LMFS wrote:Giuliani's conference, I guess it makes sense to listen to their allegations, but instead I only see media mocking something with his hair dye and repeat, in a clear display of mediatic power aimed to demoralizing Trump's camp, about the lack of evidence:
Ignoring any detail about actual fraud existing or not, I have to say the manipulation I am seeing around this issue in MSM is simply grotesque and very concerning, in the West we live in brain-dead societies incapable of filtering even the most brazen use of propaganda. They can take us to war to die like happy idiots with a flick of the wrist, I have no doubt about it.
The western fake stream media is not about facts, it is about pushing false narratives. The official Michigan vote returns
are proof already of fraud. The step function jump of Biden at 4 am as the ridiculous mail-in ballots 100% in favour of Biden
came in. Why would mail-in ballots be only for one candidate? You don't even see this in electoral districts. If some genius
starts claiming that only D. Party supporters used mail-in ballots that would require them to not go to polling stations. This
would mean that the 4 am "returns" would only be filling the gap that was created earlier by their absence. But you can see
that the spread between Biden and Trump was within the range expected based on opinion polls and voting patterns.
And what happened to bad optics? They don't matter anymore? So what amounts to ballot stuffing at 4 am is OK in the USA?
And since we had the issue of ballot counting being dredged up above, there were clear cases of malfeasance during ballot
counting where R. Party observers were excluded as well as kept 20 feet away so they would not even be able to see
anything. Then we had the joke of panels to cover a glass-enclosed ballot counting room.
As posted by PapaDragon, in Serbia ballot counting has observers and not just ballot casting. In the USA, sheriffs threaten
to imprison election observers and there are no observers outside the two main parties during ballot counts. No NGOs
either. Third party candidates in the USA have no chance. And in the current crisis of division, the D. Party is not even
playing nice with the R. Party to make the election look legit. It is fixing it like a banana republic.