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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:02 am

    JohninMK wrote:Just listen to this from FoxNews. First the Colonel says what is happening and it ain't what they wanted, then the spitting blood of the 'authorised' version

    Col Douglas Macgregor Has a Slightly Different Take on Russia-Ukraine Conflict
    February 27, 2022 | Sundance | 302 Comments
    Macgregor Makes Sense!

    My spidey senses tell me that Col Douglas Macgregor will not be welcomed back on Fox News after he gave a rather different take on what is happening amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict that does not toe the common media line.  Jennifer Griffin was furious.

    The first presentation was during a segment with Fox Host Dan Bongino (below).   The second presentation of essentially the same analysis was with Trey Gowdy [SEGMENT HERE].  In both discussions Macgregor’s perspective reconciles the disparity between what the U.S. government, State Dept, and corporate media are saying -vs- what is visible.

    Essentially, Macgregor is saying that Russia does not want to engage a civilian population and is making every effort to avoid civilian conflict in those population centers.  In part this is because Putin knows the Western approach is a propaganda war that would be fueled by what it would look like if population carnage took place. However, if Ukraine President Zelenskyy does not acquiesce to terms, Putin could easily crush those centers with artillery and rockets.  WATCH:

    What Macgregor outlines would explain why these skirmishes always seem ‘off in the distance’.

    The western government and media perspective is to make it seem like Volodymyr Zelenski and the rebellious civilian misfits are beating the Russian army because that frames a better story.  However, what Macgregor outlines is Putin not wanting to fuel the United Nations, NATO and State Dept narrative engineering, thus the absence of visible fighting.

    Fox News Pentagon war seller Jennifer Griffin, aka the female version of Mark Milley, was having fits.

    Colonel Macgregor must be on the forum lol

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:02 am

    JohninMK wrote:The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle.  

    The rate of inflation, rising oil and gas prices, are now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.

    Ok guys, lets clear this up, although i am certain most of you are aware of the Wests various angles.

    Their are a multitude of reasons why the West has pushed for this.
    First and foremost (in my opinion) being the reunification of Europe under the West.
    Since the fall of the Soviet menace, Europe has been slowly but surely drifting away from the American influence.
    With improvements in relationships and trade, Europe was becoming less interested in the spreading the Western model as they tried in their various miss-adventures in the Middle-east, culminating into a refugee crisis of which Europe i still paying for.
    Sadly Europe has no means of evading this Reunification, all due to the terribly weak leadership in pretty much all EU countries, except Hungary.
    The giants that can take Europe into a brighter future, simply don't exist right now.

    Second we have the internal conflict arising in Europe itself.
    Without the Russian bear, the various European power where not just drifting away from the American grasp, but going back to their old way, as they were before WW2.
    Even with the EU and the Euro, the historic and cultural divides of Europe itself were causing conflicts ones more.
    Leading to the conflicts with Greece and later causing Brexit, from these factors alone we can see why the Eurocrats had given their blessing for the destabilization of Ukraine as well as the attempt on Belarus.

    Third but most certainly not least, is the factor mentioned above, the internal unrest in the U.S.
    Now ignoring the obvious political motives mentioned above, there is a serious social motive as well, mostly thanks to a certain ideology that is marching through the institution devouring them and making them useless.
    This cancerous ideology compounded by a very recent "Fortified Election" has torn the U.S asunder.
    This divide cannot be properly mended any time soon, so it's no wonder Neo-con/lib hawks had gotten the support needed to orchestrate this "Russian Bear Revival" that they have been hoping for many years, in their delusional bid to "Finish The Fight".

    From these factors we can see where the support for this Ukrainian venture is coming from, for the collective West it is like hitting 3 birds with 1 stone.
    A solid investment which they hope to get great returns from.
    Now for internal political reasons this to the West looks great, but i do not believe the West has taken the wider geopolitical ramification properly into account.

    Where will the chips fall for the rest of the world, who are watching this unfold?
    That to me is the more interesting question.

    Their is also a fourth factor that i will discus later, since i have run out of time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:02 am

    thegopnik wrote:Is TOS-2 in service?

    Probably not, state trials. Also, wouldn't be in the conflict. Why? What's wrong with TOS-1?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  bitcointrader70 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:03 am

    Reddit Russia has been quarantined and now looks to have been deleted because they were debunking many of the Ukrainian ridiculous propaganda claims.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  limb Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:03 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    mack8 wrote:First inkling of air combat losses? If this report is accurate, at least 3 Ukrs shot down with pilots killed, at least one a Su-27. But the Ukrs claim again an Il-76 for which we never saw any evidence, and claim another 2 russian planes shot down, highly questionable imo, though there is footage of a MiG-29 firing an AAM at "something", but can't vouch for veracity will all these Ukrs fakes around.

    Perhaps then first kills for Su-30SM/Su-35. Hell, maybe even Su-57 for all we know!

    So have you guys heard of the names mentioned there? Oksanchenko was apparently a Su-27 pilot.

    More DCS World kills, and more fake medals to fake heroes. Like the ones who were allegedly martyred on Snake island. But then turned out to all be alive and simply taken prisoner.

    Ukrainian air force isn't shooting anything down

    A different matter is that Russian air defense doesn't seem to be switched on at all. There were those Bayraktar strikes against the Buks, assuming they were not fake. Which they probably weren't as a Tor apparently shot one down
    There were missile attacks against Russian airbases in the Rostov region; at least one took out a bunch of aircraft.
    Are all Russian air defense specialists asleep at the wheel or what?
    And why weren't all the Bayraktars taken out on the first day?
    You even had some Ukrainian helicopters and Su-25s flying. Again, no excuse for this. If you don't want to kill the pilots - so then hit the equipment when its parked on the ground.

    I can excuse the ground forces loses. It's a very complicated operation and acting polite is imperative, even at the cost of killed, captured, or abandoned vehicles.
    But I can't explain the incompetence of Russian intel and air defense.

    Kherson city is under assault by Russian troops at the moment. That's the latest news.

    There hasn't been a satisfying answer for 3 days why Russian radar isn't detecting those TB2s unless they're at very short range?


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    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:06 am

    bitcointrader70 wrote:Reddit Russia has been quarantined and now looks to have been deleted because they were debunking many of the Ukrainian ridiculous propaganda claims.

    It was shithole anyway, like the whole of reddit. Why would anyone hang out there is beyond my understanding.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  thegopnik Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:06 am

    Regular wrote:
    thegopnik wrote:Is TOS-2 in service?

    Probably not, state trials. Also, wouldn't be in the conflict. Why? What's wrong with TOS-1?

    short distance that can be targeted by ATGMS

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:08 am

    Kriva wrote:
    Above is not solving the problem declared by RU: NATO, Demilitarisation and De-Nazification of UA.
    If you do not close and annex the western border you are just kicking the can down the road.

    In order to have lasting solution (I don't believe in paper agreements as they mean juck crap) UA can't border with any NATO state.
    Feel free to disagree  Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 1f44d

    The problem of ukraine don't need to be solved.. any more than the palestinian problem for israel.
    As long Russia have the upper hand in military and control ukraine airspace and fully disarm them ,in a way that can't ever again deploy artillery versus any civilians.. and then keep all western airports disable with a big hole in the run way.. the NATO will be unable to land any plane there with any heavy equipment if no place to land.

    All that russia need is demilitarization of ukraine and keep NATO away from ukraine. not allow any hardware from them. Russia not even need to enter in kiev.. lol1 but the eastern ukraine part the open fields and kharkiv and mariupol ,they do need to be captured ,and then the rebels administer it.
    Odesa also need to be captured.. and the role of russia needs to be only of military inspector ,so that ukraine is not deploying heavy weapons , artillery , or air defenses anywhere.. even less ukraine not allowed to have any Bio weapons labs in their territory.. this alone is a big win.. also russia needs to control as many nuclear reactors as possible.. so the nazis don't blow them.. to harm russia ,because the radiation can spread to russia land.. althought no idea the direction of wind.

    So believe it or not.. all that russia need is security..and ukraine completely disarmed, to keep NATO out..and the nazis down. that's all. and those ukrainians that hate russia , they always hated russia anyway.. Russia might even negotiate ukraine joining the european union.. but russia military bases
    and their controls of airports and naval ports will stay. Basically ukraine will be a protectorate of russia , russia provide its territorial defense , and ukranians if they want eastern ukraine back.. all they need to do is implement minsk 2.. and change their constitution ,as it was before the coup.
    and allow ethnic minorities of russians ,pro russian parties to get representation in the parliament and get the opportunity to elect a pro russian president in fair elections.. return ukraine to the previous more democratic constitution.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  bitcointrader70 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:09 am

    Russia probably believed its own bullshit about destroying all of Ukraine’s air power on day one. Probably though Ukrainians are dumb like Arabs. But they aren’t. They dispersed their air power over some hidden air fields and rough patches and they are taking off from there. Russia didn’t prepare for this. Again old soviet men in charge of the operation. Time for the old timers to retire and sit in the slammer for a few days for their incompetence.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Krepost Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:09 am

    Another shoot down:

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:10 am

    If Putin were to have an 80% success rate in this strategy (which I think) he would be received as the greatest geopolitical genius of the 21st century. He's a fucking master.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:14 am

    ArgentinaGuard wrote:If Putin were to have an 80% success rate in this strategy (which I think) he would be received as the greatest geopolitical genius of the 21st century. He's a fucking master.

    is too early to say.. capturing ukraine is not the difficult .. the hard thing to do ,will be
    for russia to survive the western sanctions and keep economy running and people happy.
    either way , russia was left with no choice.. because it was obvious for russia ,that ukraine fully militarized by nato was a very big existential threat for russia.. if for example provided with nukes.
    or lethal bioweapons.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  thegopnik Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:30 am

    the fucking progress is too fucking slow that I am now predicting it will end in more than a month, just start sending missiles to western Ukraine. This kid glove shit will take forever and your just giving Ukrainians more time to get armed with aircrafts and weapons and now they want to send more soldiers from UK and Netherlands over there. **** this shit and start using FOABs I don't give a **** anymore this approach right now is

    alot of dead Russians and alot of dead Ukrainians. the better option would be less dead Russians a lot of dead Ukrainians. The majority cant leave their fucking country without getting gun downed by their militia.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Atmosphere Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:38 am

    Regular wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:Reddit Russia has been quarantined and now looks to have been deleted because they were debunking many of the Ukrainian ridiculous propaganda claims.

    It was shithole anyway, like the whole of reddit. Why would anyone hang out there is beyond my understanding.

    If anything could rival in terms of being a cesspool, that would be reddit.
    Nothing there is of any relevance, regarding serious technical discussion about the competency of an army.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  bitcointrader70 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:53 am

    Russia needs to pull its head out of its. Seems to have made no progress today. Sad. Ukrainians are fighting back hard.

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    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:14 am

    bitcointrader70 wrote:Russia needs to pull its head out of its. Seems to have made no progress today. Sad. Ukrainians are fighting back hard.

    You said that 20 times, why don't you call Putin, it seems that he wants to replace Gerasimov with someone of a higher quality. He wouldn't mind to get some crypto trading tips as well as Russian economy would need that right now.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Yugo90 Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:34 am

    Russia will probably win war on the ground but media war is something else..i have neveer seen so much propaganda in my life. Not even when covid was the "enemy". Its crazyy.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  sundoesntrise Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:49 am

    From the notoriously inaccurate and full of shittery ASB News:

    Slovakia: "For public support of Russia's actions, you may face up to 25 years in prison."

    Either way, the trajectory is clear. Are the Western based pro Kremlin mouthpieces on this board starting to feel the heat already? Can the internet be considered a public space in today's digitalised world?

    Be aware that the internet is forever - and that government hired data mining companies track, store and trace each and every keystroke you make.

    This is a genuine warning. People have gone craaaaaaazy.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:57 am

    Usually I would ignore stuff like this as an empty rumor but considering what a clustefuck this entire "operation" was I have to ask anyway just to be sure:

    I keep hearing (from both sides) that Russian troops are NOT allowed to use mortars

    Is this true?


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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:01 am

    rigoletto wrote:...Maybe this is exactly what the RF Army expect? Let the nazis gather, gather, and gather in a couple specific areas to deal with a large amount of them at once.

    More like to MAKE A DEAL with them like they did twice back in 2015

    They should have exterminated them all then and there and taken entire two regions, it would have eliminated the need for this disaster of a war

    But I guess they are all Russian brotherly peoples...


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Ghoster Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:02 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:From the notoriously inaccurate and full of shittery ASB News:

    Slovakia: "For public support of Russia's actions, you may face up to 25 years in prison."

    Either way, the trajectory is clear. Are the Western based pro Kremlin mouthpieces on this board starting to feel the heat already? Can the internet be considered a public space in today's digitalised world?

    Be aware that the internet is forever - and that government hired data mining companies track, store and trace each and every keystroke you make.

    This is a genuine warning. People have gone craaaaaaazy.
    This is what made me paranoid about posting on here since 2015. That and I have no idea what the **** I am talking about. Rolling Eyes

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    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:02 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:From the notoriously inaccurate and full of shittery ASB News:

    Slovakia: "For public support of Russia's actions, you may face up to 25 years in prison."

    Either way, the trajectory is clear. Are the Western based pro Kremlin mouthpieces on this board starting to feel the heat already? Can the internet be considered a public space in today's digitalised world?

    Be aware that the internet is forever - and that government hired data mining companies track, store and trace each and every keystroke you make.

    This is a genuine warning. People have gone craaaaaaazy.

    What can I say - Slava Ukraini, geroyam slava. respekt

    Now as I am cleared of all charges - this is really insane, why such measures are even needed, surely there shouldn't be too many supporting war, not in countries like Checzia and Slovakia? People there are pro-Ukrainian, maybe it's another media hyperbolation and people end up with fines like when they worship nazism or communism online.

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    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:07 am

    Ghoster wrote:
    This is what made me paranoid about posting on here since 2015. That and I have no idea what the **** I am talking about. Rolling Eyes

    Well, I am definetly not VSD agentas, but go ahead, express your opinion. We are listening clown I think you should be careful with your expressions if you are in Lithuania. Not sure what you support and I don't care.

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    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:10 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Usually I would ignore stuff like this as an empty rumor but considering what a clustefuck this entire "operation" was I have to ask anyway just to be sure:

    I keep hearing (from both sides) that Russian troops are NOT allowed to use mortars

    Is this true?

    Let's wait for the guy who has his friend in 45th to confirm.

    How anyone of us are supposed to know? You probably listened to that interview posted before. Well cluster munitions kissed Kharkiv yesterday, so take it as you will. Also, I haven't seen any vasileks apart from Ukrainian ones. Or you are talking about infantry mortars?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Ghoster Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:17 am

    All people in Ukraine are equal, but some Ukrainians are more equal. wrote:
    A total of 4,000 Nigerian citizens are still stranded in Ukraine.

    "There have been unfortunate reports (that) Ukrainian police and security personnel are refusing to let Nigerians board buses and trains" to Poland, said Nigerian presidential spokesperson Garba Shehu.

    A video that circulated on Social media over the weekend, showed some Nigerian students sharing their plight.

    Mr Shehu said there were claims that Polish officials had refused Nigerian nationals entry to Poland.

    "It is important that everyone is treated with dignity and without favour," he stressed.

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