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    US Election 2024


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    US Election 2024 - Page 2 Empty Re: US Election 2024

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:08 am

    What a Face

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    US Election 2024 - Page 2 Empty Re: US Election 2024

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:24 pm

    TLDR: Why is Trump so popular among lower class and lower middle class Americans? As far as I know, he isn't proposing any policies to actually alleviate their plight.

    The competition is dogshit, plus I rather suspect a few people who were Bernie Sanders supporters were so pissed off with Clinton buying the candidacy and kicking Bern to the side of the road, it was a case of anyone but Hillary.

    Equally Trump has a few policies that many Americans like... for example dealing with illegal immigration and getting American soldiers back from forever wars that don't make America safer... in fact they tend to make Americans less safe.

    Plus it is the American system... their government consists of the President, the congress and the senate, so even if an independent president got elected it would be republicans and democrats in the congress and senate that dictated what they could or could not do and they will block affordable healthcare for all Americans if it was suggested by the other side. In other words they don't want to give their political rivals a win so they would rather Americans suffered or went into bankruptcy if they get ill.

    The democrats seem to be banking on the opposite... they think they can change horses now because they think anyone can beat Trump as long as they have a pulse and are breathing... and are not creepy joe biden... a good man my arse.

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    US Election 2024 - Page 2 Empty Re: US Election 2024

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:52 pm

    lancelot wrote:Even if Biden runs and wins the election he can still be taken out by the electoral college.

    he is a corpse

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    Post  Kiko Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:58 pm

    'Doing Everything to Reelect Biden': Duped Hillary Clinton Spills Cringy Details to Prankster Duo, by Svetlana Ekimenko for 07.03.2024.

    After conning British Foreign Secretary David Cameron into divulging that Ukraine won't be invited to join NATO at the alliance’s next summit, the Russian prankster duo of Vovan and Lexus have successfully duped Hillary Clinton.

    Despite her crushing defeat to Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential elections, Hillary Clinton has adamantly refused to be put out to pasture or written off from big politics. Hence, her current bid to dabble in the ongoing proxy conflict in Ukraine.

    It comes as no surprise that the former US Secretary of State eagerly accepted the offer to speak with 'former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko'. Little did she realize that she was divulging her political game regarding the US and Ukraine to the well-known Russian prankster duo, Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov).

    Clinton jumped right into the conversation, assuring ‘Poroshenko’ that US aid has been positioned to reach Ukraine “very quickly".

    At this point, her conversational partner lamented over another looming “threat”, in the face of presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who could “give us some problems” if elected, since he “hates Ukraine”, she piped up:

    “You're right. It is terrible. And I am doing everything I can to reelect President Biden. And I am very hopeful that that will be the outcome in November.”

    Clinton took a swipe at Trump, calling him a “very dangerous candidate,” and said he would be “bad for the United States, as well as for the rest of the world, including Ukraine.”
    But despite Joe Biden's disastrous first debate against his main opponent, Clinton is confident that Trump will lose.

    Moreover, she appeared to indicate that Biden’s path to a second term should be paved with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers. She assured that Washington would be “giving you the means you need to support yourself to try to not only hold the line but engage in an offensive. And then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to reelect President Biden.”

    “The more that Ukraine could continue to demonstrate its resilience and its resolve and do what you’re doing on the battlefield, do what you’re doing in a very strong message to the rest of the world, […] go forward as best you can... the rest of us will do everything we can to continue supporting you, and to support President Biden,” reiterated Hillary Clinton.

    Hillary also wholeheartedly “supports” Ukraine’s NATO membership aspirations, saying that “We are working very hard to persuade the Germans and the Americans to move on this. I don't know what the final decision will be, but as you say, Rasmussen and Yermak, and others, are working very hard." This was a reference to former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Zelensky's chief of staff Andriy Yermak, who have been spearheading a working group to gain support for Kiev's NATO bid across the alliance.

    Clinton emphasized that “everyone has a stake in making sure that you are successful in pushing the Russians out as far as you can.”

    ‘Porshenko’ bantered at this point that “dictators didn’t learn their lesson after Gaddafi,” in a reference to the former Libyan leader ousted and killed in the wake of NATO’s bombardment of the North African country in 2011. During that time, as Barack Obama's foreign policy chief, Hillary Clinton, she was the public figure of the project and had cackled with laughter during a TV interview after rebel forces backed by NATO had captured and brutally killed Muammar Gaddafi. Clinton famously quipped, "We came, we saw, he died!"

    “Yeah, I think that’s true,” replied Clinton to the Poroshenko imposter.

    Turning the conversation back to the “main threat” namely, Trump, the pranksters warned that “he will ask for money back, and it will be a disaster,” as he “wants to end the conflict on Russia’s terms.”

    “He's a very bad guy, as I know personally from having to run against him,” reiterated Hillary Clinton, and applauded an offer of help from the Ukrainian side to dig up some new dirt on Trump.

    “Well, anything you can do to attack him, I'm all for it. Because he's a very dangerous man,” reiterated Clinton.

    She eagerly rounded off the conversation with “Slava, Ukraina" ("Glory to Ukraine"), a wartime fascist salute originally adopted by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an infamous nationalist militant group that collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, and now widely used by Ukrainian paramilitary groups, promoted by the Kiev regime.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:35 am

    "He denies reality" and "he's still in political purgatory": Biden fails to convince after new interview, 07.06.2024.

    'The New York Times', 'The Economist' and the 'New Yorker' published their analyses of the interview with Joe Biden broadcast on July 5 by the 'ABC' network. All three publications agree that the president failed to calm the doubts of the electorate about his cognitive abilities nor will he put a stop to the voices that ask him to leave the race.

    After eight difficult days for the campaign of President Joe Biden, who after having starred in a catastrophic debate against former President Trump is facing increasing pressure to resign from his reelection, the president finally gave his first public interview, which was broadcast on Friday night, July 5 on the ABC network.

    Although Biden, 81, repeated in the interview that he would stay in the presidential race and denied that he had cognitive problems, the American media, even some of the most sympathetic to the Democratic Party, were not convinced by his performance.

    In a note titled "Did Joe Biden's ABC interview contain the bleeding or prolong it?, the New Yorker questions the president's performance in the interview, concluding precisely that his poor performance will "prolong the bleeding of his campaign" and that he failed in his mission of trying to reassure voters and Democratic voices calling for his resignation.

    The magazine also says that although Biden wanted to show "political conviction" in the interview, all he managed to do is confirm that the president is in "denial" about the reality of his physical and mental condition, the state of his campaign and even his electoral chances.

    "It was surprising to hear the president repeat the same old phrases, as if he had barely registered the crisis of the last eight days," the outlet notes, adding that it became clear that Biden had a "limited desire" to learn any lessons from his debate with Trump.

    In addition, the New Yorker states that although he was not seen as lost as he was on the stage of last week's televised duel, Biden did not exhibit during the interview "the kind of agile and imposing presence that would silence the chorus of Democrats who want him to step aside."

    "The interview was twenty-two minutes, surprisingly short for such a dramatic moment, in which Biden and his advisers have been accused of hiding from the press, and the president would have preferred to show himself with more energy and strength," the magazine notes, concluding that despite the attempt of his advisers to change the narrative with the interview, "Biden is still in political purgatory."

    For its part, The Economist published a mock assessment, stating that the report failed to get the Democrats out of the problem they are in ahead of the November elections.

    In an article titled "Joe Biden's interview with ABC does not dispel doubts about his future," the outlet notes that the president avoided answering some of the most sensitive questions, such as whether he committed to undergoing a cognitive test and publicly releasing the results, and that he also did not want to accept that he is behind Trump in the polls or that he may be a drag on his party.

    "The danger for Biden is that, even if he manages to show himself in a more solid way from here on out, the image of him as a wobbly old man has already been assimilated. The fact that he has conducted fewer interviews or press conferences than any president since Ronald Reagan does not help in that regard," they warn, recalling that, according to the most recent CBS signal and YouGov survey, 72% of Americans believe that the Democrat does not have the physical or mental abilities to fulfill the tasks as President.

    Meanwhile, the New York Times, perhaps the media closest to the Democratic establishment, also criticized Biden's attitude in the interview, also focusing on how the head of state preferred to dodge questions and deny reality.

    "Everything sounds good in President Biden's world. That devastating debate? Just a bad night. Those terrible numbers in the polls? They're just not accurate. The grim election predictions? The same old doomsayers, wrong again. The Democrats who want him to drop out? No one has told him that," the newspaper ironically says.

    The NYT assures that this strategy, "backed by the people who are on his payroll," are making the president increasingly isolated from the Democratic Party, whose lawmakers increasingly believe that if Biden stays as the candidate, he will make them lose the elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives.

    The article further notes that during the interview, as during the past debate with Trump, Joe Biden "once again sounded hoarse and sometimes hesitant, struggling to finish sentences."

    Therefore, the newspaper concludes, "those who have turned against him or were about to do so" were not persuaded by Biden's performance, also recalling that "time is running out if the party wants to change its candidates."

    Yandex Translate from Spanish.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:32 pm

    Trump Picks J.D. Vance As Running Mate, by Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge. 07.15.2024.

    48 hours after being shot through the ear at a campaign event, Donald Trump has announced J.D. Vance as his running mate.

    "After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump posted on Truth Social.

    Full statement:
    After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio. J.D. honorably served our Country in the Marine Corps, graduated from Ohio State University in two years, Summa Cum Laude, and is a Yale Law School Graduate, where he was Editor of The Yale Law Journal, and President of the Yale Law Veterans Association. J.D.’s book, “Hillbilly Elegy,” became a Major Best Seller and Movie, as it championed the hardworking men and women of our Country. J.D. has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance, and now, during the Campaign, will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for, the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond….

    Vance, 39, had emerged as the front-runner earlier in the day after sources said that Marco Rubio and Gov. Doug Burgum had been finalists. Both were told on Monday that they were out of the running.

    Earlier in the day, Vance was seen leaving his home in a motorcade, fueling speculation that he was the pick.

    A former Silicon Valley venture capitalist best known for his memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy," quickly emerged as a top defender of the former president in the wake of the 2020 election.

    Following Saturday's attempted assassination Vance jumped into action - suggesting on X that President Biden bore responsibility.

    "The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination," wrote Vance, who went from harsh Trump critic to ardent supporter.

    Donald Trump Jr. has repeatedly advocated for Vance - who in 2016 privately texted a former Yale roommate that he feared Trump could be "America's Hitler."

    By 2018, however, Vance had softened his tone - viewing Trump as speaking to the frustrations of the very Americans he had written about in his book.

    Of note, the Ohio Senator is pro-crypto...

    Meanwhile, Trump's odds just jumped again on PredictIt following the Vance announcement.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:53 pm

    Democrats Muzzled: Trump Assassination Attempt Curbs Opponents' Rhetoric, 07.15.2024.

    On July 13 Donald Trump narrowly survived an attempt on his life when a gunman opened fire at him during a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania. One bystander was killed and two sustained serious injuries while Trump himself was shot in the ear.

    The recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life has, among other things, effectively “destroyed the ability of the Democrats going forward to demonize Donald Trump,” says retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official Larry Johnson.

    As the US Democrats consistently sought to brand Trump as an “existential threat… their very language encouraged violence, encouraged killing Trump.”

    “Now they can't do that without being accused of inciting violence. And, so now they have to argue on just issues. And when they are supposed to argue on issues, that means, they're going to fail,” Johnson argued.

    Currently, Trump’s political opponents can do little to curb the surge of his popularity in the wake of the assassination attempt, in no small part due to the fact that “they can’t argue the issues,” the ex-CIA officer notes.

    “What are the issues? Illegal immigration? Well, the Democrats have been enabling that. Inflation? Well, the economy is still plagued with inflation, but people are feeling that at the grocery store and at the gas pump,” Johnson elaborates. “So, their efforts to try to shift to issues, it's going to be difficult for them, because they've been so accustomed to describing Trump as, you know, the personification of Satan.”

    While the FBI has already announced that the man who is suspected of trying to kill Trump, one Thomas Matthew Crooks, was acting alone, Johnson argues that it is “highly likely” that the gunman “had additional support.”

    “I don't know what the network is, I don't know which organizations he is tied to, but he didn't do this on his own,” Johnson says.

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    US Election 2024 - Page 2 Empty Re: US Election 2024

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:40 am

    The really amusing thing is that Biden is now stuck with Karmala Harris... and she only looks good when compared with Biden. On her own Harris is a snail in this race of very fast dogs.

    You can talk about slow and steady gets you to the finish line, but you only win if you cross it first.

    The democrats are really in trouble here... and that is probably a good thing for the US... they let corruption choose their candidates... Hillary and then creepy joe....

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    Post  Kiko Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:40 am

    Trump chose a successor and peace with Russia, by Dmitry Bavyrin for RiaNovosti. 07.16.2024.

    It appears that the name of the future US Vice President under President Donald Trump was determined by the same bullet that nearly took Trump's head off.

    Moreover, 39-year-old Ohio Senator J.D. Vance should be viewed as a likely successor to Trump who will run for president in 2028. For now, he looks like the best candidate for Russia and the worst for Ukraine , and the one who will shape America's political future unless more effective snipers come into play.

    Up until the last moment, Trump said he had a shortlist of running mates, but Vance did not seem like the favorite. In the US political tradition, the vice president is a coalition partner position, not a choice of the heart. Running mates often barely knew each other, like Roosevelt and Truman, or couldn’t stand each other, like Kennedy and Johnson.

    So, to pair with Trump, they expected someone from the elite, from the moderates, from religious groups like Mike Pence , from Latinos, blacks, or women. Instead, Trump chose a better version of himself, a younger, more articulate version. He bet on a man who belongs to his own clan (like his son’s friend) and is identical to Trump in views, despite the glaring difference in their backgrounds.

    In Trump's position, choosing a "vice" who would suit the "Washington swamp" and liberal media more than he does is like painting a target on his head so that they don't miss next time. So choosing someone completely "his own" has become a matter of life and death: if Trump dies, his political legacy will go to Vance, who is more dangerous to the elites because he is free of the burden of his sins and failures.

    Trump is a scandalous showman from New York, surrounded by top models and other millionaires since childhood. Vance is the simple American people, as simple as it gets. The last American "top" before him, who had such a "low" origin, was Richard Nixon , the son of the California poor.

    Vance is a literary but socially disadvantaged guy from a state that has become one of the symbols of provincialism in the United States. His elevator to the top was his service in the army during the Iraq War and an autobiography called "Hillbilly Elegy," which was later filmed and even nominated for an Oscar.

    "Hillbilly" can't be translated into Russian. Literally, it's just "hillbilly", but also a certain subculture. A hillbilly who is proud of himself, but eats poorly, drinks a lot, beats up his loved ones and knows more about the hard life than all Californians put together.

    After the hillbillies, there was Iraq, Yale, Silicon Valley, the US Senate, and the White House looming somewhere ahead, but for now Vance remembers who he really is. "In our money," he's a country writer or war correspondent from a single-industry town whose main business closed in the 1990s, whose only club burned down, and whose young people left or drank themselves to death. For being "the voice of the common people" from the twilight zone of deindustrialization ("the rust belt"), he was previously praised by the liberal media and members of the Democratic Party, which still flirts with the working class.

    Now the same people will hate and curse Vance: the fact that Trump has become the clear favorite in the presidential race because of the shot in Pennsylvania does not mean that the current government will refuse a tough fight beyond shame and conscience. It will take a couple of days at most before Vance is declared a racist, despite his Indian wife and three children together.

    Trump's choice will seem especially monstrous to that part of the American elite that puts foreign policy issues first and, at the center of this policy, holds the confrontation with Russia as a dangerous rebel that has challenged US hegemony in Europe and must be punished for it, so that others will learn a lesson.

    If it happens that Trump refuses to support Kiev, forces it to renounce Russian territories and gives Moscow guarantees that the Ukrainians will not be accepted into NATO , he will implement the "Vance plan". Vance proposed all this long before the West first raised doubts about the possibility of defeating Russia by military means. Trump's new partner never believed in the forceful method, called for negotiations and was close to anti-war isolationists, being convincing at least because he saw the war with his own eyes.

    On Russia, Ukraine and NATO, Vance has always been more consistent, more specific and more outspoken than Trump. His counter-elite position now, and two years ago simply provocative for an American politician, became mainstream the moment Trump named Vance his running mate and the Republican convention delegates voted for them as presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

    Trump is taking a risk. Choosing Vance is a declared desire to take no account of anyone but his closest allies. Moreover, Vance’s Ohio senator’s seat is essential to securing a Republican majority in the upper chamber of Congress, without which Democrats will turn Trump’s second term into a governing nightmare.

    But having felt the bullet in his ear, Trump became convinced that the time for saving on bets had passed, and there was no longer any room for compromise with his enemies in Washington. Ahead was only a fight, in which Vance was not so much bringing in new troops (Ohio and the hillbillies would have voted for Trump anyway) as covering the commander from behind - so that a second attempt to solve the matter with a bullet would lose its meaning.

    In January, RIA Novosti warned Trump that if he decided to oppose the "Washington swamp" to the point of taking Vance as his running mate , he should also pick up a bulletproof vest. In reality, the bullet was fired early, showing that Trump no longer has a choice in how seriously he will challenge the "Washington swamp." There is only one way: either them or him.

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    US Election 2024 - Page 2 Empty Re: US Election 2024

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:47 am

    It is funny that the US politicians with war experience like Tulsi Gabbard and this guy start out as democrats but end up rejected because they realise they are essentially anti war... or at least not pro war.

    The irony is that if they got into politics and stayed there for 30 years the corruption would change their views like McCain and the money would be more important than human lives and human dignity.

    What they really need to do is expose the corruption and explain to the people why the democrats and republicans make money from war which is why they are so keen to keep them going as much as they can as often as they can.

    The real core is that they can't build infrastructure any more, they are incompetent, because cutting corners and saving money when making buildings and bridges means substandard work that collapses way before it should... you would think America would make all its money rebuilding countries and giving them quality of life and improving living standards and helping them grow and develop, but no, they make money blowing things up and killing people that get in their way of oil or lithium or other essential rare earth minerals...

    The irony is that the US of A has become a big colonial power like the European colonial power their forefathers were running away from and rejected.

    The amusing thing is Make America Great Again... they could just take the Great from Britain... they are not using it any more.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:40 pm

    Biden is being led to unconditional surrender, by Gevorg Mirzayan for VZGLYAD. 07.19.2024.

    Barack Obama and a number of other leading American politicians are urging Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy from the US presidential election. The head of the White House has effectively found himself pinned to the wall by his own allies. When will he most likely be forced to give in to their pressure and can another candidate defeat Trump?

    "Intra-party gossip about his fitness for office is escalating into a full-scale mutiny." This is how RealClearPolitics assesses the conflict between the Democratic Party (trying to convince Biden to withdraw from the election) and Biden himself, who until recently stubbornly refused to do so. And in all likelihood, the mutiny will soon succeed. Biden will be forced to surrender to superior forces of political opponents, and from his own party.

    Let us recall that after the failed debates with Donald Trump, it became clear to the Democrats that Biden would not be able to win the US presidential election. Bookmakers' odds for his victory then fell almost twofold (from 35% to 19%) and have continued to decline since then.

    It is not surprising that fellow party members, representatives of the left-wing establishment - all rushed to persuade Biden to withdraw from the elections. At a meeting with Biden, former Speaker of Congress Nancy Pelosi not only cited poll data (according to which Biden cannot defeat Trump). She explained that Biden's nomination itself could lead to the Democrats (whom the US President will lead to the elections) losing a number of seats in the House of Representatives.

    At first, Biden brushed off these entreaties. Biden and his family (whom he listens to) took a principled position: he has the right, can, and should not let Trump back into the White House. He is the sitting president and, more importantly, the Democratic electorate voted for him in the primaries.

    But the voices grew more insistent, and increasingly heavyweight figures joined the chorus – such as the Democratic leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives (Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries), as well as former US President Barack Obama, who publicly called on Joe Biden to step aside. The Democratic electorate, too, withdrew its support from Biden – polls show that almost 65% of Democrats want to change their party’s presidential candidate.

    And finally, according to US media reports, Biden is on the verge of capitulation. The president has cut short his speeches due to coronavirus infection, is self-isolating and, apparently, is preparing to announce his withdrawal from the election due to health reasons.

    Almost all political scientists are confident that this will happen on July 20 or 21 – it is no coincidence that Biden’s chances of winning the election have fallen to essentially unwinnable figures – 4.7%.

    The question is how. Nominally, the Democratic National Committee (the party's governing body) has all the power to appoint the right candidate. The party also has enough resources to ensure that the electors (whom the people have ordered to vote for Biden) vote unanimously and to great applause at the party's convention in August for the party's nominee.

    However, after this, all Republican media will exploit the topic of voter fraud. That the party pulled off a scheme to deceive voters - after all, Biden's health condition was known for a long time, but the Democrats still not only nominated him for the primaries, but, using various mechanisms, complicated the participation of alternative candidates in these primaries.

    There is, of course, another way. Remove Biden through the 25th Amendment to the Constitution (according to which the president is removed if he is unable to perform his duties). This would require the consent of the vice president, a majority of the top officials and the Senate, and it would be nice (but not necessary) to have a statement from the president himself.

    Then it will be difficult to talk about a conspiracy - but another problem will arise. Biden will have to not only withdraw from the elections, but also resign, handing over all presidential powers to Kamala Harris. Whose unprofessionalism and inability to govern the country may be fully revealed to voters in these four months before the elections. And this is important, since Kamala Harris is being called the new presidential candidate. Her chances of nomination are estimated at 60% (the closest opponent has 8.8%), and victory in the elections - 23.5%.

    Democratic media are confident that Harris can stop Trump. “The former president remains deeply unpopular nationally, with millions of Americans despising him for his cult of personality, his history of racist and inflammatory rhetoric, and his authoritarian instincts,” CNN writes.

    Indeed, Trump has a high negative rating at the national level. Opinion polls show that 42.4% of Americans have a positive opinion of him, while 54.4% have a negative opinion of him – a total of -12%.

    However, this does not make things any easier for the Democrats, because Kamala Harris has an even higher negative rating – it is 14.9 (38.7% positive, 53.6% negative). Her reputation among White House officials is also not up to par – the vice president is described as a narrow-minded woman who has failed all the tasks that were given to her.

    On the other hand, it is impossible not to choose Harris. As vice president, she is officially second in line after Biden – and removing her (a black woman) from the election against her wishes means losing a significant portion of votes.

    Replacing Harris might have worked if the candidate had been a charismatic force, but the Democratic Party has had no obvious replacement for Biden since the start of the campaign.

    In September 2023, a CNN poll found that two-thirds of unaffiliated but Democratic-leaning voters thought Biden should be the party's nominee. But when respondents were asked who, no one else scored more than 3%.

    So a Democratic revolt against Biden is likely to succeed. But even that is unlikely to allow Democrats to prevent Trump from winning.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:39 pm

    Hersh: Democrats want to hold on to Biden until new president is inaugurated, 07.20.2024.

    Hersh: Democrats want to keep Biden in office until new president is inaugurated.

    WASHINGTON, July 20 - RIA Novosti. The US Democratic Party intends to keep Joe Biden as head of state until January 2025, when the new American leader will have to take the oath of office, said well-known American journalist Seymour Hersh, citing sources.

    "The main challenge, according to those with first-hand information, is to prevent Biden from immediately deciding to abdicate and hand it over to (Vice President Kamala - ed.) Harris," Hersh writes in his article on the Substack portal.

    According to his interlocutors, Biden's expected withdrawal from the election race and his refusal to seek a second term will inevitably turn out to be a benefit for the Republicans before the November vote in the United States - they will increasingly point out the "unfitness" of the current head of state to perform his current duties.

    "We want him to remain in office until January 20, 2025, when the new president is sworn in," Hersh quotes his source as saying.

    Against this backdrop, according to the journalist, the question arises as to whether Biden will have enough strength to last until the end of his term.

    Earlier on Saturday, Republican vice presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance called on Biden to resign immediately if he cannot seek a second term.

    CNN, citing party officials, reported that support for Harris as the most suitable candidate to replace Biden in the event of his withdrawal from the election race is growing in the Democratic Party. It was noted that supporters of the idea of ​​replacing Biden with Harris are confident that none of the "serious" competitors within the party will be able to challenge her.

    Politico previously reported that senior members of the Democratic Party were coordinating to push Biden out of the race, angering the president's inner circle. Some inside the president's circle have begun private conversations, the sources said, in which they first suggested that the best option for the party might be for Biden to step down.

    Despite calls from many Democrats in Congress and Democratic donors, Biden has stressed that he has no intention of dropping out of the race, arguing that there is no better candidate than him. At the same time, he has said that Harris is absolutely ready to become president if he is unable to serve a full second term.

    In theory, the party will have the opportunity to nominate another candidate at its convention in August, but in practice it will be difficult to remove the president who won the primary from the race unless he himself withdraws.

    The second debate between Biden and Trump is scheduled for September 10. The US presidential election will take place on November 5.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:19 pm

    Next is the surfacing of the Burisma files by the RF, where Robinette, as Barack's VP, locupleted with influence peddling and embezzlement, him & his family, from his son's Ukrainian financial sources.
    Resigning of the campaign race should reverberate at his resignation as POTUS as well:

    Biden Dropping Out Of 2024 Race, by Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge [/b], 07.21.2024.

    President Joe Biden is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, and will "focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

    Kamala Harris' odds of being the 2024 Democratic nominee just spiked - though Biden notably did not endorse her in his letter.

    The announcement came after in intense pressure campaign, after new polling showed that 60% of Americans said Biden should drop out.

    The opposition included virtually the entire Democratic party - from Pelosi down, and even former Democrat (now independent) Sen. Joe Manchin, the deep state, and Democratic donors - who began pausing funds after last month's horrific debate between Biden and Donald Trump - and most recently led by a call from Mike Novogratz to replace Biden.

    "The Democratic donor base will be re-energized if there’s a fair process to pick the next candidate," said Novogratz, the billionaire founder of Galaxy Digital Holdings, who added that if Democrats pick a centrist replacement through a nomination process, "there are a tremendous amount of donors who will cut checks."

    According to veteran Democrat operative James Carville in a statement to Semafor last week, "This I can confirm. Donors in revolt."

    "Campaigns are expensive. Sadly, the George Clooney check-writing crowd opposed to Biden remaining in the race might win out," Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf told Newsweek in response to a recent NYT op-ed by the actor.

    "He who controls the gold might make the rules, making the Democrats no different from the Republicans," he added.

    Deep State Displeased

    On Friday, NBC News reported that "More than four dozen former foreign and national security officials call on Biden to drop out of race" - so the deep state is officially negative on Biden.

    "We write as former U.S. officials who have strongly supported your presidency and your initiatives to strengthen U.S. foreign and national security policy," they wrote in a letter. "We strongly believe that now is the time to pass the mantle of leadership, and we respectfully urge you to do so."

    What now?

    While Biden didn't endorse Harris, he could ask that the Delegates do so. That said, they are under no obligation.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:35 pm

    It seems that this episode, turned into a true soap opera, will go on indefinitely:

    The statement does not indicate that Biden made the decision himself, the Foreign Ministry said, 07.21.2024.


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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:47 pm

    I always thought that palace coups are supposed to be discreet


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    Post  ALAMO Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:49 pm

    He was busy with being processed with new pampers, so he had no time to take a stance.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:28 pm

    Trump kicks Biden out of White House, by Pëtr Akopov for RiaNovosti. 07.21.2024.

    Joe Biden is out — the president has announced that he will not run for reelection. The withdrawal comes a week after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and the assumption that "they aimed at Trump, but hit Biden" turned out to be 100% correct.

    Biden said in a statement that he believes “it is in the best interests of my party and country that I must step aside,” meaning to make way for younger people. In a separate statement, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris , to which Trump responded by saying she would be even easier to defeat than the outgoing president. And the former president is absolutely right: Biden’s departure makes Trump’s victory all but inevitable.

    And it's not just about the ratings of the "giggly" Kamala - she is losing to Trump by a slightly higher margin than Biden would have - but about the fact that the withdrawal of the incumbent president is a knockout blow to the Democratic Party and the intention of the "Washington swamp" to prevent Trump's return to the White House at any cost. And it is already the third blow in less than a month - after Biden's disastrous televised debates with Trump and the assassination attempt on Donald a week ago. Both previous blows led to an increase in Trump's ratings, who was already leading the race, and Biden's refusal to run will simply finish off the Democratic Party. After all, until the last week, the Democrats publicly assured everyone that Biden is not as bad as Trump says, and can and even should run for a second term. He won the virtually uncontested primaries and was supposed to be officially nominated as a presidential candidate in a month. And now it turns out that he has no strength. So it turns out that the party lied to itself and to the American people?

    This is how the Republicans will present it, and a significant portion of undecided voters will agree with them. Trump's ratings will still grow, and portraying Harris as a strong leader was impossible in four years, and even more so in the remaining three months. Replacing Harris with another candidate is theoretically possible, but practically impossible. Not only because Biden has already endorsed her, but also because removing the vice president from the election would mean that the Democrats themselves are admitting their absolute inability to select personnel. How can such people be trusted to lead the country?

    In addition, the Democratic Party simply does not have a strong presidential candidate in its arsenal, and everyone understands this perfectly well. Biden himself understood this better than anyone, and this is precisely why, and not because of senile stubbornness, he refused to leave the race. He understood Harris's weakness very well, and the selection and promotion of a strong candidate from the outside should have started no later than two years ago. None of this was done, including because it was understood that none of the discussed Democratic governors and senators were capable of defeating Trump. The magic wand in the form of former First Lady Michelle Obama stubbornly did not want and does not want to climb into hell - and it is incredible that she would agree to this now. Biden was not inclined to leave the race, but the hysteria that began in the ranks of the Democrats after the assassination attempt on Trump left him alone. The Democratic elites think that by removing Biden, they are saving the party, that is, increasing its chances in the November elections. But in reality, this is just panic - because Biden's departure will only increase the depth of the Democrats' fall: now they risk losing not only the White House, but also Congress.

    Trump was confidently heading for victory, but the chances of the Republicans winning a majority in both chambers (they currently control only the House of Representatives) were, although preferable, not overwhelming. Now, with a high probability, everything could go according to the worst-case scenario for them - and in November, the Republicans will gain control of both the legislative and executive branches. Moreover, these will not be quite the same Republicans as a few years ago (when they were just one of the heads of the eagle from the "Washington swamp") - now they will be largely Trumpists, that is, a force challenging the majority of the American establishment. This will be the Trump-Vance party - a counter- and partly even anti-elite force aimed at retaining power until at least 2036.

    To stop this team of drains advancing on the "Washington swamp", extraordinary steps are needed. Removing Biden is definitely not one of them. So in the remaining 100 days before the election, we must be prepared for absolutely anything. Simply because trying to kill Trump again is no longer enough: behind him stands an even more radical J.D. Vance.

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:37 am

    Democratic presidential candidate is too humble to say she is democratic presidential candidate

    As is written...



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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:36 am

    Indian Threat: US Taken Over From Within, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 07.22.2024.

    Usha Vance, an American of Indian descent, the wife of Ohio Senator James David Vance, nominated for the post of Vice President of the United States, slender as a reed, attracted attention not only with her astonishing figure for a long-obese America, not only with her elegant style of dress, but also with the fact that she - almost alone - had a dark skin color. Of the thousands of participants and participants of the Republican Party Convention, Mrs. Vance (Chilukuri) stood out. And how could it be otherwise in a room filled with those who are now considered to be the virtually extinct species of white heterosexual men and women? Without a doubt, when the right-wing establishment was looking for a partner for Trump, Senator Vance was also looked at because of his wife.

    Different Worlds - the daughter of extremely educated Indians who made a brilliant career in the USA (her father teaches aeronautics, her mother is a microbiologist) and a native of the "rust" belt (the name given to states where metallurgical plants and related industries were once located) Vance. With a difficult family history, largely due to poverty, and generational poverty at that. Misalliance?

    No, not at all. The union of a woman with refined manners (Usha taught Vance how to understand table setting at important dinners, indicating which fork to use when a hot dish was served, and which one when salads were on the menu) and a man for whom rough manners are something everyday, is extremely far from the description of a stereotypical unequal relationship in marriage.

    And in life. And in this case it is not only about an American and a descendant of "newcomers", but about the picture of the world in which the natives of the Hindustan Peninsula are increasingly pushing out the Anglo-Saxons. This concerns the political establishment and business elites.

    India , a planetary giant, has long ceased to be a land of sari and curry, but the birthplace of the heads of giant American corporations, and their number is growing every year. And not only American. Indian immigrants are not only the IT industry and other high-tech, but also university research, medicine, the jewelry industry, and so on down the list. Squeezed to the point of maximum poverty in its time, India very carefully and very gradually, using the advantage involuntarily provided by the colonizers - studying English from school - managed to build the process of exporting its brains (export, not brain drain - this is important to emphasize) so that its natives easily, like a knife through butter, go through all the steps of the career ladder.

    A country-civilization that arose on the roots of one of the most ancient religions allowed its natives - bearers of values ​​completely different from those of the Anglo-Saxons - to play and outplay these very same Anglo-Saxons.

    It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Indians and their descendants literally cut the soles of those who considered themselves to be practically "lords of the rings" on the go. The Indians have a colossal work ethic, are extremely polite and strive for perfection in literally everything. This greatly distinguishes them from both the English and the Americans. Who have long lacked both the strength to move up and the desire to surpass their rivals by honest methods. They are truly champions in bending over their knees and hypocritical predation. But in winning by the rules - definitely not.

    This was obvious to everyone back in the Republican primary elections, when Vivek Ramaswamy stood next to Trump , who got rich before he even turned forty, and by himself, not by inheriting a business (another postcard to Trump). Ramaswamy is almost the only one who programmatically advocated for reducing the degree of hatred in American society and called for its depolarization, regularly and faithfully recalling the theses from the Declaration of Independence. What is this, if not indirect proof that the brief American cowboy culture turned out to be and turns out to be incapable of putting forward a value scale that suits everyone. After all, now and today, liberalism, which puts man (and therefore his vices) on a pedestal, turns out to be totally incapable of solving a single major problem. Both in domestic and foreign policy.

    India, where both Usha Vance's parents and Vivek Ramaswamy's parents came from, has shown the Anglo-Saxons an example of a surprisingly balanced attitude towards the geopolitical crisis in Europe . During a recent visit to Moscow, the Indian Prime Minister declared his readiness to resolve the geopolitical crisis in Europe (created by those same Anglo-Saxons) peacefully, for which Vladimir Putin thanked him .

    The strategic partnership between Russia and India has been going on for 70 years, and our ties are not only official statements and visits by top officials.

    We are watching with attention how Russia's friend, the world's largest parliamentary republic, is spreading its influence across the planet. Americans of Indian origin, businesslike and purposeful, although not very numerous (their population is just under 3.5 million people), are rising to power in a state that does not quite correspond to their cultural roots and crown. They are not opening a new front in the fight against whites in America - they are overtaking them in the most elegant way. Overtaking in this context is equal to influence.

    Indians are not prone to haste or quick solutions, they want to improve the environment they live in. And they can only be congratulated on such a soft, consistent, polite assertiveness.
    And that's why we're so interested in watching Usha Vance.

    After all, it may happen that one day a graceful Indian woman, a brilliantly educated, elegant intellectual, may become the First Lady.

    Today, looking from Russia to the United States, this scenario, albeit four years from now, does not seem so unlikely.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:16 pm

    Democrats Haven't Forgiven Biden for 'Trump's Bullets', by Vladimir Mozhegov for VZGLYAD. 07.22.2024.

    Everyone understands: Kamala Harris is a very poor replacement for "sleepy Joe." But, alas, she is the only possible one for now. Yes, she is an absolutely worthless creature. But the Democratic Party simply cannot offer anything else.

    When Barack Obama remarked on July 18 that “Biden should think about the viability of his candidacy in the election,” it became clear that things were heading towards a quick denouement. It is no secret to those initiated into the kitchen of American politics that behind the feeble figure of the current president stands a still youthful ex-president who is managing Biden’s team.

    The Democratic election machine did not survive the failed debates and the "Trump bullet". It became obvious to everyone that Biden was clearly losing the election. The only thing that kept the old man in the leader's chair until the very end was that any steps to replace him did not improve the situation. It was not Biden who lost today, but the Democrats' strategy itself, hoping to take out "sleepy Joe" on pills, and the future elections - on administrative resources. The strategy was smashed to pieces on the two already mentioned (debates, bullet) roadside boulders, on which the Democrats' wobbly cart lost its last wheels.

    Obama played the role of (Shakespeare's) Iago in this tragicomedy: at one time he persuaded Biden, when he was still strong, to give up his seat to Hillary Clinton, and now it was he who dealt him the final blow in the back when the feeble old man finally gave in.

    The situation in which his own party removes the president after his first term is, of course, scandalous and shameful, and will clearly not add to the Democrats' sympathies. Especially since the leadership of the Democratic Party is looking at Kamala Harris, who is entering the limelight, not so much with hope as with hidden horror: a feeble old man with dementia is a misfortune, but a Komsomol member with her head in the air is hardly better. The dolphin and the mermaid are the two sad faces of the current Democratic Party, representing its insurmountable crisis.

    A pleased Trump has already seen Joe off with a merciless comment on his social media: "Fraudster Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and he is definitely not fit to serve – and he never was! He only got to the Presidency by lying, fake news, and never leaving his basement…"

    “I kicked that worthless piece of shit,” Trump commented (off the record, but still on camera) about his epochal debate with Biden. But Trump looks at Kamala like a cat looks at prey: “I call her Laughing Kamala. Have you ever heard her laugh? She’s nuts. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they laugh. She’s crazy. Totally nuts.”

    Indeed, if Joe is the "worst president in US history" (according to Trump), then Harris is perhaps the most worthless vice president in history. While still a prosecutor in California, Kamala was remembered for proposing to jail parents of children who skip school. Harris spent her senatorship as an empty seat. In the 2020 primaries, she withdrew from the elections with a rating of 2%.

    Elected solely on the racist criteria of the current Democratic Party (suitable skin color, gender, origin), Kamala was remembered as Vice President for methodically failing all the party's orders, confusing North Korea with South Korea, and finally leading the immigration policy into a dead end, until, finally, she completely disappeared from the monitors.

    While Harris was still being heard, the press dubbed her speeches “word salad.” “What can be, unburdened by what has been” – this strange expression became an all-American meme.

    Or: "Culture is a reflection of our moment in our time, isn't it? And the current culture is how we express what we feel in the moment. And we should always take the time to express how we feel about the moment, which is a reflection of joy, because, you know, it comes in the morning. We have to find ways to express what we feel in the moment, in terms of language and in connection with how people experience life. And I think about it that way, too," the New York Post quotes Kamala as saying in one of her speeches last year .

    What does she want to say with all this? Does she understand what she is saying? When the press comments in this way on the speeches of the vice president of the most powerful country in the world, there is clearly something wrong in both the country and the world.

    In a word, the party's horror is understandable. And this delay until the final removal of Biden with his rapidly discharging batteries is also understandable.

    Everyone understands: Kamala is a very poor replacement for "sleepy Joe." But, alas, she is the only possible one for now. Yes, she is an absolutely worthless creature. But the party simply cannot offer anything else. Today, this is the only legal technical way out. There is only one thing left: test the new candidate before the party congress, which is less than a month away, and make a final decision based on the results of these tests.

    It could be this: Find Kamala a strong vice president. Names are already being floated: Newsom, the governor of California, Mark Kelly, the senator from Arizona, Josh Shapiro and Andy Beshear, the governors of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. The problem with all of them is the same: they are impassable for racist reasons (too white, too cisgender, too male) and they are unknown to the entire country. And most importantly, this does not solve the main problem: winning elections.

    Kamala herself seems happy and still a cheerful laugher. The Clintons and Newsom supported her. But Obama (as everyone understands, the key link in this chain) is still silent.

    Perhaps before the Democratic Party convention, they will manage to persuade Michelle Obama to take the hit and become a presidential candidate? For now, Michelle seems to be the only normal person in this circus. Just as her intuition and reactions seem to be the only correct ones: run away from the burning circus as fast as she can, but under no circumstances enter its arena.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:20 pm

    Biden refused to resign, 07.22.2024.

    Joe Biden has announced his intention to continue serving as US President.

    US President Joe Biden, who decided to drop out of the election race the day before, abandoning his attempt to seek re-election for a second term, announced that he will continue to hold the post of president. The statement was published on his page on the social network X.

    The Republican Party had previously stated that Biden should resign after deciding to withdraw from the election. This was also stated by Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee. The White House press service had previously ruled out an early resignation .

    "We are the United States of America, and nothing is impossible if we work together. We just have to remember who we are. I have dedicated my presidency to proving that, and I will continue to do so today, tomorrow, and every day that I have the honor of being your president," Biden said in a statement.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:10 am

    How can trump supporters work with Biden when Biden and Clinton spent the last two terms... Trumps term and Bidens term trying to get Trump put in jail and saying he was a puppet of a foreign major power... what unity and working together is possible in the US and if working together and unity is so damn wonderful why is your foreign policy divide and conquer... destroy Russia and destroy China and in the process weaken the EU and India so the US sits on top in control and able to do as it pleases and it borrows its way into oblivion.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:07 pm

    Power in the West is becoming less and less legitimate, by Gevorg Mirzayan for VZGLYAD. 07.25.2024.

    The situation with Kamala Harris once again demonstrates the growing disregard of Western elites for the will of the people. And this could cost the elites dearly. The Republicans will remind Kamala of this from every corner, from every microphone during the election campaign.

    After Joseph Biden withdrew from the post of the Democratic Party presidential candidate, it is highly (even overwhelmingly) likely that the current Vice President Kamala Harris will become the candidate. She was supported by the party elite, supported by the electors, conditionally supported by the sponsors. Even Her Highness Justice supported her – after all, Harris, being Biden’s Vice President, is nominally second in line to succession.

    However, voters did not support it.

    Kamala Harris did not participate in the Democratic primaries that took place from January 23 to June 8, 2024. Her name was not on the lists, and 87% of Democratic voters cast their ballots for Joseph Biden. And this situation can no longer be corrected. Yes, former US President Barack Obama proposes holding repeat primaries, but less than a month before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which will be held from August 19 to 22, it is physically impossible to organize them. Unless the election is by applause.

    It would seem that there are no particular problems. Joseph Biden supported Kamala Harris. The electors (whom voters delegated to the party convention) are also ready to cast their entrusted votes for Kamala - according to preliminary calculations, she has secured more than 3,100 votes out of 3,949 possible. Finally, according to American laws, the leadership of the Democratic Party can generally choose a presidential or vice-presidential candidate themselves, without asking the population about it.

    And yet Kamala Harris will still be illegitimate. Republicans will remind her of this from every corner, from every microphone during the election campaign. They will call her the establishment candidate – and thus draw a contrasting parallel with the “people’s candidate” Donald Trump.

    But if we look at the bigger picture, the situation with Kamala Harris once again demonstrates the growing disregard of Western elites for the will of the people. And this could cost the elites dearly.

    Elections are one of the key pillars of democracy. However, the main point of this legitimacy is not that the ruler gets some kind of mandate as the best of the best. The entire history of democracies shows that the population is more likely to choose the likable and popular one – and these are far from always synonyms for the word “best”.

    Elections and legitimacy are needed first of all to create the illusion among the population that they are in power here. That Kamala Harris became president because a hypothetical John Smith voted for her – and therefore John Smith feels his involvement in the actions of President Harris and her decisions. He understands that her possible mistake is also his mistake, which he can easily correct in the next elections – by voting for another candidate.

    If a citizen understands that he is not the one choosing a leader, that he has no influence at all on who governs him, then a whole bunch of problems arise for the state or supranational association. Starting from the population's greater readiness for riots and disobedience, ending with the people's readiness to support the most radical forces, but those with an "anti-establishment" aura. For example, the extreme right or the extreme left. And the elites themselves, deeply cut off from the population, begin to pursue policies that do not correspond to national interests.

    Europe has already set out on this path. The population of the EU countries has virtually no influence on the choice of the composition of the European Commission – and it is not surprising that harsh anti-Brussels sentiments are widespread throughout the EU. And they are widespread, it must be said, absolutely rightly so – the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and her subordinates are pursuing a militant, extremely dangerous and costly for the EU policy of confrontation with Russia. Simply because they – like the Western liberal establishment as a whole – are waging a crusade against Russia. Information is provided at the expense of the European media, which the population trusts less and less.

    A similar situation is developing in some European countries. In Germany, where the Greens' representative Annalena Baerbock declared that she would support Ukraine even despite the electorate's position (which became one of the reasons for the sharp drop in the Greens' rating). And also in Great Britain, where three prime ministers from the ruling Conservative Party changed during the previous parliament - and the last two (Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak) were elected not by popular vote, but by postal vote and decision of Conservative MPs. Thus, they had no popular legitimacy at all - and it is not surprising that the Conservative Party failed in the July parliamentary elections.

    It is not even worth mentioning Vladimir Zelensky. The head of the Kyiv regime currently has neither legitimacy nor even legality (his presidential term has expired, and there have been no new elections). And the fact that the West recognizes Zelensky as the president of Ukraine does not mean that, for example, his signature on various documents (ranging from loan agreements to a possible peace treaty with Moscow) has any legal significance.

    Unlike Ukraine and the West, elections in Russia are held according to the old, democratic model. President Putin has both legality and legitimacy. And it is this legitimacy in the eyes of the population that is one of the reasons why Russia – contrary to the fantasies and desires of a number of Western experts and home-grown activists – has withstood the sanctions. And also united for victory in the SVO, which was started by a legitimate president elected by the population.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:56 am

    A Failed Putsch and a Living Corpse: Turmoil in the US Threatens the Whole World, by Victoria Nikiforova for RiaNovosti. 07.26.2024.

    The main point of Joe Biden's address to the nation yesterday was that the US president is still alive, can sit at his desk, and is able — albeit haltingly and with reservations — to read from a teleprompter. It doesn't matter what he said: something about "passing the torch to the next generation" (the torch-bearer was probably the president's son Hunter, who was sitting nearby). The main thing is that he is still alive.

    Americans have not had such confidence for a long time.
    The whole astonishment of the past week can only be realized after the fact. First, the current US president flatly refuses to leave the election race. The whole world is pressuring him, appeals are being printed in the democratic press, they are persuading him in every possible way: "Go away, make way for the young." No, the old man is stubborn.

    And then last Wednesday, Biden disappears. Under the pretext that he had contracted the coronavirus, he is taken from Las Vegas to Delaware and hidden from the public. There is no sign of him for several days. And on Sunday, an "abdication" appears on his social media account — a statement that he will not run for president. Americans look at the signature on the statement with interest and come to the conclusion that it is not real.

    At the same time, it turns out that Biden was evacuated from Las Vegas to Delaware with such speed that Air Force One was shaking the entire way, and frightened journalists on the plane vainly asked the president's staff what was going on. This did not look like coronavirus at all, the state of the head of state was too terrible.

    For almost a week, the White House remained silent and did not introduce Biden to the public. His voice was heard only during a broadcast with Kamala Harris , allegedly he spoke to her via audio. Americans sadly joked that the administration decided to play "Weekend at Bernie's" - a black comedy about two slobs who ended up in the same house with a corpse and began to pass it off as a living person. The question hung in the air: what did they do to Biden so that he signed the abdication, and whether this unfortunate man is even alive.

    Naturally, rumors began to multiply at a furious rate, they talked about a revolution, about a putsch. Democratic media called the rumors fakes and insisted that the president had a "strong handshake." This made everyone even more nervous, it was time to show "Swan Lake" on TV.

    Republican politicians, led by J.D. Vance, began asking: "If Biden can't run, can he serve as Commander-in-Chief?"

    Biden's speech yesterday was supposed to prove that he can. It didn't convince the Americans. "Biden didn't give a clear explanation for why he waited so long to withdraw from the race," journalists believe . "Sick Joe Biden's speech from the Oval Office was almost unintelligible and sooooo bad," Donald Trump gloated . It's impossible to quote the Americans' comments on social media; they are mostly obscene.

    The funny and scary rumors about Biden's death are a classic start to any unrest, it always starts with the cry: "The Tsar is not real!" Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the candidate who came out to replace Biden among the Democrats is also not entirely legitimate: Kamala Harris was not chosen in the primaries.

    An additional factor of instability is the strong independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. As a classic spoiler, he is actively taking votes from both Trump and the Democrats, the question is who will take more.

    Well, the main driver of chaos is the unwillingness of people to accept the victory of their political opponent. Today, American voters believe in the fairness of elections only if their candidate wins. And the victory of the Democratic candidate will not be accepted by half the country, and Trump's victory will not be accepted by half the country either.

    The pre-revolutionary chaos in the US is dangerous for the whole world. Understanding that their candidate is very weak and the gap in votes with Trump may be so big that it cannot be covered by any ballot stuffing, the current administration may go for any escalation. They need an emergency situation to lock the population in their homes and draw the correct election results. It would be half the trouble if it were some kind of large terrorist attack organized on US territory by American intelligence agencies or a sudden lockdown due to "disease X".

    However, the Democratic Party is famous for its passion for bringing all internal problems to the external circuit. Given the intensity of their panic, a military provocation against Russia or China may seem like a strong election move to them . Or a jump up the escalation ladder several steps with a completely serious threat of a global nuclear war.

    It is for this very eventuality that the Russian and Chinese navies are currently conducting joint exercises, and a Russian military squadron is heading to Cuba . Otherwise, you never know what surprises the American elections will bring to the world. The current president is already a political corpse, the main candidate has a bullet in the ear. There's more to come.

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