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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:15 am

    * Trump now banned from Twitter
    * Parler down
    * Joe Biden calls Ted Cruz a modern Joseph Goebbels and compares Trump supporters with Nazis
    * Discord takes down (biggest pro-Trump site outside the social media)

    We are watching the dismantling of the USA and its full descend into a totalitarian state live.

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Erprsk10
    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 F8752d10

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    par far

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  par far Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:39 am

    elconquistador wrote:* Trump now banned from Twitter
    * Parler down
    * Joe Biden calls Ted Cruz a modern Joseph Goebbels and compares Trump supporters with Nazis
    * Discord takes down (biggest pro-Trump site outside the social media)

    We are watching the dismantling of the USA and its full descend into a totalitarian state live.

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Erprsk10
    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 F8752d10

    They are trying(better word is "they have"), destroyed what the white population can do or say but can blacks, latinos, brown's and other "minorities", do as they please, say what they want or will they be sidelined as well?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:51 am

    par far wrote:
    kvs wrote:America is entering the era of excesses as seen in the USSR before the 1950s and Nazi Germany.   And Godwin has no say in the matter.
    We clearly have stukaches and enemies of the people in the USA now.   The gulags will follow shortly.  And before some moron takes
    a swipe at this comment, consider the treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII.    Canada was worse as it interned Ukrainians
    in labour camps during WWI because many of them came from territory controlled by Austria-Hungary.    Canada also interned Japanese
    Canadians during WWII.   The clown ass Canadian government apologized to the Japanese and even the Chinese for the head tax
    but never apologized to Ukrainian-Canadians.  

    If you ever visit Banff National Park, there is a sample of BS historical revision at an overlook over a river valley where there was one such
    labour camp.   It is called a POW camp on the plaque.   What drivel.  Why would there be POWs in Canada from a war in Europe?
    Did they actually ship them over the Atlantic for storage?  WTF.  They had more than enough space to store them in Europe.
    Germany did not control western Europe during WWI like it did during WWII.  

    Is it this kvs?

    Yes.  I do not think there are any others in Banff.    The plaque clearly does not use the term "enemy aliens" it uses the term "POW".
    Thus it is revisionist BS.

    If we were dealing with some tranny bullied by some school kids and suffering a seizure and dying, there would be a plaque commemorating
    a hate crime.   Canada can't even put up factual historical plaques.

    Also, the claim of only 660 internees is unsubstantiated and cannot be taken at face value.   Given how hard WikiCrappia is emphasizing
    this number and how Canada lies about this camp, the number was likely several thousand.    Given the size of the Canadian-Ukrainian
    population around that time this is a large number.    Canada and the USA are very efficient of sending "enemy aliens" to gulags and
    robbing them of their property.

    That is another important fact, the people who were sent to these camps were robbed of their property and there was no compensation
    after WWI.   The Japanese Canadians were also robbed this way but there was compensation later.

    BTW, the statue shown in the WikiCrappia page is not something the visitors to Banff would see without making an effort to visit
    the camp. By contrast, the plaque on the lookout is likely seen by millions of tourists over the years.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:07 am

    elconquistador wrote:...* GOP Congressmen get harassed around America (last night Linsay Graham) before that Mitt Romney and another one whose name I don't remember
    * GOP offices get vandalised throughout the country...

    What? Romney and Graham?

    Man, it couldn't have happened to a nicer couple of douche-nozzles lol1

    Same Romney who pretty much crossed over to Clinton Cartel, I guess he miscalculated his value

    As for GOP it's clearly falling apart, what they want to do and what their voters expect them to do are two very different things and it's becoming very official

    elconquistador wrote:...* attendees (on tape) of the rally are now fired and shunned by their woke employers
    * Lawmakers call for the protestors to be prosecuted for sedition...

    Oh this is just a warm-up, what is about to happen now is the greatest ideological reprogramming since commie revolution in Russia

    In light of this I have never been happier that our prime minister is lesbian, it will not hurt to have her when dealing with rampaging liberals in DC

    As for prosecution of protestors every single government on the planet is furiously taking notes because this will be very useful down the road Cool

    I guess American Whites have been fighting their little 19th/20th century crusade against Russia so hard that they completely forgot to check what's happening at home, oh my... Razz

    I wonder what Zbig Brezinsky would think about this?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty A Fable I Dreamt About Money Printing

    Post  calripson Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:19 am

    What does this mean for the US economy was the question that was posed. Well, for longer than people think it will work fine. Printing money and artificially creating negative interest rates does wonders for asset prices like stocks, bonds, and even real estate. As long as that marginal dollar can be monetized or placed in the happy hands of foreign buyers the world looks rosy. Then one day something starts to happen - yields on 10 year US governments start to tick up - that first 50 or 100 basis points wasn't too painful, but now people begin to notice and to panic. Yields spike causing a sell off across the board in global debt instruments. Equity prices plummet as suddenly the numerator in discounted cash flow calculations becomes an unknown and rapidly increasing number. The Fed and other Central Banks announce a global intervention program to rescue "the world financial system" as they have many times in the past and initially this causes a rebound in asset prices...only this time it doesn't work and the sell off continues. The dollar once the safe haven of global trade crashes as people question the creditworthiness of the US. This only exacerbates inflationary pressures in the US as imports now cost substantially more in dollars and the US runs the largest current account deficit in history. Eventually a global debt restructuring is instituted with the dollar and currencies of other heavily indebted nations replaced with a new global electronic currency - "a currency for the 21st century". Many are impoverished, many are ruined. The global architects of the world financial system walk away wealthier and more in control than ever before. It's as if they engineered the whole thing.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:43 am

    The central bank intervention will be like the re-insertion of the control rods at Chernobyl. It will just amplify the
    the problem.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:28 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:...* GOP Congressmen get harassed around America (last night Linsay Graham) before that Mitt Romney and another one whose name I don't remember
    * GOP offices get vandalised throughout the country...

    What? Romney and Graham?

    Man, it couldn't have happened to a nicer couple of douche-nozzles lol1

    Same Romney who pretty much crossed over to Clinton Cartel, I guess he miscalculated his value

    As for GOP it's clearly falling apart, what they want to do and what their voters expect them to do are two very different things and it's becoming very official

    elconquistador wrote:...* attendees (on tape) of the rally are now fired and shunned by their woke employers
    * Lawmakers call for the protestors to be prosecuted for sedition...

    Oh this is just a warm-up, what is about to happen now is the greatest ideological reprogramming since commie revolution in Russia

    In light of this I have never been happier that our prime minister is lesbian, it will not hurt to have her when dealing with rampaging liberals in DC

    As for prosecution of protestors every single government on the planet is furiously taking notes because this will be very useful down the road Cool

    I guess American Whites have been fighting their little 19th/20th century crusade against Russia so hard that they completely forgot to check what's happening at home, oh my... Razz

    I wonder what Zbig Brezinsky would think about this?

    Globalists are overplaying their hand big time here. Don't forget that the acceleration seen in 2020 came out of desperation. The 'boiling frog strategy' had been working quite well when you take into account how fast the West has been subverted and its once Christian-Traditionalist-European culture thoroughly undermined

    The ridiculous Covid1984 measures, the 6 months of BLM riots, the in-your-face election fraud, the blatant blabbering about The Great Reset/ Build Back Better and now the framing of a staged 'insurrection' as domestic terrorism (which will have to be dealt with War on Terror style) have to many revealed the existence of a Global Cabal who wish to, quite literally, take over the world and turn it into a dystopian techno-feudal Prison Planet.

    Whilst today may be a dark day for everyone who just wants to live his life and be left alone, the past two months have shown that the pendulum will l likely start swinging back. The SC case docketed by Texas shows that at least 17 states are not on board with these plans, 20 if you count in the ones we're the state legislatures were on board but the governed cucked out. 24 if you count in the ones were a majority of the state legislative put their names under that lawsuit

    Today also made clear that Red America is in a struggle of life and death. Any people that thought that they could sit this one out by hanging on the fence are waking up to a very different reality.

    It's either total submission or annihilation. And I am not even sure submission will be enough for these people, because quite frankly, the Left has gone totally insane. Obviously cheered on every step of the by their globalist handlers.

    One more thing. The fact that Big Tech, the Crazy Dems and the globalist Cabal couldn't even wait for 12 days to throw Trump off social media/payment processing sites (the sitting President of the US can't even sell a T-shirt at this point) and impeach him, indicates that the Cabal still fear him. Mind you, a lot is still going on behind the scenes and nobody knows for sure what his next steps will be

    Lastly I'd like to point out, again, that it is not Whites that rule the USA. Unless you count Khazarites as Whites of course, then they do.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:54 pm

    elconquistador wrote:Lastly I'd like to point out, again, that it is not Whites that rule the USA. Unless you count Khazarites as Whites of course, then they do....

    Whites most definitely rule USA (at least for the time being​ but that will be changing officially)

    You may try to cope with the new setup by blaming Jews as always but you know​ how definition of stupidity goes

    On one side you have heavily organized Left who are fully focused on the endgame and who can't be distracted while on the other side are conservatives who are already running blind in circles expecting that "constitution" will protect them and making empty threats that they don't have the balls to follow through (spent money on guns for nothing) after they spent half a century rubber-stamping every single Liberal project worldwide

    News flash: they don't need you anymore and now they want to clean house (and make no mistake, this is their house now)

    Left now controls military, police, media, internet, finances, education, courts, entertainment, culture and narrative

    What do conservatives control?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:16 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:Lastly I'd like to point out, again, that it is not Whites that rule the USA. Unless you count Khazarites as Whites of course, then they do....

    Whites most definitely rule USA (at least for the time being​ but that will be changing officially)

    You may try to cope with the new setup by blaming Jews as always but you know​ how definition of stupidity goes

    On one side you have heavily organized Left who are fully focused on the endgame and who can't be distracted while conservatives who are already running blind in circles expecting that "constitution" will protect them and making empty threats that they don't have the balls to follow through (spent money on guns for nothing) after they spent half a century rubber-stamping every single Liberal project worldwide on the other side

    News flash: they don't need you anymore and now they want to clean house (and make no mistake, this is their house now)

    Your post leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth for its sole purpose of slander and intimidation. Not a single argument was made. I do not wish to be put into the anti-semitism corner for merely stating facts. I don't view individual Khazarites differently from any other person I'd randomly meet.

    In general your posts on the USA show a severe lack of insight and understanding about how that country works. I've been reading them for several weeks now and it's quite laughable how far off you are in your analyses and predictions

    This one is no different. Khazarites have a very, very heavy presence in all parts of US society. I'd even go as far as saying that they dictate most of it. The Fed was literally founded by Khazarite banksters, and you could call that the start of positioning themselves into the driver seat of their host nation. Those same Khazarite banksters (that still own the Fed) now also own gigantic financial entities that run entire US Administrations (I just posted about the BlackRock financial entity in the coronavirus thread)

    Through the usurious practices associated with (central) banking, a dependency and control grid emerged. Its called debt. When coupled with the Khazarites' ethnocentrism and tribal particularism this then resulted in them taking an ever more prominent position in the culture, media, academia and politics of the US.

    This stuff can be easily looked up on Wikipedia. The majority if not all of the Hollywood producers, music producers and porn producers (thereby creating (a devestating) popular culture) are Khazarites. Same goes for the media. 5 out of 6 bosses of the legacy media are Khazarites. And the written media? Just check it out yourself

    I could go on. Silicon Valley? Same stuff. I mean, what do the owners and founders of WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Über, YouTube, 23andme, Oracle, Lyft, WeWork, PayPay, Airbnb, Microsoft, Dell, Twitter etc. etc. all have in common? I guess you already know the answer.

    Is there anything left? Well, there is politics. POLITICS. Would it surprise you if I told you that 80+ percent of the donations of the Democrat Party are from Khazarite donors? Compared to a 'mere' 50+ percent for the Republicans?

    Anno 2021 there are no anti-Israel let alone anti-Khazarite voices anywhere close to Washington. It's just not possible and would result in the instant termination of one's career, and possible more than that. What you do have, though, are Khazarite money lenders. Sheldon Adelson is the George Soros of Con Inc. and one of Trump's closest allies in the background. Same goes for Finkelstein. On the other side you have Joe 'Israel is the only guarantee we have' Biden and Nancy 'I am a good shabbos goy' Pelosi that are now completely in bed with the Sorosite architects of The Great Reset.

    There are some real differences there though. The division between Rep and Dem is more or less a division between Chabad-Lubavitcher Zionism (Adelson, Finkelstein, Kushner) and tikun olam Trotskyists globohomo line (RBG, Schumer, Soros). Zionists and 'the international jewry' have always disliked each other.

    It's becoming a tradition for Presidential candidates to have at least one Khazarite married into their family. Trump has Jared (his own grandchildren are Jewish). Biden's three kids are all (!) married to Khazarites. Kamala Harris husband is a Khazarite. Clinton's daughter is married to a Khazarite. Again, I could go on. No doubt that Obama's adopted daughters will one day proudly show their catch as well.

    As for the personal attacks, and the silly strawman-ing towards anti-semitism (LOL, if only you knew..), give me a break. These are SPLC/ADL type of bullying antics. Don't mention the Khazarites and if you do you are an anti-semite and therefor you have no right to speak and we will break you in any way possible

    EDIT: forgot academia. Heavily influenced by historical and contemporary Khazarite Bolshewists/Trotzkyists


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:27 pm

    A true expert on the Khazar Empire we have here What a Face

    Well nevermind the fact that Russia destroyed the Khazars well over 1000 years ago; I'm not sure where all this Khazar BS even comes from.

    You're not discovering America here (no pun intended), yes we all know that Jews are heavily featured among the US's financial, political, intellectual, etc... elite
    As they have been in every country where they've had a sizable population.

    That still doesn't mean that they're all a hive mind with some collective agenda.

    Other than that though I think you're on the money
    par far

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  par far Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:47 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:Lastly I'd like to point out, again, that it is not Whites that rule the USA. Unless you count Khazarites as Whites of course, then they do....

    Whites most definitely rule USA (at least for the time being​ but that will be changing officially)

    You may try to cope with the new setup by blaming Jews as always but you know​ how definition of stupidity goes

    On one side you have heavily organized Left who are fully focused on the endgame and who can't be distracted while on the other side are conservatives who are already running blind in circles expecting that "constitution" will protect them and making empty threats that they don't have the balls to follow through (spent money on guns for nothing) after they spent half a century rubber-stamping every single Liberal project worldwide

    News flash: they don't need you anymore and now they want to clean house (and make no mistake, this is their house now)

    Left now controls military, police, media, internet, finances, education, courts, entertainment, culture and narrative

    What do conservatives control?

    There are some things that I agree with you Papa and somethings I disagree on.

    Things I disagree on:

    The 1%(or the establishment, the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US and west for that matter) have nothing to do with Judaism or Jews. There are Jews that go to Al-Quds protests and protest with Muslims for Palestine.  

    In the US(and in the west for that matter), there are is no Right or Left, there is only the  establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US). Whatever fits into their strategy, they take it, it can be conservatives, Right wing, Left wing, radical Islam, LGBT, Black group, Latino groups or whatever they can invent. They can use a combinations of this or just one group, at this moment they are using a combination of Right wing, Left wing and black groups because that is what their strategy requires.

    Things I agree on:

    The "left wing" is heavily organized because that is where the most of the money of the establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) is going.

    The establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) want to clean house with conservatives and Right wing because it does not fit the establishments agenda at the moment(this can change in the future and it most likely will change).

    The establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) have placed the control of military, police, media, internet, finances, education, courts, entertainment, culture and narrative in the hands of left for the time being.

    Military was exempt from this but now they are not.

    "Neo-Liberal Air Force: U.S. Military Orders Removal Of ‘Potentially Offensive’ Unit Emblems, Mottos"

    "Taking into account the existing trend, it would take little time to fully rebrand the US armed forces, including the Air Force and the Navy, to new the neo-liberal force. In the previous year, the US administration was invading countries and supporting coups in the name of ‘democracy’. Now, military interventions and meddling into internal politics of other states will likely be justified by the need to fight ‘oppressors’ and create a minorities-friendly environment."

    I agree with the whole article but just this above part from the article, US will use anyone they can. But going forward this maybe the motto used to invade other countries.

    Police has been used by the establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) for various purposes, the most recent being the BLM, where the police did nothing when shop and business were looted. The police will now be used to bring law and order because the establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) have what they wanted, Trump gone.

    Media, internet, entertainment, culture and narrative, will we all know how that one is.

    Education and courts were all in the "Lefts" hands for a long time. Because it was in the "Lefts" hands, is why math became racist and the courts made fucked up decisions.

    Finances are in the hands of the establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US) and will always remain in their hands because it is how they control everyone.

    What all these things are supposed to do is destroy the US and west(which can only be good for Russia) and when all these things are destroyed, the "Left" can be blamed and not the establishment(the wall street bankers, the rich elites that run the US).

    Last edited by par far on Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:52 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:49 pm

    flamming_python wrote:A true expert on the Khazar Empire we have here What a Face

    Well nevermind the fact that Russia destroyed the Khazars well over 1000 years ago; I'm not sure where all this Khazar BS even comes from.

    You're not discovering America here (no pun intended), yes we all know that Jews are heavily featured among the US's financial, political, intellectual, etc... elite
    As they have been in every country where they've had a sizable population.

    That still doesn't mean that they're all a hive mind with some collective agenda.

    Other than that though I think you're on the money

    I am writing Khazar because I don't want to use the word j3w. The internet is becoming a dangerous place and I don't want to put the limelight on myself (pretty sure forums like these get analysed by AI algorithms and the like, for data mining purposes)

    I'm fact I will soon delete this account and come back with one that is linked to a ProtonMail + VPN

    From now on everybody that is either from the West, or lives in the West should take the right OpSec precautions. Ie. Dump facebook/twitter, switch to Linux, VPN use, secure bitcoin wallet, random password setting etc. And most of all be aware that there is no anonymacy on the Web, only privacy

    LMFS likes this post

    par far

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  par far Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:54 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:A true expert on the Khazar Empire we have here What a Face

    Well nevermind the fact that Russia destroyed the Khazars well over 1000 years ago; I'm not sure where all this Khazar BS even comes from.

    You're not discovering America here (no pun intended), yes we all know that Jews are heavily featured among the US's financial, political, intellectual, etc... elite
    As they have been in every country where they've had a sizable population.

    That still doesn't mean that they're all a hive mind with some collective agenda.

    Other than that though I think you're on the money

    I am writing Khazar because I don't want to use the word j3w. The internet is becoming a dangerous place and I don't want to put the limelight on myself (pretty sure forums like these get analysed by AI algorithms and the like, for data mining purposes)

    I'm fact I will soon delete this account and come back with one that is linked to a ProtonMail + VPN

    From now on everybody that is either from the West, or lives in the West should take the right OpSec precautions. Ie. Dump facebook/twitter, switch to Linux, VPN use, secure bitcoin wallet, random password setting etc. And most of all be aware that there is no being anonymacy on the Web, only privacy

    The Jews or Judaism has nothing to do with who is ruling, the ones that are ruling, don't follow what Judaism says or teaches.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:25 pm

    It takes two to tango. The 1% have power because 99% are mostly credulous sheeple. It is just like with all the drivel
    about Putin being a tyrant. No, he has support from most levels of society and his elections are legitimate. That some
    5th column loser is not happy with this situation is just too f*cking bad.

    American whites had a chance to vote strategically to help Trump win. Instead they voted like there was nothing happening
    in America that would require a modicum of effort on their part. Now they can eat D. Party shit. I am thinking in particular about
    white females. Corrupted sluts too busy chasing bad boy cock instead of being real citizens. That their brains are too feeble
    to grow a character and adult autonomy and ability to gauge the situation is not the responsibility of any minority or cabal.
    They only have themselves to blame.

    The US 1% is pissing the country away. Their dreams of setting up some PC totalitarian "utopia" are not even retarded.
    Really, there is no word to describe it since it is willful delusion but which ends up being worse than insanity. These deciders
    have no idea how society works even if they understand everything about rotten politics. They think they will keep on
    printing US funny money and can buy all the tech and science ability that they destroyed in their toilet utopia. It is not
    that simple.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:54 pm

    elconquistador wrote:I am writing Khazar because I don't want to use the word j3w....

    Dude you are free to keep fighting valiantly against Jews as you have so far

    I am sure it will totally be worth it one day soon when you are expected to write down your preferred pronouns on a job application (and to be careful what you choose)

    Your blind dedication to struggle against Jews is the best thing that ever happened to the Leftists


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:36 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:I am writing Khazar because I don't want to use the word j3w....

    Dude you are free to keep fighting valiantly against Jews as you have so far

    I am sure it will totally be worth it one day soon when you are expected to write down your preferred pronouns on a job application (and to be careful what you choose)

    Your blind dedication to struggle against Jews is the best thing that ever happened to the Leftists
    I understand that over 1/6th of the population of the 'homeland' Israel has been Pfizered with incoming stocks to do the rest. If what some are saying might to be the side effects, 3-6 months, down the line with the, still experimental, mRNA vaccines turn out to be true then they might be exterminating themselves.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:06 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:I am writing Khazar because I don't want to use the word j3w....

    Dude you are free to keep fighting valiantly against Jews as you have so far

    I am sure it will totally be worth it one day soon when you are expected to write down your preferred pronouns on a job application (and to be careful what you choose)

    Your blind dedication to struggle against Jews is the best thing that ever happened to the Leftists

    I really don't understand what you want, or what your point is.

    You say that Whites 'own' the US (probably based on the fact that they are the majority?) , I say they don't and portray a wide array of facts and a theory about how it doesn't work like that. You double down like a scorned woman by making non-sensical insinuations and below-the-belt punches

    You blame Whites in the US for everything under the sun, gloat about their possible demise and long for violence and you expect a free pass. I try to provide you with counterarguments about how most Whites have not been on board with globalism for at least decades and you start name-calling

    Again, what is your point and what are your arguments?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:19 am

    kvs wrote:It takes two to tango.   The 1% have power because 99% are mostly credulous sheeple.   It is just like with all the drivel
    about Putin being a tyrant.   No, he has support from most levels of society and his elections are legitimate.   That some
    5th column loser is not happy with this situation is just too f*cking bad.  

    American whites had a chance to vote strategically to help Trump win.   Instead they voted like there was nothing happening
    in America that would require a modicum of effort on their part.   Now they can eat D. Party shit.   I am thinking in particular about
    white females.   Corrupted sluts too busy chasing bad boy cock instead of being real citizens.   That their brains are too feeble
    to grow a character and adult autonomy and ability to gauge the situation is not the responsibility of any minority or cabal.  
    They only have themselves to blame.  

    The US 1% is pissing the country away.   Their dreams of setting up some PC totalitarian "utopia" are not even retarded.
    Really, there is no word to describe it since it is willful delusion but which ends up being worse than insanity.   These deciders
    have no idea how society works even if they understand everything about rotten politics.   They think they will keep on
    printing US funny money and can buy all the tech and science ability that they destroyed in their toilet utopia.   It is not
    that simple.

    But Trump did win.

    By a freaking landslide.

    I also do not blame NPC's for not being able to climb out of their matrix. In the age of post-modernism, atomization, 24/7 media and invasive technologies it's rather easy to create an alternate reality around people

    Because that what it is. Big Tech has algorithms and AI that data mine your preferences and political views and they use it to surround your online existence with ads, news articles and like minded people/bots that will reinvigorate your experiences. These people are constantly confirmed in their (twisted) beliefs and experiences

    The human psyche is moldable and open for manipulation. It's easy to deceive a person/society, but it's very hard to make that person /society believe that it has been deceived

    The findings of the MKUltra trials in the 60s and 70s are now being projected on an entire society by the globalists.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:38 am

    flamming_python wrote:

    That still doesn't mean that they're all a hive mind with some collective agenda.

    There is no collective agenda amongst them. There are some tendencies that would characterise the majority though

    However, it would be ridiculous to deny that their tribalism and inter-ethnic preferences play a huge rol

    No other people has survived 1000/2000 years of statelessness. Well some have, but for the same reasons. But most people start to lose their customs, traditions and identity after a mere 2-3 generations of living amongst the majority population

    As someone that has spend a lot of time around and even in those communities, I can tell you that this is common knowledge in Khazarite communities - as is everything stated above. For some reason though, it's highly controversial on Rd.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:06 am

    I think you have the wrong definition of landslide. Maybe by American standards he won, but that he could be
    defrauded of his win with a few key fixes in the standard margin states means that the voting pattern was
    the same. Even with the fraud the Biden-Trump vote split is close to 50/50. That is a coin toss and not a
    vote with intent.

    The lock-in of red and blue areas is also a strong indicator of reflex voting. Active voting would flip blue and
    red. NPCs can never be excused. They are most of the problem. Cannon fodder for totalitarianism and


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:32 am

    elconquistador wrote:You say that Whites 'own' the US...


    Fortunately that's about to change which will have positive effects from where I'm sitting, namely all the dumb crap US has been doing thanks to wise White leadership will be gradually relocated to areas of interest of Blacks, Latinos and others

    elconquistador wrote:You blame Whites in the US for everything under the sun...

    Not for everything under the sun (that's what other folks​ here do)

    Just for dumb crap US was doing

    elconquistador wrote:gloat about their possible demise and long for violence ...

    Hey, karma (and I don't gloat for violence, I'm just giving you guys a heads​ up)

    Try to see things from where I'm sitting, every single great slaughtering that we experienced has been organized and implemented by Whites

    Do you have any idea how much they had to bleed us to surpass the Turks? Trust me, it's a lot (and in quite a small time frame)

    elconquistador wrote:I try to provide you with counterarguments about how most Whites have not been on board with globalism for at least decades...

    And yet for at least decades globalism has been rolling heavy

    elconquistador wrote: you start name calling...

    This I most definitely did not do (not to you, Vann7 is different matter)


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:02 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    I guess American Whites have been fighting their little 19th/20th century crusade against Russia so hard that they completely forgot to check what's happening at home, oh my... Razz

    I wonder what Zbig Brezinsky would think about this?

    What do you mean what would Brzezinsky think about this? That dyed in the wool neo-con, about a final neo-con coup in the White House removing all opposition for good?

    He'd be clapping from his grave. Same as Albright, Biden, Hillary Clinton and all the other fossils.

    Neither him nor any other neo-con would give two shits about the American people, culture, or whatever. Zbignew was a Polish Russophobe instigator, his only worry was Russia, Russia, Russia. And the only thing that matters is empire.
    Same as all the other trash that are now going to be hunting Trumpians and even passive sympathisers down to the swamps of Oregon, until they are all expunged. It's going to become a thought-crime to go against the globalist agenda in the coming months, an offense with legal implications, not anymore just media shaming and the prospect of a mandatory apology or job-loss.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:14 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    That still doesn't mean that they're all a hive mind with some collective agenda.

    There is no collective agenda amongst them. There are some tendencies that would characterise the majority though

    However, it would be ridiculous to deny that their tribalism and inter-ethnic preferences play a huge rol

    No other people has survived 1000/2000 years of statelessness. Well some have, but for the same reasons. But most people start to lose their customs, traditions and identity after a mere 2-3 generations of living amongst the majority population

    As someone that has spend a lot of time around and even in those communities, I can tell you that this is common knowledge in Khazarite communities - as is everything stated above. For some reason though, it's highly controversial on Rd.

    There's nothing controversial about it. Nor is there really any truth to it.

    My dad's Jewish, he grew up in a complete shithole, Soviet Moldova, where he was sent to live with relatives at an early age by his mother; he didn't even have the benefit of proper parenting, never mind any Jewish culture or links to the community (which he still looks down upon). From there he got into a naval boarding school, became some sort of engineer and was sent to work in the far north and far east of Russia for several years. Then he managed to get into the most prestigious art academy in the country; even despite the quota system that limited the amount of Jews (and created positions for under-performing nationalities) in every educational institution. Fast-forward another decade and he had emigrated, and became a millionaire in a new country where he didn't even know the language at first. He lost his money over time, but then became a millionaire again from something else, before again handing out and losing his fortune again.

    Among his friends and business partners there were maybe 1-2 Jews; and those were his childhood friends he grew up with. Everyone else he did any investment together with, or kept in touch with, or whatever - were of all sorts of ethnicites and countries of origin. Yet out of all the people he knew from the first half of his life, he was amongst the most successful. Call it what you will but there was no tribalism, or anything else that aided him, he achieved everything by himself.

    The communities you're talking about; are mainly the more religious ones, not the secular sort of Jews like Zuckerburg or whoever who've accomplished things by themselves; and are mainly the successful Jews we hear about. The religious communities accumulate wealth, do business with each other and so on, but they don't produce Rothschild-level billionaires, it's more of a comfortable middle class lifestyle. The Muslim communities in Western countries (Pakistani, Bangladeshi, etc...) are much the same, family businesses and so on.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  RTN Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:15 pm

    So on one hand forum members tell us that CIA, FBI /Deep State planned this entire "Insurrection" thing to eventually break up the US.

    How does the CIA, NSA, FBI / Deep State benefit if the US breaks up? These entities benefit only because the US exists, in its current form.

    The usual incoherent, unsubstantiated posts that floods this forum.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 19 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:58 am

    flamming_python wrote:....What do you mean what would Brzezinsky think about this? That dyed in the wool neo-con, about a final neo-con coup in the White House removing all opposition for good?

    He'd be clapping from his grave. Same as Albright, Biden, Hillary Clinton and all the other fossils.

    Neither him nor any other neo-con would give two shits about the American people, culture, or whatever. Zbignew was a Polish Russophobe instigator, his only worry was Russia, Russia, Russia. And the only thing that matters is empire.
    Same as all the other trash that are now going to be hunting Trumpians and even passive sympathisers down to the swamps of Oregon, until they are all expunged. It's going to become a thought-crime to go against the globalist agenda in the coming months, an offense with legal implications, not anymore just media shaming and the prospect of a mandatory apology or job-loss.

    Excellent thumbsup

    This should remove possibility of Russians chasing that elusive juice American friendship & partnership cock again

    We all know that Ruskies have a habit of pussying out the moment someone (especially Americans) offer them some cookie points

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