It seems to me they want two different variants of the 40k ton helicopter carriers... one as a landing ship with helicopters and troops and armour and one with more helicopters but instead of men and armour with drones of all types and perhaps fitted out as a hospital support ship too and perhaps extra munitions and stores to support the landing.
As such I would expect two for the Pacific Fleet and two eventually for the Northern Fleet.
They are making frigates and are looking at heavy frigates... the question is will they mass produce both and then make destroyers and cruisers as well or will they just make a half dozen frigates and the rest of the frigates will be heavy frigates and then start on the destroyers?
Essentially in this case they don't need to invent new missiles and new systems... the new Destroyers will just be bigger ships with bigger propulsion systems and bigger radar and bigger sonar and EO systems and more SAM launchers and more UKSK launchers and probably bigger guns... presumably 152mm calibre weapons.
They already have better ships to escort their carrier than the UK or the French do as neither of those countries has cruisers anyway.
The new SAM systems for their navy has Redut which is currently the equivalent of the S-350 system with 150km range and 60km range ARH SAMs and 15km IIR guided short range self defence SAMs, but the Redut for Cruisers and Destroyers and perhaps heavy Frigates should include the 250km and 400km range S-400 missiles and S-500 missiles as well as the smaller missiles in much greater numbers because Destroyers and Cruisers are not just there to defend themselves, they are there to defend a group of ships and an area of space...
Once the new radars and sonars and new propulsion are sorted out production should be rather faster because of their modular design and standardised components.
It will also mean that a ship based in one port wont struggle to get missiles of the type it uses when in a different port... for instance a Slava class needing Vulcan missiles and a Kirov needing Granits, a Sovremmeny needing a Moskit and a Udaloy needing a Metel.... and a Kirov also needing a Metel.
It will take a good number of years of planning and coordination to get this right, and there will be new technologies they might be wanting to incorporate too.