Tsavo Lion wrote: Russia can afford thousands of such missions.
true, but for how long before her internal problems get worse? the USSR already imploded & their (not mine) hope is that Russia will also implode.
not thats not true..
Russia cannot afford not even 3 conflicts at same time that last years like syria,with 2,000 soldiers..
in syria alone ,the cost of the war was close to 1billion $ dollalrs a year.. and this is when no hardware is destroyed.. Russia is already overextended with syria and armenia alone. this conflicts
will require at least a billion dollar per year in operations in security and replacement of hardware ,if the war start.
armenia for example in just one month lost 1 billion in russian given hardware.. so anyone that believe russia can afford this conflicts is a complete idiot , not mentioning that this conflict will trigger much bigger wars.. and the cost of humanitarian aid that russia will need to provide to civilians.
also this will trigger major civil unrest .. if thousands of russian soldiers killed.. so those ignorants
saying that russia can afford many conflicts needs to be ignored completely.
when russian start dying ,by drones attacks in the hundreds.. this will provoke a major rebelion
of the russian military ,and major civil unrest in russia ,threatening the entire chain of command..
in the government.. perhaps thing might be a good thing.. if finally russian citizens get rid
of their incompetent president. this major loss of soldiers will encourage other nations in nato to attack russia too to maximize the damage.
what could go wrong ?
1)the nagorno karabah war can trigger easily a war agaisnt turkey and azerbaijan and even iran ,who supports more azerbaijan and demanded armenia to leave. and bosphurus blocked ..
2) a new war in venezuela ,with russia helping ,will trigger destruction of all russian equipment there and russia wil face a vietnam from brazil and colombia.. good luck with that..
3) a war in transnistria will trigger russia war with moldova ,romania and ukraine.. and nato too,
because will have to invade nato airspace to help russian soldiers there.
4) then there will be the central asia wars.. uzbekistan ,tajikistan this will be more money wasted.
every cruise missile used ,every iskander used. will mean a missile that nato will no longer will be used against US in the next big war.. means a missile that russia military will need to rebuild again.
so all this wars threatens russia not only its economy significant damage ,but also the empty of russian bombs supplies fighting in many wars. russia don't have endless iskanders and endless cruise missiles.. and if they are forced to waste all of the few hundred missiles they have, then russia military will be only left with its nuclear weapons and no conventional precision bombs left.
on top that nato just like is doing in syria ,will arm the opposing side and russia military will be defeated without a doubt ,because is not prepared to fight in many zones at same times , russian airforce destroyed too , in so many wars.. so only real ignorants will say russia can handle many wars at same time ,specially with their dependence on europe for buying their oil.. and the destruction of russia economy will trigger caucasus wars ,chechen wars to restart.. and other minorities to rebel too.. good luck with russia fighting many wars.. they can't print money like americans can.. even US can't afford many wars at same time... they lose 3 trillions of dollars in iraq war alone.. imagine if russia had to fight turkey.. in an invasion and azerbaijan too..
and the last thing russia need is to be disorganized and imbalanced ,busy in many conflicts ,when
americans start fighting them in a low scale war.not even the soviet union could handle a full scale war like it was the war in afghanistan without destroying their economy.
the only way russia can afford many wars at same time is using nuclear weapons to stop the wars before they start. but putin is a polite teddy bear ,and will not have stomach to do that unless russia is nuked first.. and russian enemies takes advantage of this putin's weakness ,they know russia will never use nukes against them if they keep the war using conventional weapons.
So clearly Russia is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't.
Thats only truth if you have an incompetent mediocre president in russia.. like putin is.
because any smart leader.. the very first thing he will do ,when get in power ,is
evaluate the limitations of their military and economy to defend its interest.. and putin should
have realized how all this crappy alliances with crappy nations ,that give nothing ,to russia ,
can be used by their western enemies ,to create endless military traps ,like the american did
in the afghan vs soviet war. So if putin was smart.. he will have retreated from the entire world ,
from zones difficult /or expensive to defend with very little benefits if any.
so putin should have warned assad in syria ,that russia no longer can't guarantee its security ,that needs to follow the policies of other nations ,like jordan that is not attacked by israel...warned cuba too.. which russia can't defend if american invade it ,will be in a major disadvantage. Russia wins
absolutely nothing from cuba.. is a coountry russia have to feed and forgive all loans they give to them.. so russia needs to stop feeding third world nations ,and focus in real practical alliance they can trully gain something back.. china is a good alliance for russia.. india too.. instead of syria ,
russia could have chosen egypt.. and deploy a refueling base there.. instead of cuba ,russia could have chosen mexico.. far superior...and have military bases right next to US borders.. and if US don't want russia there.. then americans will have to move their bases from russian borders. this is what policy russia should have pushed ,one they can win something back and not become charity and wellfare of every poor nation in the world. Russia needs less allies ,but the ones they get have to be very powerful in military or in business expansion potential for russia .instead of how is now ,that russia needs to feeds them ,give weapons to them for free.. this is non sense. terrible foreign policy
what putin have that tie russia hands of movement.
Venezuela will not be a bad choice ,if russia convinced them to become another crimea , and transform venezuela in another fortress. so russia fully deploy a full scale military there with naval bases. and use the venezuelan federation of russia ,as a starting point to expand russia influence in latin america.. that will be a true pain in the ass for US and europe , if russia influenced captured all south america ,and transform the entire continent in one major big union allied to russia.. then deploy half of russia nukes there.. this will break nato iron fence project around russia , if half of its military is deployed in venezuela.. this will also help russia grow its population with christians significantly ,countering muslim growing menace.
if russia don't expand their zones of influence in zones they can really challenge american most important zones ,then it will dissappear . Russia and china combined can take over over all south america and all latin america if they pushed for it.. they are all very angry with US unfair policies against them.