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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  auslander Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:03 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    Backman wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:Nothing funny about this conflict. Slavs killing Slavs. White people killing white people while the globalists who run US NATO and Europe are importing tons of 3rd world immigrants for cheap labor and laughing.

    Trader, if you don't like it in Rossiya, then don't come back. Her Excellency and I have been married for 15 years and couldn't be happier. Only problem is she speaks English better than I do and since we are rarely apart, I've not had to learn Russian beyond that of a one year old.

    However. Before I came to this forum, she and I were heavily involved in getting refugees and evacuees out of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Gorlovka. We got almost 100 out and in the process lost 9, 3 mothers, 6 children plus two drivers and two vans, all killed within kilometers of Krim border regardless of 'safe passage' and 'fees' paid. You do not want me to post here what the refugees told us after we got them to safety. We kept 5 orphans ourselves. You do not want me to explain what happened to our son and his two sisters. boy was not quite 15, sisters were 11 and 12 years.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:25 pm

    auslander wrote:Trader, if you don't like it in Rossiya, then don't come back. Her Excellency and I have been married for 15 years and couldn't be happier. Only problem is she speaks English better than I do and since we are rarely apart, I've not had to learn Russian beyond that of a one year old.

    However. Before I came to this forum, she and I were heavily involved in getting refugees and evacuees out of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Gorlovka. We got almost 100 out and in the process lost 9, 3 mothers, 6 children plus two drivers and two vans, all killed within kilometers of Krim border regardless of 'safe passage' and 'fees' paid. You do not want me to post here what the refugees told us after we got them to safety. We kept 5 orphans ourselves. You do not want me to explain what happened to our son and his two sisters. boy was not quite 15, sisters were 11 and 12 years.

    In other words anyone of value to Russia is already in Russia

    I see Eastern Ukraine as a sort of no-mans land, that no man needs anymore. Not the Western Ukrs with their nation building project and de-industrialization, nor Russia with its import-substitution and lenient immigration policies.

    Looking at these videos of Mariupol, of Slavyansk - it's basically only old people left. The younger generation are either picking strawberries in Poland, working in Russia, working in Kiev, or have emigrated for good long ago. I doubt many of them will come back to settle down in any case.
    To do what, peddle street wares and drive around in 90s Russian cars like the people in the video are doing?

    Give it 20 years, and the place will be deserted. First the Donbass in the Ukrainian zone of control; then steadily, Zaporozhie, Kherson, Nikolayev, and other places nobody needs. Kharkov and Odessa will probably survive in some capacity, and Dnepropetrovsk is already the stronghold of Ukrainian nationalism in the East.

    That's the fate they've chosen for themselves through their inaction, their ambivalence and their nihilism, for lack of a better word.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  JohninMK Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:01 pm

    auslander wrote:
    Trader, if you don't like it in Rossiya, then don't come back. Her Excellency and I have been married for 15 years and couldn't be happier. Only problem is she speaks English better than I do and since we are rarely apart, I've not had to learn Russian beyond that of a one year old.

    However. Before I came to this forum, she and I were heavily involved in getting refugees and evacuees out of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Gorlovka. We got almost 100 out and in the process lost 9, 3 mothers, 6 children plus two drivers and two vans, all killed within kilometers of Krim border regardless of 'safe passage' and 'fees' paid. You do not want me to post here what the refugees told us after we got them to safety. We kept 5 orphans ourselves. You do not want me to explain what happened to our son and his two sisters. boy was not quite 15, sisters were 11 and 12 years.


    Many on here, including me sometimes, talk the talk. But you are on a different plane to us, you walked the humanitarian walk. Fate put you there, it happened in front of you, you smelt it. That urge to help, to walk the walk, that didn't perhaps turn out as you expected, but instead forced you down into the pit, the hellish aftermath of man's inhumanity to man, finding on the way that you had the soul and inner strength of an angel. Few meet that standard. My your God stay with you and yours.

    For I somehow doubt that those on the other side of the line have any idea of what is going to happen to them if it kicks off. Even though they are only the cannon fodder of those who inflicted the real terrors from Odessa to Luhansk, who will no doubt be conspicuous by their absence. On the other hand there is not one person south or east of those lines that is unaware of what transpired back then or indeed albeit different since. This time, not only are they defending their land, they have an axe to grind or a bone to pick.

    If it happens and if the Russians do what I think they will, as posted here before, then they will I suspect in effect be releasing an avenging horde. With Mother, as you put it, protecting their flanks, with FACs (missile section) among them, quite where they would stop, regardless of any plan, is the big unknown.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  auslander Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:12 pm

    FP, and you too, Trader, I'm not going to argue with you, but if you can't come up with something positive once in a while, then what good is the forum? Just to endlessly bash Russia and/or VVP? Rossiya is like the Phoenix that returned literally from the dead and the men who were responsible for Rossiya's resurrection are still in power and will be for the next decade or so. Like any country Rossiya has it's problems, some of great magnitude, but on the other hand I was in Moskau during Roskoi's coup in the '90's and let me tell you, that was a time of problems of unbelievable extent and sorrow. I hope and pray I never see those times again in Rossiya, and you should hope and pray, too.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:18 pm

    auslander wrote:FP, and you too, Trader, I'm not going to argue with you, but if you can't come up with something positive once in a while, then what good is the forum? Just to endlessly bash Russia and/or VVP? Rossiya is like the Phoenix that returned literally from the dead and the men who were responsible for Rossiya's resurrection are still in power and will be for the next decade or so. Like any country Rossiya has it's problems, some of great magnitude, but on the other hand I was in Moskau during Roskoi's coup in the '90's and let me tell you, that was a time of problems of unbelievable extent and sorrow. I hope and pray I never see those times again in Rossiya, and you should hope and pray, too.


    More than anything I hate our elite, the same ones from the 90s; who all magically transformed into patriots and resurrectionists by now. Well, they at least in contrast to the Ukrainian elite, realized that they're treading a broken path. But perhaps realized too late.

    Because ultimately it's thanks to them, to their greed, to their lack of foresight, to their arrogance, that everything that is happening right now is happening. It was their responsibility. It's Russia that was always the core of the Ukraine, of Belarus, and the other republics. That it fell to the extent that it did in the 90s, well, who can even blame Kiev for committing to the sell-out path that they did. I mean during the vaunted Putin 2000s, Russia spent much of it continuing to suck up to the West too.
    Today Kiev is convinced that the West will ultimately crush Russia, and is ready to sacrifice part of its own people, its military, its industrial economy because it believes it will all recoup it ultimately, if it just helps weaken Russia enough. Even Kazakhstan is convinced of this; they're increasingly playing a double game. And they may yet still turn out to be correct.

    And all this import-substitution, whatever - what the hell good is it if it was started only in 2014, when everything is a shadow of what it once was. And what, in practice, is there left to do? To confront the West in exchange for giving up part of our sovereignty and economy to China instead? Well, that's all that's left now.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:24 pm

    That doesn't even make any fucking sense.

    Import substitution is to meet the demands of the locals with local production and it's working. Prior, that stuff was imported.  Now it's made locally and sold locally and exported.

    This is basic fucking economics.  You proven to us you know shit about economics so please, don't go the same route destroying this thread too with your inane bullshit.

    Both KVS and myself pointed this out. It also is what causes Russias growth in: Consumption, Manufacturing growth, corporate income growth, etc.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:27 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:That doesn't even make any fucking sense.

    Import substitution is to meet the demands of the locals with local production and it's working. Prior, that stuff was imported.  Now it's made locally and sold locally and exported.

    This is basic fucking economics.  You proven to us you know shit about economics so please, don't go the same route destroying this thread too with your inane bullshit.

    What do you think the Soviet economy was based off of? Importing everything from the West?

    And then half of it was cut-up for scrap for quick profit.

    We're retreading old ground. And no-one has lost as much time, as much people, as we have.

    During the time that Russia was dicking around China went from riding on bicycles to riding on maglevs, and most of the rest of Asia rose rapidly too.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:36 pm

    Well yeah, difference is it's now a mix between government owned and private owned companies involved in import substitution, giving rise to potential growth in opportunities. You can blame your Soviet friends for causing a huge hole for 30 years.

    At least now Russia is growing. And while their buddy buddy relationship with the west was retarded, it is what the Soviet leaders lead to in the first place.

    China has a strict structure which a lot should actually emulate.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:48 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Well yeah, difference is it's now a mix between government owned and private owned companies involved in import substitution, giving rise to potential growth in opportunities. You can blame your Soviet friends for causing a huge hole for 30 years.

    At least now Russia is growing. And while their buddy buddy relationship with the west was retarded, it is what the Soviet leaders lead to in the first place.

    China has a strict structure which a lot should actually emulate.

    Sorta like what the Soviet reformists tried to introduce already in the late 80s, amirite? Everyone blames Gorbachev. And he certainly deserves the blame. But his crime was stupidity, not betrayal. Betrayal was the sin of others.

    It gets to the point, where part of me actually wants to see what will happen if Russia loses this confrontation, and our elite is sent in chains to the Hague, or wherever the heck kangaroo-court the Ukrops want them to be sent to.

    But of course common-sense and self-interest kicks in - the entire Russian nation will be destroyed and divided along with them. That's the only thing that secures my loyalty. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  Backman Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:52 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    Backman wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:Nothing funny about this conflict. Slavs killing Slavs. White people killing white people while the globalists who run US NATO and Europe are importing tons of 3rd world immigrants for cheap labor and laughing.

    Thanks to the brainless Western Ukrainian elite. If only they could think like adults , this wouldn't be happening.
    They aren’t brainless. They are getting paid really well to do what they do. And they are getting a lot promises from people like George soros, US government officials, and a few “unknowns”

    'Em no they aren't. They aren't getting paid shit. They destroyed their country. Completely f'ing destroyed it. Soros money is piss in the wind after your currency falls 70%. It's done. And Russia is still Ukraine's biggest trade partner. They are even shut out of Chinese money.

    The US has no extra money or energy to spend on Ukraine. Even the Western elite are bitching about this now. Their businesses are crumbling. Any industry you can think of , is crumbling. The EU doesn't want anything that Ukraine has. Not even the agriculture.

    If they were smart , they would have kept playing the US and Russia off of each other. But that's over now.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  auslander Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:09 pm

    auslander wrote: Many on here, including me sometimes, talk the talk. But you are on a different plane to us, you walked the humanitarian walk. Fate put you there, it happened in front of you, you smelt it. That urge to help, to walk the walk, that didn't perhaps turn out as you expected, but instead forced you down into the pit, the hellish aftermath of man's inhumanity to man, finding on the way that you had the soul and inner strength of an angel. Few meet that standard. My your God stay with you and yours.

    For I somehow doubt that those on the other side of the line have any idea of what is going to happen to them if it kicks off. Even though they are only the cannon fodder of those who inflicted the real terrors from Odessa to Luhansk, who will no doubt be conspicuous by their absence. On the other hand there is not one person south or east of those lines that is unaware of what transpired back then or indeed albeit different since. This time, not only are they defending their land, they have an axe to grind or a bone to pick.

    If it happens and if the Russians do what I think they will, as posted here before, then they will I suspect in effect be releasing an avenging horde. With Mother, as you put it, protecting their flanks, with FACs (missile section) among them, quite where they would stop, regardless of any plan, is the big unknown.

    We were fortunate in that we had the means, and the contacts, to do what we did. My wife had never seen that hellish pit that I had seen too often in my service but she has seen it up close and personal now, twice.

    We have a lot of veterans hereabouts who fought up north in '14 and '15 and no small numbers have gone back to help, as have many from the mainland. I don't know what will happen if the orcs are stupud enough to pull a major attack, but I think like you said there are axes to grind and this time there will be no Mutti Merkel running to VVP to make them stop. Because they won't stop this time. While I doubt that the North Wind will blow with boots on the ground, I have no doubts that that wind will blow from across the Russian border.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  nero Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:11 pm

    The key indicator of a countries success is whether it is progressing towards something that can be described as 'good'. If you can convince a huge number of people that life is getting substantially better - you'll succeed short-term. If they become convinced on their own, due to changes that are impossible to oversee - you'll succeed long-term.

    The 'elite' in Russia are the same as in any other place on the planet. There are corrupt people in the United States, Poland, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Syria, Turkey, Israel... The list will go on ad-infinitum. The difference is in how the 'elite' flaunt their wealth and what kind of personal moral values they have.

    In Russia corruption is more noticeable, because there has been very little societal backlash (i.e. most people just shrug and ignore it). In the United States it is less noticeable, because the elite rarely ever mingles with the working/middle-class caste. They live in their own walled off world of Hollywood, penthouses and private education.

    If you look at the long-term picture, Russia in the 90's was a horrible place to live in. There was completely obvious crime, mostly ignored by the then ruling government. There was a sense of instability and terrorism. This created an environment where it made no sense to be a decent human being, strive for honest work to better your living conditions or do anything that was a net-positive to society.

    On the other hand, Russia as it is today is completely different. The cultural effects of the 90's will be felt for a long-time (notably until the old crowd finally dies out) though society is moving towards a good direction. The movement is supported by the current government and you can already see the benefits in the form of infrastructure, centers for higher education (professional or university) and overall life-quality.

    There are many problems that need to be fixed; though the government is on top of many of the critical ones such as: tax evasion, lawlessness and corruption. Even the 'elite' have started to catch the message and change - a good example is the recent oil spill, the cost of the clean-up was handled by the people who have caused it.

    The biggest advantage is that the government of Russia (note that the government is made up of more than parliamentarians) works for Russian people and not specific interest groups. Every year the number of young officials increases. This is the legacy that VVP will leave - potential for even greater future progress.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  bitcointrader70 Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:21 pm

    Backman wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    Backman wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:Nothing funny about this conflict. Slavs killing Slavs. White people killing white people while the globalists who run US NATO and Europe are importing tons of 3rd world immigrants for cheap labor and laughing.

    Thanks to the brainless Western Ukrainian elite. If only they could think like adults , this wouldn't be happening.
    They aren’t brainless. They are getting paid really well to do what they do. And they are getting a lot promises from people like George soros, US government officials, and a few “unknowns”

    'Em no they aren't. They aren't getting paid shit. They destroyed their country. Completely f'ing destroyed it. Soros money is piss in the wind after your currency falls 70%. It's done. And Russia is still Ukraine's biggest trade partner. They are even shut out of Chinese money.

    The US has no extra money or energy to spend on Ukraine. Even the Western elite are bitching about this now. Their businesses are crumbling. Any industry you can think of , is crumbling. The EU doesn't want anything that Ukraine has. Not even the agriculture.

    If they were smart , they would have kept playing the US and Russia off of each other. But that's over now.
    Regardless of what happens they are getting deposits into their secret bank accounts and try to acts as tyrants be the media darlings of the west’s war against Russia. If things go south they get to retire in a nice villa in Florida or a luxury suite in London.

    Like FP said the political elites of many Eastern European countries and even Asian a countries are becoming convinced that Russia is going to lose in the long term and the west will win. And by my assessment it’s hard to disagree with them. Culturally, politically, and economically Russia is losing.

    And Auslander what makes you think I want Russia to lose? Sorry I deal with enough trannys, homos, and gopnek ghetto blacks at home stateside. I don’t want that ultra left wing libtard shit spreading to other places. I can’t stand it as it is.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  auslander Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:22 pm

    flamming_python wrote: More than anything I hate our elite, the same ones from the 90s; who all magically transformed into patriots and resurrectionists by now. Well, they at least in contrast to the Ukrainian elite, realized that they're treading a broken path. But perhaps realized too late.

    Because ultimately it's thanks to them, to their greed, to their lack of foresight, to their arrogance, that everything that is happening right now is happening. It was their responsibility. It's Russia that was always the core of the Ukraine, of Belarus, and the other republics. That it fell to the extent that it did in the 90s, well, who can even blame Kiev for committing to the sell-out path that they did. I mean during the vaunted Putin 2000s, Russia spent much of it continuing to suck up to the West too.
    Today Kiev is convinced that the West will ultimately crush Russia, and is ready to sacrifice part of its own people, its military, its industrial economy because it believes it will all recoup it ultimately, if it just helps weaken Russia enough. Even Kazakhstan is convinced of this; they're increasingly playing a double game. And they may yet still turn out to be correct.

    And all this import-substitution, whatever - what the hell good is it if it was started only in 2014, when everything is a shadow of what it once was. And what, in practice, is there left to do? To confront the West in exchange for giving up part of our sovereignty and economy to China instead? Well, that's all that's left now.

    My friend FP, no one ever said life was fair...and it ain't. We ordinary workers and peasants roll with the punches and do the best we can when we can, and if and when we are knocked down we get back up and have at it again.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  auslander Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:24 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote: And Auslander what makes you think I want Russia to lose? Sorry I deal with enough trannys, homos, and gopnek ghetto blacks at home stateside. I don’t want that ultra left wing libtard shit spreading to other places. I can’t stand it as it is.

    Which is precisely why I will never go back.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  lyle6 Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:30 pm

    The vast majority of people on the planet could only dream and pray that their elites even show a fraction of the spine Russia's elites are showing. Learn to count your blessings; at least you don't have elites who at best acquiesce to outside forces who are wholly opposed to and are doing everything they can to destroy you, your family, and your society from the face of the earth or at worst, are actively facilitating such developments.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:37 pm

    lyle6 wrote:The vast majority of people on the planet could only dream and pray that their elites even show a fraction of the spine Russia's elites are showing. Learn to count your blessings; at least you don't have elites who at best acquiesce to outside forces who are wholly opposed to and are doing everything they can to destroy you, your family, and your society from the face of the earth or at worst, are actively facilitating such developments.

    This is something that malcontents in Russia fail to grasp if they are not outright 5th column scum. They assume that every other trajectory
    would have been better. That these same malcontents buy into the notion that the Yeltsin years were the golden years shows anyone with
    a functional brain that they are trash.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  franco Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:42 pm

    auslander wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    auslander wrote: Many on here, including me sometimes, talk the talk. But you are on a different plane to us, you walked the humanitarian walk. Fate put you there, it happened in front of you, you smelt it. That urge to help, to walk the walk, that didn't perhaps turn out as you expected, but instead forced you down into the pit, the hellish aftermath of man's inhumanity to man, finding on the way that you had the soul and inner strength of an angel. Few meet that standard. My your God stay with you and yours.

    For I somehow doubt that those on the other side of the line have any idea of what is going to happen to them if it kicks off. Even though they are only the cannon fodder of those who inflicted the real terrors from Odessa to Luhansk, who will no doubt be conspicuous by their absence. On the other hand there is not one person south or east of those lines that is unaware of what transpired back then or indeed albeit different since. This time, not only are they defending their land, they have an axe to grind or a bone to pick.

    If it happens and if the Russians do what I think they will, as posted here before, then they will I suspect in effect be releasing an avenging horde. With Mother, as you put it, protecting their flanks, with FACs (missile section) among them, quite where they would stop, regardless of any plan, is the big unknown.

    We were fortunate in that we had the means, and the contacts, to do what we did. My wife had never seen that hellish pit that I had seen too often in my service but she has seen it up close and personal now, twice.

    We have a lot of veterans hereabouts who fought up north in '14 and '15 and no small numbers have gone back to help, as have many from the mainland. I don't know what will happen if the orcs are stupud enough to pull a major attack, but I think like you said there are axes to grind and this time there will be no Mutti Merkel running to VVP to make them stop. Because they won't stop this time. While I doubt that the North Wind will blow with boots on the ground, I have no doubts that that wind will blow from across the Russian border.

    Well you and her highness stay safe.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  bitcointrader70 Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:47 pm

    [quote="lyle6"]The vast majority of people on the planet could only dream and pray that their elites even show a fraction of the spine Russia's elites are showing. Learn to count your blessings; at least you don't have elites who at best acquiesce to outside forces who are wholly opposed to and are doing everything they can to destroy you, your family, and your society from the face of the earth or at worst, are actively facilitating such developments.[/quote

    And yet most of Russia’s elite has tons of property over seas. Their kids go to elite schools in Europe. They own a shit ton of property in Miami. How many Russian oligarchs are hedging against Russia?

    Where are Putin’s daughters?

    Keep sucking up to them instead of holding them accountable.

    And yes most people in the US aren’t much better but we tried to hold out elites accountable. We did elect trump and sent them a big **** you to western elites. And 73 million of us voted for trump the second time around + however many votes they were able to steal via fraud.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  lyle6 Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:58 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    And yet most of Russia’s elite has tons of property over seas. Their kids go to elite schools in Europe. They own a shit ton of property in Miami. How many Russian oligarchs are hedging against Russia?

    Where are Putin’s daughters?

    Keep sucking up to them instead of holding them accountable.
    Never said they were all that bright, just that they have some cojones, albeit newly dropped. But do equate a Russia's kleptocratic elites with your own democidal elites, if that makes you comfortable.

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    And yes most people in the US aren’t much better but we tried to hold out elites accountable. We did elect trump and sent them a big **** you to western elites. And 73 million of us voted for trump the second time around + however many votes they were able to steal via fraud.

    You did jack fucking shit and even that amounted to nothing. And now you are going to be hunted down like rats. Had any of you balls you would have used even a tiny fraction of the 400 million guns to defend your own, and maybe you might get to the point where excessive plunder is the worst of vices you could complain about of your elites.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  bitcointrader70 Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:04 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    And yet most of Russia’s elite has tons of property over seas. Their kids go to elite schools in Europe. They own a shit ton of property in Miami. How many Russian oligarchs are hedging against Russia?

    Where are Putin’s daughters?

    Keep sucking up to them instead of holding them accountable.
    Never said they were all that bright, just that they have some cojones, albeit newly dropped. But do equate a Russia's kleptocratic elites with your own democidal elites, if that makes you comfortable.

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    And yes most people in the US aren’t much better but we tried to hold out elites accountable. We did elect trump and sent them a big **** you to western elites. And 73 million of us voted for trump the second time around + however many votes they were able to steal via fraud.

    You did jack fucking shit and even that amounted to nothing. And now you are going to be hunted down like rats. Had any of you balls you would have used even a tiny fraction of the 400 million guns to defend your own, and maybe you might get to the point where excessive plunder is the worst of vices you could complain about of your elites.

    Life is way to comfortable here for an all out boog. For now. And yeah we are fighting back at the local and state level. Several states have passed voter fraud laws and restrictions. Many local politicians have been ousted by patriots and there are attempts to audit the election in several states. Our government is federalized so many areas are still unaffected by libtardism. And many states and local governments are out right refusing to enforce any federal gun restrictions.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:13 pm

    flamming_python wrote:...Even Kazakhstan is convinced of this; they're increasingly playing a double game....

    And do you know how these problems are solved not just in Kazakhstan but in the Ukraine, Belarus, Turkmenistan and whatever shithole exists in that God forsaken place?

    You cut them open and you bleed them like pigs

    Because when you bleed them well and good they fall back in line, it's age old method that has been in constant use by everyone from the dawn of time and to this very day

    But commies never dared to touch those precious non-Russians because their entire gang dogma was built on tearing down Russia and propping up insignificant nobodies

    But I would not worry about that anymore because with commies out of the way Russia finally has the freedom to do what needs to be done to whomever it needs to be done to

    All it takes is someone to be stupid enough to volunteer, Soviet nostalgia is all but gone and new generations don't give a fu¢k if someone used to be in USSR or not, he will get the bullet just like everyone else

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  lyle6 Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:22 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote:

    Life is way to comfortable here for an all out boog. For now. And yeah we are fighting back at the local and state level. Several states have passed voter fraud laws and restrictions. Many local politicians have been ousted by patriots and there are attempts to audit the election in several states. Our government is federalized so many areas are still unaffected by libtardism. And many states and local governments are out right refusing to enforce any federal gun restrictions.

    And you would have us believe such milquetoast measures are going to suffice against the state and corporations colluding and leveraging their powers together against you? Pull the other one.

    PapaDragon wrote:

    And do you know how these problems are solved not just in Kazakhstan but in the Ukraine, Belarus, Turkmenistan and whatever shithole exists in that God forsaken place?

    You cut them open and you bleed them like pigs

    Because when you bleed them well and good they fall back in line, it's age old method that has been in constant use by everyone from the dawn of time and to this very day

    But commies never dared to touch those precious non-Russians because their entire gang dogma was built on tearing down Russia and propping up insignificant nobodies

    But I would not worry about that anymore because with commies out of the way Russia finally has the freedom to do what needs to be done to whomever it needs to be done to

    All it takes is someone to be stupid enough to volunteer, Soviet nostalgia is all but gone and new generations don't give a fu¢k if someone used to be in USSR or not, he will get the bullet just like everyone else

    Exactly. Daily reminder these fuckers were let go by Russia. They didn't liberate themselves through honest bloodletting, the Russians just decided to peace out.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:29 pm

    All three original Buyan-class gunboats and Gepard-class frigate from Caspian Fleet arrived in the Black Sea

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 6yckflsespt61

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #29 - Page 24 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #29

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:41 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:...Even Kazakhstan is convinced of this; they're increasingly playing a double game....

    And do you know how these problems are solved not just in Kazakhstan but in the Ukraine, Belarus, Turkmenistan and whatever shithole exists in that God forsaken place?

    You cut them open and you bleed them like pigs

    Because when you bleed them well and good they fall back in line, it's age old method that has been in constant use by everyone from the dawn of time and to this very day

    But commies never dared to touch those precious non-Russians because their entire gang dogma was built on tearing down Russia and propping up insignificant nobodies

    But I would not worry about that anymore because with commies out of the way Russia finally has the freedom to do what needs to be done to whomever it needs to be done to

    All it takes is someone to be stupid enough to volunteer, Soviet nostalgia is all but gone and new generations don't give a fu¢k if someone used to be in USSR or not, he will get the bullet just like everyone else

    That worked for Serbia did it?

    Sorry but you have to avoid retardation as well. The West of course made an example out of Yugoslavia to secure its hegemony in Europe - but who the fk were Yugoslavia to them, I mean?
    Turkey has been giving them problems, but they've limited themselves so far to a propaganda war on it, and trying to entice Erdogan back.

    It's better to avoid fights with your neighbours, and outmanuever, out-think them. China and India recently had a tussle and keeping the flames going there won't actually benefit either one of them; it will just add India to the growing list of US cannon-fodder countries that can be thrown against China whenever convenient

    The Kazakh elites in contrast to the Ukrainian ones are not outright stupid, so the issue there is not as urgent. They're sitting on the fence waiting to see who will win.
    A war with the Ukraine won't achieve anything. It's something the West wants, and maybe Kiev's own elite out of desperation, or because of delusion.

    The way to do this is to avert the war and do everything to secure economic and infrastructural growth, cutting the Ukraine out of anything. Which is being worked on, and Washington realizes this and has decided to try and throw a spanner in the works.

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