Arkanghelsk wrote:
Ukraine has fallen, and now you clowns can circle jerk about the next Putin failure
I think your post was not for me.. but either way , want to clarify ,that one thing is the Russian army
and another thing is Russian politics.. The Russian army is very very good..thanks to its generals , and credits for putin for properly funding the army for its modernizing. any patriotic president will have done the same. Another thing that Russia is very good is with their scientist , they are top class .
The real problem , however ,what holds back big time Russia ,at the world stage , is the mediocre
Leadership the Russian government have , starting for its president. Because all this wars that Russia is facing , proxy wars.. of NATO using a third party nations to attack Russia. is the same thing over and over and over they have been doing forever ever since soviet union era to the present day.
the west goes and destabilize a nation ,that is allied to russia , to later force Russia to invade . is a game they can do all the time , by how mediocre is putin management of Russsia. If Putin knew how to counter the west.. none of this wars will be happening. much better than winning a war using military force , for russia will have been far better to prevent that war from happening. and take ukraine and belarus too and why not kazakistan [the crimean way ] without firing a shot. that way NATO will not have a game there to play. So Putin major mistake , is that he don't understand at all , what leadership really is.. don't understand how important is to INFLUENCE nations towards your orbit. Putin wasted 22 years with his policy with ukraine , because the tried to influence ukraine with
gas discounts.
While americans and europe were influencing ukraine with far superior civilian business , far superior technology , that every civilian enjoy and improve significatively the productivity of their lives and their own personal development.
Th russian culture ends on russian borders.. while the american cultures covers the entire world..
this is a big problem.. russia soft power sucks.. russia can't invade every country in the world to get puppets there to follow russia.. Putin ,needs to change its soviet thinking and modernize the russian culture and completely change the russian economy ,towards one that will help russia to influence the developed nations , that most of them are in NATO towards the russian orbit. so that US and UK can play the games , they can play all the time , near russian borders.. So if russia fails to influence kiev towards russian orbit , then it means it will be americans the ones that will do it.. that will tell them to fight russia.
so all this energy dependent economy of russia was a total fatal mistake . This drag russian scientist to gas stations business ,because pay more , and all this innovation and advance technology takes second or third place priority in russia. all this olympic fever wasting a fortune in meaningless distractions as sports are , could have been better used to modernize russia industrial power into a very high tech industry , as china ,japan and taiwan for example. or also to focus in leading in space.. but failing in space , being the third best , will not help russia to influence any nation.. failing in technology and every major business ,that could have helped russia to directly challenge the western business order.. If Russia was a nation today leading in space explorations , with bases in moon and mars now.. all the west will be forming in line , to work together with russia ,to benefit from that success. the best way For russia to avoid wars , is by being a successful nation in leading the world into the future.. not to the soviet past. Is a leadership problem ,and influence problem the eternal curse of russia , that is not taken seriously.. all those advanced weapons russia have will not be need if russia influenced the nations , with their superior business that the west likes. The army ,military power is only need ,when that country softpower ,their business fails to influence the west. The west consider Russia a nation that should not exist , because the only thing they contribute to the world is weapons and gas stations.. and some nuclear reactors.. but to the civilian world ,they do nothing , to improve the quality of life of any society.. to make their lives more productive and more fun. So is Russia softpower ,what needs a substantial change and russia focus to develop a real independence from the west and its asian electronic giants colonies. If russia was very influential nation with amazing business ,that ukraine loves.. that war will not be happening today.. and the maidan in 2014 will have been done , to Join russia and not to join the west..
is an influence problem , a business leadership issue ,and the lack of vision of putin for russia. the lack of ambitions what holds back russia power. and force russia to use guns to defend their interest.