A view on the potentially very rapid accession of Ukraine into NATO as soon as they get a chance. Don't see it happening myself.
Elated Flower in Tom Luongo -Gold Goats n’ Guns
Forwarded from Laura Ru
The decision on Ukraine's accession to NATO will be made overnight and by that time Kiev will be ready to join the alliance, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanyshyna has said https://t.me/tass_agency/219831.
This statement should be taken extremely seriously.
The fact is that a similar statement was made by US President Biden during the NATO summit in Vilnius on 11-12 July 2023. When asked by a journalist how long it would take the West to admit Ukraine to the alliance, he replied: "One hour and twenty minutes".
The North Atlantic alliance is just waiting for a convenient moment. It is ready to use any freezing of the conflict with Russia or suspension of hostilities for Ukraine's official accession to NATO. Accordingly, Russia must fully take this factor into account in the course of the SMO. There can be no pause - otherwise we will formally find ourselves in a conflict with a NATO member country afterwards.
However, the text https://www.nato.int/cps/ru/SID-36F4D09C-731D53FD/natolive/official_texts_17120.htm?selectedLocale=ru of the North Atlantic Treaty does not contain any restrictions on the admission of a new member even when it is engaged in hostilities with another state. To confirm this, let us turn to Article 10:
"The Contracting Parties may by universal agreement invite any other European State capable of developing the principles of this Treaty and of contributing to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Contracting Party by depositing with the Government of the United States an instrument of its accession to this Treaty."
What about the claim that a country with a territorial dispute cannot be admitted to NATO? No way. The relevant wording from a NATO study https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_24733.htm from back in 1995 stated:
"States with ethnic or external territorial disputes, irredentist claims or internal jurisdictional disputes are obliged to resolve them peacefully and in accordance with OSCE principles. The resolution of such disputes may be a factor in deciding whether to invite a state to join the alliance."
But firstly, "may be a factor" does not mean "must be a factor". Secondly, from NATO's point of view, Ukraine has no dispute with Russia: the former has allegedly committed "an act of unprovoked full-scale aggression", while the latter is only "defending its land".
Finally, no territorial disputes, for example, between Britain and Spain over Gibraltar, Canada and Denmark over the Arctic Hans Island, or Greece and Turkey over coastal waters in the Aegean Sea, have prevented all of them from being members of the alliance.
Not to mention the fact that for a year and a half now, and actually longer, the Global West has been biting its teeth and has been guided not by "some documents" but, so to speak, by "force majeure". And in the matter of Ukraine's accelerated admission to NATO, it is ready to follow the same rationale. (Source: Elena Panina) @LauraRuHK Telegram ТАСС
Вступление Украины в Евросоюз — это уже реальность, в то время как ее вступление в Североатлантический альянс — еще нет. С таким утверждением выступила вице-премьер по вопросам европейской и евро-атлантической интеграции Украины Ольга Стефанишина.
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Nov 23 at 16:10