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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri May 13, 2022 9:28 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    VARGR198 wrote:

    It may not be about fuel availability.

    These electric engines are often very quiet, as they produce much less noise.

    They could be used by their special forces for surprise attacks, and also for conducting reconnaissance.

    Check here, these electric motorcycles are dangerous:

    sniper sniper

    And some "experts" here have been ridiculing them.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  LMFS Fri May 13, 2022 9:29 pm

    Peskov called Morawiecki's Russophobic statement about the need to destroy Russia the quintessence of hatred for Russians

    The statement of the Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki about the need to destroy the "Russian world" is the quintessence of hatred for the Russians, which permeates the entire Polish government. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

    The Kremlin reacted to a Russophobic article by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, published in the British newspaper The Telegraph. Answering a question from journalists, Peskov called the statement of the Polish prime minister outrageous and unacceptable, but at the same time he admitted that not only the Polish government, but all civil society is permeated with Russophobia. According to him, this is the quintessence of Polish hatred for Russians.

    This is the quintessence of that hatred for Russians, which, probably, like metastases, struck both the entire Polish politics, the entire Polish leadership, and, in fact, Polish society in many respects, to our regret.

    Putin's spokesman said.

    Earlier, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki called for the destruction of Russia and the "Russian world", calling them "a cancerous tumor." According to him, Russia allegedly poses a "mortal threat" to the whole world, carrying "a monstrous Putinist ideology" - the equivalent of communism and Nazism of the XNUMXth century. Morawiecki stressed that if Russia is not stopped, it will "take over the whole world." At the same time, he acknowledged that Russophobia in Poland is the raison d'être of this country.

    The "Russian world" is a cancer that (...) poses a mortal threat to the whole of Europe. Therefore, it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military struggle with Russia. We must completely eradicate this monstrous new ideology

    - said Moravetsky.

    Not sure this goes here, but I mean... by now they could all worship Hitler and it would not make any difference. The West has gone full nazi and the people living there should take note, if they have not done yet. Ukie immigrants are already forcing fascist policies in EU (like demanding to ban the communist party in Portugal), and openly calling to annihilate Russians is now 100% ok in the schizophrenic West where virtual rights (like choosing you sex or species or what not) are sacred but real and essential ones are no more. Fucking hell breaking loose in Europe guys...

    GarryB, Firebird, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  ucmvulcan Fri May 13, 2022 9:56 pm

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:
    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:
    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:Allied forces (both federal and republican) are moving surprisingly fast now towards hohol-Nazi-held Slavyansk.

    I can't get over the fact that Biden wanted to splash another $40bn one some eastern euro nazi rednecks, while his own voter base is starving at home.

    I can't get over the fact that in Bidens inclusive democratic America you can get fired and socially cancelled for addressing somebody with the "wrong" gender pronoun, while he splashes $40bn on people who are so "based" in the pronoun game even the republican opposition would blush.

    They'd probably try to kill most of the Democratic voter base on sight. So Biden's starving his own supporters at home, by sending their money to people in a country faraway who oppose everything they are and stand for.

    America, f**k yeah.

    History often repeats itself.

    Usama bin Ladin went from brave anti-Soviet warrior supported by the U.S. (featured on U.S. news frontpages in the 80's, hey they even made propaganda blockbuster movies, like that Rocky V was it?)... To terrorist scum 10-15 years later.

    You think the U.S. public, taxpayers had approved of that support if they'd been made savvy of just who bin Ladin and his crew were, their views on women etc?

    Yeah, enough, you know how it is. Infuriating, decade after decade.

    We aren't starving in the US . . . yet. However, food prices and gas prices and rent prices and heating/electric and damn near everything else are surging and cost of living prices are putting paid to the working poor here.

    Pretty much, we have a president who fancies himself a latter day FDR when he is more like the Democrat George W. Bush (Will Ferrel Bush, not Dana Carvey Bush), and yeah considering how riddled with Fascists Ukraine is, not many of Dems would be too happy in Ukraine.

    History does often repeat itself. Those of us who spent time studying it often become drunks or depressed because people don't learn the lessons. I saw this war coming as far back as 2014, but no Obama didn't need to read Kennan. Damn, how much better off would he have been. I don't know how you guys, especially you Russians, feel about Kennan, but he basically said we should stay out of the internal affairs of the states in the post Soviet space.

    My only disagreement on Osama, is that I remember the New York Times article praising him being from just after the Gulf War, which was less than two years before he attacked the World Trade Center the first time.

    Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede. Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself.

    As far as OBL's views. Nope, nobody gave a shit. American exceptionalism, which should probably be classified as a mental disorder, is built on a weird mix of realpolitik, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," and idealism, "we are going to invade country x, and depose the government of nation y and turn them into America loving, fried chicken and apple pie loving liberal democrats. It used to be that the Republicans were more the realpolitik party and the Democrats were the idealism party, but since Clinton both parties are an amalgamation of both.

    Lastly, and sadly, you are right decade after decade things never change. The enemy of the moment does, but the crap and the nonsensical "diplomacy" and wars and military spending never do.+

    GarryB, andalusia, GunshipDemocracy, klahtinen, starman, Broski, Arkanghelsk and Podlodka77 like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  LMFS Fri May 13, 2022 10:41 pm

    This piece from Martyanov should be pinned at the top of each page here...

    Statement For Ukie and Other Trolls. Read Attentively.

    Judging by the activity of all kinds of Ukie IPSO and simply "patriotic", US-UK, NATO etc. trolls and FUD "masters" at this blog, including promoters of an open anti-Russian asset Girkin (aka Strelkov), let me explain something.

    1. I do not have nor do I follow any Telegram channels for a simple reason--ANY, I underscore, ANY so called info in those TGs unless it is from official and accredited sources is a collection of a BS, most of which is either FUD ops or, otherwise, turbo-"patriotic" crap. It is also the main reason I do not follow all those Podolyakas, "Colonel" Cassads, Kotenoks, and other "analysts" whose level of reporting is this:

    "I was in the first APC when we got hit with NLAW....", or "We take these POWs but we have got 2 200s in our unit.." etc. I respect deeply the combat work LDNR forces do and heroism of their guys but I do not bother myself with constant description of tactical and human minutiae of this war, because this is not what I do. I AM NOT interested in opinions of even heroic and very tactically literate soldiers. Even the best of them do not have background to have a competent opinion on the theater of operations scale-wise issues, let alone on geopolitics and strategy. This is not to denigrate those people, no, but unless one has a serious military-intel-academic background in this there is nothing to talk about. But even tactically, you saw yourself how yet another Ukie fake was debunked with this river-crossing BS. So, for trolls--I now will ban you without any warning and will continue to ban you.

    2. Here is how professionals talk about war.

    They talk about war correlates, attrition rates, mobilization, combat cohesion etc. They also do not get excited over some tactical episodes which create a lot of impression on housewives and househusbands, mama's basement "strategists" and the category of public like this. I try in this blog to bring most professional and competent opinions by people who DO understand and you know those people from Larry Johnson, Douglas Macgregor to Scott Ritter, Russian MoD, Russian military specialists etc. I do not take kindly to those who bring here such human waste as Girkin--those posts will be removed, unless they are for the purpose of making a case from such tools as Girkin, Bellingcat and other intel propaganda assets and poking well-deserved fun at them.

    3. So, the general message here (I reiterate) is that I will be removing all kinds of "analyses" which are obviously fake or are nothing, which is the 99% of the cases, but a result of mass media echo-chamber, because REAL plans, REAL maps, REAL movements of troops, REAL data are known only to Russia's General Staff and nobody else. Us, former military and intel professionals, we merely try to give the operational and strategic framework--that requires a completely different set of skills which is required on the tactical level.

    sepheronx, GarryB, franco, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, zepia and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  onwiththewar Fri May 13, 2022 10:51 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:
    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:
    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:
    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:Allied forces (both federal and republican) are moving surprisingly fast now towards hohol-Nazi-held Slavyansk.

    I can't get over the fact that Biden wanted to splash another $40bn one some eastern euro nazi rednecks, while his own voter base is starving at home.

    I can't get over the fact that in Bidens inclusive democratic America you can get fired and socially cancelled for addressing somebody with the "wrong" gender pronoun, while he splashes $40bn on people who are so "based" in the pronoun game even the republican opposition would blush.

    They'd probably try to kill most of the Democratic voter base on sight. So Biden's starving his own supporters at home, by sending their money to people in a country faraway who oppose everything they are and stand for.

    America, f**k yeah.

    History often repeats itself.

    Usama bin Ladin went from brave anti-Soviet warrior supported by the U.S. (featured on U.S. news frontpages in the 80's, hey they even made propaganda blockbuster movies, like that Rocky V was it?)... To terrorist scum 10-15 years later.

    You think the U.S. public, taxpayers had approved of that support if they'd been made savvy of just who bin Ladin and his crew were, their views on women etc?

    Yeah, enough, you know how it is. Infuriating, decade after decade.

    We aren't starving in the US . . . yet.  However, food prices and gas prices and rent prices and heating/electric and damn near everything else are surging and cost of living prices are putting paid to the working poor here.  

    Pretty much, we have a president who fancies himself a latter day FDR when he is more like the Democrat George W. Bush (Will Ferrel Bush, not Dana Carvey Bush), and yeah considering how riddled with Fascists Ukraine is, not many of Dems would be too happy in Ukraine.

    History does often repeat itself.  Those of us who spent time studying it often become drunks or depressed because people don't learn the lessons.  I saw this war coming as far back as 2014, but no Obama didn't need to read Kennan.  Damn, how much better off would he have been.  I don't know how you guys, especially you Russians, feel about Kennan, but he basically said we should stay out of the internal affairs of the states in the post Soviet space.  

    My only disagreement on Osama, is that I remember the New York Times article praising him being from just after the Gulf War, which was less than two years before he attacked the World Trade Center the first time.  

    Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede.  Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself.  

    As far as OBL's views.  Nope, nobody gave a shit.  American exceptionalism, which should probably be classified as a mental disorder, is built on a weird mix of realpolitik, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," and idealism, "we are going to invade country x, and depose the government of nation y and turn them into America loving, fried chicken and apple pie loving liberal democrats.  It used to be that the Republicans were more the realpolitik party and the Democrats were the idealism party, but since Clinton both parties are an amalgamation of both.

    Lastly, and sadly, you are right decade after decade things never change.  The enemy of the moment does, but the crap and the nonsensical "diplomacy" and wars and military spending never do.+

    U.S. Overdose Deaths In 2021 Increased Half as Much as in 2020 – But Are Still Up 15%

    Provisional data from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics indicate there were an estimated 107,622 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 2021, an increase of nearly 15% from the 93,655 deaths estimated in 2020. The 2021 increase was half of what it was a year ago, when overdose deaths rose 30% from 2019 to 2020.

    I saw this on Foxnews, couldn't believe it. But here is the source. Unites States lost 107 K people to drugs alone in ONE year.

    Sorry off topic. But just can't stop thinking it.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Erk Fri May 13, 2022 11:03 pm

    Isos wrote:...

    What do you think of these "Brimstone" missiles the British are sending to Ukraine?

    About 40km range when launched from the ground, and a 6kg warhead, bit more powerful than a Hellfire.

    The thing that got me was you can launch them from a truck or whatever, so they can be hidden easily.

    How do they lock onto targets from the ground ? Must useless missiles.


    Brimstone is a "fire-and-forget" missile, which is loaded with targeting data by the weapon systems officer (WSO) prior to launch. It is programmable to adapt to particular mission requirements. This capability includes the ability to find targets within a certain area (such as those near friendly forces), and to self-destruct if it is unable to find a target within the designated area.

    In addition to the semi-autonomous ability to decide its own targets, the Brimstone has the capacity to determine where on a target to best impact causing the most damage. The missile's advanced sensor package includes its extremely high frequency millimetric wave radar, which allows the weapon to image the target and hence choose a target location. With as many as twenty-four missiles in the air, the missile's targeting system also required an algorithm to ensure that missiles hit their targets in a staggered order, rather than all simultaneously.

    Brimstone can be fired in a number of attack profiles; direct or indirect against single targets, a column of targets or against an array of targets. The latter utilises a salvo attack capability for multiple kills per engagement. Once launched, the platform is free to manoeuvre away from the target area or engage other targets

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Serberus Sat May 14, 2022 12:07 am

    flamming_python wrote:Rybar telegram channel is offering an account of the Belogorovka battle, which points to the destroyed equipment indeed being Russian (but with hopefully the greater part of the manpower intact):

    Considering the amount of nonsense the Nazis spew out being sceptical is natural, but denying confirmed losses is not in my nature , i saw a video from the scene so its legit and a pretty big **** up, hopefully they learn from this going forward.

    Its reported most of the man power survived, so at least thats a consolation, equipment can be replaced.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Regular Sat May 14, 2022 12:35 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    VARGR198 wrote:

    It may not be about fuel availability.

    These electric engines are often very quiet, as they produce much less noise.

    They could be used by their special forces for surprise attacks, and also for conducting reconnaissance.

    Check here, these electric motorcycles are dangerous:

    sniper  sniper

    And some "experts" here have been ridiculing them.

    Sorry, still makes no sense. The whole beauty of motorcycle troops is not the stealth, but the range, speed, and low logistics. Where they will charge their bikes? I have electric bike, even higher range than the ones they want and going offroad would drain the bastard and overheat it too. What's next, silent Panamera 4S E-Hybrid for 60y.o. teroborona guys?

    sepheronx, GarryB, Big_Gazza, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, Sprut-B, Mir and Broski like this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Erk Sat May 14, 2022 12:50 am

    Regular wrote:
    Sorry, still makes no sense. The whole beauty of motorcycle troops is not the stealth, but the range, speed, and low logistics. Where they will charge their bikes? I have electric bike, even higher range than the ones they want and going offroad would drain the bastard and overheat it too. What's next, silent Panamera 4S E-Hybrid for 60y.o. teroborona guys?

    It's all about stealth.

    You can hear a conventional motorbike a kilometer away or more, especially off road ones with small mufflers.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  PapaDragon Sat May 14, 2022 12:59 am

    ucmvulcan wrote:...Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede. Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself....

    From my own personal experience this is the highest quality American propaganda of the 80s:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 American_Ninja

    Dude was American AND ninja, to say that my single-digit-year-old mind was blown would be colossal understatement Cool

    This and Top Gun

    Quality propaganda is not about making other guys look bad, it's strictly about making yourself look awesome without cringy cheap insults to the other side and Top Gun nailed it to the letter

    Funny thing about Rambo and Rocky is that original films are genuine cinema masterpieces which have nothing to do with propaganda, that crap came with the sequels which look like they came from some weird parallel universes in comparison

    sepheronx, flamming_python, andalusia, Big_Gazza, JohninMK, Sprut-B, Hole and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  ucmvulcan Sat May 14, 2022 1:44 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ucmvulcan wrote:...Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede. Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself....

    From my own personal experience this is the highest quality American propaganda of the 80s:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 American_Ninja

    Dude was American AND ninja, to say that my single-digit-year-old mind was blown would be colossal understatement Cool

    This and Top Gun

    Quality propaganda is not about making other guys look bad, it's strictly about making yourself look awesome without cringy cheap insults to the other side and Top Gun nailed it to the letter

    Funny thing about Rambo and Rocky is that original films are genuine cinema masterpieces which have nothing to do with propaganda, that crap came with the sequels which look like they came from some weird parallel universes in comparison

    Absolutely agree, I'll even say Rocky I-II and the first two Rambos were complete story arcs and there was no need for any of the subsequent ones.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  diabetus Sat May 14, 2022 2:00 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    VARGR198 wrote:
    Anyone aware of why this unit would be equiped with these rifles instead of AK74s

    Assault rifles are good for assaulting buildings, but for defending buildings an accurate bolt action rifle is effective longer range and more accurate and still packs a punch. When I did my FIBUA training there was a lot of sneaky tactics and sniper and marksman rifles were key at picking off enemy, you can't shoot at an enemy you can't see, plenty of places to hide, accuracy and range play an important part in FIBUA training. Clearing rooms you want a fully automatic weapon, grenades etc, but defending a building your main objective is to take out the enemy before they get close enough to assault it. Troops on bottom floors will be armed with assault rifles upper levels sniper, marksman rifles, LMG, GPMG. Old bolt action rifles, and SKS will still be useful in these roles.

    That's nonsense. An AK is better at every conceivable role save for sniping. An AK firing semi auto with iron sights is far more effective at defending buildings at realistic ranges than a mosin with irons is.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  sepheronx Sat May 14, 2022 3:05 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ucmvulcan wrote:...Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede. Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself....

    From my own personal experience this is the highest quality American propaganda of the 80s:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 American_Ninja

    Dude was American AND ninja, to say that my single-digit-year-old mind was blown would be colossal understatement Cool

    This and Top Gun

    Quality propaganda is not about making other guys look bad, it's strictly about making yourself look awesome without cringy cheap insults to the other side and Top Gun nailed it to the letter

    Funny thing about Rambo and Rocky is that original films are genuine cinema masterpieces which have nothing to do with propaganda, that crap came with the sequels which look like they came from some weird parallel universes in comparison

    If they kept the original ending to First Blood, there wouldn't have been anymore Rambo movies. He killed himself in the original ending. It was the one Sylvester Stallone actually wanted but it was considered "too sad" of an ending.

    GarryB, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, Sprut-B, Broski, Arkanghelsk and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Mir Sat May 14, 2022 3:51 am

    diabetus wrote:
    d_taddei2 wrote:Troops on bottom floors will be armed with assault rifles upper levels sniper, marksman rifles, LMG, GPMG. Old bolt action rifles, and SKS will still be useful in these roles.

    That's nonsense. An AK is better at every conceivable role save for sniping. An AK firing semi auto with iron sights is far more effective at defending buildings at realistic ranges than a mosin with irons is.

    I think you missed the part from d_taddei2'post that I highlighted in bold?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  ALAMO Sat May 14, 2022 3:51 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:

    We need to ask the  forum experts    respekt respekt respekt

    I would do it with pleasure, but the case is, that all of them are sitting calmly in my trash can. dunno

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  andalusia Sat May 14, 2022 4:17 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ucmvulcan wrote:...Rocky IV was when Stallone montaged to some IMVHO great 80s gym music before beating a Russian boxer played by a Swede. Rambo III was when he Stallone won Afghanistan, which was preceeded by a couple years by a bunch of high schoolers fighting off a Soviet invasion of a backwater town in Colorado and surrounded by Chuck Norris films where he went around the world beating commies all by himself....

    From my own personal experience this is the highest quality American propaganda of the 80s:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 American_Ninja

    Dude was American AND ninja, to say that my single-digit-year-old mind was blown would be colossal understatement Cool

    This and Top Gun

    Quality propaganda is not about making other guys look bad, it's strictly about making yourself look awesome without cringy cheap insults to the other side and Top Gun nailed it to the letter

    Funny thing about Rambo and Rocky is that original films are genuine cinema masterpieces which have nothing to do with propaganda, that crap came with the sequels which look like they came from some weird parallel universes in comparison

    Commercial about the US Navy being a "Global Force for Good"

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Regular Sat May 14, 2022 4:21 am

    Mir wrote:
    diabetus wrote:
    d_taddei2 wrote:Troops on bottom floors will be armed with assault rifles upper levels sniper, marksman rifles, LMG, GPMG. Old bolt action rifles, and SKS will still be useful in these roles.

    That's nonsense. An AK is better at every conceivable role save for sniping. An AK firing semi auto with iron sights is far more effective at defending buildings at realistic ranges than a mosin with irons is.

    I think you missed the part from d_taddei2'post that I highlighted in bold?

    It's evident they won't be doing armed school cop duty and will be part of an offensive on an ever-changing battlefield. SVD is superior to any bolt action there is in ANY ROLE, even in sniping.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  Mir Sat May 14, 2022 4:25 am

    Regular wrote:
    It's evident they won't be doing armed school cop duty and will be part of an offensive on an ever-changing battlefield. SVD is superior to any bolt action there is in ANY ROLE, even in sniping.

    That I can agree with. Smile

    It is quite common for reservist to be armed with 2nd grade or even 3rd grade weapons though.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #15

    Post  flamming_python Sat May 14, 2022 4:58 am

    Erk wrote:What do you think of these "Brimstone" missiles the British are sending to Ukraine?

    About 40km range when launched from the ground, and a 6kg warhead, bit more powerful than a Hellfire.

    The thing that got me was you can launch them from a truck or whatever, so they can be hidden easily.

    They look pretty formidable. Good range, high speed, low altitude, decent warhead, presumably good precision.

    Luckily Russia tends to take its air defense means along with its formations. Such missiles against NATO armies would put them into very serious trouble, with their reliance on air power for air defense.

    Biggest problem for Russia is that they are launched from civilian vehicles. Makes hunting them down ahead of time extremely difficult. It also looks like a launcher can be put together in a workshop with the righ parts supplied. So intercepting supplies of such systems is problematic too.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat May 14, 2022 5:40 am

    diabetus wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Isos wrote:Artillery indicator radars have small ranges and are close to the front. They can be destroyed by Smerch pretty easily or even small drones.

    No need to waste kh-31 which isn't a cheap missile. Kh-25 can also do the job.

    Early kh-31 if I'm not wrong had removable warheads to switch for different radars. Chinese made a universal one for their copy version. Russian latest versions should also be improve on that point. So kh-31 isn't the best option here.

    "US-made air defense warning and indication radar were destroyed in the Kharkov region."

    I thought it might be a part of their AAD so AA missile launchers  could be around...

    As far as I know they sent only artillery locator radars.

    What do you think of these "Brimstone" missiles the British are sending to Ukraine?

    About 40km range when launched from the ground, and a 6kg warhead, bit more powerful than a Hellfire.

    The thing that got me was you can launch them from a truck or whatever, so they can be hidden easily.

    How do they lock onto targets from the ground ? Must useless missiles.


    That gets jammed by Russia, won't be reliable

    Best option for them is through drones with a laser designator or some such

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    Post  Isos Sat May 14, 2022 5:54 am

    GPS for 40km and radar final guidance with some stupid IA. On paper looks great. In reality will be a shitty system. Spread corner reflector around your fixed prositions and problem solved.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat May 14, 2022 6:30 am

    Isos wrote:GPS for 40km and radar final guidance with some stupid IA. On paper looks great. In reality will be a shitty system. Spread corner reflector around your fixed prositions and problem solved.

    As with much of the western military that is optimised to fight the wars of the last 20-30 years, won't do as well against a proper army.

    The Brimstone has an excellent reputation in especially its air launched version and the netwoked mode (sound familiar from the Russian past Smile ). But, like the man held weapons we have seen like Javelin etc,, in those past wars they were up against what is effectively light infantry but so far they are not so good against a real army.

    Mind you, in the PR of the war these systems are going great guns so we got to make more, that is profits mainly Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Some of these new systems the US is trying do ship barely exist, Switchblade 600, or are so new they are only pre production hand made, Ghost whatsit. Just the stuff Russia would like to check out thumbsup

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat May 14, 2022 6:35 am

    andalusia wrote:
    Commercial about the US Navy being a "Global Force for Good"

    Meh, I'll give it a pass. I much prefer Sci-Fi over Rom-Coms. Razz

    I can however mix Sci-Fi and Comedy, so if you have any links to USG fluffers for "Space Command" I'll gladly watch and have a good laugh Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  billybatts91 Sat May 14, 2022 7:03 am

    Russians are retreating from Kharkiv? WTF is going on? The more and more I follow what's going on the more I'm realizing that Putin and Co. are incompetent and sloppy. I don't even know what they're doing at the moment in Ukraine. How do they plan on preventing Ukraine and the endless supply of Western weapons from embarrassing the Russians in the upcoming summer counteroffensive? Russians seem undermanned and undersupplied in Eastern/Southern Ukraine, they're just lobbing missiles as of right now and I'm not sure the Russians are taking this war seriously enough to actually win it and get all the way to Odessa/Transnistria. Russians are burning a lot of money and there's not much to show for it so far imo. If I were a Russian in Russia, I'd be pissed. All that money spent on the military and now receiving rough sanctions only to have these results in Ukraine currently. Will they ever make a serious ground offensive to win the war in Eastern/Southern Ukraine? What they're doing right now is just not enough to win, I'm getting nervous about what the actual strategy is at this point and if Russia's goals will be met at the end of this war.

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    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat May 14, 2022 7:04 am

    Unfortunately, no progress can be made. A desperate call for Chinese involvement in the war is the only hope that I can think of. If not, I don't see a way out but the use of nuclear weapons, if China and India allow it of course, else it would be economic suicide.

    If non of the above happen, this is going to be extremely serious soon. Russia is not only suffering from lack of manpower but also from industrial production. Russia's modern weapons are not too bad, but the production numbers resemble a country like... Malta, not the biggest country in the world.

    A military coup, hitting Ukrainian leadership directly, ideally when visited by Western dignitaries, taking out Putin and then rely to what Russia does well, defence, might make the trick as well, but hard to achieve this transition smoothly at times of war.

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