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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nero Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:45 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:LOL

    Russian MVD capitulated.  They released the drug dealer claiming "no evidence" yet the drugs we're on him and in his apartment. But they folded because of liberal opposition and media groups in Russia. Now cops are fired and so is anti drug units head

    Maidan will happen in Russia sooner than I thought.
    The possibility of it all being planted is beyond your grasp to comprehend or what?

    He's a nobody. Probably talked badly about someone local and 'higher up', they tried to get back at him and it blew over. Now people lose their jobs over it - it's a good precedent.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty temporary western propaganda thread

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:29 pm

    nero wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:LOL

    Russian MVD capitulated.  They released the drug dealer claiming "no evidence" yet the drugs we're on him and in his apartment. But they folded because of liberal opposition and media groups in Russia. Now cops are fired and so is anti drug units head

    Maidan will happen in Russia sooner than I thought.
    The possibility of it all being planted is beyond your grasp to comprehend or what?

    He's a nobody. Probably talked badly about someone local and 'higher up', they tried to get back at him and it blew over. Now people lose their jobs over it - it's a good precedent.

    Is it beyond your comprehensibility that he may have wore gloves when handling the drugs and never took them?

    Sorry, but you don't "solve" a case in 3 days like this.  That is just beyond stupid.  And it came from pressure above then all of a sudden "no, he wasn't involved".

    Yeah, being planted is a possibility.  But here is the thing, who did it? Were they arrested?  Sacking cops before investigation is over is just ridiculous.  There is a thing called Due Process and this was not done in Russia.  Instead, they folded very damn quickly to liberal pressure.  And they decided to hold protests on Day of Russia in Russia.  Navalny got arrested at least. But of course he will be released on small charges which then he will counter sue in the EUCHR which they will demand Russia to pay him much more back. Hell, the liberals could have planted it on him, called authorities and got him into trouble just so they can create a situation. I mean, it is obvious too that the west was all jumping on this. Now the liberals and the west is calling it their victory.

    It is a huge scam going on and the Liberals are playing it hard.  I guess I cant blame them, they found a loophole and or cracks in the system they will exploit.  I would do the same I suppose.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:27 am

    This drug related arrest of a journalist has played out the only way it could.

    It was not Putins plan... Putin would not have come up with such a pathetic plan... this was clearly an investigative journalist who is basically getting paid to shame Russia and Russians and some members of the organisations he was "investigating" (read smearing with a broad brush no doubt) decided to deal with the problem.

    The cops that tried to frame him... if indeed that was the case will go to jail... we will probably never hear their side of the story... they are just pawns at this stage.

    Perhaps the real problem is that the Russians are not as ruthless as the Americans or British... in their cases they are prepared to kill to get their way... hense send snipers to Maidan, and of course Bill Browder has his accountant murdered before he can reveal the money BB stole while in Russia and all his criminal activities are revealed... not to mention the British offing a drug addict and then blaming the Russians for it... there is no end to the wests treachery sadly... but of course they are worse... they are on the way out and they know it...

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:03 pm

    Big profile sackings just took place.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:24 pm

    Western propaganda - Page 30 Chartoftheday_18339_countries_ranked_by_peace_level_n

    What a BS graphic.

    By what metric is the USA more peaceful than Russia? No, this is not due to domestic issues. Chechnya has not
    been an issue for several years already. And any operations against militants inside Russia have corresponding operations
    against militias and organized crime elements in the USA.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:34 pm

    Really weird.

    Just compare the big citys. Moscow is the second most peaceful large city in the world, only behind Tokio. Murican citys are warzones. Even citys like Phoenix or Salt Lake got higher murder rates than Moscow.

    EU states more peaceful? What about all these terror attacks in France and Belgium?

    Well, Canada is quite peaceful - for white people. Ask the "Indians" what they think.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:22 pm

    Hole wrote:Really weird.

    Just compare the big citys. Moscow is the second most peaceful large city in the world, only behind Tokio. Murican citys are warzones. Even citys like Phoenix or Salt Lake got higher murder rates than Moscow.

    EU states more peaceful? What about all these terror attacks in France and Belgium?

    Well, Canada is quite peaceful - for white people. Ask the "Indians" what they think.

    These sorts of graphics are 100% propaganda BS designed to give the NATO fake stream media talking points and to affirm-jerk the
    NATO sheeple to keep propaganda tropes alive. Note how Belorus is painted differently from Russia. There has been quite
    a lot of military development and deployment there too. And somehow the deployment of NATO forces to Russia's borders in
    the Baltics is not measured as a reduction in peace levels in those countries. This graph is a total joke aimed at zero-thinkers
    and idiots.


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:03 pm

    The closer to G20, the more coincidental the news.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:50 pm

    Hilarious BS propaganda meant for the typical yanqui sap. As if US operatives can reach critical software elements in the Russian
    power grid via the internet. Recall that not all Russians utter retards who never heard of LANs. The only way that the US would
    be able to sabotage Russian systems this way is if they sent in operatives to physically infiltrate Russian systems on site.

    Too bad for yanqui fantacists but Russians make their own control equipment which is highly resistant to hacking since it is
    "primitive" and relies on direct control circuitry (electro-mechanical relays included). The NYT is leveraging the complete
    ignorance of its audience about the fact that Russia does not import control systems from the west. It makes its own.

    Maybe the NYT can next write how super-duper American NSA spies have hacked the vacuum tubes on Russian jets. After all it is
    just pimping dick-stroke feelgood fantasy BS.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:23 pm

    And there is always the backup for total failure. "We wanted the russians to detect the hacks because we wanted to send a clear message to them." Embarassed Rolling Eyes

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Jun 20, 2019 4:48 pm

    kvs wrote:What a BS graphic.

    By what metric is the USA more peaceful than Russia?    No, this is not due to domestic issues.   Chechnya has not
    been an issue for several years already.    And any operations against militants inside Russia have corresponding operations
    against militias and organized crime elements in the USA.  

    Probly has more to do with Ukraine, but that situation is nowhere near comparable to Iraq.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:30 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    kvs wrote:What a BS graphic.

    By what metric is the USA more peaceful than Russia?    No, this is not due to domestic issues.   Chechnya has not
    been an issue for several years already.    And any operations against militants inside Russia have corresponding operations
    against militias and organized crime elements in the USA.  

    Probly has more to do with Ukraine, but that situation is nowhere near comparable to Iraq.

    Russian volunteers going to fight for the rights of the people of the Donbas is not "Russian aggression" and not "war".
    So this index is, as expected, a propaganda trope distillation designed to give the fake stream media talking points.

    The lack of peace is in Ukraine aka Banderastan.


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:12 am

    Trump seemed rather scared by that article and accused the NYT of treason... perhaps he is aware that Russian systems are not that easy to crack but the US power grid is a shambles and might just collapse in places on its own and he has done nothing at all to fix it...

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Blood libel hypocrisy over MH17

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:08 pm

    The FAA has banned US carriers from flying over a missile active zone. So we have clear example of responsibility of
    carriers and regulators, including Air Traffic Control Centers, in steering civilian air traffic away from war zones.
    How come this is a total non-issue in the case of MH17? Why was it OK for MH17 to be directed over a missile free fire
    zone in the Donbass (as evidenced by previous missile launches in the area) by the Kiev ATC and for this action not
    to be part of the investigation?

    The Dutch kangaroo investigation of the MH17 downing is a total propaganda farce. It pretends that the Donbas was a
    peaceful area and that evil Russia just sent over a Buk system there for the sole purpose of downing a civilian airliner
    out of pure malice. This is a grotesque contrivance for an investigation where the guilt is determine first and the
    "trial" is conducted as a show.

    Even if the kangaroo investigation claim that a Russian buk system was involved is true: so what? MH17 is collateral
    damage in a war zone. If we are going redefine collateral damage, then the crew of the USS Vincennes that shot down
    Iran Air Flight 655 should be put on trial as well.


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:18 pm

    The iranian plane was not shot down in a war zone. Which makes it much worse.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:45 pm

    Hole wrote:The iranian plane was not shot down in a war zone. Which makes it much worse.

    Thanks for the correction. American naval activity gives off the impression that it is always in a state of war.

    This kangaroo investigation has not established motive or even means to down MH17. If Banderastan staged a distraction ploy
    where another plane was used to confuse the Buk (not fully operational, BTW) to hit the wrong target, then that is
    something that needs to be considered. Using civilian airliners as meat shields or psy-op targets is the actual
    crime. But the notion of specific crimes in a war zone is obscure. Collateral damage is an actual legal defense.
    Of course the yanquis abuse it by claiming that the thousands of innocent civilian victims of US drone attacks in
    the middle east are collateral damage. This is BS since the US knows that it kills less than 16% probable legitimate
    targets out the 100% total killed.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:26 am

    The iranian plane was not shot down in a war zone. Which makes it much worse.

    Worse than that it was shot down by a ship illegally in Iranian waters and it was inside Iranian airspace when it was shot down.

    Why was it OK for MH17 to be directed over a missile free fire
    zone in the Donbass (as evidenced by previous missile launches in the area) by the Kiev ATC and for this action not
    to be part of the investigation?

    I remember reading an article that stated that the ATC had gone on holiday... for 5 years... bets on whether they are still breathing or not because they were clearly told to fly the aircraft through that airspace...


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:21 am

    Typical conversation:

    Reporter: You shot a civilist.
    Murican soldier: No, it is a terorist.
    Reporter: How do you know?
    Murican soldier: Because we shot him.

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:31 pm

    The US has lost nuclear industrial competence. It is basically unable to complete nuclear power plants without mass time and cost
    overruns. What is worse, is that it is reaching a point where it cannot even finish construction. The above analysis discusses
    some article that extolls the South Koreans and Chinese as world nuclear industry leaders while utterly ignoring Russia (which has
    67% of the global nuclear power plant market).

    Here is the MIT report cited in the video:

    Russia is totally ignored. Also, the report low-balls the price differential. It is not $8000 vs $4000 (US vs South Korea) it is
    actually over $12000 vs $4000. BTW, Russia has the only generation III+ nuclear power plants in operation today. The one in China (AP-1000) has
    been indefinitely shut down since the US made pump has failed.


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:50 am

    This is a very interesting article:

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:40 am

    Interesting article, but this caught my eye...

    The goal of these strategies and concepts is to create a plausible theory of victory whereby China or Russia avoid a “fair fight” with the Joint Force and could therefore defeat the United States and its allies and partners in a regional war.

    Hahahahahahahaha... no body plans for a fair fight... no body...

    Even in Desert Storm they tried to convince Saddam that it was going to be a huge amphibious invasion, and in both conflicts they largely fought at night because they had superior night vision equipment on their armour... no one wants a fair fight in war... that is just stupid... you always find your enemies weaknesses and use those to make your victory cheaper and easier.

    All the American eggs are in the air power basket... and the combination of long range AAMs to take down inflight refuelling tankers and AWACS and JSTARS aircraft... all they really need is anti stealth capability and the US is screwed because the cost of stealth fighters has dramatically reduced they number they can afford to buy and operate.

    Originally they demanded a minimum of 1,500 F-22s but the end of the cold war and the cost per aircraft reduced that to 750 and then less than 200 were actually made...

    They said they wanted 3,500 F-35s, yet the airframe live has gone from 8000 hours to less than 2000 hours, the RAM on the tail surfaces bubble and fail when you fly faster than the speed of sound and the shared oxygen generation and delivery system is faulty and tries to suffocate the air crew... and the prices keep going up... and a number of customers are reducing the number they want...

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:07 am

    The UK prances around as if it is some sort of gold standard for jurisprudence and human rights. It is nothing more
    than a corrupt banana republic wannabe.


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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:00 am

    Western propaganda - Page 30 D9X1I_jUEAAZ8i0

    Actually, the west takes "Russia" out of anything good coming from Russia. Like they do with the defeat of Hitler by
    claiming that the 80% of Nazi men and military resources expended on the Eastern Front were a side show and that
    the D-Day landings "won the war".

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:07 am

    Makes me realise most of western history I learned is probably the same... makes me realise a lot of what the west is so proud of is probably a lie... like the US putting people on the moon... really don't believe that any more... in 50 years time the first two people on the moon actually would be a black american woman and a gender confused native american person of unknown gender... the landing on the moon was true, but the identities of the people who made it were faked...

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    Western propaganda - Page 30 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:54 am

    GarryB wrote:Makes me realise most of western history I learned is probably the same... makes me realise a lot of what the west is so proud of is probably a lie... like the US putting people on the moon... really don't believe that any more... in 50 years time the first two people on the moon actually would be a black american woman and a gender confused native american person of unknown gender... the landing on the moon was true, but the identities of the people who made it were faked...

    I agree with you Garry B. I sometimes read where you are a little harder on White Americans. I would like to let you know that a significant number of nonwhite Americans like Afro Americans can be just as prejudiced toward Russia and have the same arrogant hubris as many White Americans; I advise you not to underestimate them. Think of people like Colin Powell, Condelezza Rice, Susan Rice and Barack Obama. No matter the rhetoric of a Democrat or a Republican presidential candidate; they will support the evil and corrupt American empire like Barack Obama. He was no friend of the working man in America neither despite the image of the Democratic party as a party of the poor.

    I would like to know do you see nonwhites like Afro Americans and Hispanics have the same hubris and arrogance as White American regarding foreign countries and American power?

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