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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:35 pm

    Relax guys, everything goes to plan

    Just be ready in case NATO gets stupid, for nuclear showdown

    Other than that operation proceeds as planned

    Recon by force , heavies coming soon

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:36 pm

    Orlan wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Russia10

    Побеждает сильнейший
    (The strongest wins)

    These guys are effing BADASSES , these guys are real spetsnaz, hats off to these brave heroes

    These guys are titanium mfs

    My friend is in that unit, his sister know nothing yet about him. 5th day now, base clerks said he has been deployed. We suspect he was in first landing party.

    BADASS MF hatoff

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:41 pm

    lyle6 wrote:meanwhile, in the real world:
    Somebody bring out the polar planeometer here, but it seems like the Russians are sitting on 3 Crimeas worth of territory - 100 km^2 more or less (excluding Donbass and Crimea itself of course).

    Someone mentioned that they only are using a 1st echelon of 70k dudes - if this is remotely true, then this tempo is even more insane.
    Those suicidal thunder runs with light vehicles now makes some sense - the whole thing is a huge recon by force.

    i think the idea is to hit as much settlements as possible - ascertain the level of hostilities, and generally just keep on advancing until they outpace their logistics.

    Leave the fighting to follow on forces who are bringing in the heavy guns and armor.

    I think that there is actually no need for a heavy second wave. The Ukrian "army" is a paper tiger that was gutted by the
    Banderites starting in the 1990s. They did not want it to be a force to keep Ukraine sane. This is motivated for sure by
    the US experience in running military juntas in Latin America and other parts of the world. In fact, the Russian army is what
    allowed the corny Yeltsin regime to be deposed in 1999. There was no shootout at the presidential palace like in some banana
    republic, but Yeltsin's appointment of Putin, the cleanup of Chechnya, and the orderly resignation of Yeltsin prove that there
    was a patriotic coup.

    The war in Banderastan is against irregulars of the neo-nazi variety. This sort of war is messy and is not best fought with
    heavy armour. It needs the organization of loyal militias (whatever your want to call them). The locals have to squeeze out
    the disease infesting their land.

    flamming_python, Hannibal Barca, Big_Gazza, miketheterrible, LMFS, Mir and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  adder Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:42 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Orlan wrote:

    Destroyed Osa, BTR, Uragan...

    Russia doesn't even operate Osa and Uragan vehicles, or barely. I think these vehicles are Ukrainian.

    Its probably the Ukrainian.

    Russian defense ministry.

    "Three Turkish-sourced Ukrainian Bayraktar TB-2 strike drones were shot down in the suburbs of Chernigov, and an S-300 air defence complex was rendered inoperable in the area of the city of Kramatorsk during Russia's ongoing military operation in Ukraine, Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Sunday.
    Six other air defence systems, including Buk M1 and Osa missile systems, as well as 56 radar stations, were also destroyed during Sunday's operations, Konashenkov said.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:46 pm

    war with Ukraine was inevitable, it cannot be under NATO. It would be the end of Russia. What part do some proyankees not understand?
    Putin is not improvised. Now, his pulse will not tremble for a nuclear war if they want to take him there. The progressive West has been committing suicide for years.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:47 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:

    How do you define "victory"?

    Victory for Russia will be..

    1) Disarming ukraine from lethal weapons that can cause problems to Russia army.

    2) Stopping ukraine form shelling donbas and lugansk permanently ,they will not dare to do it again ,because will not have artillery left to do it..

    3) Blocking NATO from turning ukraine into a military fortress.. now russia controls ukraine airspace forever ever , and ukraine have no defenses.. so russian army will reserve the right to enter ukraine airspace to monitor everything they doing.. if they notice any air defense will be bombed.

    4) creating a land bridge to crimea and another to transnistria and an air bridge to serbia with hungary permission.  Shocked   So if nato try to provoke a war in serbia , russia can easily help them using friendly hungary airspace to come to their aid.  a land bridge and a air bridge deep into the balkans is very good .

    5) The denazification of ukraine ,nazis will not be allowed to be part of any part of ukraine new governent.  russia

    6)destruction of all US military  bioweapons labs being build by US military in ukraine. dangerous weapons of mass destruction that can threaten russia national security.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Biden-putin-1-1

    7) protection and control of ukraine nuclear reactors, so ukraine can't build nuclear weapons  russia

    Cool creating russian military bases in odessa , to block nato navy and ukraine from receiving any weapons from the naval port, blocking US and european warships from parking in ukraine ports , with warships nuclear armed.

    9) building air defenses right next to romania , to counter those nuclear capable launchers of tomahawks that US build in romania.. having full access to any part of ukraine ,allows russia to totally disarm ukraine from dangerous weapons and put an end to the ukraine nato base project..
    also blocking ukraine from joining nato.

    10)finally after russia organize new elections , and put puppets in power ,they can use the pipelines again to send energy to hungary and central europe.

    using any military base in ukraine , to store anything ,sending any weapons , All airports are destroyed and the new ones

    The core problem - the problem that Russians don't seem to understand - is that Ukrainians don't like Russia. They don't want to be integrated to Russia and don't want to be in union with Russia. They want to be with the West. It is their choice and they have a right to make that choice. Even if it hurts Russia. It is their own country.

    Is irrelevant what ukraine wants.. Russia will not allow ukrainians to build nuclear weapons (with help of NATO) threatening the national security of russia.  They always hated russia anyway ,but now they will be unable to bomb civilians again if russia totally disarm ukraine, which is doing ,and control all their airports and naval ports..   Ukraine can join the EU if it wants , but it will not have NATO military bases there neither lethal weapons..  means that NATO hopes to use ukraine as a forward base to attack russia are over.   russia

    What you fail to understand ,is that russia is not in ukraine to make friends.. they are there for national security , to kick NATO and the nazis from ukraine politics.  US and europe will be unable to use ukraine again for anything ,is game over..   ukraine have the rights to join anyone they want , but not to threaten russia national security with dangerous weapons..  

    What will have happened if russia and china overthrow canadian government and put a puppet as their new leader that is hostile to americans. Then the new government allows that russia and china deploys nuclear weapons in canada , missiles aiming at US?  for sure the americans will not like it
    and do exactly what russia did in ukraine now.. invade to disarm them..

    Moral of the story is ,you never threaten the national security of a nuclear superpower ,specially if they are next to your borders.. Russia or any other major  power will simply not allow their borders to be turned into a minefield .. and if they bombing ethnic minorities ,of their country even less. so this is why russia invaded.  is called national security of their base and their cities..  Ukraine was threatening to build nuclear weapons and join nato and was bombing civilians women and children next to russian borders and even targeting russia own main land cities and russia will not stay there iddle doing nothing ,when NATO was using ukraine to threaten the security of russia. now that games are over.  By Russia removing the nazi government by force and disarming ukraine , what russia is really doing is saving ukraine from commiting suicide ,which will have been if russia do nothing and allow ukraine to receive nukes from US , just like they doing in all europe. and allow them to continue working in biological weapons.

    The longer Russia stays there the more Ukrainian people will hate Russia. Some of here want Russia to start taking out key infrastructure of Ukraine like electricity and water pumping stations. For what? To make lives of Ukrainians a living misery?

    it doesn't matter ,they hated russia anyway when don't invaded.. the big win now is that ukraine no longer can't be used by NATO as a military base ,and no longer those warships will park in ukraine and no more biological weapons in ukraine and no more bombing of ethnic russians in cities. because russia airforce ill be there. in a few bases .

    Russia has a weak hand in Ukraine. The country was lost decades ago and it is too late to try to take it back.

    not really ,because russia is not there to make friends,, is irrelevant.. russia not even need to patrol cities.. all they need is check points in the borders and control in full ukraine airpace with full freedom for is airforce and totally disarm ukraine ,by destroying all heavy weapons ,tanks and artillery.

    It can be taken back only by force, and the maintenance costs will be too high for Russia.
    Not really

    not really ,once ukraine army defeated and disarmed , the russian army can stop the war , send most of its army back home and build four or five military bases in ukraine in key zones and stay there..and block ukraine from receiving any nato plane..with weapons.. any weapons found will be confiscated. russia

    So taking ukraine partially ,for patrols and border controls significantly help russia interest..
    the operation cost money.. just like russia operation in syria too.. but much more expensive ,
    will have been russia doing nothing.. and allowing NATO to provoke a war with a very well armed and modernized ukraine military ,and armed with  nuclear weapons.  national security of a nation , by keeping enemies away of your most important borders.. is worth of every investment and troubles.

    and reason #11
    NATO was hoping to prepare ukraine for a world war 3 scenario , to complicate the ability of russia to fight the west , if ukraine keep russia busy fighting in their borders. So taking control over ukraine makes much more easier the nation defense ,in case of a war with NATO. Because that way don't need to have a big army always in the western borders keeping in check ukraine.. and so that army could be used somewhere else.. means less money spending in security for russia. securing its borders if ukraine disarmed. So taking ukraine is worthy of any sanction or economic sacrifices including many thousands old russian soldiers deaths. this is because far more expensive will be their country to be with a hostile nato ukraine armed to the teeth with nuclear and biological weapons.
    the west could just relax and use ukraine to fight russia ,to the last ukraine citizens. Better to take down ukraine their offensive military capabilities ,now that is weak ,than later when NATO complete their armament of ukraine and their trainning.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  PhSt Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:50 pm

    Strange, RT is under heavy ddos attack while others like sputnik and tass seem to be working fine.

    Anyways Turkey reportedly agreed to close the black sea to Russian warships as reported from RT. It looks like NATzO is now in full force to cause as much damage and inconvenience to Russia. Once Russia is finished with Ukraine, they should focus on imposing maximum pain on NATzO. Make sure that life in the West will become extremely uncomfortable. This is the only language NATzO understands at this point attack

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:52 pm

    Motreux convention does not ban Russian ships, they can return to home ports

    If turkey wants smoke, it goes nuclear

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arsenic Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:53 pm

    When you give weapon to civil...

    You can copy/paste the link, I'm too new for posting link...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:55 pm

    Zelensky's latest announcement to the "nation" is pure inanity. His number one task bar non is the territorial integrity of "Ukraine".
    That's right, nothing else matters. So this clown plans to eventually finish the job in the LDNR and to retake Crimea.

    I do not understand why Russia is negotiating with this lunatic puppet.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:57 pm

    Russia should turn the gas off for turkey and stop delivery of anything. Turkey's economy is already on the brink so I presume at this point, Russia can strangle turkey economically and then force their way through the straights.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arsenic Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:57 pm

    Russia should arm the Kurds with anti-tank and anti-aircraft response to Turkey.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:59 pm

    This is looking like beginning of WW3

    Nukes give Russia options in ww2 it didnt have, tactical nukes should start being armed

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:02 pm

    BP is signalling that it will sell off its 20% stake in Rossneft.   Good riddance!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:03 pm

    Western media is claiming that the special operation has been halted by Ukraine and that this war would last long. Does the Russian side have any reports about the progress? The denacification seems to be a complicated goal if Russia wants to avoid a real occupation of Ukraine. Of course I hope this dangerous situation will be over soon and that the Russian deescalation-by-escalation-strategy will work for the sake of the good people of Russia and Ukraine, who do not deserve to be played against each other by the Western bloc.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:03 pm

    kvs wrote:
    lyle6 wrote:meanwhile, in the real world:
    Somebody bring out the polar planeometer here, but it seems like the Russians are sitting on 3 Crimeas worth of territory - 100 km^2 more or less (excluding Donbass and Crimea itself of course).

    Someone mentioned that they only are using a 1st echelon of 70k dudes - if this is remotely true, then this tempo is even more insane.
    Those suicidal thunder runs with light vehicles now makes some sense - the whole thing is a huge recon by force.

    i think the idea is to hit as much settlements as possible - ascertain the level of hostilities, and generally just keep on advancing until they outpace their logistics.

    Leave the fighting to follow on forces who are bringing in the heavy guns and armor.

    I think that there is actually no need for a heavy second wave.   The Ukrian "army" is a paper tiger that was gutted by the
    Banderites starting in the 1990s.   They did not want it to be a force to keep Ukraine sane.   This is motivated for sure by
    the US experience in running military juntas in Latin America and other parts of the world.   In fact, the Russian army is what
    allowed the corny Yeltsin regime to be deposed in 1999.   There was no shootout at the presidential palace like in some banana
    republic, but Yeltsin's appointment of Putin, the cleanup of Chechnya, and the orderly resignation of Yeltsin prove that there
    was a patriotic coup.  

    The war in Banderastan is against irregulars of the neo-nazi variety.   This sort of war is messy and is not best fought with
    heavy armour.   It needs the organization of loyal militias (whatever your want to call them).   The locals have to squeeze out
    the disease infesting their land.  

    The Ukraine is an absolute world-leader in zombification

    Ukronationalism literally spreads like a virus. It's not measured in generations, but in years

    I already mentioned how Slavyansk and Mariupol were zombified. After being the earliest centres of resistence against the Banderite revolution

    It's simple - the Ukraine has settled Azov Nazis in Mariupol, as well as Nazis from Russia. In Kharkov, it grew and supported a large amount of local Nazis, there's a big garrison there. It spread out Nazis all throughout command positions of the police and Ukrainian army. Many of those Nazis arose from the local football clubs, which were supported by oligarchs and where unemployed young hodlums were indoctrinated into far-right ideology.

    Following the outbreak of war, the Ukrainian regime colonized the south and east of the country with all sorts of neo-nazis, imported them and settled them with their families. And their views began to rub off on local populations.

    The Nazi slogan 'Glory to the Ukraine - Glory to the Heroes!' is parroted non-stop by all politicians, media, celebrities, everyone.

    An absolute beast of disinformation, fakery and other media resources. Now given complete dominance and amplification by all Western resources.

    And I can write pages on all this stuff.

    The operation Russia has undertaken, I think can be best be described as dezombification. By showing the people who the real enemy is. But it's a very risky, and high-casualty affair. And I'm not sure it will work.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:04 pm

    Welp, i have been watching long enough, so now it's my time to shine.

    Where are we now.
    Russia have made a massive move in on Ukraine, as they should, since negotiations had been going nowhere for almost 8 years, and recent comments from European leaders simply made things far worse (in particular that of the new German chancellor), it made it clear that there was no point in negotiating with U.S puppets, and the days of strong European leadership are dead and gone.
    The only odd exception being Viktor Orbán and maybe Macron, but Macron was despite his good talk, he was not capable of putting his words into action, all bark and no bite.

    This coupled with the stupidity of Zelenski during the Munich conference, as he threatened Ukraine Nuclear status, now obviously Ukr. not gonna make it's own nukes, but would more than likely host U.S nukes instead.
    And to top it all off zeli decided to test Russia's resolve by launching an attack on the L/DPR.

    Leading to Russia's recognition of the republics, and finally the decision to invade.

    It has been a very eventful few days, in my case i was waiting for the fog of war to clear up a bit before posting.

    In 2 days the Russian's are already near kiev, we also had some stupidity by Zeli with whether or not was going to negotiate, creating this weird pause in the Russian assault, which the west had translated to "Brave Ukr. holding the Russian bear back".

    What surprised me is how this assault is being carried out, the Russian's are clearly holding back, not taking targeting only military assets and basses, while ignoring the general civilian infrastructure, in particular the comm infrastructure, which i see as a mistake to leave it intact.
    what's even more strange is the number deployed for this assault, around 50000, a far-cry from the U.S's 190000 during the Iraq war.

    And then there's the conflicting news about fighting in Kiev, and the repelling of Russian assaults or the Kiev civilians basically shooting each other, since there is a lot scores to be settled, since the 2014 "revolution".
    I just don't see a real assault happening on Kiev, while negotiations are underway.

    I will say this Zeli has been an amazing U.S asset, he definitely has his millions and house in the Cayman islands locked, i mean this guy has delivered the Western Neo-con/libs everything they could have hoped for and more.
    Now with the Russian threat back in action, the hawks can now whip Europe back in line, and right back into the western fold.
    That way they can truly bring the West back to glory, nevermind the crazy ideology that's devouring the West from within.

    From that we come to the economic side of things, which is gonna get really interesting now.
    In the case of Russia itself, i don't expect to many problems, the Russian's are very familiar with economic hardship, from their great grandparents in WW2 to their current parents who suffered the 90s.

    The more interesting bit is now that the Western financial institutions have finally shown their teeth, what will the response of the non-western world be?
    Russia and China have spent 20yrs or so laying down the ground work for a de-dollarized world, and now we are going to soon see the results of all that work.
    Where will the chips fall, who is going to align with who now that the financial world has been brought to this.
    Things are going to get very interesting.

    Last edited by AlfaT8 on Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:06 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:This is looking like beginning of WW3

    Nukes give Russia options in ww2 it didnt have, tactical nukes should start being armed

    They are already armed im my opinion and widely deployed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:07 pm

    the Russians, Chinese, Indians and the like will be using a secondary system of their own. So trade will continue.

    Turkey will be Russia's main concern after Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:08 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:This is looking like beginning of WW3

    Nukes give Russia options in ww2 it didnt have, tactical nukes should start being armed

    Guess the subs must be ready by now if this gets screwed up.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:09 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    caveat emptor wrote:Guys, like it or not, wars getting lost often doesn't have much to do w fighting but with politics and strategy. If Putin, decided to inflict so much harm on Ru economy, at the time, they could get extra profits and use ot to invest back for a military incursion in Ukraine, then do it right and don't go in with a prayer. I would understand to give them 2-3 days to see reaction of Ukrainian gov and army. So far, they don't show willingness to cooperate or army to defect. Stop wasting young lifes and do it properly. At least, they have tools to do it. After full blown war of a week, i think Ukrainians will start to think differently.
    Ukrainians know they will always lose in open area conflicts so they will always prefer hit and run amd urban fighting. Even Kadyrov commented om second point today.

    Agreed with this, pussyfooting will get you nowhere and I said so way before this was even close to starting

    Either do it right or don't do it at all

    By softballing this Russia has only made the Ukrainians more determined and those occasional wins and ambushes by Ukrainian Military have only made Zelensky more feisty and less likely to agree to anything other than Russian pullout

    Russia is on the clock now instead of Ukraine and they are already late

    Any use of such massive force will horrify the Russian population to a point beyond which they're prepared to tolerate. Over a war they already were not asked about nor would have ever supported if put to vote. You seem to forget that millions upon millions of Russians have relatives in the Ukraine or are part Ukrainian.

    My dad is from the Ukraine, albeit he's Jewish rather than Ukrainian as such. Right now I'm talking to an old friend who lives in Kiev, and advising her about what to do and how to act in this shit situation. It's personal for me, and it's personal for a lot of people.

    It's also not going to win the propaganda and narrative battle. Right now there are people in the Kherson region complaining about the actions of the SBU who are turning up back in their towns and shooting up the place. People see that Russian forces are friendlier, and 'theirs' are on crack.

    So I can see the dezombification process having some effect. But not nearly to the extent to change anything. Like I say, Putin needs to pull a bunny out of the hat right now. Otherwise he'd at maximum be left with a new Sumy People's Republic, Kharkov People's Republic, and Zaporozhie People's Republic, and with huge amounts of sanctions in exchange, the severing of all economic ties to Europe, and a decimated approval rating.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    I always wondered "are these people that stupid" as in they hate Slavic Poles, but have that deep love for some Germanic Varangian invaders now known as the Ukrainians.

    I will be careful now even with the Russians.

    Putin really screwed it up, he also had this deep love, and now he is literally forced to fight them, because his beloved Varangians from Ukraine wanted to obliterate Russia, together with the West, with biological weapons.

    It is nice those biological weapons have been destroyed.

    Too bad he does not have any love for the people of Syria, besides the Alawite tyrants.

    That special operation should have started in 2014 or even in 2015.

    He gave them eight years to prepare.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Finty Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:10 pm

    ArgentinaGuard wrote:war with Ukraine was inevitable, it cannot be under NATO. It would be the end of Russia.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:11 pm

    Replying ot the pics of destroyed vehicles: Could also be DPR equipment.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:12 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:Welp, i have been watching long enough, so now it's my time to shine.

    Where are we now.
    Russia have made a massive move in on Ukraine, as they should, since negotiations had been going nowhere for almost 8 years, and recent comments from European leaders simply made things far worse (in particular that of the new German chancellor), it made it clear that there was no point in negotiating with U.S puppets, and the days of strong European leadership are dead and gone.
    The only odd exception being Viktor Orbán and maybe Macron, but Macron was despite his good talk, he was not capable of putting his words into action, all bark and no bite.

    This coupled with the stupidity of Zelenski during the Munich conference, as he threatened Ukraine Nuclear status, now obviously Ukr. not gonna make it's own nukes, but would more than likely host U.S nukes instead.
    And to top it all off zeli decided to test Russia's resolve by launching an attack on the L/DPR.

    Leading to Russia's recognition of the republics, and finally the decision to invade.

    It has been a very eventful few days, in my case i was waiting for the fog of war to clear up a bit before posting.

    In 2 days the Russian's are already near kiev, we also had some stupidity by Zeli with whether or not was going to negotiate, creating this weird pause in the Russian assault, which the west had translated to "Brave Ukr. holding the Russian bear back".

    What surprised me is how this assault is being carried out, the Russian's are clearly holding back, not taking targeting only military assets and basses, while ignoring the general civilian infrastructure, in particular the comm infrastructure, which i see as a mistake to leave it intact.
    what's even more strange is the number deployed for this assault, around 50000, a far-cry from the U.S's 190000 during the Iraq war.

    And then there's the conflicting news about fighting in Kiev, and the repelling of Russian assaults or the Kiev civilians basically shooting each other, since there is a lot scores to be settled, since the 2014 "revolution".
    I just don't see a real assault happening on Kiev, while negotiations are underway.

    I will say this Zeli has been an amazing U.S asset, he definitely has his millions and house in the Cayman islands locked, i mean this guy has delivered the Western Neo-con/libs everything they could have hoped for and more.
    Now with the Russian threat back in action, the hawks can now whip Europe back in line, and right back into the western fold.
    That way they can truly bring the West back to glory, nevermind the crazy ideology that's devouring the West from within.

    From that we come to the economic side of things, which is gonna get really interesting now.
    In the case of Russia itself, i don't expect to many problems, the Russian's are very familiar with economic hardship, from their great grandparents in WW2 to their current parents who suffered the 90s.

    The more interesting bit is now that the Western financial institutions have finally shown their teeth, what will the response of the non-western world be?
    Russia and China have spent 20yrs or so laying down the ground work for a de-dollarized world, and now we are going to soon see the results of all that work.
    Where will the chips fall, who is going to align with who now that the financial world has been brought to this.
    Things are going to get very interesting.

    Viktor Orban has disappointed me a bit. He is one of the nationalist leaders that I respect the most. It was his chance.
    One thing is clear, with Trump (and not the insane globalist Biden) there would have been a deal.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:12 pm

    kvs wrote:BP is signalling that it will sell off its 20% stake in Rossneft.   Good riddance!

    Confiscate it.

    AlfaT8, Big_Gazza, kvs, Isos, Azi, miketheterrible, LMFS and like this post

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