can be racists are certifiable retards. And they will
    get their just desserts for being retards.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty On The Margin

    Post  calripson Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:20 pm

    kvs wrote:These minorities are too small today to explain the D. Party take over.   Blacks account for 13% of the US population but get
    100% of the MSM fawning attention.    Latinos are not all D. Party loyalists and only account for 18% of the population.
    So the non-white argument does not hold water.   The problem is the Orwellian mind control created by US MSM propaganda
    that has made US whites be their own worst enemy.    Most white females support the D. Party.  

    All whites who support BLM and repeat the inanity that only whites can be racists are certifiable retards.   And they will
    get their just desserts for being retards.


    Elections of course are decided on the margin. In traditionally conservative states like Georgia or Texas, minority populations are quite high if you include Hispanics - almost 50% of the population. Nationally the percentage of non-Hispanic whites has fallen from 90% in 1960 to 60.4% today. Democratic strategists have always approached elections the way consumer product companies approach selling soap - by market segmentation. Blacks voted Democratic in 2020 by 94% to 6%; Hispanics by 66% to 34%; Jews 77% to 23%; Asians 63% to 37%; self-identified homosexuals 77% to 23%. Voting Republican white men 62% to 38% and white women 56% to 44%. (Jewish and gay voters are included in the white category). The key demographic nationally of course is white women. That is really where the Democrats made major advances starting in the Bill Clinton years where Republican abortion policy really hurt them but the racial and ethnic and sexual orientation voting patterns are obvious and the population trends dictate the inevitable. This of course creates a big problem as the fiction of choice in American politics must be maintained. That is where AOC and crew come in as the new "left" to oppose the remnants of the Republican Party plus the "centrist Democrats". That will be the new "two party" dynamic but as the real powers remain the same.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Trump supporters have stormed and entered Capitol building

    Post  par far Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:10 pm

    What is meaning of this? Will this event go down as a significant event in history? What will this mean for the USA going forward?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  George1 Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:23 pm


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:55 pm

    Trump's running scared now over the storming of the capitol building

    He just wanted a show, not to be accused of supporting a coup it seems

    Pretty contemptible of him really. Leading all his supporters on all this time, talking about street power, hinting at insurrection, but push comes to shove and he makes this pathetic video

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:00 pm

    Apparently the military refuses to send the national guard to help. Lol
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:43 pm

    What goes around, comes around.
    European sissy leaders already blow their pants.
    It is all about demographics here indeed.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:48 pm

    par far wrote:What is meaning of this? Will this event go down as a significant event in history? What will this mean for the USA going forward?

    It means nothing

    And it's all over

    Told ya'

    But I do love how everyone inside shat their pants with guns at the ready on top lol1


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  franco Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:08 am

    I'm waiting for the polite green men to show...sigh!!

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Trump a Trojan Horse?

    Post  calripson Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:41 am

    Trump has so effectively dismantled conservative Republicanism I have to wonder if he is a Trojan Horse. A notorious womanizing Queens real estate speculator parading as the paragon of bible thumping, gun loving America?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:00 am

    calripson wrote:Trump has so effectively dismantled conservative Republicanism I have to wonder if he is a Trojan Horse. A notorious womanizing Queens real estate speculator parading as the paragon of bible thumping, gun loving America?

    Nah, he was a guy who stumbled onto new political current that is actually popular in USA but who wasn't competent enough to actually implement it and was taken for a ride from the moment he shown where his weakness is

    Leftist in USA used this to fully secure their control over the political system and now they permanently run the show, there is no going back ever

    Whites in USA are finished which may suck for whites in USA (and they brought it home themselves way back in the 90s) but it's really good for Russia (and I gotta say Serbia as well)

    All anti-Russia policies in USA were driven by whites (descendants of late 19th and first half of 20th century European migrants, especially from Central and East Europe) but all that's left of it now are some corpses like Biden, Albright, Clinton and others who will all soon be dead and their replacements are anything but white or European

    Soon USA will be fully controlled by Latinos, Blacks and possibly Arabs who will not give two shits about traditional European bullshit and will be fully focused on welfare policies and places like Latin America, Asia and maybe Africa

    Start may be rocky (actually not after today) but once Father Time inevitably does his thing it will be smooth sailing for Russia


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:07 am

    Nah, he was a guy who stumbled onto new political current that is actually popular in USA but who wasn't competent enough to actually implement it and was taken for a ride from the moment he shown where his weakness is

    Trump is a businessman. That's his strength, but also his weakness. He doesn't look at the world in terms of enemies and friends, he only sees potential partners. He thought he could strike a deal with those who hate him and want to see his head on a pike. Major, MAJOR shortcoming in assessing the situation.

    He made a wide array of other huge errors. He relied on Swamp creatures (Why?) and kept on caring about what the MSM thought of him. Abandoned his core supporters and allies on more than one occassion. Refused to take action against those who broke the law in plain sight. Didn't keep his word on prosecuting his deeply corrupt opponents. Let his Zionist son-in-law become his main advisor. Could go on

    But I still admire the man. He has shown great courage, perseverance and intelligence. He was the best president the USA has had in decades.

    Leftist in USA used this to fully secure their control over the political system and now they permanently run the show, there is no going back ever

    There are no Leftists and Rightists, no Democrats and Republics. There is only the Uni-party. The duopoly, the Swamp. They have held the USA in their iron clutches for decades until DJT arrived.

    The perceived differences between the Dems and the Reps is all just optical illusion to keep the people lazy, fat, complacent and compliant. Give the people the Illusion of choice and they'll accept their fate. Obama or Bush, it didn't really matter in terms of monetary policies, foreign policies, immigration etc. etc. The Swamp marched on and the little people squabbled over petty stuff.

    With the onset of the Great Reset and the transitioning into a techno-feudal NWO system it seems that not the Illusion of choice will be given to the Patriots anymore. It should be really clear: the Swamp (and their NWO backers) REALLY feared DJT and his movement.

    From here on it will be stonecold brute force and oppression, starting with the beat down of the protestors in DC tonight. The local PD no doubt has itchy hands after having to crawl and bend the knee for BLM/ANTIFA for months on end. Noone cares about a couple of dead Red-blooded Americans though, so mow away.

    Whites in USA are finished which may suck for whites in USA (and they brought it home themselves way back in the 90s) but it's really good for Russia (and I gotta say Serbia as well)

    All anti-Russia policies in USA were driven by whites (descendants of late 19th and first half of 20th century European migrants, especially from Central and East Europe) but all that's left of it now are some corpses like Biden, Albright, Clinton and others who will all soon be dead and their replacements are anything but white or European

    Whites/Conservatives in the USA are cornered and have less to lose by the day. The Hart-Celler Act (1965)paved the way for 80-100 million low IQ, brown, economically dependant immigrants. As a result, wages stagnated, crime increased and whole areas lost their genetic/cultural identity. On the other hand, the globalisation of capital and labour meant that millions of jobs were repatriated to the Third World. Free Trade Agreements pummeled what was left of the native manufacturing base. Education, academia, the media, the courts and government were subverted by the socialist March through the Institutions. Free speech was curtailed by Big Tech. Critical Race Theory and 'anti-whiteness' have gone mainstream. LGBT perversion is getting more intrusive by the year. Taxes have increased tremendously. Education, health are and real estate have exploded in price

    All of that could have been said before the devestating unscientific Covid approach, the BLM riots and the most blatant election fraud I have ever seen. The latter are bringing the US Middle Class on the brink of extinction whilst creating a very obvious two tier judicial system. Never mind the plans for The Great Reset that are now rolled out

    Today was the first time in decades people on the right said 'enough'. And goodness me did it take a long time for them to actually start doing something.

    It will be used against them for sure. All pundits and lawmakers are now talking about an INSURRECTION.

    Yes, DJT didn't have the guts to cross the Rubicon and got outplayed (let's be honest here), but the Swamp will have no qualms invoking the 14a INSURRECTION ACT. The writing is on the wall. Widespread civil strife is looming.

    Soon USA will be fully controlled by Latinos, Blacks and possibly Arabs who will not give two shits about traditional European bullshit and will be fully focused on welfare policies and places like Latin America, Asia and maybe Africa

    'Latinos, Blacks and Arabs' will rule the US??

    Brother there's only one ethnic group controlling the good ol' USA and it's none of those mentioned above

    Strangely enough it might have something to do with those Russophobic Central and Eastern European migrants you mentioned earlier though..

    Start may be rocky (actually not after today) but once Father Time inevitably does his thing it will be smooth sailing for Russia

    The global Cabal/the NWO hates Putin as much as they hate DJT.

    Better be prepared for any false flags/provocations in the Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Belarus etc.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:09 am

    Yea, America's done.
    It was a good run, got my hopes up for a minute there, but Trump pussied out.
    I know he just doesn't want this going full revolution, but in time he's going to regret not burning the Senate to the ground and do what needs to be done.

    Unlike Putin who got the job done, Trump failed.

    I honestly wondered whether the GOP is even aware of their current situation, if the DEMs can steal the presidency WTF makes them think they wouldn't just take all the senate, house, ext.
    Look at Georgia FFS.
    But now i believe that it's all BS, there is no Dem or GOP, it's just the One party establishment, that or the GOP is so blinded by Trump hate that they're blind to the obvious.

    PD hit the nail in the head, the biggest flaw in the Centrist "it's all about culture" argument is that Race does play a role, it's not simply Race either, it's Ancestry.
    Demographics is destiny, because the Latino and Blacks, ext aren't going to carry the American cultural torch, they are gonna throw it away and embrace their own culture, because it's theirs and American culture isn't.
    Look at Black community, they spent years solely to separate themselves from the American culture, and now embrace their Black prison culture, so even without ancestry, they still went and refused to integrate.

    So anyone thinking that America or Britain are gonna continue being British/American, without Brits/Americans, is a F'ing Retard.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:17 am

    elconquistador wrote:...Brother there's only one ethnic group controlling the good ol' USA and it's none of those mentioned above...


    But on a serious note it must be really relaxing to blame every single fuckup coming your way on Jews

    Not a good way to solve a problem but pretty decent way of rationalizing

    Not that it matters anyway, this whole thing was decided way back during Clinton era when US Military was outsourced to wage global Jihad while folks at home were watching Disney's Aladdin

    This now is just logical outcome

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  thegopnik Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:05 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    calripson wrote:Trump has so effectively dismantled conservative Republicanism I have to wonder if he is a Trojan Horse. A notorious womanizing Queens real estate speculator parading as the paragon of bible thumping, gun loving America?

    Nah, he was a guy who stumbled onto new political current that is actually popular in USA but who wasn't competent enough to actually implement it and was taken for a ride from the moment he shown where his weakness is

    Leftist in USA used this to fully secure their control over the political system and now they permanently run the show, there is no going back ever

    Whites in USA are finished which may suck for whites in USA (and they brought it home themselves way back in the 90s) but it's really good for Russia (and I gotta say Serbia as well)

    All anti-Russia policies in USA were driven by whites (descendants of late 19th and first half of 20th century European migrants, especially from Central and East Europe) but all that's left of it now are some corpses like Biden, Albright, Clinton and others who will all soon be dead and their replacements are anything but white or European

    Soon USA will be fully controlled by Latinos, Blacks and possibly Arabs who will not give two shits about traditional European bullshit and will be fully focused on welfare policies and places like Latin America, Asia and maybe Africa

    Start may be rocky (actually not after today) but once Father Time inevitably does his thing it will be smooth sailing for Russia

    Not to add any humor, but the U.S. still stay close in technology capabilities as long as they import more Chinese lol1

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Main-qimg-f423cb8604d8af3b32248e115278fb5a

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Main-qimg-24dcae23437abf14ffa16fc3fe8c1088

    But to Russia's own relief the democratic party is not for European or Asian immigration.

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:21 am

    Following last night's vote it looks like it is over. Whilst Trump has not conceded, he has said that there will be an orderly transition on the 20th.

    Here comes President Biden.

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    Post  Hole Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:40 am

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 16 Erg0tn10

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