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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:52 am

    elconquistador wrote:The moment you knew would come

    Jimmy Kimmel
    states that Russia is behind the Gamestop short selling

    Oh god it took waaaaaay longer than it should.

    Guys this ride has been great so far, rigged elections, rigged market, I don't even have to argue with people anymore now that everything is becoming so painfully obvious.
    What's next?! Twisted Evil

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:52 pm

    What is next is a military confrontation with Russia in a 3rd party venue. Bidet's handlers appear to be trying to pull something
    Syria. I expect Banderastan to be activated as well.

    Uncle Swine-shit is too chicken shit to directly attack Russia, so you will have provocation theater and attempts to have
    Russia "over"-react. I think Russia should hit Uncle Swine-shit in the balls as hard as possible in Syria. It is a waste of
    time to appease these lunatics. They only understand the language of force. If it is to painful for them to engage in
    their provocation theater, then they will not be so brazen. Basically call their bluff.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Jimmy Kimmel

    Post  calripson Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:43 am

    Maximmmm wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:The moment you knew would come

    Jimmy Kimmel
    states that Russia is behind the Gamestop short selling

    Oh god it took waaaaaay longer than it should.

    Guys this ride has been great so far, rigged elections, rigged market, I don't even have to argue with people anymore now that everything is becoming so painfully obvious.
    What's next?! Twisted Evil

    He's probably having dinner at Gabe Plotkin or Stevie Cohen's house this weekend.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:09 am

    On the death of civic nationalism

    For as long as anyone can remember, to be a conservative meant embracing what is today known as civic nationalism. This is a form of nationalism that champions the traditional liberal values of individual liberty, equality before the law, tolerance of cultural diversity, and individual rights. Unlike old-school European nationalism, civic nationalism is divorced from biology. As Ben Shapiro would put it, nations are just ideas.

    Today, the term “civic nationalism” is a way to distinguish the old-school conservatives from the new Dissident Right that has risen up over the past decade or so. The civic nationalist is convinced he can find some way within the rules of the system to unriddle the puzzle of progressive control of the institutions. After every defeat, he commits himself to vote harder and wish harder. He never loses faith in the system.

    The late Sam Francis, a man who could arguably be called the father of the Dissident Right, observed almost a half century ago that it is this commitment to the system that would be the undoing of the conservative movement. In order for them to have a place at the table meant playing by the rules, but those rules were controlled by their opposition, so the rules would always prevent them from succeeding.

    Francis, of course, was correct in his prediction. If one were to conjure an image that represented the conservative movement, it would be a group of middle-aged white guys grinning like chimps while standing in front of an empty trophy case. Conservatism has become a mystery cult that champions people like Mitt Romney and makes the “conservative case” for the latest progressive cultural fads.

    The thing that Francis and his paleoconservative followers never grasped about the Buckley project was that it was vital to the success of the left. Conservatives operated like an electric fence, keeping sensible white people from wandering off into unapproved domains of thought. Conservatism kept middle-class white people believing in the system and the institutions, all of which are controlled by the left.

    The story of the past forty years is civic nationalists trying to figure how to make the system work to their advantage. They did not get what they wanted from Reagan but were told it was because the Democrats controlled Congress. In the 1990s, they put the Republicans in charge of Congress. When that did not work, they were told it was because a Democrat was in the White House.

    Finally, at the turn of the century the dream was realized. Conservatives controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House. Not only was Bush a conservative, but he was also an evangelical Christian who liked to talk about Jesus in public. The great fusion of cultural and economic conservatives had been made real. The result, however, was the complete opposite of everything middle-class whites had been told about conservatism.

    The last fifteen years have been a long coming to terms with the reality of conservatism and the system that it champions. The Republican Party found itself on life support at the end of the Bush years. The Tea Party Movement was a grassroots effort to pump air into the conservative circus tent, but that failed. The Trump insurgency was a last desperate attempt to make the system work, but it also failed.

    The denouement of this long story arc is the events of the past few months. It started with the massive election fraud, then was followed by the outlandish reaction by the establishment to the peaceful protests in January. Demanding that Americans exercising their rights be treated like terrorists has been an eye-opener for many. The images of Washington ringed with troops and razor wire have shocked millions.

    This past month we got what may be the kill shots for civic nationalism. The first item was the coordinated effort to suppress speech online. The tech oligarchs not only cleaned their platforms of Trump supporters, they also shut down the one explicitly conservative platform. Parler was celebrated by all the bigwigs of Conservative Inc. Then the oligarch shut the site down and conservatives did nothing.

    Last week a handful of wealthy hedge fund managers forced the trading platforms to rig the market to save them from their bad bets in the market. This is one that struck the white baby boomer in the groin, as they are deeply plugged into the markets. They obsess over their 401(k)s to the point of distraction. They watched in horror as a handful of plutocrats with the help of the White House rigged the market to save the short sellers.

    Alongside this was news that the FBI had arrested a young man for the crime of making fun of the left on Twitter. Douglas Mackey was the man behind the account “Rickey Vaughn” during the 2016 election. He was a prankster who was Trump’s biggest supporter during the Republican primaries and the general election. He went dark after being doxed, but the left never forgets, so they had him arrested last week.

    The result of all this is that millions of people, tens of millions, who used to be die-hard believers in the system now think the system is rigged. Elections are rigged. The laws are rigged. The stock market is rigged. The rules of public discourse are rigged. All of those people who held their nose and voted for Trump in 2016 are now convinced there is no solution within the system. The problem is the system itself.

    What we are witnessing is the death of civic nationalism. While individual liberty, equality before the law, and individual rights are laudable concepts, they are no longer a part of the people’s reality. In fact, there is growing suspicion that civic nationalism was always a lie. It was a way to keep middle-class whites from seeing who was subverting their society and corrupting their culture.

    The death of civic nationalism is no small thing. The managerial elite has depended upon it for generations. The managerial class relies upon middle-class whites following the rules and believing in those rules. Just as the slave owner relies on the slaves accepting their condition, the managerial class depends on the white middle class to support and defend the liberal democratic order.

    While it has been a wild few months, it promises to get crazier. No one really knows what will happen when the white middle-class collectively decides the system is hopelessly broken. The Tea Party Movement is a good example of how quickly these people can organize when motivated. Now that Conservative Inc. is on the enemy’s list, they cannot be counted on to subvert the next populist movement.

    When the people are up in arms over a policy or the behavior of an officeholder, that is not a threat to the system. It is a defense of the system. Implicit in the demands for a change in policy or for someone to resign is a faith in the rules. People outraged by the rules, by the system itself, are a very different thing. They are a direct threat to the system; one the managerial class has never had to face. No one knows how they will respond, but the results so far suggest it will only make things worse.

    In the Southern Baptist preacher style, 8 years ao

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:52 am

    GME stock is slowly deflating. Most if not all brokers place great restrictions on buying in. Some restrict it all together

    It was fun while it lasted. Bankers got an assraping and lost hundreds of billions if not trillions. Millions were woken up on how this game is rigged too.

    The silver market is too big to try anything similar and likely a psyop. Let's see if the bros can pull off anything similar in the near future.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:51 am

    elconquistador wrote:The silver market is too big to try anything similar and likely a psyop. Let's see if the bros can pull off anything similar in the near future.

    Yea, silver was a total psyop, heck not even psyop, more like basic mediaop.
    Reddit had no idea what the hell these fools were talking about, so it's total media nonsense.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:10 am

    kvs wrote:What is next is a military confrontation with Russia in a 3rd party venue.   Bidet's handlers appear to be trying to pull something
    Syria.   I expect Banderastan to be activated as well.

    Uncle Swine-shit is too chicken shit to directly attack Russia, so you will have provocation theater and attempts to have
    Russia "over"-react.   I think Russia should hit Uncle Swine-shit in the balls as hard as possible in Syria.   It is a waste of
    time to appease these lunatics.   They only understand the language of force.   If it is to painful for them to engage in
    their provocation theater, then they will not be so brazen.   Basically call their bluff.  

    Yeah that's definitely true.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:13 pm

    FYI the Washington Examiner is a 'Conservative' outlet

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Screen16
    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Screen17

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:37 pm

    The US MSM is fully under the control of the neo-Trotskyist, neocon vermin. They are the real fascists/totalitarians. The attacks
    on Trump clearly have no grain of truth to them. Pure concocted smear. And calling the protestors who came out against the
    brazen election fraud as "fascists" is an example of such blood libel.

    I am sorry to say, but this is what happens when you give any power structure such as the MSM the benefit of the doubt. It was
    never going to be the case that some critical tool like the MSM would operate on innocent, non-manipulated terms. The idea
    that some ads would pay for this free lunch where "objective" and "independent" journalists tried hard to bring you the "truth"
    is a fairy tale.

    And I am not localizing my comments to the west. They still apply in Russia and independent media like the Youtube channel
    of Ostashko that I cite a lot routinely notes how they are being censored by the current Russian order. No independence
    will ever be allowed to control public opinion. At best you can hope for is some sort of balance. This balance has gone from
    the USA.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:45 am

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Screen22

    They are going after Elon. Elon is the biggest fish in the USA that is not fully on board with their plans (just check his twitter or his comments on the GME stock fiasco)

    Imagine replacing the name Elon Musk for Bill Gates.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:08 am

    Musk may be a shyster but on this issue I am 100% behind him. Globalist vermin are taking the world to Hell in a hand basket.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:15 am

    Muskrat isn't part of their plans? Hard to believe when you consider he basically was given almost full reigns to privatize NASA, and he lobbied to have a coup in Bolivia to get cheaper Lithium and the US State Dept. obliged. If anything he didn't bribe/kick back enough money to the DOJ. Uncle Sham is all about greasing the right hands, pay-to-play, cronyism, kleptocracy and plutocracy. This is basically going after Al Capone for tax evasion.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:36 pm

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Screen27

    The purge.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:44 pm

    Regarding military preparedness, they've been crying for ages that their recruitment pool is rapidly shrinking and young americans either need to stop being fat or not mind the pathetically low salary that enlisted ranks make.
    So if they now lose the hardcore dedicated guys, it's not gonna look pretty.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:07 pm

    Maximmmm wrote:Regarding military preparedness, they've been crying for ages that their recruitment pool is rapidly shrinking and young americans either need to stop being fat or not mind the pathetically low salary that enlisted ranks make.
    So if they now lose the hardcore dedicated guys, it's not gonna look pretty.

    All y'all who know how to do your job should pack up and leave, we won't be needing your services anymore

    Rest of you are able to fill in for those who leave, right? Right?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  par far Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:14 pm

    elconquistador wrote:2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Screen27

    The purge.

    They are slowly destroying the US army.

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    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:38 pm

    Maybe the silver lining is that there will not be a WWIII. But I think that would be overly optimistic.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:56 pm

    John "Why the Horseface?" Kerry went and let Greta ThunAutism down. Then again Greta ThunDownSyndrome is polluting the atmosphere with her noxious brain farts.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  LMFS Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:16 am

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 EtUahvfXcAwv4nM?format=jpg&name=900x900

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:52 am

    Having a somewhat of an insider perspective on climate science, the politicization of this topic is grotesque and does a huge disservice
    to humanity. On the one side you have the "too big to fail" crowd on the right. So the Earth is forever an infinite toilet for all forms
    of human pollution and at the same forever and infinite source of resources (e.g. trillions of barrels of sweet light crude in Alaska
    denied to developers because of ANWAR). On the other side you have PC SJW degenerates who want to use climate change as
    a pony to push their demented agendas. This includes removing meat from the diet because cows fart CH4 and so warm up the planet
    and there are 80% of humans too many who need to be removed. These social engineer lemmings think that climate change is
    a great pretext to destroy what sane social norms persist and to replace them with tranny worship and other Sodom and Gomorrah

    1) Cow farts is a retarded myth. Cows are not fossil fuel carbon emitters, they have to consume natural carbon in plants to grow
    and the CH4 they emit comes from that carbon. Bogs emit CH4, maybe we should drain them all. That would be good for
    the environment...not.

    2) Harping about Kerry or Gore flying on jets is simply moronic. They are representatives and you can't expect them to get around
    by horse and buggy. If you stopped all such representatives from flying, it would do fuck all to help reduce CO2 emissions to any
    amount that matters. People do not have to live a life of deprivation because they spread the message about climate change.
    This is a false requirement and thus not any measure of hypocrisy.

    3) There are no trillions of barrels any oil in Alaska. No amount of wishing for it and pretending it magically clusters under a small
    wildlife refuge area (it is small by any measure of resource distributions) will make it come into being. Regardless, the 30+ billion
    tons of CO2 emitted by humans into the air every year (not fluctuating enough to matter, i.e. there are no 20 or 10 billion ton
    years) outpaces the average volcanic emissions of 600 million tons so much that yapping about natural sources is moronic.
    The planet had those volcanic emissions before 1850 so they are totally irrelevant. If we get some traps forming such as
    occurred when India collided with Asia, then we can start to worry but that is clearly not any sort of actual threat.

    There is no infinite capacity to absorb 30 billion tons of CO2 into the ocean and land reservoirs on a timescale that matters.
    So we have an accumulation and now the CO2 values are 410 ppmv when they were generally under 320 ppmv for millions
    of years. Thanks to this accumulation we have ocean surface warming that is killing off the ocean CO2 sink. There is
    50 times more CO2 dissolved in ocean water than in the atmosphere. by about 2100 we will shift from the oceans being
    a net sink for CO2 to a net source. This amounts to a runaway warming scenario even if we will never be like Venus.
    Together with the release of ocean carbon into the air, we are in the process of destabilizing over a trillion tons of
    permafrost carbon. Some of it comes out as CH4 and not only CO2.

    Accounting for all the other greenhouse gases including CH4 right now, we are around 490 ppmv CO2 equivalent. In the
    next 100-200 years we are going to hit over 700 ppmv. This corresponds to enough carbon loading in the atmosphere
    that the natural removal will take over 200,000 years through chemical weathering (carbonic acid in rain acting on rocks).
    People used to talk about CO2 having an e-folding time of 200 years in the atmosphere. That was perhaps true in 1850
    but is totally irrelevant now since we are killing the primary sinks.

    OK, so what is he big deal about 700 ppmv. It is enough to raise wet bulb temperatures to lethal levels for mammals
    in low latitudes. So people in the tropical belt are going to have to migrate towards the poles. If you think we have
    migration problems now, you ain't seen nothing yet. Then we have the little detail of food supply. We have been
    taking our stable climate over the last 8,000 years for granted. With warming will come a lethal variability including
    large movement of hot and cold air masses during the growing season that will fuck things up. Then we have the joy
    of atmospheric water loading. The Clausius-Clapeyron relation implies moisture content of air increases exponentially
    with temperature. This means huge increases both globally and especially locally of air moisture. This opens the door
    to epic convective rain-deluge events. Crops and infrastructure will not like them. At the same time wind gusting
    will get much worse so get prepared to starve as wheat fields are flattened. Globally and thus locally there will be
    a severe reduction in food production. There will be wars over food.

    Any notion that farms will just move north is insanely delusional. There will be no safe zone for farms and soil conditions
    will not migrate north. You should see the landscape in Ontario as one goes north to Muskoka. There is barely any
    sand or loam on those rocks.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:37 am

    Pepe is now considered a right wing extremist symbol and will got you fired and put on lists

    Clownworld never ceases to deliver!

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Images22

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    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:49 am


    When looking at graphs like the one below I can no longer take the 'man made' climate change narrative seriously

    Also what's your opinion on the Grand Solar Minimum?

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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:02 am

    Really, get better information. Some crap-ass graph art is not convincing of anything other than the idiocy of those who produced it.

    A misleading graph purporting to show that past changes in Greenland’s temperatures dwarf modern climate change has been circling the internet since at least 2010.

    Based on an early Greenland ice core record produced back in 1997, versions of the graph have, variously, mislabeled the x-axis, excluded the modern observational temperature record and conflated a single location in Greenland with the whole world.

    The isotope data stops in 1855 due to warming effect corruption of the near surface layer that would theoretically cover 1855 to 1997 when the
    data was published. And the warming only kicks in after 1980. All you see in that misleading graph is the expected interglacial pattern of
    slowly decreasing isotope anomaly (page 20 in the PDF).

    We do not need ice cores for the last 100 years since we have actual temperature measurements. These actual temperature measurements
    that have enough spatial coverage to be meaningful show a rapid temperature increase beyond any climate relevant variability over the last 500 years.
    Using 50,000 year old conditions as some reference state is BS since that was a 180 ppmv climate. Instead of falling back to 180 ppmv as has been
    the pattern over the last 3.3 million years from interglacial maxima of 320 ppmv, we hare already at 410 ppmv of CO2. That is a measurement
    based number. The last time we saw 420 ppmv CO2 was when the Panama channel closed leading to an isolation of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
    basins. This led to a de-gassing of CO2 which increased temperatures before the system settled into the ice age of the last 3.3 million years.

    I it gets tiresome of politically motivated BS about how CO2 does not control climate. The fuck it doesn't. N2, O2 and Argon are transparent
    to infrared radiation and they account for 99.999% of the atmosphere. Without actual IR absorbers like CO2, CH4, N2O, NOx, and O3 the
    Earth would be an ice hell. Since H2O is not a dry gas at any temperature range we have on this planet (unless you think over 100 C is normal)
    it requires dry greenhouse gases to maintain it in vapour form. Removing the trace greenhouse gases and supposing that H2O existed in sufficient
    concentrations to maintain the temperature of today, we would see a pattern of progressive precipitation removal. At high latitudes in winter
    the falling out of snow would rapidly drop the temperature below anything we see today since dry air is not effective at trapping IR. Super
    cold winter temperatures would form high snow and ice albedo that would reduce solar surface heating (shortwave absorption by the ground)
    and give a glaciation process on steroids. High albedo conditions would be cumulative year to year. But the atmospheric H2O vapour removal
    at high latitudes would not even be balanced by low latitude evapouration since the cold temperatures would migrate towards the equator.
    Without IR trapping, the surface would get warm but the air would only be warmed by convection. But the high latitude glaciation would
    push towards the equator and we would have the Snowball Earth regime we already had on this planet when the Sun had less output. The
    only way that the system escaped these regimes in the past was through the accumulation of CO2 from volcanic emissions and the lack
    of the ocean CO2 sink due to sea ice cover (CO2 gets absorbed in cold waters and released in warm waters).

    So in summary,

    1) The graph is not even showing what you think it shows. There was no warming before 1855.

    2) Natural variability is an ignorant excuse. Especially when it is referenced to 50,000 years ago or millions of years ago. At no
    time over the last 15,000 years did we see the temperature change that we are seeing evolve between 1950 and today. Rapid
    albedo changes due to interstadials are not any proof of intrinsic variability, they are deterministic and depend on the glaciation
    conditions of the time. There is no way in hell that a Laurentide ice sheet can form today in a few years. But during those
    interstadials the ice sheet was still there.

    3) The radiative transfer effect of CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gases is not variable. It is laboratory confirmed science that
    we understand without the need for any black box model. Unless you consider quantum mechanics to be BS.

    4) You should thank your lucky stars that H2O is not a dry gas at life-supporting temperatures. Otherwise there would
    never be any life in the first place. It is thanks to condensation of H2O that the primordial Earth managed to cool off fast
    enough to form oceans and sequester the 95% of its atmosphere that was CO2 into carbonate rocks. Water acts as
    an efficient heat pump today that regulates the global temperature by deep convection. Deep convection results in
    latent heat release from condensation in the tropopause region where the the atmosphere starts to become optically thin
    to IR. So we have the transport of surface heat to where it can more efficiently radiate to space. Get rid of the water
    and the Earth actually would be like Venus.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:13 am

    The reality is that climate is not static and unchanging, so like it or not we are going to have to learn to cope with both global warming and global cooling...

    One of the worlds biggest peat bogs is Siberia... if that defrosts and releases and eye watering amount of Methane into the atmosphere then the runaway effect might be a sudden rise in temperatures which releases other supplies of methane like lime deposits in the deltas of most large rivers made of organic material that has built up over time being washed there during flooding.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 29 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  LMFS Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:41 pm

    The senile gangster clown is not losing time to press forward with his Russophobic circus clown clown clown clown

    Biden: I made it clear to Putin that the days when the United States surrendered to Russian aggression are over

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