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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:55 pm

    More and more Ukrainians are pouring into Russia

    This is a problem that the government needs to examine,

    According to Oleg Shalandin (who knows from experience), there are a group of Ukrainians

    Who have grown from a fringe group, to a fully fledged voice amplified by the media - our first specimen is Tatyana Montyan, Yuri Podolyaka, Ilya Kyva (himself assassinated), Oleg Tsaryov (attempted assassination)

    Montyan is one of those specimen which arose from Ukrainian independence

    She is from Donbass and if you notice with these Ukrainians - and yes even from Donbass

    They carry their superiority with them anywhere they go, now in Russia they proclaim that they will lead these new territories themselves, that there is no need for Russia to interfere

    The thoughts of the Ukro diaspora:

    1. Thank you Russia, but Donbass can lead itself

    2. Only in Donbass do real Russians live

    3. Donbass will show Russia how it is done and how to develop the motherland

    You know, these people are patriots and proudly so, but I am sorry you lost your sovereignty a long time ago, and as a matter of fact that is what this SMO is all about

    I can understand the desire for this diaspora to not be Russians under Moscow, but to lead their own government in exile which will helm from Kiev

    I think there will be disappointment about who will lord over Kiev when all is said and done

    The Kremlin has no intention to allow these Donbass people go to Kiev and restart this whole "purity" of Ukrainian bullshit

    Honey, you missed your chance and now the government needs to urgently look after these purists

    Rostov can manage the south east of Ukraine

    And eventually the only regions that standalone will be those which have no connection to existing Russian oblasts but even they need Russian overlords

    The Ukrainian diaspora is the same anywhere you go, no matter if they are from Kharkov, Donbass, Kiev, or Galicia, the mentality is the same, these entitled are the true Russians now

    We need to urgently fix this issue

    Why are all these hiding near Moscow? They should be in the regions where they hope to build their government in exile

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:39 pm

    The western media is outdoing itself

    In the first Breedlove cries that S400, from the western Ukrainian borders would deny NATO air superiority all the way to Ramstein from Lvov

    And that this huge Russian army will have a shorter Frontline from Odessa to Suwalki

    I understand the anxiety of NATO now with these articles

    In the second article, they say what we have known for a long time about sanctions - but the main concern is that if the west seizes Russian foreign reserves, that the seizure of German assets in Russia will hurt far worse, and trigger the exodus of capital from the west

    Well of course, if you annoy Washington, and they steal your money, why would you keep it there?

    remember Russian oligarchs owned Yachts, Chelsea FC, Manchester United FC , Spanish villas, private jets, whole condominium buildings

    And what happened? They left!

    And it will be so for all rich people around the world

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  JohninMK Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:48 pm

    Is this DU ammo?

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:38 pm

    JohninMK wrote:I think that there is around another 200k in the UK.

    EU hosts 4.27 million Ukrainian refugees - Eurostat.

    The largest number of Ukrainians in:

    Germany - 1,235,960 (28.9 per cent);
    Poland - 955 110 (22.3 per cent)
    Czech Republic - 369 330 (8.6 per cent).

    In fact, this is only half the truth. Most Ukrainians have fled to Russia. And there are 5.3 million of them!


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 GDyqTbRW4AAZyzR?format=jpg&name=small

    Aside from Poland, on the map above Portugal appears to have a very under-reported number of Ukrainians.

    They are supposed to be the second largest group of foreigners in Portugal, after Brazilians.

    Last edited by GarryB on Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:34 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cleaned up the conversation that was posted)

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:21 pm

    How the SVR foresees the US elections:

    The SVR is aware that polls in the US suggest Trump will win by a wide margin

    However such an important election will not be allowed to go to the peoples choice

    The election will be arranged, so the Biden can ignite a wider war with Russia and NATO, fulfilling the wet dreams of atlanticists

    How the SVR will respond

    The SVR is tasked with preventing this scenario at all cost

    Trump is not as important as his base, which has been carefully nurtured by SVR hands

    We see classic parallels between Trumps base and Ukrainian Banderites

    All that remains is for them to be mobilized, by some "unforeseen" event which would herald a viable rebellion in the country

    It must take place, because the full attention of Washington should go towards internal matters,

    Since they do not yet understand the end of their hegemony, they will seek to expand the wars to an even greater scale and preserve if not Hegemony then just survival, while competitors burn in the wars they have planned

    The security and viability of the Multipolar world are at risk

    A response is indeed needed for the Wagner Coup Detat, The war in Ukraine which has killed 100,000+ Russians on both sides, drones striking the Kremlin itself, and terror attacks in Russia

    Washington must be brought to heel, before more chaos is unleashed in the world

    Is the SVR ready for the monumental task? Have they mastered the color revolution technology?

    We will see

    The fate of the world is in their hands - November 2024 is the time and place for decisive battle

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arrow Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:26 pm

    Laughing Where's VKS?

    The fate of the world is in their hands - November 2024 is the time and place for decisive battle wrote:

    Bullshit Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:39 pm

    Arrow wrote:
    Bullshit Laughing Laughing

    You never know, some protests might happen, maybe MAGA protestors are chased into a building,  they hide and a fire breaks out killing everyone

    Or maybe during demonstrations, unknown snipers begin to shoot protestors, and each side accuses others of provocation

    The technologies of Maidan are known and tested

    And the ground is fertile for their use

    A color revolution would solve many contradictions,

    1) the Ukraine war would be resolved

    2) Other wars in the Multipolar world would be resolved (Gaza, Taiwan, Korea, Africa)

    3) NATO would no longer be a threat

    4) Sanctions would be lifted

    Actually many of Russias problems caused by the Americans would disappear overnight with a well executed color revolution

    And if the right people take over, you can negotiate an end to Unipolarity,

    At worse if the wrong people take over, they will take over a weakened state- albeit with nukes

    A gas station with nukes

    Wouldn't be so bad

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:37 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Is this DU ammo?

    No, it is a sort of antipersonnel round they were advertising for a while.
    At the end, it is a turret ammo magazine exploding.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Belisarius Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:12 pm

    Laughing Where's VKS?

    Where is the date and geolocation of the video?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:39 pm

    RTN wrote:
    Long range S-300 surveillance radars (e.g 64N6, 36D6, 79K6, etc) were linked by Ukrainians  to a complete Patriot firing unit to provide early warning. The Russian surveillance aircraft even if it had picked up the signature of the surveillance radar thought they are outside the firing range of the S-300 and didn't realize that Patriot has already achieved a target lock on them.

    Hahahaha! lol1

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Meme12

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  mnztr Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:52 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:More and more Ukrainians are pouring into Russia

    This is a problem that the government needs to examine,

    According to Oleg Shalandin (who knows from experience), there are a group of Ukrainians

    Who have grown from a fringe group, to a fully fledged voice amplified by the media - our first specimen is Tatyana Montyan, Yuri Podolyaka, Ilya Kyva (himself assassinated), Oleg Tsaryov (attempted assassination)

    Montyan is one of those specimen which arose from Ukrainian independence

    She is from Donbass and if you notice with these Ukrainians - and yes even from Donbass

    They carry their superiority with them anywhere they go, now in Russia they proclaim that they will lead these new territories themselves, that there is no need for Russia to interfere

    The thoughts of the Ukro diaspora:

    1. Thank you Russia, but Donbass can lead itself

    2. Only in Donbass do real Russians live

    3. Donbass will show Russia how it is done and how to develop the motherland

    You know, these people are patriots and proudly so, but I am sorry you lost your sovereignty a long time ago, and as a matter of fact that is what this SMO is all about

    I can understand the desire for this diaspora to not be Russians under Moscow, but to lead their own government in exile which will helm from Kiev

    I think there will be disappointment about who will lord over Kiev when all is said and done

    The Kremlin has no intention to allow these Donbass people go to Kiev and restart this whole "purity" of Ukrainian bullshit

    Honey, you missed your chance and now the government needs to urgently look after these purists

    Rostov can manage the south east of Ukraine

    And eventually the only regions that standalone will be those which have no connection to existing Russian oblasts but even they need Russian overlords

    The Ukrainian diaspora is the same anywhere you go, no matter if they are from Kharkov, Donbass, Kiev, or Galicia, the mentality is the same, these entitled are the true Russians now

    We need to urgently fix this issue

    Why are all these hiding near Moscow? They should be in the regions where they hope to build their government in exile

    Where do they get this superiority from when they were DIRT POOR compared to Russia?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:51 am

    Long range S-300 surveillance radars (e.g 64N6, 36D6, 79K6, etc) were linked by Ukrainians to a complete Patriot firing unit to provide early warning. The Russian surveillance aircraft even if it had picked up the signature of the surveillance radar thought they are outside the firing range of the S-300 and didn't realize that Patriot has already achieved a target lock on them.

    Detection range is not their problem, their problem is that every time an S-300 or Patriot radar... surveillance or otherwise lights up it gets destroyed.

    Super funny the people suggesting they are using Patriot as a mobile system sneaking it around the place to ambush Russian aircraft... I hear the Russians are doing the same with the ABM system they had around Moscow... they converted it to make it mobile and its performance is amazing....  Rolling Eyes

    Keep dreaming...

    Not all Ukrainians are nutters, just like not all Chechens are nutters... give the normal ones a chance at a normal life and hunt down and put on trial all the nutters.

    They did it in Chechnia and the people there are much much better off... once they do the same for Ukraine I rather suspect quite a few Ukrainians that moved west might consider moving back, but Russia can be selective about that too.

    I am sure the CIA would love to send agents into Russia this way... it is important that the trials are open and fair and public and show the real crimes with real evidence and testimony regarding nazi crimes. Russia will have collected all the evidence they need I am sure...

    Most have eyes and brains...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:22 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    The comments are hilarious, so many fcking STUPID Russophobe inbreds in total denial and sucking down life-threatening quantities of copium Razz

    The stupid is strong with these people...

    Slava Rossiya Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:07 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    The comments are hilarious, so many fcking STUPID Russophobe inbreds in total denial and sucking down life-threatening quantities of copium Razz

    The stupid is strong with these people...

    Slava Rossiya Razz

    Lmfao what is interesting is how westerners are there saying otherwise to what NAFO thinks

    It's good for there to be plurality of thought in USA

    That's why I think it's necessary for Russian aid workers to encourage a maidan there

    Maybe my sarcasm goes over the heads of some people

    Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Backman Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:53 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Long range S-300 surveillance radars (e.g 64N6, 36D6, 79K6, etc) were linked by Ukrainians to a complete Patriot firing unit to provide early warning. The Russian surveillance aircraft even if it had picked up the signature of the surveillance radar thought they are outside the firing range of the S-300 and didn't realize that Patriot has already achieved a target lock on them.

    Detection range is not their problem, their problem is that every time an S-300 or Patriot radar... surveillance or otherwise lights up it gets destroyed

    Most have eyes and brains...

    Russia wasn't even competing for the minds of the ppl in the Ukraine. While knowing that the US was spending billions brainwashing them.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:32 am

    Russia would be in a much worse position economically if it tried to spend money in hostile neighbouring countries to get them to like Russians more.

    In fact I would suggest that was the definition of what the Soviet Union was really... and that didn't work because Russias neighbours are arrogant Aholes.

    Don't fight for hearts and minds... let them all flee to the west... I am sure they will welcome you with open arms and throw money at you so you can be happy and comfortable like they did with every other country they stole resources from and abused.

    They didn't send that kid a special scholarship and threw money at him... he found the truth on his own and looked at not just the words of Zelensky and the west and putin and Russia, but also their actions and then it became obvious who the liars and criminals are.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  nomadski Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:55 am

    I love the two headed Eagle on Russian flag . It reminds me of the quaint coat of arms , in days of chivalry , innocent and childlike in a sense. But I also find it a bit humorous ! Why two headed ? A product of genetic mutation , brought about by radiation perhaps ? Good and evil , are human concepts . In reality any organism in a potential position to behave in predatory fashion , does so . The trick is to preserve all forms , and in human society it means protecting the minorities .

    The map on video is not the best form of partition . To my mind the partition line should be the Deniper River . The reason is that it forms a defensible barrier for both communities , but that it also ensures an equal and free supply of fresh water for farming and agriculture . Also Ukraine access to Black Sea , gives this nation access to markets in the region . It then has much better chance of escaping a proxy status by NATO , developing it's economy . A movement and resettlement of some populations may be needed to achieve this .



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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Backman Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:37 am

    This is why i think Russia should de recognize Zelensky and try and bomb govt buildings and try for a regime change. At least try. Kill Zelensky , the boxer and Zuluzny. Their security is loose now. They don't think their lives are in danger anymore. 

    The people do not want to fight. They'd take peace over this. Even under Russian control. Why just keep slaughtering ppl on the front lines ? A ton of the Nazi types have been killed already. 


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:51 am

    I disagree, allowing Kiev access to the black sea would just result in them using that access to ship in weapons and resources to build themselves up again to fight to take back what they lost.

    Russia cutting Kiev off from the Black Sea would have a couple of benefits, first of all territory that borders the Danube would give Russia rights to sailing the Danube and also give her river access to Serbia and other countries. It would also mean Russia could get direct access to regions of Moldova who don't want to be Rumanian or Ukrainian and have good relations with Russia. They could join Russia if they wanted or just remain autonomous but with a border with Russia instead of Ukraine.

    I rather suspect some of the western most regions of the Ukraine that used to be parts of Poland might want to return... the point is that this cannot be decided in Brussels or Kiev or the Kremlin... Russia needs to take control of the entire territory while the Ukrainian forces lay down their arms and the wanted criminals are rounded up and the rest can go home to their families and referendums can start to allow Ukrainians in all regions decide their own future.

    Obviously they wont be getting the choice to join HATO or the EU because both groups have proven treacherous and dangerous and untrustworthy.

    But they will likely get the choice to form neutral states that are demilitarised and denazified and will have Russian troops on their borders with the EU or other countries, or to join the Russian Federation if they want that.

    To my mind the partition line should be the Deniper River . The reason is that it forms a defensible barrier for both communities , but that it also ensures an equal and free supply of fresh water for farming and agriculture . Also Ukraine access to Black Sea , gives this nation access to markets in the region .

    HATO is supplynig 300km plus range weapons so any region 350km from Russian territory needs to be purged of HATO forces and nazis... plus Kiev happily cut water supply to Crimea despite the potential damage that did... I would say the west is supporting this war because they own assets in the Ukraine and they don't want them destroyed, so taking all the farmland and mines and factories in the east and south makes really good sense for Russia and a lot of those valuable assets can be given to Ukrainians that have been suffering from bombing and shelling from Kiev since 2014, and have been equally persecuted and abused with the full cooperation of the west.

    Last edited by GarryB on Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:55 am

    This is why i think Russia should de recognize Zelensky and try and bomb govt buildings and try for a regime change. At least try. Kill Zelensky , the boxer and Zuluzny. Their security is loose now. They don't think their lives are in danger anymore.

    Would be better if an anti nazi group that didn't need to be pro Russian... just not anti Russian, took care of business... plus putting him on trial and have him plea bargain with juicy details about not just teh Biden family but also the Clinton family and likely also the Bush family and other American families of power that are making lots of money through the suffering of Russians and Ukrainians in this conflict that they engineered.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:22 am

    GarryB wrote:
    I rather suspect some of the western most regions of the Ukraine that used to be parts of Poland might want to return...

    Thank you auntie but no.  

    Backman wrote: A ton of the Nazi types have been killed already. 

    There is never enough nazis killed Twisted Evil

    Last edited by ALAMO on Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  nomadski Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:22 am

    @ GarryB

    Well this plan , may work , depending on : ( 1 ) Russia having ability to completely defeat Ukrs , occupying the entire territory .( 2 ) Russia having resources to fight the inevitable  long term insurgency in Ukrs . ( 3 ) Russia having resources to fund reconstruction . ( 4) NATO , withdrawing any and all support for insurgency . In my view , none of the above are easy or guaranteed .

    NATO can cause trouble in the Black Sea region , through it's various minions . It does not need Ukraine for this . Occupation of all littoral regions , may guarantee no hostile vessels , but attacks can take place from positions further inland , including Ukraine . The more efficient way , to ensure security , is to take each threat and deal with it . Turkey or Romania interference in navigation or trade , can be dealt with individually .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  TMA1 Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:29 am

    I highly suggest Russia not do something as foolish as to directly intervene in our affairs. We sympathize with Russia but do not mistake that as hating our once blessed republic. I understand our neocons/neolib devils are causing you guys harm and our government rightly deserves your wrath. Frankly I am shocked at the amount of goodwill Americans still get globally in spite of the depredations and subversion.

    Just as it would be unwise for neocons/neolibs to sink into complete tyranny and show themselves plainly as traitors. I always knew the Russian collusion nonsense was just that. Please Russia do not make it a reality. What is most needed is whistleblowers and truth tellers and resistance to globohomo in all its forms. Do not become subverters and regime changers like the neocons/neolibs.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:04 am

    Backman wrote:.... Why just keep slaughtering ppl on the front lines ? A ton of the Nazi types have been killed already....

    You just answered your own question

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:06 am

    TMA1 wrote:I highly suggest Russia not do something as foolish as to directly intervene in our affairs. We sympathize with Russia but do not mistake that as hating our once blessed republic.....

    Nobody is intervening in anything

    Archie got all hot and bothered near the keyboard again

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